This question has been asked at autism conferences for close to 30 years. Before AutismOne there were the DAN! conferences (Defeat Autism Now!), organized by Bernie Rimland. Bernie was widely praised for getting the "refrigerator mother" theory rejected by just about everyone. He was widely (and justifiably) celebrated as a hero. He was a parent himself and very close to both the science and reality. But when he took the position that "the autism epidemic is real and overvaccination is its cause" he was ostracized.

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I was at the Autism One conference in 2014 when nearly every hand went up. Pediatricians purposely drag their feet on referrals for diagnoses. They want to get as many jabs in as possible. My son saw his first developmental pediatrician at 14 months - only because he has a twin and I could see the differences emerging. That developmental pediatrician noted that my son oriented to name, followed a point with nice joint attention and initiated eye contact. Likely just a speech delay. Come back in 6 months. In those 6 months, the pediatrician pressured me to continue vaccinating — said he had a neighbor’s cousin’s roommate’s baby who died from chicken pox when I said a varicella vaccine seemed ridiculous. He said he’d kick me out of the practice for not complying. I didn’t comply. But six months later, my son was diagnosed with autism by that same developmental pediatrician. He handed me a poorly photocopied brochure on ABA and left the room. Absolutely no professional curiosity about what transpired over those 6 months. Should we do an EEG, MRI, test for lysosomal storage disorders? Shrugged his shoulders. Didn’t know. Didn’t care. I only stopped vaccinating because I used to work on Wall St and I learned when something unexpected and inexplicable is happening, reasonable minds pull the trading circuit breaker and stop everything until the market cools down. Pediatricians don’t stop everything, they don’t pull a circuit breaker, even when parents have valid concerns that their toddler’s development is taking an unexpected and inexplicable turn. Of note: my twin with autism got HepB vaccine in the nursery without my consent. The twin without autism was in the NICU and did not.

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Wow! Your story is particularly helpful given the twin details. These painful stories just never stop. I’m grateful people are now finally waking up and able to speak out loud. This madness must stop.

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like war big money for death&. damage. and fat con tracts. to put right

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Thank you for sharing! So sorry. Some/many of these characters are disgusting!

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Thank you. I should add that my son is 18 now and doing really well. There’s a handful of doctors out there who understand and are willing to help; willing to stick their necks out and not be shills for pharma. We’ve had to cross the country a few times to see them. But he wouldn’t be where he is today without them. And for that I am grateful.

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Thanks for adding some good and happy parts to your story! 🙂 So there are some good guys out there as well.

All the best to you and your's

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I met a young single father of 3 children. 2 boys and 1 girl. During a customer hearing the judge said that not vaccinating their children was child abuse. One thing both parents had always agreed on was to never vaccinate their children. The youngest was 5 year old boy. All 3 children were in perfect health as most unvaccinated children are found to be. The judge said the first parent to take the children to a clinic of his choosing will be the parent that gets custody. The wife took the kids. Both boys were given 17 vaccines at one time. The girl was given 17 vaccines in 2 visits. Needless to say both boys ended up in the hospital. The older boy still suffers slightly but the little PERFECTLY normal 5 year boy is now a regressive, non verbal, not potty trained and never will be autistic 10 year old. The father cannot work because this child needs 24/7 care. The father is up every 2 hours to change his diapers. He is such a wonderful man. The little girl as far as we know has not suffered any effects. So there is no doubt those shots caused those boys to be affected. Autism is more prevalent in boys than girls. But a perfectly normal 5 year is now a totally regressive autistic. This father can get no legal help to sure the judge. No one wants to take on such a case. If anyone is interested in helping out this family. This family was interviewed by the CHD bus and our local CHD is trying to help out. I have a give send go account but if anyone would prefer a home address I can provide that privately. karen.bracken@reagan.com

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This is an absolute horror story and authorities like the judge are actually not authorities at all. They are ignorant fools who lack critical thinking skills.

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I've heard of this family before. It's my understanding judges cannot be sued because they have sovereign immunity.

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Oh my god.

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is there a legal basis for a suit?

