We ALL need to not just read this account of what Dr. Wagshul has endured, but we ALL MUST read it and ACT. Ask ourselves, what can I DO in my community to help people to know about Early Treatments. I recently made a business card using a snappy flag decorated template from the Vistaprint website. The card says TREAT EARLY. On the card I listed the FLCCC website, and a few other resources. I have 4500 of these cards and my friends (in several states) and I are spreading them around. At events we attend, Sometimes in a grocery store, At a restaurant, on a Walk. Anywhere. I can drop a hint, and get into a conversation in a few minutes about treatment. You will be surprised how easy this is. More and More many people have stories and questions; they are thirsting for this information about How do they protect themselves and their family. One waitress said to me, my son had covid, my mother sent me Iverm from Mexico and it worked. Then she explained her friend's brother was dying in ICU right then. She said to me, how can I get them Ivermectin, I haven't known how to get it and I have a friend in the ICU right now. Every day I meet people like the Wagshul's friends, people that do not Know. Please folks, Take ACTION. The FLCCC doctors, Malone, Bossche, McCullough, Zelenko.... Many others have been working so hard for us. We need to help them; shoulder some of their burden. The corruption is not going away. YOU can save lives too.

Fantastic article. I randomly chose Dr. Wagshul's office from the FLCCC list of doctors, to get my Iverm in May. Since then I've been on a rampage to inform my family, friends, strangers about Early Treatment. God bless Dr. Wagshul, his wife and his 2 friends, for sharing this story.

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BTW, Dr. McCullough's Dark Horse podcast with Bret Weinstein is a must see--- among other things, the good doctor is filing a law suit against Elsevir for taking down a piece he co-authored with Jessica Rose concerning vaccination young people... it is the final segment of the podcast for those that do not have the time to listen to it all...cheers

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People should listen to the entire podcast, it's fantastic.

Children, fatalities, injuries, treatment, incompetence, protocols, Tuskegee, Nuremberg, Helsinki, Aaron Rodgers, guidelines, "we are the prey".


Bret and Peter discuss it all:



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Spot on my friend.. it is brilliant as is this podcast with C.J. Hopkins who provides a historical perspective of how this began in the 1990s. https://odysee.com/@WinstonsWorld:a/GloboCap:0

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My favorite part is when RFK Jr. responds to Dershowitz's claim that drug companies would never knowingly release a drug they knew was harmful. I was very surprised Dershowitz asked the question as it clearly demonstrated he was unaware of the inherent mendacity of these companies.

The expressions on Dershowitz's face as RFK catalogues the crimes, the deaths, the cover ups and the multi billion dollar settlements, range from awe to disgust.

Dershowitz's question also highlights just how ignorant the general population is of Big Pharma's track record of doing just that.

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Thank you for posting this!!!! I’ve shared it with several people who had only heard media smears about RFK. It has opened their eyes!!!

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I haven't watched it, but plan to later when I have more time. But I'm confused a bit on Steve's statement about this debate. He says it was on the Covid vaccines, but they didn't exist in July 2020. I DO remember watching a debate between these two that was on general vaccine safety; is that what this is?

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They core of the debate was whether the government had authority to mandate vaccination, in the context of existing vaccines and the covid "vaccines" in development. Dershowitz contended yes, provided they were "safe and effective". Kennedy wrecked that premise, both for existing vaccines and the legal/regulatory structure itself, knocking the underpinning out from under any possible mandate argument. To my knowledge, no one has debated the mRNA treatments specifically.

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Yes if the evidence to support the safety and efficacy of vaccines existed, there would have been at least a couple open debates. None, zero, have taken place. In the past a few have been set up with nobody showing up on the "expert" safety side. They have all cancelled and now they won't even set up one. This should be alarming to everyone.

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Not true. There was the NIH debate a few days ago which nobody watched. And like a year ago Canadian health officials had a good debate that i saw. Probably nobody watched that either.

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Do you have a links to the video,debates?Thanks

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2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women


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Thanks for posting this. If ever there was a video that could/should open people's eyes about big pharma and vaccines, this is it. It did just that for me; I wish I had known much of this 20 years ago.

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Me too

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I am a huge fan of his. Thank you for sharing.

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Wow!!! Again, thank you, Steve, for sharing this video and for sharing your thoughts on this and much more! I have to thank Mr RFK for being able to articulately educating Dershowitz why any vaccines cannot be mandated. I hope Fauci or Paul Offit or ZdoggMD or any in the medical field can go on a recorded debate with you, RFK, or any doctors/scientists/experts with opposing views.

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New Data Suggests 1 in 44 US Children Affected by Autism


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I think to some degree it’s the medicalization of giftedness. They want to put us in a special ed class and treat us like we’re retarded and only allow stupid neurotypical rich kids into the gifted classes.

