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Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies:


“Journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry”, wrote Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, in March 2004.

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But some are more honest- www.myflcv.com/VCTP.html

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This has been a difficult thing as most of us have been programmed to trust the government, TV, internet and social media. It is hard to accept that they lie to us and deceive us. For humanity to survive, ordinary people are going to have to make their own decisions. and disregard what our

"leaders" tv set and internet tell us to do.

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The government and the media and the so-called "experts" have been lying to us for a very long time. In a way it is good that Covid has made more people come to this realization.

The main thing people need to do is critical thinking. People cannot generate all the raw information by themsleves. So they have to take the time to figure out which information to believe and which one to ignore. And figure out which sources of information to trust.

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It is hard to judge the Lancet against most US medical journals. the level of corruption and lies. Would be hard to compare.

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As a retired Physican I would occasionally read medical journals but never took them seriously as I was aware of serious conflicts of interest and financial bias. Being a doctor today- would never do it, too much government and insurance company control over your decisions.

Yet I at least have good memories of being a doctor. It used to be a great job.

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You were lucky. I hope you continue to speak out, as so many Americans are still enamored of anybody with a Dr. in front of their name, no matter how ignorant, corrupt, or incompetent the individual may be. Next year they'll probably stop your social security payments for speaking out (ruining your social credit score), so we all need to speak out while we still can, before they cancel our credit.

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People can trust "authority" or personal intuition and gut instinct. I used to trust authority but abandoned it during covid. I will never trust the TV social media or government again.

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When’s the last time you heard anyone say, “Damn! Wish I hadn’t gone with my gut on that!”?

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Similarly, no one says: “I regret NOT getting the jab.”

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Me neither Dennis , I will never be the same .

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Not a medical thing and of target. My friend was a writing his doctoral thesis at an Ivy league university about the inefficiency of electric cars. He brought up the amount of fossil fuels it takes to make a single battery as well as the child slavery and Enviromental degradation involved in the production of EV batteries. His professor told him, our department is financed. by industries that are pushing electric vehicles so it would be in your best interest to write a different thesis.

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Some electric cars have insane acceleration, but they suck in hot and cold weather and break down. And the range never is close to what is advertised. I have a V8 dodge challenger. I think they stopped making them.

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Boom 💥 Dennis .. follow the money 💰.. stacks of money …

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Similar corruption appears in journals that address "climate change "and food science. They promote 'man made global warming" and the bogus safety claims about genetically modified food. If you are a researcher and want to publish a study that is scientifically sound but goes against the government or corporate narrative, your funding will be denied, and you will not be able to publish. That is how "consensus" is artificial concept.

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"but unfortunately for the credibility of the journals who publish them—these trials [PRCTs] rarely produce results that are unfavourable to the companies' products"

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It's called modify or falsify the data to prove the hypotheses. In other words, just lie.

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GREAT find! Added to my article.

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Steve….see my comment about how on the eve of the pandemic…Gates IHME (that works closely with the WHO) awarded Richard Horton, the editor of the Lancet $100,000 Roux Award.

You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Influence and silence bought and paid for. Now do you wonder about how the bogus crap about Ivermectin ended up in the Lancet earlier?

No honor among thieves and pathological liars—nor do they play by ethics that have a prohibition against Conflicts of Interest….that whole concept seems to be dead when it comes to big pharma, our FDA, CDC, etc.

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Please read this. Not so long ago the Lancet was pointing out scientific corruption!!

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You don't say! ;)

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That is the beauty of it. The corrupt can also point fingers at corruption and try to make it look like a problem that is too big and, therefore, beyond them. Here is the root of the problem:

"Can bad scientific practices be fixed? Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. Instead, scientists are incentivised to be productive and innovative."

So the researchers simply publish scores of papers which are either proven to be wrong later, or are, at best, of mediocre quality. But they still get their promotions and tenures based on those papers.

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So, the Lancet have obviously decided that anything which actively interferes with their information laundering operations on behalf of Big Pharma is 'misinformation'.

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Misinformation and Disinformation are two words that suddenly appeared out of nowhere along with the covid scam. They don't say it's wrong or a lie. It's basically Orwellian "wrongthink", something that goes against the party line.

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"Money makes the world go round".

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Yes, information may not be the only thing they are laundering. What a POS journal.

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Steve, sorry for posting this question here but I want to try to make sure you see it. Is Liza implying that there's perhaps a hidden third variable or more than a third variable or confounding factor that could account for the correlation between vaccination rate and excess mortality? Is she mounting an argument akin to the argument that the cigarette companies have used to the effect that if trait neuroticism causes cancer and also causes cigarette smoking then there will be a spurious correlation between cigarette smoking and cancer, when actually neuroticism is causing both smoking and cancer? Would she argue that a high prevalence of COVID causes both a high vaccination rate and a high level of excess mortality? If a purported confounding factor could be identified then couldn't a partial correlation be calculated to describe the relationship between vaccination rate and excess mortality whilst taking away the effects of the other variable, or several other variables, on this relationship? Or might this be a case where structural equation modelling or path analysis could be applicable? I'm rusty on my stats so I wouldn't know. I also don't know if you are familiar with these methods of statistical analysis but if you're not I'm sure you could learn and master them very quickly.

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What about the fear of death factor? The programming was so strong to fear dying from the mention of COVID. Would not the psychological aspect influence results? Energetically, the consciousness around the programming could alone cause the physical manifestation of immune system or nervous system overdrive to the point of illness. Are you counting that in the "neuroticism"? How can the fear factor be measured enough for a scientific assessment? My guess is: with difficulty. Perhaps that is why it was the chosen vehicle for selling the Cov-19 program

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The COVID sludge is chock full of known and verified toxins.

People got sick and dead from the jabs before the actual ingredients were known to the public.


Does fear of a disease cause some to sicken and die anyway?

Like some people die because of a voodoo curse?


Maybe some people are in this way vulnerable.

Does their fear fill their blood vessels full of clots?

Does fear cause their lung cells to rupture?

Is COVID merely a voodoo curse?

I don't think so.

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Agreed on the first two statements. Voodoo? No- my point was there was yet another factor that caused people to take the shots or catch the virus as the stress of fear is known to be a factor that can make people sick. It could be a factor in those who died because of the stress reactions depressing immune systems even further. Fear Porn propaganda has played a huge role in what has happened. Otherwise, normally "wise" folks might have resisted the programming and thought for themselves. Your second statement illustrates this. No one knew what was in it, yet took it. Why? Fear.

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I see what you mean.

Nevermind. :)

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I remember you.

Hi. :)

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Likewise! Hi Catherine!

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Pretty much any result could be explained away by the existence of hidden, confounding variables. Occam's Razor be damned. See for example, the invention of "Dark Matter."

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Smoke and mirrors.

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Sure. But note that this paper was published in 2005. So this corruption of medical journals has been around for a long time. It started long before Covid.

One of the major mechanisms of corruption is this: When a journal prints a paper favorable to a drug company, the company buys, say, 100,000 reprints of that paper and distributes them to the doctors. The journal also makes a lot of money by selling the reprints. But if the paper is unfavorable to the drug comapny, there are no reprints and no money for the journal.

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👍 and even long before 2005.

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Jan 15, 2023
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I think the main issue with centralized power is that it attracts sociopaths, and they rise to the top.

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Would it work the same in a meritocracy, do you think?

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Jan 14, 2023Edited
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Wow !!! Great summary

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Always follow the money.

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