If the spike proteins get into the brain from the Novavax vaccine, does that make your brain sharper?

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Here are some urgent facts about the supposedly "safer" Novavax (seem worth devoting a post to):

Source- Clinical trial NEJM publication (Supplementary Appendix, Table S14): https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2116185/suppl_file/nejmoa2116185_appendix.pdf - see page 48

The vaccine group had almost DOUBLE the incidence rate of neoplasms as the placebo group (0.95 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).

Ditto for immune system disorders (1.05 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).

And reproductive system and breast disorders were also worrisomely elevated (2.00 vaccine vs. 1.25 placebo). That one is notably concerning because the table shows the increase is concentrated in the younger age group. Alarmingly, the FDA briefing document ( https://www.fda.gov/media/158912/download - Page 67) shows 25 miscarriages compared to 41 live births.

Multiple reasons why this information is critically important to publicize as much possible (a poll said about 30% of unvaccinated believe Novavax is safe):

1. For the common good (if people lucky enough to be unvaccinated all this time want to get the tumorigenic, immunotoxic, fetotoxic Novavax then so be it, but they deserve to know this stuff).

2. If the population of unvaccinated shrinks considerably (by about the ~30% cited), there will be much less audience, political clout, and political will to tackle the issue of vaccine dangers, while this will be a breeding ground for new mandates, no matter how ridiculous it would be.

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Steve, the FIRST reason on your list should be that sars cov2 is a hypothetical unproven physical particle...why would anyone "vaccinate" against something not proven to be causing the illness?!!!

Let's let the virologists prove their methods are valid:


I appreciate you Steve, please keep up the great work, but don't turn a blind eye to a glaringly enormous problem with "the science"

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Right on dude. NOT EVEN ONE so-called "virus" has ever been found in Nature. Viruses are created in and only exist inside the body as a defense against something that's not right, IN the body. If you get the mRNA jab, it re-writes your DNA and technically you are no longer human. I wonder how God feels about that. People wouldn't be so sick if they'd quit eating man's garbage and eat what God gives u in Nature.

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In addition to all these reasons and more, what about that adjuvant? Quillaja saponaria is in my D3/K2. Saponins can be present in many things that people ingest, not just supplements. Who's to say that bodies won't "tag" this adjuvant and then set people up for autoimmune conditions?

I am not a chemist, but section 3.5 in this article talks about the range of immune effects induced by Q. saponaria:


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Saponins are basically soap put into eye drops for example as a preservative and into vaccines to act as an irritant. That is the problem with most vaccines, they need to be made robust enough to last a reasonable time on the shelves. Some pretty nasty chemicals must be added to the efficacious material to preserve its effectiveness. When it comes to nature, no matter how hard we try, we just can't win.

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It's still based on the spike protein so it's going to cause the same problems as the other vaccines. On top of that, it's probably based on the origin Wuhan strain which can cause prion disease. And you never vaccinate against a highly mutating virus.

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Actually, the whole point of this vaccine was that it used the whole viral structure and not just a part of it as most vaccines were developed to do. Now of course, we know that it is not worth taking because the infection is not all that deadly or even particularly interesting. My doctor cannot even cure me of my persistent cough and runny nose. For me, once a potential for avoiding the spike protein slush is now a non event.

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Thanks the the clarification. Even if it uses the whole structure, it is still bases on the original Wuhan strain, which has been extinct for two years. Not only does this make Novavax ineffective but it will also lead to immune imprinting. Because the vaccine is based on the original strain, that means it still contains elements that can cause prion diaease. Lastly, the spike protein is toxic on its own so anything that contains it is bad.

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If the original virus strain returns in a couple of years since we must be kept unbalanced, being a more traditional vaccine, it should prove more effective. However, given that none of these interventions are particularly satisfactory and as you mention, the virus has a new set of underwear, it is now obsolete (as are the inoculations still being peddled by big pharma). In fact, millions of doses are being dumped because no one wants them, truly a desperately sad situation- all that money being wasted. I wrote a while back concerning the outbreak of prion desease. I feel it will not be as bad as I first thought since the mechanisms in place by our immune systems should cope, but rest assured if it does prove to be significant the experts will fabricate a new name for it so that will be fine.

