Wow, he just gave an interview admitting that climate change is being used by Gates and the WEF to bring about totalitarianism - just like Covid.

There might be hope for him yet. The Dems will never allow him to be their candidate though.

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I appreciated Bobby Kennedy's comments on Vanguard, which like Blackwater and Blackrock are the vampires in this economy.

I spoke with a young fellow today who went through the probationary period at Vanguard and then was offered a "contractor" position there. Suffice it to say, he was not thrilled and sued them for breach of contract! He got a significant settlement out of court. All the hedge funds are crooked to some extent, how else would they compete?

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It was a great speech, and there was so much that I agreed with--particularly on health freedom protection (no forced vaxxes!), avoiding unjustified wars, croney capitalism and captured regulatory agencies that want to control people in times of "emergencies." There is no perfect candidate, but 2nd amendments rights, stemming the overreach of power by the environmental movement (2030), and pro-life advocacy for the pre-born are important issues to me, also.

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I've thought about it. and one of the main reasons he is running as a Democrat is that's really the only place he can run. He's not going to get anywhere in the Republicon Party because he would have to run against Trump and Desantis. I was chastised for "not looking at the big picture." But the big picture is the Democrat Party is absolutely terrible in every way from from my perspective. There is nothing they do that I approve of. or makes my life better. Right out of the box when Hillary lost the election, they didn't accept it, and instead started up the Russian collusion hoax. They didn't support the border wall which I contributed to out of my own pocket. Eventually the Southern District of New York stole the money I contributed. After the Mueller probe which ended proving nothing, and costing a lot of money. Then they started up the 1st impeachment hoax which again just sucked Trump's presidency down and proved nothing. Then they stole the 2020 election. There was a mountain of evidence of the fraud, but no court would hear the case. That doesn't prove the election was honest, It just proves the court system is both derelict, and corrupt. Trump had a statistically insurmountable lead by 11:00 PM in Denver Colorado. Then we woke up the next day to find out the election was stolen. After that the Dems engineered the alleged insurrection with agent provocateurs like Ray Epps. All those people didn't come to Washington DC because they thought the election was above board. They came because they knew it was stolen. Then the undemocratic Dems started up a 2nd impeachment of Trump based on no evidence whatsoever. They shafted us with Demented Joe who is so bad I can't even go into all of it, but he set out to completely destroy the country and reverse all the good that Trump was able to accomplish. It was Demented Joe who issued the injection mandates, not Trump. Now the dirty undemocratic Dems are sets to shaft us again with Demented Joe, when it's obvious they should have gotten rid of him and Kwanzala after their 1st week in the White House. Even RFK Jr. says the Democrat Party is crap. The big picture is we need to get rid of the communist totalitarian dictatorship known as the Democrat Party. I don't give a crap about RFK Jr. since he has signed on the American Communist Party. He's just like every other politician that is out exclusively for himself. He's even stated he will be a dictator if the election is stolen for him. God save us from Demented Joe and Kwanzala, the racist. For the record, I voted for Obama twice.

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The Democratic Party is the last remaining remnant of the USA period of slavery. That slavery gene has NEVER been bred out of them. Even today they talk of all kinds of restrictions on your freedom. They simply moved their plantation from private ownership of people to government ownership. Its disheartening to still see people in tech support that party and its human ownership ideals. The people in tech benefited from freedom but now support the party that is enslaving us. WHY?

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For starters, it's the undemocratic Democrat Party; not a democratic party.

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Many people seem to be smitten by Junior's sound bites, but per Wikipedia, "Kennedy has written frequent warnings about the ease of election hacking and the dangers of voter purges and voter ID laws." Doesn't he want honest elections? Dangers of voter purges? Does he want dead people to remain on the voter rolls? Dangers of voter I.D. laws? Does he mean he is against the "dangers" of honest elections? That alone should turn off anyone who does not want rigged elections.


