Ron Johnson is honest, hard working and great for Wisconsin. We need him to be reelected in November.

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All my anti-Ron Johnson relatives have been posting this on FB? I know nothing about WI politics. Is there any truth to it and whether yes or no, shouldn’t he correct perception (or correct his messages if inaccurate)


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Dina here is my comment replying to the above post:

Mark thanks for confirming that Mandela was a property tax delinquent (aren't we all) and that he paid no income taxes because he had no income (who paid for his living expenses?). WRT loans are not income. Pass through entities pass along income to individuals who pay taxes on that income at the highest marginal income taxes. So unless you know the total tax take, your analysis is only half done.

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Ron Johnson is a conservative Republican Senator who believes in the importance of Medical

Freedom and the right and duty to listen and more widely disseminate scientific evidence that our Medical regulatory agencies do not want to hear and consider. His views and actions on tax policy are in my view less important than the need to oppose medical tyranny. As a person on the political lesft who supported Russ Feingold in 2010 and made phone calls on his behalf because of his willingness to be the lone voice in opposition to the Patriot Act I am supportive of Ron Johnson. There are times when I have more agreement with conservatives than most liberals who back or at least silently tolerate medical tyrrrany and censorship.

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I couldn't agree more about Saving Medical Freedom. See my site at NoTreatyMedicine.org for more info.

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I wish I could get this truth through to my Wisconsin cousin’s consciousness. She hates Johnson like some people hate Trump.

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I hope so. We need an end to the madness. But, watch closely as Fauci and Collins hold onto dear life to stay involved. It might have some to do with money, but it appears more and more like it is power and control.

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President Biden, Victoria Nuland, and Ron Johnson have come out in favor of destroying the Nord Stream pipeline by any means necessary. Now that it actually has been sabotaged, were these men involved, including Ron Johnson? I admire Ron Johnson for what he has done on Covid vaccines, but have doubts about his foreign policy views.

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I agree that the Biden administration opposition to the Nordstream Pipeline and possible involvement in sabotaging tjhe structure was a terrible mistake. But Ron Johnsons influence on that counterproductive war mongering policy is marginal at best.. Sadly both parties support 'fighting to the last ukranian'.Thats what makes war so hard to stop.

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He may believe Putin is for communism, but Putin is not for communism as communism does not allow for the presence of GOD. Putin has steadily been building churches and supporting women who will have children and populate Russia with Russian children. Go figure, a country that supports women wanting to have and keep their babies. Go figure, a country that wants to encourage male and female marriage in the church. Oh my Lord, stop the press! Senator Johnson may be playing the long game. They are always playing chess.

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Hi, Steve!

A week ago my husband and I donated more than $500 to RonJohn's campaign (I can't remember how much. I'll have to double check with my husband.) If we're able, we'd love to join you on the call. Thanks SO much for all you're doing! We attended "Defeat the Mandates DC" in January and I understand you funded the protest. THANK YOU!

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Steve I just gave $500. How do I get info on his call?

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If Ron Johnson wants my support, he needs to change his position on a woman’s right to choose. He also needs to change his positions on wanting to defund Medicare, medicaid and social security. Although I agree with him on the vaccine issue, and I appreciate his trying to give a voice to the vaccine injured, I wholeheartedly disagree with him on everything else. This creates a real dilemma for me, and surely for many others who are opposed to vaccine mandates. You cannot be against the government telling you you must have a vaccine, but be for the government telling you must have a baby that you do not want to have. This is extraordinarily hypocritical and self-serving.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I doubt any politician would have any success at this time defunding medicare & medicaid, but our medical system is organized crime & medical doctors cause far more harm than good. We should give them less money, not more. We need to find a better way...

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Scarlati,It is inconsistent of RIon Johnson to not support a womans right to chhose. But your State legislature and governor are the people who deyeermine that A US Senator does not control it.

At most his vote on a future Supreme Court nominee might have some future effect but not now.

I also disagree with Johnson on Immigration, Economic equality and foreign policy in Ukraine, but he deserves support becsause he is a lone voice for medical freedom anf vaccine accountability.

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Washington banned abortion of Down syndrome children but it’s perfectly legal to murder perfectly healthy fetus.. is that the compromise you wanted? When asked wtf?, “It’s a start” the lawmaker said.

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“Right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness”... right to life = guess that means you don’t believe it starts at conception. But here, this may be something you didn’t know, “the number of couples waiting to adopt in the U.S.at any given time is around one to two million people. In fact, that number may be even higher now because there’s been an increase in the number of families interested in adoption and a decrease in the birth rate.” !!!! https://consideringadoption.com/pregnant/finding-a-family/how-many-parents-are-looking/

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Yeah I think this is the vaccine beginning to have a delayed effect on Steve's brain. I guess if it doesn't turn you into an mRNA junkie or a rabid medical fascist it turns you into a total wingnut.

