Doing the lords work.

Respect to you!

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It was the same here in NZ - in fact, frighteningly, even the same words and phrases are repeated in different countries’ ‘guidelines’ across the world.

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Steadfast Opponent woman rocks!

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I would put myself in that category too.

I had to go to the local clinic to renew my asthma medication last year and had to hear the doctors idiotic lecture about how much worse Covid could be for asthma sufferers. Told her it was just flu strain 2019 and I already suffered it for 3 agonizing days. She said covid is not the flu. Asked her to list exactly how they are different and she began digging into her office desk for some paperwork - to wich I stopped her and told her "save it", I dont need the pharma handouts

She started the humanity plea ("do it for others") - I responded with "if the vaccine works, why do you care if I get it"?.

She tried the scare tactic ("there are other variants out there") - I responded with "that omicron nonsense is more transmissible less lethal - and since I already suffered the first version ill trust natural immunity")

She finally tried the - "we are in this together plea" - to which I responded - "if that were the case why would the vaccine companies demand and get zero liability - full indemnity against their poison cocktails if they had full trust in its safety and efficacy",

She responded - "that was wrong" and the nurse who took my vitals - corrected her by saying - thats been the case since the vaccine rollout - the companies had full indemnity" (her brother is a pharmacist)

A lot of these doctors just read off the script.

In the end I chucked the asthma prescription - because PRIMATENE mist (about $29 over-the-counter) was more effective than the prescription asthma medication doctors sign off on.

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This is another “interesting” NHS document from Dec 2020 on how to deceive people, oops sorry… I mean encourage people to overcome their irrational hesitancy. https://ia903401.us.archive.org/2/items/vaccination-do-and-donts-by-audience-cohorts-2-1_202104/Vaccination%20do%20and%20donts%20by%20audience%20cohorts%20%282%29%281%29.pdf

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Watched a couple of the videos. Awkward and Hilarious. The creepy nudge-nudge behavior is (1) too obvious and is (2) past it’s sell-by date.

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I would love for you to show the documents of Rockefeller grants that were vaccinating women in India with anti HGC products. Show the document on CDC's own website of the Indian Parliament's that they made sure was posted so they couldn't hide it after they booted Gates out of India.

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My son is a PhD candidate at Stanford in physics. He received no childhood vaccines, they accepted his medical exemption. They refused his medical exemption for the covid vaccine. Refused his religious exemption. He was "re-educated", he now insists that everyone, including toddlers, should wear masks whenever they leave their homes and that everyone should be vaccinated for covid and flu...as many times as we're told regardless of vaers and data. When he got omicron he was so grateful for his shots because it would have been so much worse. We love him, we worry about him, but just as there's nothing he can say that would change our minds there is nothing he can hear from us. One point scored for Stanford.

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One would think a candidate for a doctorate in one of the hard sciences would want to see data.

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So sorry about the programming of your son. Praying for his mind to be opened to truth and that he becomes curious enough to find it.

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Before the so-called covid vaccines were rolled out I used to say that the hpv vaccines were the most dangerous vaccines manufactured - until they come up with a worse one. In 2021 they came up with a worse one and boy what a doozy it has proven to be.

What makes me sad is that since I'm labeled as a 'crazy anti-vaxxer' because since 2013 I've been pointing out that vaccines are neither safe nor effective, much of my warnings about this new iteration of a vaccine fell on deaf ears and for the better part of 2021 and 2022 most of what I attempted to share on social media was censored and I was blocked on Twitter and Facebook. So, while I still have a limited ability to reach people on the other social media sites and in-person, my reach has been severely limited.

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OMG loved this one! Laughed OUT LOUD. Steve drives me nuts sometimes (eg, I'm finished with virus theory!) but I love his work. Thank God for Steve!

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If Stanford university gets federal funding, it needs to be stripped away.

Same with AMA.

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And the CDC backed down from putting the HPV vaccine on the child vaccination schedule, I believe, after an uproar from parents, yet, probably because of the money and liability protection involved, they put the Covid vaccine on.

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Interesting how Persona "Reluctant Vaxxer" says they'll get vaccine and then just "sue the government" if there are any problems with it. Sounds like a solid course of action! SMDH.

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Yeah, especially since that course of action is not even possible.

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Just last month I was essentially booted out of my children’s pediatrics practice for refusing to stick to the required vaccine schedule. My children (all girls) have had all but the HPV, covid, and flu vaccines(wish I knew then what I know now). My twins are 12 but not yet in 7th grade so when I refused to also get the “7th” grade pneumococcal vax required in Florida (although they are in 6th) I was told that patients who go “ rogue” have to sign a form of refusal (which I regret signing) and have 30 days to find a new practice.

The practice is part of a large chain and they all have same rules.

It is sad that pediatricians feel the need to bully parents into giving their kids shots. So many physicians are truly brain washed.

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This is a key point, they are brainwashed. Now to break brainwashing is difficult or impossible. But it means also that they are not malignant psychopaths. This is really important. It means they can be reached.... they are not consciously trying to hurt people.

A point I like to reiterate is my view that the true, aware, conscious psychopaths are just a vanishingly small proportion of all the 'bad' doctors we hear so much about on these comment sections. Brainwashed is as brainwashed does, to some extent they are not 'culpable'? Your average MD is trying hard to look in the mirror, mostly they see a good person.....

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It's not sad. Is a crime against humanity punishable by death. They are aiding and abetting coercion to avoid informed consent.

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Pediatricians are like that, too, in AZ--families are kicked out of the practices if they don't follow recommended vaccine schedule. It's disgusting.

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Ugh. At least now my eyes are open and my children will know better for their children.

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I learned real quick in watching the Stanford course that the quickest way to get them to leave you alone is to say “NO” when they ask if you will/can discuss it. I don’t really have any hopes that I could get them to change their minds….so for me, NO is the quickest route out of the doctor’s office.

I will find out soon because I HAVE to visit a doctor to get her signature on a mammogram request. It will be fun to see if she tries to talk me into the vax.

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That's what I thought. Thank you for posting.

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I'm probably talking out my ass, but we never had so much breast cancer as when they decided to smash these puppies flat and x-ray them every year after year after year. 😔

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Look into thermograms instead of mammograms. If you decide you want to go that route instead, search for a provider who offers them. Last time I checked the cost was very reasonable, but insurance won't cover the procedure. Find out all of the pros and cons for each procedure and when you are certain of what you should do based upon your research then make your decision, but not before.

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I'd forego the mammo. Read up on those too!

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Yes. So many false positives that they then have to treat. They find stuff—small cancers that the body would normally flush out organically. Then they treat it. I am HIGHLY skeptical of mammograms

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Plus the cumulative effects of the radiation, even though they assure you it's not harmful.

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You should go undercover and act like a hesitant patient or parent and see how the 'conversion therapy' session goes. You could record it. Might be handy as evidence one day and meanwhile it could be entertaining .

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