I think we should have worked out a hypothesis for a non-traditional biological war seeing that much anomaly in the existing justifications.

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love your substack, Steve! Not entirely related to above but FYI Dr. Bryam Bridle, our "cancelled" in 2020 (early days), a Canadian hero, viral immunologist just published key critique of article published in a med journal blaming unvaxxed: Lots of data, you'll love it! Hope you can publish and maybe interview him one day. He's such a humble guy but a tiger for the truth like you, Steve.


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For anyone who thinks there's anything new under the sun. The Great Mike Wallace reveals the 1976 "Swine Flu" fiasco, back when 60 Minutes was not a joke:


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Correction to the article: Not "Tech Guru Will Pay Millions To Vax Pushers For Debate: No Takers", but "Tech and Vaccine Safety Guru Will Pay Millions To Vax Pushers For Debate: No Takers."

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I have to agree, Steve you are a warrior, thank you for all your efforts.

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I was hoping staunch vaccine advocates like Dr. Gorski and Dr. McAlpine would have taken this debate on by now. This offer has been around for quite a while (Thanks!). Those two invert everything.

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I guess they don't want to make easy money. It's baffling.

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Steve this is right up your alley, we need your skills.


Writes shawn663@substack ·just now

Regarding discrimination:

We have come along way, no need to go into detail about that.

Here is the question of interest today.

Is it discriminatory/illegal for a broadcaster national or local to refuse to place an ad which is not hate speech, violence promoting or discriminatory. I won't promote your ad because I don't agree with your perfectly legal cause..

If so does that not give them the right to refuse service to any cause they choose based on anything they choose,,,,,colour to religion etc... I don't think that is allowed

Therefore we should be legally able to demand our right to place an advert related to the WHO constitution takeover on the national networks. If they refuse at the vary least we can expose their refusal. I am sure they will refuse by the way, we still win!

The ad will require airtime purchase and direction.scripting etc....

I am sure we can through donations raise far more than enough money to accomplish this one simple thing. And it is simple, in a society that values free speech.

Possibly we can find someone capable of organizing such an action, can we set up a sign up form somewhere online we can collect donations. In canada be sure you don't donate more than 25 dollars you could be flagged as a terrorist. Yes I didn't capitalize canada not sure we are still worthy of country status,,,, it seems we are a corporation now favouring some over others as is the corporate right.

using the internet the tool they most fear lets organize. Find someone that is experienced in commercials and the drive to get it done. I will be the first to donate.

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I really appreciate what you do and this is an excellent interview. You are literally fighting for the end of this corruption and death. However, I have heard you mention that the CDC and the FDA were reputable organizations before Covid. This is untrue. There are a lot of articles and criticisms over the last few decades chronicling those organizations as being “captured” organizations by the industry they are supposed to be regulating. Obviously, it is unavoidably apparent now that the Covid crisis is in full swing. But the corruption was there previously. Long enough for people like me to research into them and know that from the beginning of the pandemic, we were being prepped for a massive vaccination program that was being forced through and it was likely going to end very badly. If you don’t believe me, just look up any of the legal settlements against the pharmaceutical companies or better yet, look up Brandy Vaughn’s story. Watch “Vaxxed”. Look up RFK jr’s work. I know it’s new to you but it’s been there for a very long time and many people have suffered long before Covid. Again, thank you for fighting for truth! I’m sure you have saved many lives as people begin to see what’s going on.

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Also, the Swine Flu fiasco of 1976 is a good example. Despite the hair-on-fire messaging from the CDC, President Ford, and the Media about impending doom, only one confirmed death in the entire world, and no outbreaks anywhere! A hard ad campaign for universal vaccination was spun up with major arm twisting, but no warnings of potential for severe vaccine injury. Thousands of well documented severe injuries, including Guillain Barre, resulted and medical claims were denied for years. Sound familiar? The vaxx that was tested ended up not even being the one administered! How's that for incompetence? So, what we are experiencing is not an outlier for the CDC, and their history is anything but confidence inspiring. This video is a short, very enlightening historical data point with the Great Mike Wallace, back when 60 Minutes was an actual investigative news organization.


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I’ve seen that. Where are these journalists today? Oh yes, getting paid by pharma to push the vaccine.

I still remember watching the CDC director trying to freak us all out about H1N1 and pushing that vaccine. It didn’t work because they didn’t have PCR testing, so no one cared. They finally pulled it off. There’s probably a lot more coming in the near future.

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Exactly. How many parents of vaccine injured children have been screaming for help and recognition of their injuries? Ask JB Handley.

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One of those views is mine and probably a hundred are from telegram and Gab where I share it. Steve (the Wrecking Ball) Kirsch is smashing down their lies.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Most of us call him a Bull Dog with huge respect for his “bite and hold on” tenacity. But wrecking ball works too.

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What about your debate with Avi Bitterman?


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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Author

what about it? he lost the debate and never paid. And he answered none of the questions in the 50 questions I posted. You can't be serious?

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Just curious as you're claiming that nobody will debate you. What were the terms with Avi?

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

I took in the entire interview. It's rare to watch such a lengthy discussion and see all three participants [two hosts and the guest] so pissed off that they stumble getting their words out. Such is the depth of the depravity of the COVID virus and the injections that supposedly are safe and effective.