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True Story confirmed by RFK Jr. After Trump was elected in 2016, he called RFK Jr. and requested that they meet in Trump Tower to discuss a "National Vaccine Safety Commission". They met for several hours. A month later, Pfizer donated $1,000,000 to Trump's Inauguration Ceremony. After that, RFK Jr. was never contacted again. Trump did a lot of good things as President and is far superior to the Communists who control Biden. However, he is in bed with Big Pharma and that disqualifies him for 2024. Ron Desantis is the only option for Conservatives.

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What good things did Trump do as President? Asides from unleashing the vaccine from Hell on us he lifted the pause on gain of function research, and I’m pretty sure he’s behind Antifa as well. They’re his Brownshirts in a funny way.

Also the Biden administration aren’t Communists. If they were we would be getting a normal vaccine like the ones they use in Cuba and China.

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Have you filled your tank lately?

Best employment/ economy in ages.

Last president since Regan to harness the power of the US economy.

He took the globalist to task, threatened the CCP grip on our country and they unleashed the weapon Gates and Fauci helped to create.

Trump was ‘duped’ if I put it kindly in buying into the cabals cure, no doubt.

It’s up to the refounders now to save the world from a coming thousand year reign of the CCP dragon.


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💯 agree at this point.

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RFK Jr is a champion for health freedom and vaccine safety! I to know of nobody in congress who spoke out in his defense of being censored. These are the very symptoms of the totalitarian dictatorship now firmly in control of our government.

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We need to change how we phrase the censoring. Instead of "they censor everyone who doesn't agree" we really need to be saying "too often people wish their assumptions were actual facts so they censor any discussion that will prove their assumptions are factually wrong."

It's not about opinions or "disagreements. It's about debate and discussion being necessary to support objective truth or determine the best ideas.

We aren't changing minds on the need to free speech because we reduce it to "opinions" and "disagreements." It's much more than that. It's about objective truth and hearing competing ideas so the best one wins. It's not about opinions like favorite colors or sports teams, and we really need to stop complaining about it in such flippant language.

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Semantics-- and how do you think you are going to change peoples minds? changing the words and definitions? uh huh

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Agree. The suggestion isn't psychologically relevant, it's just nit-picking. I suppose any idea is better than no idea though.

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why not? It worked great to let males into women's sports and spaces

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🤯 I was a swimmer growing up. Never did so think my daughter would be getting beat up in club travel soccer by boys, or uninterested in really pursuing her incredible abilities in swimming, because a bunch of left wing misogynist losers decided to place the fragile feelings of men above the bodily integrity and fair competition for REAL girls and women.

If you were born with a Y chromosome you’re a dude no matter how many hormones you take or how much plastic surgery you get!!!!!!

This boys can be “real” girls lie is why I left the Dumocrat party.

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Let's keep this on point, yeah? We're all here as we have a common goal, and throwing sexism into the mix is highly contentious to say the least. Let's leave all the 'fragile feelings of men' nonsense out of this conversation. It helps nobody and will only create division amongst a group of people that MUST be united. Regardless of what you believe, it has no place here.

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So do you "believe" a biological man can "feel" his way into being a woman??? If so, how dare you oppose people who "feel" you should take a shot that prevents neither infection or spread, but would make them "feel" better about you participating in society? I mean you want to talk about actual science for the virus, but "leave out" the broader cultural denial of scientific fact as it relates to human bodies?

I'm not interested in "uniting" with people who only care about objective facts and actual science when it directly impacts them but can't be bothered with the denial of biological reality that doesn't directly impact them. Fair weather friends aren't actually friends or allies.

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And yet, you are trying to silence an actual woman????? This crap of denying science is ALL RELATED. You think you can hold the line on medical science, but we can't hold the line of biological fact????

The same people demanding useless shots are letting a MAN at UPenn destroy sports for women and girls. Sorry if you're too fragile to care or notice how these lies about science are impacting half the population born with only X chromosomes. You can't compartmentalize the denial of biological facts into what you feel like talking about.

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Oh, grow up for heavens sake. There are bigger things at stake here than your fragile ego.

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Nice straw man - where did I suggest changing any definition??? What we are doing isn’t working all that well, so rather than act like the left doubling down in what’s not working, maybe we should look at being more direct and accurate in why debate is necessary?

Doing the same thing over and over the exact same way and expecting a different result is insane - that doesn’t only apply to the Covid lunatics.

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As someone who was previously vaccine-injured, I have immense respect for this man and his work. It is so incredibly important, in my view, for both ourselves and our children. We've been lied to (for a very long time). The last two years are really just the icing on the cake.

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Steve - I'm sure this has been thought about, but what about making a small number of loud pro-vaxxer 'professionals' a target for debate? We could use social media platforms to shame these people into either debating or hiding in the corner - either result will show how disingenuous/corrupt/ill-informed these people are. For example, here in the UK there is Dr. Hilary Jones who has been very vocal about the unvaccinated (using completely fabricated statistics to push his twisted agenda) - there'll be many others of course. Careful targeting of a small number of particularly vocal people could pay dividends.

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