this is still being edited and isn't pushed yet.

I wanted to get this out and I'll update the article later today to fix typos, add links, etc.

let me know anything i missed

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Forgot the “y” on “they”

under the Why Kim Iversen Quit… heading.

1. The(y) are not permitted to interview Tony Fauci because they ask “unscripted questions”

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Wikipedia may have deleted the Operation Mockingbird stuff, but the folks at Infogalactic who forked all of Wikipedia's information a few years ago appear to have preserved the article for posterity sake.


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FYI, "There are four reasons...." then you list 1 through 5.

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Fox News would have done some due diligence on you prior to letting you on the show. They would have seen and read your substack titles. They should have known that you might let some truth slip by on the air.

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Hi Steve,

Pointing out a typo - under the section heading 'For more information on media corruption', paragraph three, sentence four.

"When I pointed out that the peer reviewed science supported what I said, they said that didn't count and then they gave me a lifetime ban so I *could* communicate to the editors any more." I think you meant to say couldn't (or could not).

Thank you for all you are doing!!

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I don't understand why Kim Iversen can't have you on her show. She could just post the whole show on Rumble and post only a self-censored teaser on YouTube. Problem solved.

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Wow! I never thought I would’ve lived to see this type of censorship, book burning or the fruition of “thought crimes“ being punished (like doctors getting their license taken away for speaking truth or people loosing their jobs for refusing an injection or people being banned from platforms for expressing thoughts, experiences or perspectives) but here we are. I thought we had advanced past that type of tyranny by the ruling class. Some people’s are just cool with it. I guess they’ve not read history to know that this is not a good sign of things to come. This is scary stuff.

Incidentally, I subscribe to a website from the U.K., I think, and it’s basically a platform that just puts a wide variety of clips out of anyone questioning the whole covid narrative. It’s called brand new tube. I believe it was created in response to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other media’s censorship. It’s an amazing resource. There’s some junk, of course, but many gems too.

Anyway, about a week ago, the link started directing people to a porn site. Then a day or two later, I get this incredibly creepy email that’s all about how horrible this website is (Brand new tube) because it allowed itself to be hacked. And it goes on to say that brand new tube is horrible because they also censor words (screening out porn and other garbage no doubt). And, they explain that brand new tube is terrible because they have the gal to demonize the WEF and the NWO. In this email they go on to state my username, my email, my IP address and that they know I’m a male (even though “girl” is literally a part of my username). It’s bizarre to say the least.

So the message boiled down is that the hackers are doing me a favor by hacking this low-life information outlet and that if I know what’s good for me, I’ll keep to safer sources of new and information. The hackers are the heroes saving me from bad people who share bad thoughts. How dumb would anyone have to be to swallow this garbage?

Basically, I assume that they (does the U.K. have a version of CIA?) couldn’t legally shut down the website so they decided to hack it and try to make the website creators look like bad guys, which I’m guessing no one who frequents Brand New Tube would fall for.

I knew that they were censoring on platforms that were in agreement with pushing the narrative, like FOX and CNN and YouTube, but this is clearly a new tactic for trying to get rid of information getting out to the resistance by people who haven’t been bought out. This feels unreal. Nearly every prediction made about how bad things were going to get early on in the “pandemic” is slowly but surely coming to pass.

If they shut down independent media, how can we resist? It’s a very sobering thought.

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@Brandy....yes it is a sobering thought. In 2020 I believed the whole Covid we are screwed narrative. In some states people went out to protest the lockdowns. I was not thrilled to see them do it. The political elements from the left and their media bashed these people. Several weeks later those same forces were encouraging people to go out in the streets and riot. I thought wow what better way to spread a bug than a good old fashioned large scale melee. The riots continued on for over a month. I kept thinking any day now family members (especially older) of the participants were going to get pretty sick but nothing out of the ordinary occurred. After the riots settled the media fell back into lockstep over lockdowns again.

This is exactly the moment I knew we were in real trouble. I thought it was just the US but nope it was all of Western Civ. It was a terrifying feeling and I don't scare easily. After watching multiple states simultaneously tell the world the counting would stop in the wee hours of Nov 4 and waking up to a see a certain candidate's lead demolished I again knew we were in trouble.