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sounds like a lot of vaccines in one go. Surely there must be guidelines on spacing these injections. The injector would have had a duty of care and if guidelines were ignored ???

Sounds reckless too.

Also, the judge has surely acted outside of his authority?

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Autism is the black hole in the vaccine space. There's no there there because the gravity field is a singularity defined by the bounds of autism.

So, look around vaccine space. Everything is present, palpable, evident, visible.

But, in one corner of the vaccine universe there is a hole with nothing in it called the autism impossibility; it is directly opposite its twin, the covid safe and effective zone.

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Alex pounded on you a day or so ago on X about cause / correlation / vaxx timing / onset of autism / etc. You might want to ask Alex if he has joined your side (even a little bit) https://x.com/AlexBerenson/status/1870654935349772534

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For the past fifty years it appears as if most of the sincere political activists have attempted to educate the population about certain egregious matters in the hopes that the properly enlightened citizen will either support a particular candidate for public office, purchase educational materials to enlighten others, or accomplish something that will prevent the destruction of our sacred posterity.

This line of hopeful reasoning has failed, and it must be abandoned because it does not work.

The study of human nature and psychology demonstrates that every person has a story and situation that exceeds everyone else’s. And every person considers themselves to be just, honorable and virtuous.

And this aspect of human nature must be leveraged towards the common good.

Fortunately, the technology is available to do this.

By using the technology, we declare ourselves sovereign.

The time to use the technology is now.

It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate, or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on. They cannot read or debate the issues because the Bills approach 2000 pages each. And there are one hundred new bills / acts of Congress for them to vote on every day they are in session. In a ten hour work day they vote every six minutes exactly the way the party bosses tell them to vote.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot called attention to this insanity with a diplomatic observation that "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy was the one specific reason that the people in America suffered".

Mr. Perot then suggested that the best and perhaps only way to make government officials accountable was to include the citizens in the decision-making process - every hour, every day.

He went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and called the proposed mechanism


With this computer program every interested citizen can indicate whether or not they agree, disagree, or are undecided with every line item of every law, policy and program on the books or that was being advanced. It can be used at every level of government and in every jurisdiction.

To prevent chaos the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available. He referred to it as the Fourth Branch of government; The Citizens Branch / The Electronic Townhall.

If the government is truly of the people, by the people and for the people then what better way is there to perfect every section of the various laws and policies that do affect each and every one of us every single day?

It would not be difficult to expect at least 50 thousand qualified citizens, per congressional district, to evaluate 20 pages of law or proposed law, per day, and get their Ratify, Annual, or Undecided input every day the congress is in session. The results could be aggregated, made known and we would all be better off.

The program would even allow a citizen to go back and change their vote as they matured. And when a super majority is reached the law/proposed law is either ratified or annulled by immediate recognition of the enforcement mechanisms.

With tens of millions of laws and tens of thousands of taxes there is plenty of work to be done.

According to Mr. Perot, this, the harnessed experience and the combined intelligence of hundreds of thousands or even millions of citizens focused like a laser light on the real issues, will, as surely as night follows the day, perfect every law in our country and eventually it will right every wrong.

Mr. Perot publicly announced his intention to give the fourth branch of government to the people in America if he was elected President.

But this attempt to empower our humanity was so far removed from the business-as-usual-two-party-system that the talking heads and trolls yelled out that Mr. Perot was trying to destroy our Constitution, our government and our way of life.

The ELECTONIC TOWNHALL was denounced as unworkable.

How would the poor participate?

How would fraud be prevented?

What about those who do not know how to use a computer?

In a final act of desperation, the control freaks claimed that letting the average citizen to pass judgment on the individual pieces of public law would lead to chaos and pandemonium.

The media was so intensely negative towards the ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL that Mr. Perot was forced to stop talking about it, but he never withdrew it from his platform.

But we all know the truth: only the concerned will bother to participate.

It’s now been thirty-two years since the proposal.

No other person of national reputation or significant influence has picked up the idea. BUT the big two political parties regularly stage "townhall meetings" where they talk of "reform" and "returning power to the people". They do this to link themselves to the empowering part of the idea without adding to its manifestation.

