That 10% said yes absolutely tells me you are being infiltrated with bots. I guess u either let them have their day or just shut it down. What a conundrum. Free speech we all cry. But honestly. We all know wtf is going on here and do we really need these assholes in our face. I say shut em down. They are only on here to stir up division. I don’t know. Am I wrong. Should we let these assholes spill their lies about the most impt and crucial event to have ever happened in history which will effect future generations forever. What say all of you?? Free speech to the bots or just shut em down.

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I think the bots are a great positive indicator. It validates that Steve is having an impact. If he wasn't having an impact, they'd be off bashing someone else.

If anyone had real stones, they'd debate Steve. Nobody does, so nobody has.

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Good point.

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Let them troll. I have faith the average poster here can discern fact from fiction.

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True. Need to just lean to just pass by.

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Mark Romeo the concern troll and Carlos Gonzales the mainstream study cite troll are not very convincing. In fact, they spark comment conversation and fire up the commenters to do more research and fight harder for medical freedom.

They are also careful to follow comment guidelines so I'm not seeing a big problem right now.

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I would say that is very fair. In many ways I could say that is the whole point of them. Part of the test. Will we trust them implicitly (I hope we all gave that up months ago) or will we research some more?

It does get tiresome when it repeats itself though. Like the Daleks 'Exterminate! Exterminate! Detroy! Destroy!'

'Yes all right, we heard you the first time. Honestly a Time Lord's work is never done!'

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Good question. The vaxx Nazis censored what they called "misinformation", which was the truth. If our side censors anything, we will lose credibility. A conundrum, to be sure.

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Perhaps the solution is to come up with a program that identifies Bots so a note can be attached to comments, votes, etc that do not come from a live person.

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I suppose you are correct but it makes me so angry to see their comments when we all know for a fact these vaccines are poison. People are dying. I guess ignoring them is probably the best course of action. It’s hard to do! If no one responds maybe they just get bored and go away eventually.

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Best think of them as silly billys. If one must react, tease them. Try them with a difficult question, e.g. 'Do you love me?'. May sound mad but gives you the opportunity to see quite what they are.

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I have taken to talking to people I know who were vaxxed to point out the dangers of the jab. I get lots of wierd looks. Their answers are "we want to travel", "we want to visit our parents in seniors home" "our kids made us do it so we could see our grandchildren", etc. NIH, CDC and Trudeau did a good job of brainwashing so many people into thinking the jab would protect them and no harm would come from it.

People even admit they have had serious health problems from the jab but just assumed that was necessary to get "The Protection". Dr. Malone wrote about cults in his substack today. The pro vaccine movement is a cult reminiscent of the days of Jimmy Jones. However the internet created new means of silencing dissent. Anyone for some koolaid?

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Thanks for the Covid Gospel. I got quite a few good chuckles.

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Sorry, I think the evidence is pretty clear personally and easily enough to nail those ignoring it. To quote a few things I filed that are relative here. "Wardorg and Yeadon stated that the Pfizer vaccine blocks a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals and they claimed that it's possible women who receive the vaccine could become infertile." Then...per one of Steve's articles..."...We are left with over 172,000 women in the US who have suffered a spontaneous abortion that was almost certainly caused by the COVID vaccines." Per Dr. Mark Trozzi in the Telegraph "Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100% of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported." Then there's this little blurb by Dr. Scott McLachlan about how they ..."have a cluster of babies this month who have been born seemingly healthy but died within 48-72 hours from pulmonary haemmorhage...All of the mothers of this cluster of babies received covid jabs DURING gestation..." These are just the few I've saved from articles and presentations and I'm not even in the medical field.

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Watching the public health officials and medical community push this on pregnant women made me realize that we are dealing with more than incompetency. It was not possible for them to make claims of safety at the time they were making them.

This has been a horror show and has revealed how broken the medical system is and how brainwashed people who go through our medical system are through the “education” programs. It’s just so unthinkable what our society has evolved into. Pregnant women, babies and children should be most important groups of people who are protected from these toxic, dangerous, and fraudulently tested medical experiments. How anyone can live with themselves after pushing these on the most vulnerable is beyond my comprehension.

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This is the same board that in the very beginning of the vax rollout proclaimed that there was no data to show that the vaccine was dangerous in pregnancy. They were not lying but were absolutely deceptive because NO ONE studied the effects on pregnant women! There was no data; they were recommending a treatment blindly.

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They weren't blind. They knew what would happen.

