1. Get an theory about how and why stuff happens.

2. Test your idea through experiments and tests.

3. Report in detail what you found and how you went about discovering it.

4. Await critiques and questions from your peers.

5. Consider those criticisms with an open mind and respond to them in a spirit of scientific inquiry.

6. Ensure that you have followed the time-honoured "Scientific Method" of checking out every possible interpretation of the results of your experiment(s) and considering if or where it falls short of *proof*.

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What To Do If You Encounter A Wild, Unmodified Human:

An Emergency Preparedness Guide from The Department of Human Control & Corrections


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I think your proposal is a great idea Steve. It invites the pro-vaxx side to bring in their scientists and experts to work collaboratively with yours to arrive at the truth for the decades old question: Do vaccines cause autism? This is real science in action - the quest for the truth. If the Pro-Vaxxers refuse to collaborate on a joint study they can no longer state with any degree of credibility that while they don't know what causes Autism, it definitely isn't vaccines.

Personally, I don't think they will bite on it because they know vaccines cause autism. They have tried to cover this up for years making the problem exponentially worse - and that is exactly why they will never agree to studies that will prove the terrible harm vaccines have caused i.e. they are trapped like Cornered Rats. This challenge however has great value in showing that the vaccine cabal is not interested in trying to find the causes of afflictions like Autism and that will help enlighten the public to their deceit and complicity in these Crimes Against Humanity.

And perhaps it might inspire more whistleblowers to come forward with their evidence of this epic cover up.

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Let's try this for 10 years. Let's stop giving any vaccines made with human fetal tissue culture and see what happens to the rate of Autism.

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Sounds like you're already aware of Theresa Deisher Ph.D. and her research on human fetal cell lines used in vaccine manufacture vis a vis autism. But if not, check out her research. Her institute's website is SoundChoice.org.

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Yes, I have read her reports and heard her speak on videos. I knew about it before I heard of her, but she has really looked into it.

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J.J. With no LIABILITY 'testing' can be totally irrelevant to Big Pharma. LIABILITY is the key to proper medicine testing, safety and efficacy! Mick.

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Never liked Gupta. Always gave me bad vibes. A fake doctor.

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"We don't know what causes autism..."

Sound problem-solving procedures would dictate that NOTHING is ruled out until a proven cause is found. The burden of proof rests on Sanjay Gupta's shoulders, since he's the person alleging that the vaccines aren't culpable.

No sacred cows, Mr. Gupta. Evidence, please

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That's exactly right.

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Steve, you're a honey badger and I love you for it (no homo). A deep, heartfelt "thank you" is in order.

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By calling them out, I hope none of these scientists will be able to sleep at night and go mad knowing they have been complicit and contributed to killing (SIDS) or harming millions of infants and children over the decades. I also hope some of them have the courage, integrity and fortitude to come forward and speak the truth about the childhood vaccine harms and massive fraud.

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These people have no conscience. If they did, they wouldn't have done all of this in the first place. They knew exactly what would happen.

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Well, then, I hope lightning strikes them! Maybe that’ll give them a wake up!

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Love it, Steve. I'll get the popcorn 🍿

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IMO those who are still pushing the lies and those who got the shots (most of them) will hold the line and never change. Until there is mass death, illness and suffering from those who "will not see", you can bring the fool to water but not make him drink.

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Aussie PM finally concedes to the Covid Scamdemic, the DEADLY VAX con and even that IVERMECTIN works but was deliberately hidden!

Fantastic news and proof that our wild Conspiracy Theories were totally justified!

I'm filing this away to send to all those that told us we were 'insane Conspiracy Theorists and that we were 'killing Granny'.


Next we've got to be prepared for the illicit Thought Police that intend to silence truth - colling it mis- dis- information.

The New World Order (WEF) won't give up trying to take over our sovereignty by using the WHO to pretend there's another Scamdemic being created for release upon humanity! It might be real or simply fictitious, but either way, they'll use the WHO to try to implement all the previous acts of oppression and the (DEADLY DEPOPULATING INJECTION) MANDATES that were accepted by around 75% of the planet last time.


Mick from Hooe (Proud Conspiracy Theorist - unjabbed to live longer)

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Link doesn't work.

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Link didn't work for me Mick! Do you have another?

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My oldest grandson is dating a young woman whose 22-year-old brother is "non-verbal autistic." He was fine until he was given an arm-full of vaccines at age 2, at which point he went almost catatonic and hasn't spoken since. Tell me that vaccines DO NOT cause Autism!!! More lies to cause more suffering for more people. The word autism didn't exist when we Baby Boomers were kids growing up. Why does it exist now??? Big Pharma didn't vax us into oblivion back in the 1950s! and 1960s!

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I think it began when they started to include vaccines produced in aborted human fetal lung tissue culture and gave human fetal DNA fragments. That interfered with the proper central nervous system development. DNA is the construction manual and programming manual for the human child and if you throw in some pages later in the construction/programming book from earlier in the process, then you might see regression and confusion and malfunction and that is what Autism is. Varivax, MMR-II and Hep-A vaccine.

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Great solutions you recommend Gary - except for 'The civil penalty'.

It will not be possible to "Throw them out on the streets" because the DEATH PENALTY has already been justified and implemented!

Like your thought process though!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I’m so elated to see that people are waking up to the fact that there’s always at least 2 names for the same thing. Come on people open those eyes and smell the coffee. Is it door a] science or b] scientism?

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I think we're winning.

All we've got to do now is get Big Pharma to accept LIABILITY for Vax injuries and Vax-related DEATHS and we've won!

Mick from hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Liability is only one aspect. Actual testing would also go a long way to help the problem. Removal of all mandatory vaccines is another.

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Liability has to be imposed. And it has to include the major stockholders. The corporate shield was broken forever in the Dow/Dow Coring lawsuit over silicon breast implants. It has to include any doctor involved in approving vaccines while working for a government agency. It absolutely has to include any member of congress, any of their staff, and any of their families that invested in Pfizer or Moderna. The penalty for mass murder should be death. The civil penalty for mass murder has to be total confiscation of all worldly goods. Throw them out on the street in their underwear (in the winter).

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