Thank you for all you do! God bless.

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Have you seen this Steve? It mentions MIT. This is the sort of thing we're all up against... https://uk.yahoo.com/news/disputed-scientific-paper-shared-false-083714029.html

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Please stop calling these patho-jabs, vaccines.

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Great work!!!!

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Wonder what it could be? And others suddenly dying listed at end of report....hmmm


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Thanks Steve! It is mindblowing, with all the bullet points, that people's proverbial heads are still in the sand. With all the data available, all the rabbit holes to go down, people still cannot believe that our "authorities" or as Sean from the Sgt report says "The powers that ought not be" tell it to us - we should blindly believe it... Waking up is a hard (red) pill to swallow

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"They really do not care about the planet. This is all an excuse because the monetary system is collapsing. Keynesian economic was demand economics but the US had a balanced budget in the 1930s. Government became socialist and spent endlessly just borrowing year after year with no intention of paying anything bacl The ECB went to negative interest rates in 2014 and secrewed up the entire monetary system. They cannot continue to borrow endlessly. The UK bond crisis was because the long-end is finished. They now need war as the excuse to default on all debt and move to Bretton Woods II with digital currency.

They are not doing this for the planet or the people. This is all about how do they survive - nothing else. If they end up in WWIII with nukes flying everywhere, they will be in their bunkers deep undergroud and they then see that as OK for the herd is too big anyway. People like Schwab and Soros have one foot in the grave. Like an Egyptian Pharoch who his wife and slaves with him, they want to take the world with them. "

-Martin Armstrong armstrongeconomics.com

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>I asked, “Do you have any data to back that up?” She said, “I don’t want to talk to you.”<

A large part of the population put their feelings ahead of evidence and reasoning. That's why democracy is so easy to turn into "conocracy", as Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew, was so good at.

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Many people who believe in vaccines cannot explain why they believe only that the government bribed TV-media and/or doctor told them they MUST get vaccinated in order to survive/keep their jobs etc with no real explanantion other than instilled fear and lies of contracting a so-called deadly virus therefore, many vaccinated people are STILL overlooking the facts that no one will be held accountable should they fall ill or die and no offered Informed Consent and no question as to vaccine ingredients...? Otherwise, they "might" feel guilty or intimidated by the fact that they made an obvious uninformed wrong choice but will never admit that because they suffer the constant Justin Trudeau/Fake Biden syndrome!! If Fake Biden can get away with blaming hurricanes on the unvaccinated isn't that proof that climate issues like Seed Clouding are controlled not natural? Where does this all end?

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The MSM synchronized liars have started recognizing vaccine injuries. Well, actually, they blame covid itself of course. The vics should have gotten more boosters I guess.


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Steve, great list.

Here are three more personal anecdotes inconsistent with ‘safe and effective’. (You used one of them in an article before).

(1) I am a professor and on my LinkedIn I have about 1,000 connections. No connection died and no post about a connection of a connection died prior to 2021, except for one suicide. In 2021-22, three professors - two who I knew to speak to - died suddenly and unexpectedly. These two were both under sixty years old.

(2) Now I also work for a multinational. In one of its offices where I work there are roughly 55 scientists in it. On Monday of this week I was informed that one of them, a woman of age ~40, died on Friday following the birth of her son 3 weeks ago. But it was not the childbirth that killed her. It was aggressive cancer discovered at the birth which killed her in three weeks. The next day - yesterday - I was informed that the wife of one of my colleagues in the same company, also in their forties, was dead from cancer which started just a few weeks ago. She leaves her husband and their young toddler son.

At the same site, a colleague in the office next to mine in his sixties, slim, healthy-looking developed a mini stroke a few weeks back. He went to get his flu jab the other day.

This company does not mandate c19 shots but it heavily promoted them and is now offering the flu jab.

Summary. 55 people. Almost all had the jab. Two deaths (one a wife) under 50 years old in previously healthy person from aggressive cancers. One mini stroke in person about sixty.

(3) Finally, prior to this company I was at another one which I left due to effectively mandating the shot. It had around 40 scientists. They went on an ‘away week’ in France just after I left the company. It transpires that they had an outbreak of C19 on this trip, all of them ‘fully jabbed’ as you had to be to go to France at that time, and had to lock down in a chateau for two weeks while they were there!

They are just anecdotes. But I still have not had c19.

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Don’t discount your anecdotes. They are important evidence of jab harms! So many are waking up, now they’ve experienced what you have.

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>They are just anecdotes.<

Right- but they are valid signs of short term dangers associated with the vaX, and longer term?

The Salk polio vaccine cultured on Rhesus monkey kidneys that contained a type of virus that caused cancer, apparently caused a wave of soft part cancers in the years and decades following the Salk vaccinations.

And when the authorities are covering up data, what else can you use but anecdotes?

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Keep up the great work Steve,we are behind you with support

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Nice list Steve.

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Indicting evidence....more officials must be subpoenaed to defend their actions which have resulted in deaths or injuries.

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You’re 100% correct excellent work I thank you for it Dr. Herzog

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Steve, I posted this on LinkedIn calling you a super misinformation spreader and crazy.

LinkedIn took it down. I guess they don't want people being warned about you.

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