In French: rien à voir, circulez (police when there is an accident, and people should not form a crowd...)

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The NHS has been dodgy for years. It is frightening that these faux doctors toe the line and do not research as any just casually interested person would do. I personally know of one death of shredded lungs after 3 injection,perfectly healthy before.FIVE yes you read correctly,hospital "specialists" could not or would not decide what was wrong with my deceased friend.

Just last night I was speaking to an English friend whose niece has suffered 2 abortive pregnancies and now has blood clots.

As for the alarming number of extra deaths since these money hungry,uncaring pharmaceutical companies brought in their "life saving " shots,any fool can see where the problem lies.

I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories usually but these past 3 years have made me question that.

All we can do is keep trying to expose these wicked folk whose love of power,money and self aggrandisement are behind this frightening state of affairs. There are more and more of us and strength does lie in numbers. Admiration Steve and to all the other proper scientists ,doctors and brave confronters of such blatant lies.

Once again I thank goodness for my family's strength support and love in making us aware of the dangers early on so we are uninjected,healthy and ,Im afraid ,very sceptical of any doctor,health worker ,hospital who are now,in our opinion ,untrustworth in the same category as the majority of politicians,media hacks,reporters etc.. Our world is totally off balance and we must fight for our birthright if only by writing,trying to tell others the truth and remaining true to honesty.

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"The NHS has been dodgy for years." So true. I am from the UK and used to think it did a fair job.

To be reasonable it once did a better job, but looking over my own experience with the NHS (limited it has to be said) and the experience of my family, I now realize how bad it has become.

My recent issues, facial palsy with excessive tiredness, dead in left ear and tinnitus etc. were put down to cancer after 1.5 years of tests and scans. I received immuno-therapy in 2020, 9 sessions in as many months, before I worked out what was going on and stopped it.

I had sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning in bacon I ate; this become nitrosamines when bacon is fired for example, and this is even more neuro-toxic than E250.

The wretched doctors/specialists never asked what I was eating, yet the issues of E250 have been know about for over 100 years! And nitrosamines certainly for about 40 years if not more.

What I think about the medical profession would not bear repeating here. Most mainstream doctors are either arrogant or ignorant or both. They are grossly overpaid for essentially poisoning us. Despicable.

My brother-in-law both agree we know more than most doctors about disease and health issues. Big pharma are disgusting and as I like to say it is obvious when you look at the word - p-harm-a.

Anyway, you have summed it up very well, so thank you so much. Your last line is excellent, we must keep fighting and telling the truth.

I have written my own summary on matters re vaccines if it is of any use to you, assuming you haven't seen it elsewhere. Please note I do use humour to lighten the mood and to help make the points. I am not P.C.


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STEVE, As a canadian I cannot donate to senator Johnson's campaign. Are you willing to accept money and donate on others behalf? I know its a pain, but the only way I see it will work?? suggestions? $10 is not a lot, so its probably more headache than its worth...

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“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”

Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

"It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding."

Upton Sinclair

And, as I have written elsewhere:

I find it curious that the world's governments and health authorities have been conducing the largest-ever experiment in the history of science and medicine, but have zero interest in the results.

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Easy to deny what you simply refuse to see. Disgusting. Thank you Steve for continuously exposing the false narrative.

At this stage - even if one persons eyes are opened at a time, it’s worth it.

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Even way more stunning than the facts they make up, are all the humans who believe them!!

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Amazing FN politicians are now scientists who like so many other FN politicians

cannot stop lying....Gee I wonder any kick backs from Big Fat FN Pharma!

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Wow! I really, really, really trust our elected officials to make good decisions on our health. /Sarc

Whenever I see the phrase "no evidence" it is a signal to look deeper at the design, results, if any, etc. I used to teach my students to take it as a red flag when they see it and to look much closer at what this means in that context. No evidence=red flag, look closer.

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So why are credible doctors being censored who are against clot shots? 5G and Jab’s Graphene oxide are silent killers!!

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....and so are most big pharma drugs, but shh, don't tell everybody!

On second thoughts, please do. Everybody needs to know.

And before I forget, credible doctors against clot shots are being censored because they are not clots unlike the ones who push the clot shots. But then you knew that of course.

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Funny how they all quote the same study, which has been debunked, to justify saying that the jab has saved millions of lives. They have not looked at the evidence. As for his sympathy for the "few" that the jab has not worked as expected, a smack in the face.

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Yes, bizarre is what I call the 'jab has saved millions of lives' nonsense. It has however probably caused millions to lose their jabs, sorry, jobs.

And the jabs have saved millions of dollars or similar for big pharma. When I say saved, well I'm sure you know what I mean.

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All of us experienced top scale pay healthcare care workers were replaced with entry level pay inexperienced workers.

They made out like bandits.

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I was half watching some series based on a William Gibson novel called "Peripheral", in which the hero from 2030 travels to 2100 London in some time traveling video game. This future London is quite depopulated. Now we know why.

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Life imitates art? I sure hope not.

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I'm beginning to feel like the guy at the back of the council meeting yelling about a sinister plot. With all the great people now acting as Davids against this Goliath it gets pretty weird when a Oncology doc with a PhD in pathology quits to serve the needs of the vaccine injured, and starts discussing the issues in the link, I might say art is anticipating life at this point. All the loons taking about chips in the vaccines may have meant this.


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Scary as hell!

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Very interesting analysis of the vaccination industry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtN0PMJOOjM&t=1933s

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Thank you for the link. It is a long video. I prefer to keep it simple myself.

1. vaccines cause harm (and sometimes death), for which the customers pay

2. harm means more customers who will have big pharma drugs for which the customers pay

3. big pharma drugs cause harm which 'need' (ahem) big pharma drugs for which the customers pay

4. customers become very ill and need end of life care including (coughing fit) big pharma drugs for which the customers pay

5. Customers die and need burying or cremating (big pharma prefer the later as this destroys the evidence) for which the customers pay, or at least their nearest and dearest if big pharma have not managed to remove them from the earth already.

When I refer to customers, this tends to mean taxpayers.

So pay to be poisoned, pay to be ill, pay to die.

That in my humble opinion is the vaccination industry business model in a nut shell.

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That was a fantastic presentation! A very granular analysis of the vaccination industry.

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The Big Reset The Movie explains it all very well. It was released on 11th October 2022. I will link it.

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Britain Has Fallen: With Rishi Sunak, the WEF’s ‘Coup’ Is Complete


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Thank you for that. I have done a post on Fishy Rishi. There are some interesting anagrams of his name. 'Hi risk anus' is the best. Explains it all I think.


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Very cheeky indeed.

MizTruss was a hard act to follow

Liz Truss Allegedly Sent A Message Saying: “It Is Done” To Blinken After Nord Stream Sabotage


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Thanks. I have read the link. I sometimes wonder if any of it is true. They could just be making it up to scare the public and justify energy companies exorbitant price hikes. Not that I thought Liz Truss should have been PM but that's another matter.

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Well we wouldn't want them to look at Arne Burkharts studies that proved the majority of deaths are resulting from the shots.

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