What about Sen. Rand Paul? He also is an advocate

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Ron is warrior of God against satanic NWO puppets.

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Done. Ron is a hero.

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There are only four elected politicians going after Fauci, Pharma and the WEF by name and without backing down.

Ron Johnson, Jeff Van Drew ,Rand Paul and Ron DeSantis.. That’s it. Because the UniParty is all dirty. It was W that green lighted Fauci’s Gain Of Function research.

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$ won't do it. He needs elimination of machines and software. As incumbent he has market presence and name recognition. Fake/adjusted ballots will be dropped to match algorithm if uniparty wants him removed. Wake up America!

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You need to talk to him about his other policies.

Like the whole voter ID thing... that's likely a Trojan horse for vaccine passports.

And I don't know if he's one of those extremely pro-life Republicans but it's hypocritical to be against vaccine mandates and in favor of pregnancy mandates.

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The best thing you can do to help Ron Johnson is burn a vote drop box.

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Done! I also set up the 7/9 donation. Thank you for the wealth of information you provide!

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Senator Johnson really is awesome, a beacon of hope.

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I’ll help him!

And who can help me? Universities like Santa Clara are requiring boosters for attendance in the fall! There is NO benefit at all for these kids to get boosters regardless of what one thinks about the vaccines! It’s insanity! It should be illegal. I’m astounded they can get away with it! My body my choice only if it’s to abort a baby but never when it’s about shooting a drug into your body. I’m livid and heartbroken at the same time…

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Do not comply. If enough people simply said NO it would have ended before it began.

Use Catherine Austin Fitts, (the Solari Report,) documents, read Jeff Childers advice concerning religious exemptions, (Covid and Coffee, on Substack,) read the Pacific Justice Institute's information, and get tested for antibodies.

Study the law and religious exemptions, become exceedingly well-informed, and STAND YOUR GROUND.

If they deny you an education or employment for refusing an injection which might kill or sterilize you, and which doesn't not stop infection or transmission, and is against your deepest held convictions, find another organization to work with, and SUE the HELL out of the one you left.

At least that would be my path forward. But never would I be force injected with these toxic products.

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Unfortunately my daughter didn’t care enough. And her doctor told her it was the unselfish thing to do…🙄

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Screw SCU. I've donated some $ to them in past. No more. Will encourage my nephew alumni to stop his contribution as well.

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If you are interested in a religious exemption, contact Liberty Counsel. They have been very successful dealing with Universities. My daughter contacted them last year seeking guidance against mandates while at UF Vet School. They replied very quickly. I hope you find help!

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Thank you!

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I also have a leader ship contestant form of people versus military industrial complex full name Repub-Dem military industrial complex. So with contract with IRS in position to end inflation and system

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I filled out the online form but when I clicked donate, nothing happened. So I'll just try to do it through his normal website.

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Same problems I have. Then I got email from Senator Ron Johnsons/ confirmation@winred.com to complete my donation.


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Donated and shared on Truth : )

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"He is the only guy in Congress that gives a damn about the vaccine injured. The rest are in complete denial that the vaccine could hurt anyone. ... the Republicans need to take control of the Senate. Then we have a good chance to stop the vaccines and end the insanity."

The contradiction in what you're saying should be obvious.

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Republicans are the reason why this vaccine from Hell got unleashed on us.

All they will do is pass tax cuts and deregulation for Big Pharma (not that the Dems are much better than that anymore) and Operation Warp Speed 2.0 for a Moderna monkeypox vaccine (there's already a vaccine that's been tested for years already and is safer than the old smallpox vaccine, called Jynneos, but if they still believe Moderna's bullshit about being able to manufacture it faster...)

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Jul 1, 2022
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If I'd only seen the hearings (and it's still a mystery to me why he did the right thing in that regard) I'd have a good impression of Johnson. But I know he's otherwise just a grifter like the great majority in Congress. Have the Republicans made any attempt to prevent the Democrats' horrific handling of COVID? Will anything change if they get back into power? Will Fauci be fired (if COVID doesn't do us all a favor regarding him)? Will the FDA be rendered less corrupt? I think you know the answers to all these questions.

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I think maybe his heart is in the right place but he's got some other positions that are problematic and not completely thought out.

Like the voter ID thing for example. Look into it. It's probably a Trojan horse for a vaccine passport system.

And I don't know if he's one of those extremely pro-life Republicans... but when it comes to vaccine mandates and pregnancy mandates it's hypocritical to be in favor of one and against the other. If you force people to carry their fetus to term, or to surrender the sovereignty of their own immune system on behalf of the immunocompromised, then you can also force them to donate their organs without permission... or maybe even force them to get an abortion... or get sterilized (Buck v. Bell was never overturned; it was justified by Jacobsen v. Massachusetts)

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The more we vote, the worse things get. But I think Johnson is the only one worth a damn.

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Primaries first and foremost, based on political awareness. Probably too much to expect from American voters.

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Senator Johnson is courageous. Hope my little bit helps him.

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This is patently absurd, Steve. Johnson is a radical right supporter of the interests of the 5% at the expense of everyone else. He is the enemy of working men and women, and nothing he has done regarding COVID-19 changes this. No one with an ounce of insight votes for a US Senator based on their activities on a single issue, ignoring the rest of what they are and what they advocate.

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You'll need to provide more than a blanket condemnation, in order to sway people. I've seen absolutely no reason to believe that Johnson's Democratic challenger offers anything better for the people of his state -- and I DO know that Senator Johnson's character is strong and honorable.

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What is honorable about supporting a fascist attempting a coup?

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I recall thinking of Sen Johnson in a similar light after Jan 6th when he was interviewed and suggested that there were many people who were walking like tourists through the Capital during the riots. I have since come to review 15 hours of footage of Johnson in action and my opinion of him could not be higher. He had wanted to retire but feels compelled to fill a void. He is genuine; a man of integrity. I hope that you will find it in your heart to investigate people independently from how they are portrayed as I think you will be surprised by the deception that abounds in our mediated world. If I may be so bold as to provide a link to a report that I wrote that features discussion of Senator Johnson with links to some resources that may be of interest.


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If you're referring to Trump and the January 6th demonstration, you're sadly naive and uninformed. Although I am not a Trump supporter, I wouldn't eliminate any candidate from consideration simply on the basis of their support for him. Biden and the Democratic Party have been no improvement.

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If you're serious in your use of that word, you're out of touch with reality and there is no point in future dialogue.

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It's pretty brainwashed to be against the vaccine yet still support Trump who unleashed it.

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Well said.

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Abortion--a single issue--has been the driver of many politician's campaigns and the only reason voters choose them. Pro and con. Medical freedom is a pretty large single issue.

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I want a candidate who unconditionally supports medical freedom, not only the kind that comes in a Democrat or Republican flavor.

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Jul 1, 2022
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His heart might be in the right place but he's drunken too much of the radical right Koolaid on other issues. People need to realize that giving tax cuts and deregulations to corporations does not help anyone and in fact is what created the monster that is experimental gene therapy mandates. Capitalism requires endless growth which means everything has to get shittier and shittier and we will probably end up with vaccines that are even shittier than that if that can be believed .

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