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My friend is a doctor that gives physical exams for commercial pilots. He is a pilot himself. He said to me when the jab first came out "don't touch this with a ten foot pole" end quote. I said, don't worry you are preaching to the choir. 40,000 adverse events within the first 30 days. Last I heard, at least 8 pilots have died in "mid air" (all with co-pilots) and many other adverse events NOT reported to the media. Employees are told NOT to talk to the press or else...There is an absolute code of silence on the jab in the airline industry for those employees that want to keep their jobs.

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hey, JQP...it's bizness as usual for that lot, aka,medical mafia...

'The Code of Omerta

Also known as the code of honor or code of silence, the code of Omertà originated from Italy, or more specifically Sicily, and it means that a mobster should avoid talking or informing authorities about any criminal activity, under any circumstances.

[3 monkey pic...no say,see, hear]


Even if the mobster had been physically and brutally attacked by another mobster, the code of silence should still apply.

If you were to break the code, then the result for this would be death.'

nationalcrimesyndicate.com /code-of-omerta/

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Yes, Omertà, a conspiracy of silence is actively pursued by FAA,AOPA and the woke airlines.

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:( 😡💔

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They should find another job, or open a new business…

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That’s really not an option for a lot of pilot’s. It’s a lucrative salary but that’s not why we do it. We love flying, it’s that simple. Not many pilots want to give up doing what they love and were born to do. Many pilots retire from the airlines and continue flying in FAR part 135 charter after age 65. The idea that some government idiots held their jobs over their heads over this worthless dangerous vaccine galls most of us, but we are used to making sacrifices in the past to get where we wanted to be, up in the front seat of a powerful demanding machine, flying 500mph plus at 8 miles above the earth. I never took the jab because my employer wasn’t required to mandate the jab. Only the airlines operating under part 121 and carrying the U.S. Mail were considered as “government contractors” and fell under the government contractor mandate. What’s truly unfortunate and cowardly we’re the airline CEO’s who didn’t have the courage to question the FAA over their violation of their own Federal Aviation Regulations which required that a medical product be licensed and on the market for at least a year before being used by a pilot or flight crew member. These same CEO’s could have protested the use of EAU medical products (Comirnaty was never available) which is a violation of 21 Federal Reserve Code 360bbb, but they didn’t do that either, they just rolled over to the will of the government that was shoveling billions of “COVID Relief” dollars into their companies. The guilty parties are our entire government and the only way to change that is through a massive civil uprising by the people themselves. It only takes about 10-15% of the population to make this happen.

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I don’t understand how the pilots couldn’t strike based on these criteria? It doesn’t make any sense to me if it violates the FAA regulations why not just refuse to fly as a group? As a nurse it was clear to me the dangers of this so called vaccine, and although we were mandated, and that mandate was supported by the Supreme Court, I chose not to be vaccinated, was fired, and had to walk away from my profession that I loved so much. We didn’t have any support in the end. But it seems like pilots had the power.

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Thank you… I would’ve had to walk away also as a nurse if I was employed. I had a travel nursing company call me about a year ago and wanted me to come back to work. I told her why I didn’t want to come back because of the shot from Hades! She agreed with me but she tried to be politically correct at same time… 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Southwest pilots did just that, and I believe successfully. The lack of resistance, even among those with special skills who are not easily replaced, is a complex issue. As a retired MD I was astounded when doctors I knew, like so many others, displayed no critical thinking and especially no resistance to administrators threatening them to toe the line on the vaxx, along with condemnation of IVM and HCQ. On the other hand, I recently heard that the staff, including doctors, at the largest hospital in Reno, NV, threatened to walk out if mandates were enforced. The administration backed down, sending out forms for medical exemptions and begging them to fill them out. Americans workers of all types need to make a priority of re-learning how to organize if they expect to have any freedom at all.

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The problem with healthcare workers is they roll over once threatened with inconvenience. This began after H1N1 where they threatened vaccine or mask…majority chose mask…slippery slope…and here we are today vaccine AND mask!

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