You are correct. This does feel unreal and it is scary. A year a half since 2020 ended and the anecdotal evidence continues to pile up. The people who own this media are in a race to get their systems in place before more people figure it out. The good news for TPTB is that the people who have not learned by now make a habit of not getting the point. Some are very intelligent and it drives me insane that we cannot penetrate their bubble. We are making progress on the vaccine front though.

Personally I believe it is the best shot we have to snap people out of the trance. Hopefully it happens before our rulers get all of their safeguards in place to move us to their new order of governance. I have come to a state of acceptance though. This is much better than being pissed off or freaked out. I was pretty bad for a while so there's hope.

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I’m glad you feel hope. Some days I do, some not so much. With AI and internet technology, I feel like we might not be able to overcome whatever or whoever it is that’s trying to enslave us. People are still getting boosters and wearing masks. That’s incredible. Whoever is running this thing has so many tools to just keep people in a trance. It feels overwhelming how far they’ve been able to take this. SADS?! Ridiculous. Yet here we are.

Like you, I have also accepted what we are up against and it is what it is. I will just be a whole lot less happy if they successfully take away alternative media (like substacks and Brand new tube etc). It’s the thing keeping a lot of us sane and from falling for crap narratives, like this deadly gene therapy. It’s obviously just one scare tactic on a long list.

I think one thing that keeps people from waking up is that if they come to accept that what we are saying is true, that it’s all been a lie, it’s completely earth shattering. It was for me and I’m even a naturally skeptical person. I understand why it’s more comforting to some people to believe that we are the crazy ones.

I’m sure alternative media is the only thing holding back their agenda so it has to be a priority to shut it down. It’s probably going to get more interesting as we see how they try to do it. Big Pharma and HHS paying corporate media off was the easy way to capture most media. Alternative media, in general, doesn’t seem to take bribery money so it will have to be something else. Hacking looks somewhat effective but they are going to have to hack a lot of sites. I suspect it will be a combination of things, like digital IDs.

Btw, I knew something was off from the beginning because everything the CDC and Fauci told people to do was bad for their immune system and I could tell they weren’t making any kind of logical sense. It wasn’t until I realized that they were suppressing effective treatments that it was not an accident or incompetence that they were giving out bad public health information. It was intentional. That was very eye opening. I went through grieving. I still can’t believe it’s happening some days. I remember looking back in history as a teenager and being amazed at how evil people could be but I felt grateful that we had progressed passed tyrannical rulers. So much for that idea. Civilized society is not looking so hot these days.

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To this day Brandy, the scariest thing I have seen was so called normal intelligent people go along with this shit. I was scared that I would never work in a professional environment again (this time last year). I am very concerned about the technology. The AI and surveillance is a Despot's wet dream. However all paled in comparison to watching the rats follow the Pied Piper. I hoped if enough could be shaken the trance would be broken. I lost a nice lady friend over it and employment opportunities.

Try and understand though, there's a reason people like you and I suffer. Its because we can see through it. I want to believe there's a reason for this gift/curse. Guess we shall find out!! Up until a month ago I reached fight or flight several times a day. The problem is there was not much I could fight. I suppose that I went through all the stages of grief. I came to the conclusion that there was simply nothing that I could do at this point. I'm afraid the die has been cast whatever that ends up looking like. Maybe its not so bad, maybe it is; but I don't think anything can stop destiny now.

Try and do your best to prepare for possible scenarios WITHOUT driving yourself crazy. I was guilty of that too lol. I am honestly hoping if we reach "really bad" people like us won't flinch.

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All good thoughts! I’ve been focusing on increasing my garden and staying close to my family. I put in a small apple orchard last year and other improvements. I’ve embraced foraging and fishing and we have started raising our own poultry. It might not be the answer but I get lost in the beauty of nature and life makes sense when I’m doing these things. I’ve also tried to build connections with local producers. I guess we will find out what the future holds. Until then, I wish you and all the others who know something serious is going down, all the best!

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PJ O'Rourke wrote the seminal book on Washington DC called ,"The Parliament of Whores". After reading your encounter with Fox et al, the network, C-suite, and ALL of the media people including those that are quite conservative are nothing but paid off prostitutes.