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The problem with quoting the Pfizer study is that as mentioned, out of the 274 pregnant pts who were vaxed, only 31 or so were followed. It is not possible to draw a hard conclusion from that. To do so, presumes they are a randomized sampling of the whole which is a leap of logic. Possibly the 31 were those having symptoms during the vax period and were singled out and followed. All you can say for sure is that @28 of 274 pregnancies ended in Sp. Abortion which is about the background rate. The Vaers data is I think a better tool to gain insight. This compares the sp ab rate amongst all vaccines and the biontech is responsible of 75% of all sp ab over 30 years of vaccine history.

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Birth rate most places is reported falling around 15%, which is terrifying, but not nearly as bad as the 80% plus miscarriage rate claimed here.

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To give an untested product to pregnant women, with no clinical trials/phase trials is an absolutely absurd…

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Members of a cult need to be deprogrammed. Steve I don't see that happening in the current climate.

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"To me, the issue is simple: the shots kill more people than they save. They shouldn’t be used by anyone, of any age, regardless of comorbidities, even if there were no better alternatives. So we don’t even have to look at the pregnancy data to know that they should NEVER be used by women who are pregnant. If they are unsafe for everyone else, they are most certainly unsafe for pregnant women."

BOOM. This in a nutshell!

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Especially because they save NO ONE!

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Miscarriages, still births, and lower numbers of births. Fewer births (future humans) and greater number of deaths of humans who were born. Results brought to you by the government and Establishment "leaders" who are "protecting" us all.

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It's a long way to go from 8 Billion people, to 500 Million (Georgia Guidestones.)

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It's almost like they have a deliberate depopulation agenda or something. But that's just a "conspiracy theory", right?

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One comment on Igor Chudov's substack has a friend of a Pfizer employee say that in an internal email Pfizer has been warning its employees that they are getting a lot of death threats so employees are not to wear hats or shirts with company logos in public! This is what happens when you have massive government failures that lead to civil unrest and vigilante violence.

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This is appalling, but no longer surprising. How horrible to discover that organized medicine has transformed into Josef Mengele by proxy. That a major board is afraid to speak out is stunning.

Mengele could at least attempt to justify his behavior by saying that he was doing experiments on doomed war prisoners. But, tell me, what is ABOG's excuse?

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This is not a lobby for or against abortion. However, it is a sad truth that abortion remains available in every State via these injections. Added bonus; the injections are "free".

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I think the primary goal for VSRF should be the widespread destruction of trust in the medical bureaucracy forever and establishment of a new paradigm to replace it. In other words, trying to reform it is futile. Yes, the perpetrators must be publicly brought to justice and destroyed, but that in itself will not fundamentally change the system for long. As long as there's a profit motive for the providers, and the desire to be healthy for the recipients, there will be massive corruption, period. Neither of these should ever disappear by the way, because both are perfectly compatible with human nature. Basically what's required is a system which is less top-down and more organic -- like money vs. Bitcoin. Luckily, advances in information technology, proliferation of smartphones, etc., are ideal for this. All the information is available, we just need a way for people to access it easily. The destruction of the current insurance model will also be necessary. Mandating employers who provide health benefits to also offer a cash equivalent to employees would be a great start. People would then be free to shop for healthcare as they wish.

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Why???? I still do not understand the TRUE why behind the push to inject EVERYONE with the mrna poison. What is really going on? It cannot possibly be about protecting the health of anyone. Is it really about killing as many adults and children as possible? As time goes on my mind keeps narrowing down to death, death and more death. How can this be?? How can this still be happening? When will enough deaths be enough?

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The answers are various but here goes:

1) The whole thing is a judgement on those who turned away from God and righteous living and corrupted the nations.

2) Much of it is to do with money, power and control. If many die then property values fall and the wealthy snap up bargains.

3) A push for one world government under totalitarian digitized technocratic state.

4) As we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago this phase will be over in 2025. The world wide vaccine trails to expose the medical fraud that has been going on for decades will be complete and results published.

I wish it could be quicker but sadly matters had got so serious the timescales are necessary. There will be much to sort out afterwards like the Nuremberg trails only this time it must be done thoroughly with no exceptions.



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Thank you - your writing is encouraging to me. I have to remember that when things feel hopeless, look up!!!

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The senior members of these Medical Boards should be the first to be deposed for their lethal instructions to their members and the very women who lost their future kids from this ill-conceived “vaccine”.

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