I would LOVE to see a stopping of ALL federal money that goes to any entity using animals for "research". Work with The White Coat Waste Project to stop the use of animals in these horrible labs. Almost ALL of these torturous horrific experiments are a total waste of taxpayer money - they do this to these helpless animals because they get money for it, and the results have already been proven, and are of little to no use for people. It has to stop. AI actually can replace animals in drug research, much less expensive and far faster - they can have an answer in minutes as opposed to years of animals suffering.

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Combine the two but do more. Have it voted into law. I believe vaccines should be a choice of parents for children and should not be required for schools. I also believe the health benefits of raw milk should be researched more. Anything that is heated loses nutrients and sometimes it's not best to be so cautious. States should allow the citizens to decide on that issue. I personally believe God provided everything we need to keep our bodies in healthy condition but we rely on the government to make decisions and they have allowed poisons in our food, beverages, medication, etc. for the purpose of power and money. Government needs reduced most people can make the best decisions for themselves when allowed.

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I'm sure big pharma is "advertising" in lot more countries. It may not be through any of the media outlets; but in backroom wheeings and dealings by the unscrupulous people like Gates and Fauci with alphabet organizations here in the US and abroad.

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We all know Kennedy won’t go far enough! His heart is still with the Democrat party even if his head is with us. We need to go scorched earth on gov’t agencies and Big Pharma! Anything less is just meant to appease us for awhile. Not good enough. They lied and people died!!!

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Also, Emergency Powers must have an end date. Abuse of emergency powers is a continual problem that suspends public debate.

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Additionally, remove the protection of corporations as "people." The 14th amendment was not created and ratified originally to protect corporations. This interpretation by the Supreme Court is in error.

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I don’t understand; Steve Kirsch supported Kennedy why then would they be in competition for the “better plan”. I respect and support both and would simply hope they would coalesce on a dual strategy moving forward. It seems counterproductive to put forward individual plans asking which is better. I am Cdn, a subscriber to Steve Kirsch and ardently support both but this email has me confused. As Cdns with our own contentious upcoming 2025 election, I admit, we are looking south for answers - I just don’t see competing voices for the same beliefs as a win - win. Thank you, E. Jane Matejka

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Combine both plans but they must include repealing the Prep Act too.

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I like BOTH. But how about geoengineering? See geoengineeringwatch.org

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I like BOTH. But how about geoengineering? See geoengineeringwatch.org

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Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin. It is a seco-steroid having immunosuppressive effects and allowing the proliferation of the microbiome over time. It shuts the immune system down by blocking the VDR. Low D levels are a result of this, not the case.

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Yeah - the reforms are desperately needed and well reasoned.

But to be long lasting, most of them will need to be in the form of laws, not just executive orders , prosecutions and personnel changes.

That means the corrupt Congress will have to be enlisted..... the corrupt garbage Congress.

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Why not do both lists?

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Steve, thank you...Stay strong...Keep sharing this information..

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Sounds great.......utopian, even. You both definitely know what needs to happen!

However, on all these points,

neither of you mention even once the step by step plans you evidently have to actually REALIZE any of your plans and bring them into ACTUAL FRUITION within the corrupt state that the world is in.

Helpless? Yes you ARE.

Mankind has been going its own way for years and what has it gotten us?

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