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It is interesting that the truth about this evil leaks everywhere...

My #1 clue into this whole evil scam was when all flu patients became covid19 in all 3 Toronto hospitals I was affiliated with.

#2 clue came from Israel when they agreed to become the exclusive lab rats for PharMafia P-Nazi-er. Not allowed to report negative side effects for 10 years. Another holocaust?

3# clue came when the Vaccine Nazis proclaimed the vaccshits are 95-100 % effective using relative risk reduction and proclaiming it as the absolute risk reduction using the main stream media to trick all 99.9999 naive to believe it...

# 4 they went after organized religion..

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Steve, I just came across this fact-choker defamation of you and am thinking you should take on Politifact in addition to Media Matters :-)


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Another poll confirming your and the 2 German Krankenkassen's data: 16% of respondents had serious side effects.

And: those that were vaxx-hesitant initially have become the most ardent believers with succumbing to the shot. Cognitive dissonance textbook example.

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Each time we mention Media Matters, we should call them Pharmedia Matters

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UK's independent GB News are doing investigations into illness and deaths caused but the vaccines....

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British press still refusing to discuss the escalating vaccine deaths. Now blaming lockdowns for deaths to avoid the word vaccine-injuries....

Today's article:

"Effects of lockdown could be causing more deaths than Covid: Fears rise over silent health crisis as ONS records nearly 10,000 more deaths than the five-year average - none of which are linked to the virus - in the last two months"


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The media and journalists helped kill off their fellow citizens. They will have to live with the consequences of what they've done for the rest of their lives.

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I'm surprised it's not illegal for the media to sign contracts with the government or anyone like that, i.e. to tell only one side of a story. Actually, I imagine it probably is illegal. The government doesn't seem to have any problem with committing illegal acts these days.

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This is EXACTLY why I do a podcast. It doesn't get censored. Ever since you shared my commentary it has completely taken off (these are the rankings in the category "News Commentary"):

- #11 Saudi Arabia

- #60 Germany

- #105 Ireland

- #145 Belgium

- #173 Great Britain

- #184 Canada

- #186 USA

- #249 Singapore

I don't have an audience like Kim Iverson does (yet!), but it's something! You have a standing, open invitation if you want to share your incredible wealth of knowledge with my audience. I'd really enjoy to have you and anyone else in this fight of "telling the truth"! I don't have a pitch because I don't do that, but I will say that your voice should be heard by as many people who are willing to simply listen. Hope you will consider it! :)

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@Steve. You said "I can’t appear on her show because it’s on YouTube. YouTube would immediately ban her channel and cut off all payments for violation of their terms of service. People who tell the truth are not permitted on YouTube. Every time I try, my video lasts for about 10 minutes and 15 views before it is taken down."

Why don't you try Peggy Hall's tactic? Use euphemisms. She calls Covid cooties, as an example. I haven't taken the time to write down her euphemisms. I just remember that one and she calls public servants public serpents.

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The media has been controlled forever. From lose lips sink ships in WWII, the German U-Boats were sinking merchant ships off the coast of the Carolinas to 911 and now, yesterday, I just learned, the entirety of the Japanese legislature resigned this week. Not a word about it in the western Corporate News.

It’s just sad that people haven’t figured it out yet.

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"I didn’t realize I was supposed to stick to the script. My mistake. Rookie error." - Sure it was ...

"It wasn't me. Nobody saw it. You can't prove a thing" - Bart Simpson

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There have been a lot of issues with medical journals and news organizations censoring things that go counter to the medical narrative, but everything greatly accelerated once COVID-19 started to the point it became obvious to everyone. Many people who have been monitoring the integrity of the scientific field noticed this happened.

I have seen various examples over the years of journals refusing to publish a study that supported a natural substance that competed with a pharmaceutical drug. For example:

•Early heads of the AMA founded their business model on promoting products for industry...which is why amongst other things there are so many cheesy ads of the AMA and doctors promoting smoking.

•One renowned journalist, Sharyl Attkinson, stated that she observed over time that the US media began preventing reporters from being able to cover a few specific topics (like vaccine dangers) and this played a big role in her decision to become independent.

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