That Canadian professor... saw her once, a flash, months ago.... what a brave, honorable smart woman. Now, I have honor of seeing her again, but longer. We are meeting the very best of humanity. ❤ them all

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Don’t miss her amazing talk with Jordan Peterson, on Youtube. Two great Canadians show us how to think, dialogue and respect.

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I will!

It's like getting an advanced *real* college class in logics.

I freajen love these.

A bright side of this depopulation scam, meeting brilliant, honorable folks

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The Time is Now movie very impressive and well done. Though so much has transpired since it was made, it stands the test of time and I plan to share. Wonderful footage of interviews and comments of the now famous doctors and nurses (McCullough, Malone, Tapper, 'Nurse Erin' Olszewski, and many others, saying what happened to them and how they came to recognize that what was going on was in fact not what it appeared. This film not only looks unblinking at censorship, informed consent, the mission and passion of real medicine as it is meant to be practiced, it also has a great message about healthy lifestyle choices and beyond that to a path to a happy life if I may be so bold. Thank you for including it!!!

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To my knowledge Dr. Campbell has never said the vaccine was safe snd effective. In fact, several of his videos are interviews with vaccine injured people. I don’t believe any “red pilling” happened here.

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Not sure, have not watched it yet as I am too busy and have been red pilled myself for long years now, but have heard that apart Planet Lockdown this documentary is good too: https://www.raigbrym.com/harm-landing/

Not related to covid bs, I recommend videos with Dr. Barrie Trower, Olle Johansson - re: wifi, radiation and targeting. See also: https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/home

This site seems informative too: https://nobulart.com/

And this article: https://rairfoundation.com/the-real-globalist-mastermind-behind-the-great-reset-prophet-jacques-attali/

I also recommend: https://www.globalresearch.ca/

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Howard Zinn on civil disobedience :

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

Matt Damon from Howard Zinn's speech:

The Problem is Civil Obedience https://youtu.be/S2li9E_94MA

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This should be on everyone’s list. Debora Tavares knows. https://www.bitchute.com/video/RztcFrX2WeGP/

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very unusual and very interesting. With each passing year many of her ideas and those of others tilling the same field become less far fetched and in fact we are seeing them implemented currently, for those who have eyes to see.

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Dr. Julie Ponesse is right. They are trying to subvert our democracies. She says:

"...the issue is why we aren’t all calling them out for not being willing to engage with the evidence and debate someone who has a different opinion. We should be calling not for an outcome but for a process to be reestablished. Without that process we have no science, we have no democracy."

In "Globalists Aim to Take Over Health Systems Worldwide" (Mercola article today 3/15/22), it says:

"The globalist cabal is planning to monopolize health systems worldwide through the creation of an international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization the sole decision maker on pandemic matters... If this treaty goes through, the WHO would have the power to call for mandatory vaccinations and health passports, and its decision would supersede national and state laws..."

This is something we need to push against vehemently. I think this is why then stepped back from covid passports, etc. now. There were laws standing in their way. They want to set them aside this way and then create a new "crisis".

No international law or committee should supersede our (American) constitution and laws *ever*.

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It’s a lot worse than subverting democracies.


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I agree. It's a stepping stone to this. Interesting video!

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Dr. Paul Alexander - succinct, poetic as always, unpacking why the kill shot doesn't work:

https://rumble.com/vxbc91-stop-the-vaccines-they-are-now-proving-to-be-sub-optimal-and-very-dangerous.html "You can never comply your way out of an abusive tyrannical government situation."

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thank you for the inspiration! I love what Dr. Julie Ponesse said about it just taking 10% of the population speaking loudly for change (she said it better and I think it was a quotes from Benjamin Franklin)

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Mass formation psychosis is real.

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I just watched "the time is now" it validates everything I have believed from the beginning. As I have said before, all my conspiracy theories have come true. I can only hope that investigations of hospital protocols will come next. But then again, I know who we are dealing with so I won't hold my breath. The best quote in the movie "Truth welcomes dialog"

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Gonna chime in here with this--not exactly a video unless you want it to be, but I think Dr. McCullough speaks in such a level-headed way that people who are looking for 'wierdo' as a quality to dismiss the (Team Reality) arguments won't find it. His credentials are impeccable, his delivery is matter-of-fact and not defensive, and Joe Rogan lets him have the stage.


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Bryan Ardis is the guest on the current Patrick Coffin podcast along with Andrew Wakefield. I recommend listening.

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Honest question - Can you red pill a millennial?

Big year over year increase in deaths in that age group in 2021 here in "Oceanna."

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We need to stop using metaphors and allusions from Hollywood. Help people see the light. The Light of the world is ____________.

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People who keep searching for truth like Dr. Campbell are great human beings.

Although he says it's an impressive set of data gathering. I think government and Pfizer did every damn thing in the world to suppress this.

Great malice. A few emails in court will elevate a 10 year sentence to hanging.

If I worked for cabal I'd be thinking of my neck.... and call Steve, project Veritas, chd....

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