The hard evidence is that these injections appear to be deadly. And it's only getting worse, not better.

Combined with the silence and the massive deception from so many powerful people -- and organizations we once trusted -- it's no wonder people are scared shitless. I am, and I've been a crime reporter for 35 years.

This is like a sci-fi Hollywood bullshit movie about Nazi psychopaths who've been cryogenically frozen -- and now they've been brought back to life with a plan to decimate half the world's population through germ warfare combined with a 'vaccine' scam ... with the goal of a one-world government.

Sounds crazy, right? Well, what's happening today is just as crazy.

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In fact, the vaccinator is a much better vector than the coronavirus. It can get orders of magnitude more toxins into the blood of younger people.

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There should be an Onion article about people lining up to catch Omicron to protect against the deadly Pfizer and Moderna variants. About the only thing that essentially distinguishes the lipid nanoparticles from an actual virus is that they can't replicate. However, self-replicating vaccines are in the works; now how is that not technically a virus?!

I never quite bought into the notion that a natural virus could cause such a deadly pandemic. And I'm doubting even a bioengineered virus could be that deadly. It's not how the virus evolves. People are anthropomorphizing the virus by thinking it evolves to be more efficient at killing its prey. It's actually more like a parasite in that it evolves to be more benign so that the host is kept alive so the virus can continue to breed and spread to others. Now what they could do is perhaps engineer a virus to have debilitating non-lethal long-term side effects, or maybe lethal only in the long-term, which would explain long COVID. But it doesn't appear to cause that effect consistently in people, making me wonder if there are specific genes linked to specific ethnic groups that they wanted to preserve or eliminate.

And whatever goes for the virus also goes for the vaccine since it invades your cells like the virus and produces at least one of the same proteins, probably the most debilitating one, but instead is delivered the same way as a mosquito-borne virus (mosquitos are the deadliest animal on earth by the way. I wonder, are all mosquito injections IV? Oh well at least they aspirate). So to make the pandemic a red herring and an excuse to rush an experimental vaccine as the real poison would be a more effective plot if the intention was to kill people. But the vaccine isn't consistently deadly either, at least short term; I wonder if injections that seems harmless at first can cause silent plaques in your blood vessels that break off and give you a stroke later. Or maybe the same people that are genetically immune to COVID are also genetically immune to the vaccine? (I'd still worry about the immunological consequences of the pseudouridine modifications. And the potential carcinogenicity of the proprietary cationic lipids). But wouldn't they want to at least test this type of vaccine enough to make sure it's sufficiently deadly in the long-term, yet not too deadly in the short term? I wonder how much secret human research Moderna is keeping hidden.

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They're decimating the compliant half of the population though. Which is it going to be, one-world technofascist totalitarian social credit government or population control? They can't have it both ways.

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You’d think they would at least love the opportunity to trash your reputation further if they win the debate and you don’t pay up.

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Regarding one scandal that cannot be reported (huge number of athlete deaths and injuries), here's the latest and tragic possible victim of these jabs. The star catcher for the James Madison softball team died suddenly this week at age 20. No further details of course. I guess this could be a suicide (the only plausible explanation for most sudden deaths of 20-year-olds), but I note from the story that this young lady was just named the "Player of the Week" in her conference. She was playing the sport she no doubt loved and was playing it as well as she ever has ... and then she commits suicide? I guess this is possible, it just doesn't seem that likely. I also note that her team finished second in the nation last year and almost shocked the sports world by winning the College World Series. I mention this because the strange death of such a top-class athlete on such a team SHOULD be big national news. Why did she suddenly die at age 20? Maybe we'll learn more details? Maybe a reporter will do some digging and ask taboo questions? When frogs fly.

EDIT: Sorry, posted wrong link earlier.



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There’s a few reporters.

Good news: more will come out on Twitter now I think. Already seeing this! Even last night.

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Funny how no one will take Steve up on his offer. What is there to hide?

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As I have posted before, yes, they know they will lose said debate. But losing such a debate wouldn't just expose the people in the debate, it would also expose the MILLIONS of other experts and authorities who think the exact same thing. For example, college professors being routed in a debate would expose every college professor (and all the institutions of higher learning that employ them) as frauds - all of whom are willingly participating in a massive cover-up of the truth. This poses a risk they simply can't afford to take.

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I could probably expose college professors as frauds on a number of subjects. I wouldn’t be surprised if I caught them confusing pseudouridine with pseudoephedrine.

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Funny. I’m a lowly lib arts BA in a dead end job. I know the difference and even know more about ephedrine than some professors.

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I wonder how many professors cheated their way through college and grad school. There’s really no way of knowing.

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Yep. They HAVE to censor ALL of the "truth tellers." This dovetails with my latest posting theme that "they" can't even allow one "truth bomb" to detonate. If just ONE scam/crime/hoax was exposed, this would cause too many people to have this thought: "What are some of the other things these trusted public health officials and experts have been lying about?"

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Few of them even know much about the vaccines, their only glazed-eye answer would be that the "experts" know. But the "experts" only know how it's supposed to work, not the other things it actually does, so they would be floundering when questioned.

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I’m hoping though that will be a domino effect.

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