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Who in the world would believe anything at this point? The govt. agencies have been totally discredited by the reported "results". Don't put your self, your children or your grand-kids at risk for a disasterous end,.

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We need to all come together as a species now, and REJECT ALL injections called "vaccines!" How can we trust anything these criminals say? I mean all of the criminals, witting or unwitting! I'd even be wary of ANY injectable now!

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The virus/vax scam is the biggest con job in world history. NOT EVEN ONE VIRUS has ever been shown to exist outside the body in Nature.

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I’ll take it a step further and say I won’t take anything out of pharma that hasn’t been on the market for 25 years.

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And not even then if I can possibly avoid it.

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Are you completely nutz to even ask that silly question?

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I kinda thought the same thing. Anyone would need to be GROSSLY mis-informed to consider taking ANY vaccine for ANYTHING at this point. I've never had a vax for anything since I was a baby and they force a few on you. NEVER AGAIN IN THIS LIFETIME!

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Many of us will see Novavax as the cleanest of the dirty shirts, and short of destroying livelihoods must comply for work. Why not just have anti-spike prophylatic measures on board to neutralize the vax when you get it? ivermectin, glutathione, etc, etc? In other words, comply but don't?

How does original antigenic sin work for coronaviruses? Adults have all been exposed to many many coronaviruses and have cross immunity.

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It's easy to say, but that is not reality. As an IT consultant, my clients required vaccination or contract terminated. So basically I was forced to do it or go out of business. I would have liked to have had Novavax as an option instead of the mRNA.

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NO job, NO career, NO relationship is worth dying for, or becoming permanently disabled, or, worst of all, losing your soul. There are fates worse than death.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Reason, logic and common sense, which all three of are rare these days, dictates that anything injected into the human body typically DOESN'T BELONG THERE. And that ANY injection of ANY substance is likely to cause issues. Even things like penicillin have side effects for some folks other then the intended consequence. I for one, am convinced that the germ theory became prevalent when certain psychopathic personalities realized the billions in profit that man made substances that people could be convinced to consume was realized. Before the liar plagiarizing cheat Louis Pasteur came on the scene with his bull crap fake science, the common understanding by brilliant minds like Antoine Béchamp was that the TERRAIN, that is YOU, had to have a proper balance to maintain optimum health.

Violate that proper balance with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals or the addition of toxins to the terrain and issues begin. Such as lack of vitamin D or C or b1 or selenium, or copper, or even CYANIDE!!! I think that the statement made by BJ Palmer, D.C. that ⁣“If the germ theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it.” fits in the category of reason and common sense. I see myself as a miracle of engineering put together by a designer that knew what he/she/it was doing. And that my natural IMMUNE system if working properly will take care of certain ailments. Vaccines are nothing but an effort to cause the immune system to respond making people "think" that a certain ailment is being taken care of when in reality the vaccine is CAUSING a TOXIC response. That is why when you look at the ingredients and see things like ANTIFREEZE it it or ALUMINUM you have to ask yourself what was the REASON for its addition to the brew. I'll pass... One other thing... according to the research set forth in the book Virus Mania, second edition by doctors and investigators.. NO "VIRUS" EVER, has been isolated and proven to exist. HOWEVER there is a natural byproduct of toxicity that your body creats called an EXOSOME that seems to be the often miss understood (or purposefully ignored) by product of a cell that has become toxic by some means. James Hildreth, John Hopkins University is quoted as saying “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.” RIGHT ON JAMES! Antoine would agree with your assessment 100%!

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Bechamp was right on and that's exactly why no one has ever heard of him! Suppression of the truth.

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Why is the word "approval" being used when an "authorization" is what is being done?

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In this post you are spelling out common sense reasoning about the strange times we are experiencing in the last decades about the handling of health issues not only in America but in many other Regions in the world. It is incredible how so many people are still believing in the honesty of the medical authorities starting with "whoisit", nobody knows why. Do you have a PDF copy of "animal farm"? I need to extract from it the best passages and make a glossary of the main terms with the respective translations so maybe somebody will start listening to me. Sorry for my bad grammaticks, maybe I have contracted the virus vía contagion. The first organ that is attacked is the brain.

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That's a really good observation!

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