Why is he running on the party of evil? How could the "Democratic" Party possibly allow someone to come into office who might undo the damage Biden has done to the country in the name of progressiveness? How would Junior fix the party? Or doesn't he intend to? Or does this mean that Junior is not telling the people the truth? Suppose he were to become president? Does anyone think he would not be taking office saddled with the baggage of the far left Fascists that have been controlling the party for quite some time? Can anyone imagine the left letting him take office with the possibility of him saying that while he believes the future is electric cars, the way to do it is not by government coercion? The far left need not be concerned about his reinstating fossil fuels, drilling, fracking or more pipelines. His history indicates that he would not. Can anyone imagine the left allowing him to say that trans people should form their own sports leagues, as the physically handicapped did so well? Can anyone imagine the left letting him survive in office if he doesn't call everyone racist if they do not agree with him? Can anyone imagine the left allowing him to punish those responsible for the COVID and "vaccine" fiascoes? when it is the left who are mainly responsible for all the damage? Can anyone imagine the left letting him live if he does not toe the party line? Look at his bio in Wikipedia. It is clear that the left hates his guts for his position as an anti-vaxer. So why is he running as a Democrat? Has he got a death wish? Does he want to become irrelevant (a fate worse than death for most public figures)? Is the fact that he is running the real reason the DNC has decided not to have debates? An an avid (some might say fanatic) lawyer environmentalist, Junior has to love lawsuits and regulations, but does he love them so much that he will be another Biden? Given that all his experience has been in regulating and litigating will he over focus on those areas to the exclusion of other matters? There is no doubt that since his young heroin days he has done a lot of good things, but will he see everything as class action law suits where the lawyyers make the money and the people get peanuts? While there are things to like about RFK, Jr., there are many things to be wary of. He has been anti-mining, anti nuclear power, anti-hydropower. That leaves windmills and solar panels, but mining is essential to get the materials needed for both and he is against mining.

So watch out. He is probably not what he wants people to think he is, and the policies he likely prefers will not make Americans better off.

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All great points, he is good on ONE issue the rest he is just as authoritarian as Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats. Their is video of him saying "climate deniers" should be jailed. So if you disagree with the narrative of whatever they say climate change is you are on their list of people to be jailed. He likes big intrusive government on nearly everything else, from energy to taxes to firearms he supports government control. People are enamored by him, they are not askig serious critical questions on his other stands, its beginning to look like a cult following. That ALWAYS end badly

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Thanks for the tip. This might be the video you mentioned: https://www.climatedepot.com/2014/09/21/robert-f-kennedy-jr-wants-to-jail-his-political-opponents-accuses-koch-brothers-of-treason-they-ought-to-be-serving-time-for-it/ According to a 2014 article in Reason magazine, he denies wanting to jail "deniers", but at that time wanted laws to 'Execute' Climate Villain Corporations and Think Tanks. I'd only want a law like that for people running organizations that cooperate with government to lie about an ever-changing climate being an existential threat. LOL Seriously, when prominent people start talking about more and more restrictive laws and "executing" corporations for their opinions, comparisons with Hitler are appropriate. Who can be certain he is not that fanatical?

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Youtube has removed that video.

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FYI - I fixed the video plus added an additional clip on the bottom


No more using YouTube for anything that may be perceived as being the slightest bit controversial

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Thanks, I just watched it. Not sure which link you added, though. At any rate, he doesn't mention that the mRNA vaccines don't do what vaccines are supposed to do, prevent infection and prevent transmission. He doesn't mention that in the main the people that are coercing the use of these dangerous vaccines are those in the party in which he wants to run for president. Does he really think they will easily give up those big bucks and the power that money buys? I could go on and on, but I will just finish by saying I still think he is a phony like his uncle Chappaquiddick Ted.

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That wasn't the purpose of the blog I wrote and the clips I chose to embed. So if you actually read my blog, you would have realized that what he said in the main video I included was from 2015 before covid and mRNA vaccines. So, what you're noting is pretty much a different discussion and nothing to do with what I wrote and shared.

Though, yes, contrary to what you replied- more broadly- taking away the pharmaceutical industry indemnity and taking away their ability to advertise on tv and other media, will most definitely hurt Big Pharma's revenues streams and ability to capture media, and the government. I'm assuming you know what indemnity in a legal sense means.

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Wow, f'ing surreal. I will have to load it up on rumble instead. The thought police won't let anyone think for his or her self.

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If RFK jr is to have a chance the election must be legitimate.

Steve please bring your considerable talents to the election problem. Or at least your awareness.


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So many negative comments about RFK jr, but they still support psychopaths that push the bioweapon shots. They are so afraid of Rfk jr stance against corporate greed and pollution policies that destroy land, farm, air, water supply, food supply, while they don't realized 70% of Americans are jabbed and the bioweapon shots are not stopped yet, so the pain, suffering, sudden deaths will continue on to the next generation, and none of the other politicans (Sniffy Joe, Warpspeed Don, Lockdown Follower Ron) have the courage, honesty, intelligence to fight the deep state (pharma, truth suppression, violations of Constitution at least under Bush-Obama-Trump-Biden, big gov corruption, crony big business, Military industrial complex, medical tyranny, corrupt bureaucrats like Fauci, spy agencies...so on)

RFKjr has the passion to take on the establishment more than Trump (soft on his political handlers and bureaucrats) or DeSantis (follow where the wind blows)

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One huge difference: RFK Jr. is running on the undemocratic ticket, and that makes him a non starter. Even Kim Iversen tells him that:


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It shows that Kim don't get it, the issue that the bioweapon shots are still being pushed in the country is an important, urgent issue, and the bioweapon shots must be stopped. But the people that won't recognize the harm, the historic deaths and injured victims will not engage in this fight, or give big pharrma a pass, or even double down on the "safe and effective" lie.