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Being pro-life and against vaccine mandates are separate issues. I honestly haven’t seen this much hate in a substack read by mostly conservatives ever. If a person has been told they must get the Covid shot (or any shot), they are risking their health with long term disease or possible death. I know, I suffer multiple chronic illnesses from vaccines I took in my 20’s (close to 50 yrs ago). If we give up this freedom, we might as well give up all the freedoms we believe in. These Covid shots age a game changer.

Being pro-life is freedom for the yet unborn who can’t speak for themselves. There are ways to keep from becoming pregnant which should be used and there will be no unwanted pregnancies. A woman’s right to sex should keep in mind the possibility of a pregnancy and an abortion should not be birth control. Leftists not only have proposed allowing for abortions, but abortions even after birth. Some want those opposed to abortion to help pay for them. It is unfathomable to many people that people would kill a baby at any stage. The mother will answer for the murder but we all will answer if we don’t try to stop this mass killing.

God has not changed His message from the beginning. It is humans that try to negotiate the change in terms. Marriage will always be the uniting of one man and one woman whether man changes the definition or not. Only a woman gives birth no matter what the newest definition says. Fornication will be wrong and a sin no matter whether it is a man/woman, woman/woman, or man/man or another combination people come up with. Your definition may say something different. It is increasingly difficult to raise a child in this world which is frustrating. The more unchurched a population is, the more lies, adultery, stealing, murders, etc. there is. How did we get such a corrupt government?

Christians worship God and tries to keep His commandments. The problems have arisen as people became interested in self other than pleasing God. We will all be judged when Christ returns. Until the past few generations, people allowed Christians to continue to follow God and we lived mostly in harmony. Today the balance is trying to change this dynamics so that the unbelievers get to make the rules. Good has become evil and what was evil is now called good. We have some of the most evil people running the government and allowing rules to be thrown out.

People say their LGBTQ family are mistreated. Today’s child that works hard for good grades may have them thrown out because grades are racist. Math is racist. Kids are becoming angrier and more violent. Being conservative or Republican means they are bullied. I’ve known children who have no friends because they have been made to feel inferior because they are white. Teachers “lose” their tests and homework because they excel after hours of study -- they are white and must be punished. Yes, people of color, homosexuals, trans, all have been treated poorly but so have those who didn’t fit in because they were the smartest child. We try to make things better, not go backwards.

The answers will be different from everyone. Not killing the unborn is something many people see as reasonable. If women believe this is too hard to live with, maybe there needs new technology to see that happen. There has never been nor ever will be a law to keep from ending a pregnancy when the woman’s life is at stake.

One of the most valued principles of all is speaking respectful to each other even when we disagree. Most people will never be swayed by abusive language or name calling.

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Do you understand that there are cases of rape and incest? That sometimes an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother? That no birth control works 100% of the time, and despite one’s best efforts, unintended pregnancies occur? My issue with Ron Johnson is that he, and most Republicans, are hypocritical in that they don’t want the government telling them they must take a vaccine as that infringes on their right to bodily autonomy (agreed!), but they applaud the government dictating to women what they must do with their body in the event of pregnancy (no!). You can’t have it both ways, at least not if you want my vote. My body, my choice, whether it be regarding a vaccine, or an abortion.

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Cases of abortions for rape or incest are Infinitesimal. Should an unborn baby be killed for the crime of his or her father? Unfortunately, abortion kills another body, not yours.

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Should a baby be brought to life just to get adopted by pedophiles for the crime of his or her father? I think that is worse than killing it while it is still a vegetable.

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Rand too

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It will either be Ron Johnson and the truth is spot lighted or defund the police Mandela Barnes (damn near communist) with whom the truth dies.

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Beth Mouser, there is absolutely no way you can be saying that Chridtians, conservatives, libertarians, or anarcho-capitalists like me are more hateful or more dangerous th as n the ones now effectively on power.

You're the ones talking about camps. I changed my party registration to put in a protest vote in the Tulsi Gabbard mark. Look up the web sites for pro-life atheists, and Godless pro-lifers.

And check out lewrockwell dot com, where the best libertarians hang out. But Lew & company often post articles from the "left".

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I've sent him a few contributions amounting to tens of dollars.