And still we suffer in the hopeless loop of: "candidates with a sense of morality and respect for the Constitution who understand true brotherhood, justice and democracy and who will do the right thing for us each and every time, trust me".

While we cannot make light of sincere individuals who get into public office, we must acknowledge the fact that regardless of who has been elected to public office the problems in our government get more complicated and our people continue to suffer.

Could we possibly admit that our national situation, now being made global, is far too complicated for the President and the 535 elected members of the legislature to manage in our best interests?

You, the person reading this know some of the things we need.

Your friends, our fellow countrymen have their solutions too.

The only way to organize the workable ideas is to create a device that will enable all of us to simultaneously contribute our best thinking and most benevolent experience towards solving our most complicated problems.

That device is THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL and the place to begin is with our existing laws.

According to Ross Perot, this is the only way forward.

Recently, Elon Musk announced that his artificial intelligence program will run on X Premium, and it will provide the text to the laws the Congress is voting on. Everyone should get on board and ask Mr. Musk to include the business of the State Legislatures too – with the Ratify, Annual or Undecided feature to built right in. But why stop there? The county commissioners vote on hundreds of billions of dollars of activity every week…. And the local school board needs help too.

# A1. Should the US Congress establish Law that would subordinate their activity to the ratification or annulment of a super majority of the “qualified” voters in their district?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2. Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 3. Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 4. Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 5. Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 6. Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of public


a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

h. minimum18 years - Yes - No

i. minimum 21 years - Yes - No

j. minimum 25 years - Yes - No

k. minimum 30 years - Yes - No

l. minimum 33 years - Yes - No

m. minimum 35 years - Yes - No

#7. How long should a legally arrived, non-working, never worked in America, elderly

immigrant have to wait before they start collecting social security?

a. Six months

b. One year

c. Two years

d. Five years

e. never

#6. Presently the pharmaceutical companies that make “vaccines” are immune from liability.

QUESTION: should the makers of “vaccines” be immune from product safety liability?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Undecided

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I'm looking for a statement by a physician who said he had only seen one or two cases of something in his entire career and now he has seen over a thousand. It may be myocarditis or turbo cancer in young people, I don't recall. I may have tried to save a Facebook post about it which was later deleted. Can someone help me in this?

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Get the latest on President Elon Musk shuts-down the Deep State. The Swamp Strikes-Back... https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/president-elon-musk-shuts-down-the The final bill that passed no longer reauthorizes the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/5051463-gop-health-funding-proposal/

The new version of the short-term spending bill to extend government funding does not include an extension of a government agency accused of "censorship."https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3266181/funding-global-engagement-center-cut-spending-bill-gop-backlash/

Unknown: People Injured by COVID Vaccine May Get New Chance at Getting Money. The timeframe for people injured by COVID-19 "countermeasures," such as vaccines, to file a claim for compensation is set to be extended under the new government spending bill. https://www.newsweek.com/people-injured-covid-vaccine-may-get-new-chance-getting-money-2003058

The free bailout money for Ethanol producers dropped from $30B to $0. The mainstream media calls these people “farmers”. The farmers that use your food to burn in gas tanks. https://ethanolproducer.com/articles/rfa-growth-energy-slam-decision-to-strip-e15-provisions-from-legislation

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OT, but new post which will interest Kirsch readers: "As We Wait to See If MAHA Will Be Betrayed..." https://pomocon.substack.com/p/as-we-wait-to-see-if-maha-will-be

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Medical Industrial Complex cares about YOU! when they vaccinate your kids without placebo controlled studies, their main goal is that kids are healthy. You do not want your child to die of measles do you?

Military Industrial Complex cares about YOU! When it sends your sons to fight half way around the globe, to protect your freedom to sleep under the bridge after you went bankrupt for failing to pay bills not covered by medical insurance.

High Tech Security Complex cares about YOU! When it stores all the data about your activities, online (including this message), when you travel, what you buy, even what you say these days, to be able to cater better to your needs and serve advertising about lifesaving products that you may want to consider, some of which are completely SAFE and EFFECTIVE.

