Sounds great.......utopian, even. You both definitely know what needs to happen!

However, on all these points,

neither of you mention even once the step by step plans you evidently have to actually REALIZE any of your plans and bring them into ACTUAL FRUITION within the corrupt state that the world is in.

Helpless? Yes you ARE.

Mankind has been going its own way for years and what has it gotten us?

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All of these measures are excellent, and will make a difference, but they all miss the fundamental problem here. The reason that we have a chronic disease epidemic, the reason that medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy , and the reason that life-expectancies are getting shorter has nothing to do with any of RFK Jr.'s recommendations. The reason at the root of all of this travesty is simple: Since 1915 medicine has organized itself into a monopolized dictatorship - with BigPharma and the MDs in charge of all-things-medical. We need Medical Freedom - a non-monopolized medical market. My colleagues and I have been curing disease for hundreds of years, but are not allowed a seat at the table because of the medical monopoly that most people (including, regretfully, Mr. Kennedy) are not even aware of.

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1. Let doctors be doctors instead of telling them what to do

2. Protect the free speech of doctors by prohibiting retaliation for anything that is said

4. Revoke the medical license for any doctor in America recommending any vaccine

12. Make it a criminal offense for doctors to knowingly remain silent when people are being killed by a medical recommendation.

1 and 2 seem to conflict with 4 and 12.

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Kamala Harris will continue on business as usual. She has no interest in anything except power and money. Do you think she would make any changes to benefit the country or the USA health is very naïve. If anything, she will continue mandating vaccines potentially to everyone. What did Joe Biden do? Mandated the COVID-19 vaccine. US healthcare policy is run by the drug companies and the healthcare industry. Their only goal is maximizing revenue with no accountability.

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Most doctors have been to corrupted by the medical school system to really even be able to help patients back to good health. I say let more holistic doctors practice more openly and have their services covered by insurance. This is why so many people stay sick because they can’t afford holistic doctors and the treatments because they have to pay out of pocket.

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And your #10 item should be amended to add seed oils to the list of discouraged “food” ingredients.

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I like Steve’s plan better. RFK Jr’s plan sounds like socialism, because it is proposed by a socialist.

For example, I don’t care what SNAP recipients buy. They make similarly bad choices as most other Americans. I don’t think mandating what people can and can’t eat will solve anything, and such policies never end well.

Secondly, who’s the arbiter of determining when a conflict of interest exits and to what degree? Sounds like more government control that will end up where it always does… more corruption.

Last example: requiring health classes? WTF?

None of RFK Jr’s 12 step plan to greater government bureaucracy focuses on the great fraud that is our American heath system and the necessary accountability that needs to happen to dissuade it. A greater proportion of American generations are facing significantly and rapidly declining health because we have a system designed to do what it is achieving. More gubberment programs will just obfuscate the problem.

I vote for Steve.

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Sep 10·edited 11 hrs ago

I have been a chiropractor since 1983. All of these things we were talking about for ever, it's been extremely frustrating to know that we were speaking the true science but being called the quacks.

I can tell you however that even though your plan is great, it's too ambitious too fast. It's not going to happen especially things like taking the licence of physicians recommending vaccines.... I get where you are coming from but it will give you big rebuke that is going to backfire. Better go at it slower and gradually. Most people are not ready for the truth yet. Thank you for all you do!

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I like your plan to make America healthy, for a change better, and would like to see the points of both adopted. But is RFK Jr's current plan his REAL plan? We know if he mentions the V-word, he'll get nowhere, except perhaps canceled or outright whacked, to use Mafia parlance.. He HAS TO go around the end to get there. He's a clever fellow, so methinks he has a plan for that.

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Kamala Harris would throw both these plans in the trash. She’s is not interested in making any changes for the better for the people of the country.

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You both have good plans. I would have picked both if I could. Something needs to be done for sure to clean up this big toxic mess!

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if we could combine Steve's and Rfk Jr. that would be awesome. but I have to say I like Steve's better, I think everyone that sit back and let this happen is guilty. should everyone get the same amount of punishment? as much as I hate to say this. no I think the ones at the top should be severe, the ones that followed and was ordered maybe a little less. I say this with a heavy heart because the vaccine killed my husband of 43 1/2 years, he was my everything and I miss him. 😔

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If doctors were required to take nutrition classes, they would study the same broken curriculum that dietary professional follow. In the hospital diabetics getting their toes amputated can still eat pancakes while the skinny old men with high cholesterol aren't allowed bacon or caffeine...

