I am a RN and I will never understand why all physicians and other healthcare workers don’t unite and stand up against this blatant genocide. It is beyond apparent now that the vaccine is unsafe so why are healthcare workers still not doing anything? What has happened to fundamental morals and values? What about treating other the way yo…
I am a RN and I will never understand why all physicians and other healthcare workers don’t unite and stand up against this blatant genocide. It is beyond apparent now that the vaccine is unsafe so why are healthcare workers still not doing anything? What has happened to fundamental morals and values? What about treating other the way you want to be treated? What benefit are healthcare workers getting by not speaking out besides keeping a crappy job?
The jobs aren't really crappy, and it's important to a lot of them. But what drives most of them is ego. They need the status, and the acceptance. It's the same insecurity that drives others to take vax and wear masks. They need to be part of the club.
A job as a nurse is hard work both physically and mentally. It’s not really crappy but definitely not easy. I have seen so much suffering and death. On top of that, employers want to dictate your life and health choices. You are forced to take the flu shot every year which I don’t agree with. The years I’ve taken the flu shot I’ve been more sick then when I haven’t. Then I can’t smoke a cigarette on hospital property because it is ruled by Medicare laws but our wonderful government doesn’t have a problem taxing the hell out of those cigarettes that are more addictive than heroin. Our healthcare system is corrupt and insurance is the biggest scam in the world. If I ran a business like an insurance company did I would be in prison. Racketeering is a federal crime and insurance companies commit it everyday. To see all this first hand is hard to watch. Then I get to see useless even more damaging treatments being used on patients. For example radiation and chemicals cause cancer so please explain to me why this day and age, we are still using them as first line treatments for cancer? Because big Pharma doesn’t want you or me to be healthy or get better because then they won’t make money. Patients are literally being murdered because of a piece of paper known as a dollar bill means more then a human life. It’s very sad and beyond corrupt, pure evil that has long been embedded in our country.
you are so right on the judgment part. You cannot make a decision without making a judgment based on the information that you have. I get so tired of people saying I don't judge.
I am a RN and I will never understand why all physicians and other healthcare workers don’t unite and stand up against this blatant genocide. It is beyond apparent now that the vaccine is unsafe so why are healthcare workers still not doing anything? What has happened to fundamental morals and values? What about treating other the way you want to be treated? What benefit are healthcare workers getting by not speaking out besides keeping a crappy job?
The jobs aren't really crappy, and it's important to a lot of them. But what drives most of them is ego. They need the status, and the acceptance. It's the same insecurity that drives others to take vax and wear masks. They need to be part of the club.
A job as a nurse is hard work both physically and mentally. It’s not really crappy but definitely not easy. I have seen so much suffering and death. On top of that, employers want to dictate your life and health choices. You are forced to take the flu shot every year which I don’t agree with. The years I’ve taken the flu shot I’ve been more sick then when I haven’t. Then I can’t smoke a cigarette on hospital property because it is ruled by Medicare laws but our wonderful government doesn’t have a problem taxing the hell out of those cigarettes that are more addictive than heroin. Our healthcare system is corrupt and insurance is the biggest scam in the world. If I ran a business like an insurance company did I would be in prison. Racketeering is a federal crime and insurance companies commit it everyday. To see all this first hand is hard to watch. Then I get to see useless even more damaging treatments being used on patients. For example radiation and chemicals cause cancer so please explain to me why this day and age, we are still using them as first line treatments for cancer? Because big Pharma doesn’t want you or me to be healthy or get better because then they won’t make money. Patients are literally being murdered because of a piece of paper known as a dollar bill means more then a human life. It’s very sad and beyond corrupt, pure evil that has long been embedded in our country.
you are so right on the judgment part. You cannot make a decision without making a judgment based on the information that you have. I get so tired of people saying I don't judge.