Welcome to 21st century!

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A friend of mine showed me a video of her son as a 17 months old baby totally into the fun of the party with other children, laughing, interacting and participating visually with other kids. Then she showed me another video shortly after his vaccines: a totally different boy. He was not responding to her calling his name, had lost his vocabulary by then. He was spiralling wildly around the dinner table, nonchalently bumping his head into table edges, non stop, his eyes unfocused and empty. We cried. We knew.

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Round about 2004, I saw (on the internet) a study on MMR vaccination and autism. Unfortunately I didn't download or print out the study. But here's a summary: Twenty-five toddlers who had a history of (1) diagnosed gut problems, or (2) signs/symptoms of gut problems that had never been diagnosed, *and* twenty-five toddlers with no history of diagnosed gut problems or signs/symptoms were included in the study. Each child was observed before undergoing his/her first MMR vaccination at approximately 18 months of age; all children's development was assessed and found to be "normal." None of the no-gut-problem children developed autistic behaviors within the study period after the vaccination. But 23 out of 25 (92%) of the gut-problem children developed autism within four weeks after the vaccination.

When I went back later to find this study and print it out, I couldn't find it even with several hours of searching. I believe it was "black-holed" on the internet.

By the way, a psychiatrist who specializes in treating autism told me "MANY children given antibiotics at birth become autistic." This includes babies whose mothers test positive for Strep B and are given IV antibiotics during labor and birth. Some babies known or suspected to have inhaled meconium during a stressful birth are given IV antibiotics as a "preventative" measure. Many NICU babies (who are primarily premature) are treated with antibiotics at one time or another. Antibiotics given at birth or in NICU disrupt the development of normal, healthy gut microbiome.

Another doctor who treats many autistic children told me "These babies who've been given antibiotics at birth or in NICU grow up with nothing but candida and clostridia in their guts."

A few gut-trouble signs/symptoms in babies: Fussy baby *after* the 6-week "normal newborn fussiness." Very gassy. "Urps" (throws up) after almost every feeding; some "urps" may be projectile (vomitus shoots out from baby's mouth). Constipation. Yeasty-smelling stools. Baby refuses or extremely reluctant to eat "solid foods" at and after appropriate age (wants only breastmilk or formula). More than one change of formula because of suspected "allergy." Prone to diaper rash. Weight gain is below expected; baby "falling off the growth curve" (and head size *may* be above normal range and climbing higher on the growth curve).

The "glyphosate connection" with autism is that foods produced from glyphosate-treated crops will contain glyphosate, which will disrupt normal healthy gut microbiome at any age.

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mmr=autism. its so obvios. vaxed 1 cdc. hid the link. was pulled froma filmfestival. cant findit on line. any where phama power &$$$$$$$$$$

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All I know is Autism rates keep increasing dramatically and the childhood vaccines are really the only logical cause for such a dramatic increase. I already pointed out that it's hard to notice Autism until the infant is older and doesn't develop speech normally. This obscures a direct connection to the vaccines. However if you think about vaccines they are supposed to develop a long term immune response to diseases that generally don't come until later in childhood. Therefore one can properly assume they have the potential to adversely effect cognitive development. Since so many children are developing autism it seems only pragmatic to stop all the vaccination that are not absolutely 100% essential. I don't know if any actually are. Again you are dealing with a risk benefit ratio. If the risk of Autism is high, and the risk of serious consequences from Chicken Pox is low, why vaccinate? Autism is extremely debilitating. The best vaccine against Autism is no childhood vaccines.

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Have you seen C.D. Nevison's research report on environmental factors and autism? Use a censorship-free browser and search on "comparison of temporal trends" and you'll find it. Be sure to access Additional File 1 and look at all the graphs. Be sure you see the graphs for aluminum adjuvants (in vaccines) and for number of vaccinations given. Glyphosate is another graph to see, given MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff's opinions about glyphosate and autism, but the glyphosate curve rises after the autism curve...interesting...

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I'd bet they were discouraged from doing any sort of research on their own.

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