I would love to see this! It’s happening so much and it’s so so sad but eye opening!

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Is there any comparative data to previous years? This would be helpful to show the difference from previous years to those who think there may be none.

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Bizarre "white crap" found growing in the arteries of people who've "died suddenly"

The latest from UK mortician John O'Looney suggests that all those "blood clots" are something else entirely

From Mark Crispin Miller

July 1, 2022

Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hn9R5OkfTRNW/

Source: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/bizarre-white-crap-found-growing

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Just got an email from the university I work for - Rising sophomore - female tennis player dies unexpectedly/suddenly. Looked up her obituary. Yep. Unexpectedly. Our University has a vaccine mandate of course.

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The article concludes by stating "the medical examiner will determine a cause of death." I'm wagering that he won't.

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The Democide is uneven and rather wild, the elitists are not good managers and will not be able to pull this off...this being culling everyone except their support staff.

It seems most likely they die also.

Mankind is coming to an end.

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Among other things, their support staff isn't any good at growing food.

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It’ll take more to convince so many of the foolish & the arrogant ignoramuses whom you can’t tell anything because the know everything to realize the harmful & deadly fate of themselves & loved ones who have subjected THEMSELVES by ACCEPTING the fear & coercion risking financial security over longevity of life & succumbing to STOCKHOLM SYNDROME

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I am pleased to see that many commenters here have drawn attention to Mark Crispin Miller’s substack. Here’s another site with similar information - a compilation of stories of mRNA vaccine injured: https://www.realnotrare.com/.

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Because this, it's been planned this way, listen to Pfizer CEO TALKING ABOUT HIS PLAN.

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That video Edited. Please don’t spread untruths. Full context and comment. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla-video-reduce-population-50-percent-fact-check/

Don’t shoot the messenger, pureblood here. Just don’t stoop to their level.

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Because this, it's been planned this way, listen to Pfizer CEO TALKING ABOUT HIS PLAN.

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Steve please skim this video. It’s too long and painful to watch in its entirety. 1000 deaths /collapses in this video in order by month and year. Please spend a few minutes and take a look at all these healthy people dropping. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2jKuSdFkGviI/

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You have to give the MSM both here and in Europe credit for the lead filled blinders that have been implanted surgically on their collective non-reporting of arguably one of the starkest examples of something going horribly wrong. Young , healthy super fit athletes rarely keel over with heart attacks or suffer assorted health afflictions that effectively end their competitive careers. The number of victims is unprecedented and demands an immediate investigation. If and when that happens is anyone’s guess.

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My suggestion would be to go to the families of these athletes and see if they would come together as a group to expose the truth. I know at one time you offered people $ to debate you, maybe these folks would accept a monetary offer to come forward (I realize that the Gov't is probably offering them $30K or whatever amount to keep their mouths shut, like they did to Mr. Ramirez after the death of his son, but MOST people would tell the Gov't to shove it just as Mr. Ramirez did; at least I know I would).

I see that some insurance companies are not paying out anymore if the death is vax related, so maybe the families won't be getting insurance money. There's been two NFL deaths within days, I'm not sure if the NFL pays out death benefits but, if not, then the families might take you up on it.

I'm sure celebrities like Justin Bieber and his wife are being told if they talk about their injuries being vax related then their singing/modeling, etc. contracts are over so it's highly unlikely they would talk, however it's possible that other celebrities, athletes, etc. whose career is pretty much over may talk.

I'm so angry about all the deception, corruption etc by these criminals I can barely contain myself, and worse now they're going after babies and little children so I've bumped up to being livid.

I wish you success every single step of the way to bring ALL of these criminals down, every single solitary person/entity, so they can be brought to justice...and I hope it's soon! Thank you so much for all you do and for being relentless!

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