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I get what you are saying and assure you it is not my ego that precludes me from joining this other tent. The hate and intolerance I have experienced here and other places coming from this party means I can't join you in your bigger tent. And this would be so if I did not have an LBGTQ family member. Your saying that mandates are life and death and the gay marriage issue is would-be-nice tells me you don't understand. I don't want to divulge too much but I will assure you it has hit our home personally regarding the impact of bulllying, shaming, and shunning from those you wish to join and support. It is just as important an issue as the mandates because lives are at stake. Just like those who support the vaccine don't understand the perspective and what's at stake to the unvaxxed, you don't understand the stakes to LBGTQ. Anyway, I believe that the tent you want me to join will not be larger than the other tent despite all the deaths from the vaccine. The hate and intolerance emanating from this party is not only broadcast here but on MSM. The deaths and injuries from the vaccine are not. The masses are largely unaware of the dangers of the vaccine but they are very aware of the hate that emanates from this tent, so I believe the other side will prevail. In my state, the Republicans want to make it mandatory to be a Christian to be a party member. It is not I who is being divisive...this party is fabricating divisiveness by being SO discriminatory. It is ridiculous to say someone can't be married yet cry out the injustice of discrimination to the unvaxxed. They won't allow a woman the freedom to an abortion even in the earliest stages in my state. I am trying to defend freedom and be inclusive while they hack away alienating everyone. I agree big changes can be made, and if they win the election they can stop the mandates, but they can erase all the rights to the LBGTQ and I believe they will. Their lives matter too!! I believe it is not too late to start a new party and Russell Brand agrees. I asked him that question on his livestream and he said yes, he does support starting new parties.

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supporting Ron Johnson because of his lone stance to expose medical tyrrany and make vaccine regulators accountable, doe s not mean it will empower some of the hateful anti-LGBTQ people and warmongers who also support Republicans.

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The size of any "tent" is irrelevant. The most relevant issue is whether somebody, or some group, or ideologue, involves violation of the non-aggression principle,which is the right of every single individual to live free of aggression against their person or their property.

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I heard a conservative commentator complaining about how Ron Johnson voted for the bill that would require states to recognize gay marriage

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I am searching online and am not seeing that he did vote for the Respect for Marriage Act. According to Wikipedia, it is still a bill. Please let me know if you find anything.

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Right, it's intention to vote.

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Single issue voters don’t grasp the the big tent view

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The big tent isn't big enough when it elects leaders who "are on the fence" about whether gay people have the right to marry who they want. The tent is held shut for those like my son who want to support those against mandates and are treated like trash.

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Steve, stop encouraging people to throw money at politicians who don't actually give a shit about us. You cannot VOTE your way out of an intentionally broken system. THIS IS WHY NOTHING EVER CHANGES!

The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION - it has been corrupted, taken over, and no longer functions the way the founding fathers intended.

Subsections 15 and 15 (A) of Title 28 US Code §3002 - "the United States means -- (A) a Federal Corporation". It is a FOREIGN Corporation. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is knowingly or unknowingly committing fraud against the American people.

To be more specific, that means ALL politicians working in Washington DC and every judge, attorney, police officer, and government agents working throughout the USA are FOREIGN AGENTS. Because they are foreign agents, DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY OF THESE PEOPLE - including the President. Because if you do, you are committing TREASON against the Republic of The United States of America (the 50 Union States).

Until people are truly awake to how deep this corruption and evil is, you are still willingly allowing yourself to be enslaved in a completely broken system. There are far better and more realistic solutions. But trying to play in a poisoned sandbox isn't the way to go about it.

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"...and no longer functions the way the founding fathers intended."

Please question everything, including the above quote which is true for only part of the "founding fathers." There're reasons that several of them refused to attend the constitutional convention in Philly and why Patrick Henry himself said that he was not going becuase he "smelled a rat." In fact, there were several rats pushing for it, most notably Alexander Hamilton.

Please study the arguments of the so called "anti-Federalists" and you'll understand that they were almost 100% correct, and that the monstrosity we're living under is functioning as they predicted and as most of the "Federalists" intended.

The revolution was co-opted and the central government corrupted from the start and we're seeing the results.

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Yes, im familiar with that but haven't done a deep dive on it. What I was essentially getting at with that comment, is that this "government" was turned into a corporation. Therefore, it no longer functions as intended, or as we are falsely taught to believe.

This, in my opinion, should be alllll the proof needed to confidently say that VOTING DOES NOT MATTER. We dont vote for CEO's in a corporation... why would we be allowed to do that for the so-called "President", or anyone in Congress, or any other position for that matter? Its mind-blowing that many so-called "truth-seekers" turn a blind eye to some of the biggest and most obvious issues, and continue shilling for politicians. Thats my 2 cents.

Have a fabulous day friend and keep speaking up!

(This isn't my favorite article on the subject, but here's 2 links I found quickly in my bookmarks, as I'm at work and can't spend much time right now)



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Your conclusions are correct, e.g., voting really does no good. It's an excercise in futility at best and participation in, and support of, another pious fraud.