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Kim is uninformed outside of her bubble, so she was not aware of the bioweapon injections topic. Look at the substack that Steve Kirsch posted on the Kim Iverson show, she's not that sharp.

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Thanks for posting the link to her interview with Steve. I get what you are saying and agree, but as I watch her, she seems to be changing quite a bit. Her tune is changing significantly. She used to seem very anti-Trump, but now she seems to be turning MAGA. Let's hope RFK Jr. does the same. Keep in mind I don't like establishment Republicons at all. I was kicked off some Substack run by some mainstream Republicon who was supporting Desantis. The reason he kicked me off was I supported Trump. So far that's the only Substack where I've had a problem. Youtube regularly deletes my comments in a shadow banning style. They don't tell you they are deleting it and why. The comments just disappear when you refresh the page. As for the Substack "Truth" guy, he seems to be some sort of Israeli op. Perhaps he's a Mossad agent working for the CIA. I really don't know, but it certainly seems like it when he claims to be a Republican, and starts banning people for supporting a former Republican president who appears to be the victim of "democratic" election fraud.

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Yeah, but once she left the idiots on the Hill she has changed significantly. What really bugs me are people who complain endlessly about Democrats, and then immediately refer to the them as "democratic". To control the narrative, you have to control the language. Republicons in particular aren't doing that. Some do but many don't. I've said it over and over from the outset that RFK Jr. running as a Dem is very bad news. He just gives a very dishonest racist party some credibility. It's somewhat unclear exactly who and how many killed his uncle and father, but it wasn't Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan.

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RFKjr believes he can rally the American people, the Dems that are tired of Sniffy Joe, the Reps that are tired of RINOS and Warpspeed Don, to take back the country that is being stolen by establishment politicians and crony corporations. Sniffy Joe and Warpspeed Don are both big gov pushers, they showed the people they would violate the US Constitution under the guise of national emergency, so they could please their political handlers, please the political establishment, please the special interests (big pharma, big tech, big media, big banks, big medical, big healthcare, big insurance)..so they may win elections, such spinelessness is not leadership.

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You make good points, I like your Warpspeed Don nic. I just want to call pass interference and reset the clock. I liked Warpspeed better than illegitimate Demented Joe. Kennedy is OK as a person, he's just riding a horse that has a nasty disposition. One that is more than willing to rear up and stomp you into the ground.

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So it's your problem that you don't want to think bigger than party politics, and support someone with courage, integrity, intelligence to fight for We the People, the poor, the forgotten, the middle class Americans.

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It's a two party system and you have to recognize it. I can't change it. Kennedy needs to win the nomination before you can mount your donkey. I'll ride an actual horse when possible. I've said over and over, if he was running as a Republican, I would give him more consideration. Right now the animal he's riding is very dangerous, and I don't want to be near it.

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Bobby can encourage all the jabbed and boosted Americans to do class action lawsuits (70% jabbed Americans), families of living and dead victims can get compensations, that's a super majority + the support of the unjabbed Americans.

Don't forget the issue of Nuremberg 2.0, which can help fix the corruption.

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Tucker and Tulsi are possibly a good choice. Both are younger, and we need that. How close are they to the MAGA platform? Bring Trump in as Secretary of State, Attorney General, or Director of Immigration.

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Can't read the Epochtimes, but this action by the Dems supports my claim that they are completely undemocratic. We have the worst pretendent of all times who is stupidly running again, and they want no debate. It's complete insanity. These people saying they will vote for RFK. Let me clue you in. He has to win the Democrat primary first, and they aren't having one. The Democrat agenda is election fraud in every possible way they can pull it off.

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The RFK Jr speech on YouTube only shows 3.6K views as of this post, I am sorry to report.


Bless RFK Jr and keep him SAFE! everyone visualize a golden egg shell of divine protection around him. Thank you RFK Jr, thank you Steve for supporting his candidacy! Go RFK Jr! I cannot stand the sight of Biden whose appearance and behaviour illustrates an America in decline.

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I've never heard such a personally inspiring message from a politician. He has the right stuff, he knows his roots and wants to be loyal to the best of the nation's ideals in fighting corrupt corporations. I could not fault a word in his speech and he is an exemplary people person.

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Edit: I should have said Robert Kennedy's [vaccine injured' voice will be completely broken before he finishes the campaign.

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Kennedy vs Trump is win win. And I think it would be prudent for republicans in democrat strongholds to vote for Kennedy in primaries.

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