Steve, if you haven't read todays Epoch Times, it's a MUST. A former V.P. at Pfizer wrote an eye opening article about COVID and the questionable vaccine. It's scary stuff and validates my decision to refuse to put an experimental drug in my body.

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They have all the data. They can compare covid and vaccine based on Years of Healthy Life Lost.

That would be horror.

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Steve, this survey seems to have a flaw. It doesn't ask if the person who died ever had covid, it only asks that question in the context of the death. However it's conceivable that covid itself could cause some of these same deaths but be undetectable by family/friends who know them. So to be fair to the vaccines, we have to compare ACM of everyone including those who recovered from covid to those who were vaxxed.

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I was unable to put the entire date of death in the survey. I could only put in day and year and the survey would not accept it.

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6 Friends, and several people in my county I never met. My county total population is around 6500. Only one eldery, 75 in great shape, spry as a 40 year old.. sudden heart attack. plus 3 others not old, one only 44 all SUDDEN HEART ATTACK. .. all vaxed, 3 were 10 days apart this past April.

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The survey implies you can skip the covid vax question if you don’t know the answer, but it is mandatory for submission. My Uncle died in his sleep last year with no prior illness. He was old. I don’t know if he was vaccinated or not. I suspect he was, like most people in his age group. I filled this out but could not submit. Not sure if you only want people with known vax status, but if so the wording on that question should be changed to say mandatory, not skip if not sure, when actually it is mandatory.

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Sorry, my bad. I wonder why Steve needs the names of deceased.

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Names? I didn't see that question and I filled in 4 forms.

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They need to have ways to validate the data

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When I get a notification from the funeral homes on my FB site, I facebook stock them to see what happened because nothing says how they died of course, which ticks me off... some of them had the logo on their profile pics "Let's do this together and get vaxxed" or whatever that profile banner says...actually just this weekend I have had a 21 and 24 year old guys obits come up and a 34 year old woman - mother of 3... :(

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2 - I worked with, 9 - at my church (2 were in their 50's, the other 7 people in their 80's, but were in good health, driving and very coherent, then they showed sudden signs of dementia weeks after vaccination, then sudden destruction came upon them & they died), 4 - distant cousins in their 40's, 50's... also, hearing almost daily of heart problems & many are being put on none-other than Pfizer Heart-type Medicines that are expensive (Thanks Big Pharma!!) - at least 4 in my family are now on heart medicines - my 30 year old daughter-in-law is real sick with "COVID" right now, she was vaxxed and just boosted recently, numerous facebook postings of people losing loved ones... I do not have any dates of vaccinations either, but I know they were vaccinated, because I just came out and asked at their funerals & families were very responsive and vocal about it, but some died really fast, others died 8 to 12 months later - SAD!!

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I have lost 3 in last year. I’m just not sure what the dates of their vaccines, however they were boosted and within 2 months died. My cousin was a healthy 68 year old and out of no where they found lung cancer. My other friend was 72, had a heart attack, lived for a month, then died just weeks after her booster. Then another friend, 71 was found dead in her house. All had been vaccinated.

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Steve, scroll down for a collection

of names/faces victimized by the

EGI (( “Experimental Gene Injection,”

my term )) :




The Covid Hoax


The Climate Hoax



Linked—as I explain

in these missives :

Steps to EFFECTING a Hoax :

Secretly plan to weaponize normal

year-to-year cold and flu-bug epi-

demics—in order to cover-up a plan

for effecting massive Vote-Fraud;

for STOPPING logic-driven Trump

and his massive voter-base.

How would Biden & Team expect

to win while Biden could not get 60

people on a parking lot ! (( hidden

by MSM using cropping of pictures

and videos )) when Trump was able

to attract 16,000 into a stadium ?

I began explaining the “Covid-19

Hoax” in June of 2020. Why a

H O A X ? :

—because gain-of-function efforts

ALWAYS Fail, because of this one

rule driving THIS universe of things :

E N T R O P Y !

Every variant of ANY bug handed

down from initial infectivity, is LESS

and LESS and LESS potent !

Another clue those idiotic masters

of DECEIT had done, was to inform

us in July of 2020 :

[ MSM reporting that : ] “The normal

year-to-year cold and flu infections

are down 98%.”

Why the idiots reported that ?—

because more and more people

had been asking:

“What happened to colds and flu?”

To what EVIL End, all this Kabuki

Theatre by ELITE, can’t-get-the-girl

psychopaths ? : the Climate Change

hoax!, as means to create One-World

Government, under the auspices of a

U.N.-directed/-imposed Global

Economic Socialism/Communism.