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"Therefore, it no longer functions as intended..."

Yes, it does. And that's unfortunate for the productive classes. It was never intended to protect anyone but the self anointed elite, even though we've been brainwashed otherwise.

Nock explained it well. It was never about liberty for the bulk of us.

The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

"It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)"

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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I will look into the sources you have provided. It is refreshing at least on the rare occasions I encounter someone who is aware of the absurdity of voting. I think despite our different opinions, we can both agree then that the government doesn't operate the way MOST people BELIEVE it does.

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"Yup" to all. Unfortunately people believe a lot of nonsense, always have, and always shall.

The covid fiasco/fraud has taught me a lot of things; a big one being that "authorities" deserve to be questioned more than trusted and that both government and corporations are less trustworthy than most of us can imagine.

Nice communicating with you!

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"There are far better and more realistic solutions." like what?

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This is a really good source in PDF.

*taken from The Sovereign's Way, linked further below.


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Another link which further explains the "fake non-profit religious corporation" that is now THE UNITED STATES (religious corporation? Hmm.... could it be that its owned & controlled by the Vatican? 🤔)


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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Parallel societies. Stop participating in a deliberately broken, evil, corrupted system.

Edit: if you are truly interested, look into natural law. Some introductory resources... (im in the middle of working still, so I cant put much effort into this at the moment.... however I do encourage people to ask deeper questions... consider the possibility that our current government is broken - completely - what would happen if you couldnt rely on them anymore for anything? Think outside the box. Self responsibility & community is the key emphasis here)

There are surprisingly a ton of people who are creating lawful solutions (note: legal & lawful are not the same thing) throughout the country. This actually gives me some hope (despite my apparent cynicism).

I dont recall the exact group off the top of my head though. If I find it, I'll come back & reply. For now, here are some quick bookmarks I have saved.







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Steve, you are doing a great job....

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Donated 75 for the good work on Covid, but very ambivalent given his pro war stand and advocate for "doing whatever is needed " to take out NS pipelines. A warmonger but right on Covid response.

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Joe, have donated as well and will add to my previous donations.

Are you of the opinion that the US took out the pipelines? I think the US certainly had the geopolitical motive, opportunity, and technology to do so, even if it in the end hurts Germany and parts of Europe. I don't see Russia doing it for any reason, when all they would have to do is turn off the pumping stations and accomplish the same.

Furthermore, its not in the US or West interest for a peaceful negotiated ending to the bloodshed.

I have not heard any speeches of Johnson's opponent, but I would not be a bit surprised if this democrat was more of a warmonger.

Just curious on your thoughts. Thanks

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Is it really worth the abortion restrictions and other awful policies the Republicans support though? It's a little like voting whether you want to get raped in the mouth or raped in the asshole. Plus the other Republicans can easily be bought out by Big Pharma to stop such hearings from happening anyway.

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A US Senator does not control YOUR rigt to access an abortion. Your state legislature and governor do. At most Ron Johnson will have a vote forb a future Supreme Court Justice

but that is not going to effect you for a long time-if ever.

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He's also huge on Randian economics which is what got us into this mess. You can't just support free market for businesses to buy politicians until Big Pharma grows into a cancer capable of regulatory capture and then complain that they're shoving dangerous experimental injections down our throats.

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Economic policy is a factor, but at least someone will attempt to hold Fauci and FDA accountable

for their failure to protect the public. While tax policy under both Democratic and Republican administraions Marginally makes the Income Tax slightly more progressive in Democratic administrations, this is not likely to be that big a change..

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But holding them accountable would mean not being laissez-faire with the market anymore.

And even if he keeps to his word do you think the rest of the Republicans will? Heck no, they're Pfizer shills who are at most opposed to federal governmental mandates but only because they believe that should be the prerogative of local governments and corporations! I want somebody who will use the power of the federal government to ban Trump's experimental mRNA shots everywhere! Even in California! Make it go the way of Vioxx and asbestos home insulation! Unfortunately that might take five years, that's how long it took Vioxx and also how long it took thalidomide to get banned for morning sickness (it's only approved now as a cancer medicine)

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In the United States political system it is unlikely that Corporate Economic power will be curtailed.

I wish it were otherwise but ts unlikely. If the Republicans control the Senate there will be a big fight within the republican part, most of which support big Pharma almost as strongly as the democrats. Since Ron Johnson is the Ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee ,he will be able to investigate The NIH ,NIAID (fauci will retire 12/1/22) and perhaps FDA. Its better than Having Sen Gary Peters who supported FDA smearing of Ivermectin and ridiculed Senator Johnson when he brought in Fron Line Doctors treating covid. Its worth a try at least.

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