This is in fact one of the pillars of the entire narrative: To destroy meaningful and compassionate contact, to do unto others as they have done to you and above all else, Divide and Rule. We all know that Regulatory Capture is in full effect and has been for a while. If these agencies care so much then the why the smear campaigns, the c…
This is in fact one of the pillars of the entire narrative: To destroy meaningful and compassionate contact, to do unto others as they have done to you and above all else, Divide and Rule. We all know that Regulatory Capture is in full effect and has been for a while. If these agencies care so much then the why the smear campaigns, the coercion and the attempts to literally deprive people of their livelihood...? It does not add up and I call BS.
Correct. The only time that these agencies use words like "Caring, compassion, greater good, etc." is when they are trying to most effectively weaponize language, which is ALL THE TIME.
This is in fact one of the pillars of the entire narrative: To destroy meaningful and compassionate contact, to do unto others as they have done to you and above all else, Divide and Rule. We all know that Regulatory Capture is in full effect and has been for a while. If these agencies care so much then the why the smear campaigns, the coercion and the attempts to literally deprive people of their livelihood...? It does not add up and I call BS.
Correct. The only time that these agencies use words like "Caring, compassion, greater good, etc." is when they are trying to most effectively weaponize language, which is ALL THE TIME.