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I want a combination of Steve and RFK jr's plan. I just couldn't decide which is better

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Let doctors be doctors instead of telling them what to do: Agreed, but first, teach doctors something about healing instead of teaching them how to prescribe a pill for every ill.

Protect the free speech of doctors by prohibiting retaliation for anything that is said. Agreed, but I would also add written to said, and add that informed consent must always be given.

Get rid of the liability protection for vaccine manufacturers Yes, yes, yes!

Revoke the medical license for any doctor in America recommending any vaccine. I would tend to add “which has not been conclusively demonstrated by the weight of evidence from independently conducted scientific studies to have benefits that outweigh the risk.

End the mandates. Make it illegal to require vaccination as a requirement to attend school or work. Yes, yes, yes!

Replace the head of the CDC and FDA with someone who recognized the dangers early. I would say with someone who is interested in public health, not greasing the palms of big Pharma and wealthy investors. And make them answerable to a public integrity commission staffed by citizens on a rotating basis, who look for evidence of malfeasance.

Make all public health data publicly accessible, especially the record level data Yes!

Make it a criminal offense for drug companies to manipulate clinical trial data, commit fraud, or conceal evidence of a safety problem. Prosecute offenders. Yes!

Hold regular public debate forums inviting qualified scientists on both sides of an issue to debate to help resolve important questions like whether vaccines cause autism. This would require journals to stop accepting funds from pharmaceutical industry. Then debate could occur in the pages of the journals, instead of the journals refusing to publish articles or opinions unfavorable to big Pharma

Encourage Americans to stick with unprocessed foods and avoid added sugar (including HFCS). Also non-GMO, organic, and local foods. Create educational programs in schools to begin using accurate dietary information to the public.

Compensate victims of vaccine injury. Fairly

Make it a criminal offense for doctors to knowingly remain silent when people are being killed by a medical recommendation. Hard to make this one practical, as it could be abused to falsely bad jacket people opposed to you, but yes, silence can be a killer and the responsibility to report or at least publicly discuss apparent harms needs to be promoted.

Criminally prosecute the people at the CDC who ordered William Thompson to destroy the evidence linking vaccines and autism and those who went along with the fraud. They should be locked up for the rest of their lives for what they did. We need to send a message that people will be held accountable for clear scientific fraud. Yes, yes, and yes!

Great job with these suggestions, Steve!

Here are a few more ideas:

Clearly we need to make health care less costly.

Less money must be siphoned off to components of the health care system that don't directly enhance the health of the population

Primary care must become the lynchpin of health care, as the chief producer of preventive medicine and good health. It must be rendered more lucrative and less stressful. PCP's must be empowered and trained in healing illnesses, not just treating them.

Primacy care physicians and other practitioners must be better trained in preventive medicine and health enhancing interventions.

The use of alternative treatments to pharmaceuticals must become part of the curriculum for conventionally trained health care practitioners. They are frequently safer and less expensive options for patients with chronic illness. Health practitioners must have at least a fundamental understanding of certain basic alternative treatment methodology, and how to implement in lieu of pharmaceutical or surgical treatment.

Health care practitioners must be trained in what health is, how to maintain it, how to enhance it, and how to restore it.

Market systems must be implemented to control costs and improve quality, replacing the top down tyrannical system of health care which is controlled by pharmaceutical companies and their investors, acting through medical "thought leaders". Non-punitive. incentives must be introduced that would make health care practitioners strive to provide better health care, and healthier patients, and would make the population more motivated to improve their own health.

HHS must be made, preferably by an act of Congress, to lose its regulatory authority over health care. It has parasitized healthcare and proven to be better at protecting the interests of big Pharma that those of the people. HealthCare needs to have standards of care codified by independent experts in medical care from a multidisciplinary team. Healthcare needs to be self-regulated, with input from the consumer, and alternative health care disciplines, not just big Pharma or the Medical profession.

Health savings account should be considered in lieu of health insurance, as it makes people more involved in their own treatment, more mindful of what they are purchasing, and more apt to figure out how to get a better use of their health care dollars.

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Steve - Every American should know about the FLEXNER REPORT of 1910 and how it changed the medical practice in North America. The majority of medical professionals do not even know why they were taught that prescription drugs offered the only answer to cure illness. For example, nutrition was removed from the curriculum of all medical schools.

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