Change :

Forwarded Message :

Dear ScienceDaily Editor,

I’ve coined a term  to

explain :

“CLIMATE Change”

— Cyclical Solar-Effected Climate Change —

Precession is an Earth-cycle of about 25,500

years, which always-recurring Earth-cycle is

billions of years old, where the tilt of the

Earth rotates around its axis, causing CLIMATE

Change—effecting shifts in Climate from

glaciation-to-warming-and-back-again periods,

NOT due to manmade pollution ( NOT due to

“greenhouse gases” ).

Anyone there know about that Solar-Cycle ?

Co2 pollution - re IMPACT on CLIMATE - is

akin to tossing a marble into an olympic-sized

swimming pool.

WARMISTS hope to reduce Co2 to ZERO!, even

though Co2 is food for plants and trees and

ocean flora !

If you examine non-WARMIST scientists’ research,

they gravely WARN us of starvation from a

coming ( “minimum” ? ) glaciation period.

It might be coming !

Find and study the late Robert Felix’s book,

“Not by Fire but by Ice”—a fine introduction to

the above paragraphs ( at least, read his last page ).

If you give it a fair/serious reading, you might be

prompted to begin to finance Hydroponic Facilities

across the U.S.

Curiously, there is one in West Virginia that is

massive!—and one near my property.

Why? Do they serve in-the-know military interests ?

Are you prepared—just in case ?



Please consider sending

my letter to friends and



All about ENTROPY :



Behind the scenes EVIL Actors—Driving Global Terrorism :


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four people where my husband works died suddenly within 2 months of being offered the vx. Prior to that I think he only knew one person at work who died in 8 years and they had a long- term illness. I can't prove the 4 who died suddenly took the vx, but the majority of employees took it as soon as the employer offered it. My husband didn't take it until he was told he would be fired for not complying. He got really bad vertigo 2 weeks after his second shot that lasted two weeks, and was particularly bad in the morning. A few weeks later, we both got covid. I am unvaxxed and my husband got sicker with covid than I did. His employer ordered him to take a third shot while he was out sick with covid to keep his job. He declined a third shot.

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Find another job. Your health is wealth. Btw, if that employer forced your husband, they are liable for damages to his health. Sue them

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Unbelievable! Why these employers are forcing so much? Don’t they feel bad if someone injured after listening to them! I don’t think they have depopulation agenda or something like that. These individuals have no common sense, no compassion at all.

Vertigo happened to so many people after the jab. Also ringing in the ears as well. Don’t take anymore jab. It’s too dangerous if you already had this side effect.

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Thank God I don't know anyone who took the jab and died. 2 out of 8 are injured.

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I know one definite jab injury that was never reported and probably another few that I can’t prove but probable. But deaths? Only a couple, the one I was going to post was 85 and I don’t know his jab status.

I truly sincerely think our central Texas area got non hot lots. ESP for HCWs. Very few injuries, although I admit the definite one was HCW (one of my own coworkers).

I know two patients with heart attacks, three or four strokes, two YOUNG ones with brain conditions (cancer, other neuro that I can’t say yet due to HIPAA, I’m watching both of these latter ones, still alive), a minimum of one Bells Palsy, multiple very unusual sudden onsets of blurry vision that have no known (yet) etiology and multiple retinal concerns. I think the MOST startling are the multiple dementia cases that seem to be increasing. I’ve seen dementia before but the numbers and speed of onset are startling. I’m in ophth admin. Dementia isn’t a condition we treat but we typically tell people they have to come alone due to social distancing. And many are telling me they must come with the patient due to them having new onset dementia (daughters, sons).

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See my other comment. If a HCW posts name and other details it is a violation of law. Even if deceased. The HCW however CAN request a member of the family or a close friend to post it if they were aware of the details and were a caregiver or under the HIPAA laws. Do not violate the law to help Steve. Both from a simple ethics consideration AND because the credibility of whatever Steve is doing could be questioned.

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Steve is not asking for the patient’s name. If you don’t post the name then it’s not violating the law . Am I correct? Thanks

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See the form. Yes he is. It’s requiring it. I get the why but HCW cannot.

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They can write some thing else besides the name. So actually no Steve’s not violating the law

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Steve’s not be we are if he asks us As HCW to divulge patient names and any details that could individually ID them. Patient confidentiality. You as an individual knowing about them is not illegal but me as a HCW it is. See Steve’s form and you will have understand.

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He said please do not state there names.

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