Asymotomatic spread is fiction. It was designed by the phycologists to make people afraid of their neighbour. We do not carry a non-existend renamed flu virus called Covid that has never been isolated in a glass jar. Even the previous head of Pfizer said its pure fiction for healthy people to infect others that have to be tested to see if they have a virus and of course the PCR test is 100% innacurate and even the now deceased inventer of the test said it cannot test for viruses. It tests for our own MRNA and this becomes a case which is labeled a virus, even though the person has no symptoms. Those who get the flu like symptoms should understand ' ITS FLU.

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I linked the Marine Corps study of asymptomatic spread as the best study, but didn't comment about its weaknesses. I expect that several Marines violated quarantine and brought girlfriends, wives, hookers, etc. to the campus for sex. Marines know how to sneak women on base.

The women sneaked in could have exposed several people to the virus.

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How do you explain the spread at Cornell University that had everyone masked and vaccinated then ran testing into that population randomly for months then saw a majority were asymptomatic? Its an airborne virus and the vaccine and masks do not stop transmission.

“As a result, many of the positive test results we report are asymptomatic infections that most other testing programs would miss.”


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Because the PCR test is easily fraudulent when cycles are run too high.

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Cornell was a month before I wrote this. Are you saying the rise of omicron is in fact a PCR test run to high all over the world? It seems to match other findings that omicron was spreading and was mostly without symptoms. My children had none except a fever for 2 hours and 3 different tests just to make sure. Yes they had antibodies. As a society we should have mandated antibodies after infection to track how many people had it.

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I agree with bongoben.

Even Kary Mullins, the inventor of and Nobel Prize winner for PCR stated it produced false positives. That it could pick up dead viruses and ANY coronavirus would be a potential positive (included the common cold).

Personal anecdote: 2 of us unvaccinated at work. The other one (not me 😀), got C19 during the Christmas holidays from her family who had it (symptomatic). We all believe it was C19 due to symptoms but admit only PCR was done. She retested 10 and 14 days later. Both were positive. She was still symptomatic (cough, etc) but as far as I am aware, she was not contagious. She breathed very close to me at the 15 day mark and I wasn’t affected, but who knows, maybe I’m particularly healthy, never had it to my knowledge. My understanding is that she probably has dead virus in nose.

Now in Wuhan In 2020 they ran a study that was for other primary reasons but noted that they did antibody testing on the Asymptomatic positives. Many did have IgG against SARS-CoV-2. But not all. It is speculated in that study that a significant proportion were false positives.

Did Cornell run antibody tests?

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the Wuhan study? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w

A study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan, China, found that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 did not occur at all... the new study in Nature Communications, titled “Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly 10 million residents of Wuhan, China,” debunked the concept of asymptomatic transmission. // It stated that out of the nearly 10 million people in the study, “300 asymptomatic cases” were found. Contact tracing was then carried out and of those 300, no cases of COVID-19 were detected in any of them. “A total of 1,174 close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative for the COVID-19.”

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I have to get tested weekly not because there is any evidence that I am a threat to anyone at my place of employment as an asymptomatic person working from home but as a punishment because I have a religious exemption and did not receive a COVID "vaccination". My employer wants everyone to be "vaccinated" and so because I am not they want to make sure I have to drive 30-40 minutes each way just to spit in a tube and test negative every week. It isn't about the science, it is about control.

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Similar with me. I’m particularly angry about my unvaxed coworker who just had a bad case and three positive tests, oh she had it all right. They let her go back to work after the 10-14 day time. They still require her to test. She has natural immunity.

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I also have had natural immunity since July. It makes ZERO logical sense to not test the vaccinated but to test those who have natural immunity.

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I would also like school districts to show me the evidence for masking.

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VAXXED Meghan McCain describes intense battle with COVID-19

McCain wrote of her experience with the virus. “I do not want to sound like a baby, or ungrateful because I am well aware of how much worse things could have been, but COVID was much rougher than I anticipated given that we are fully-vaccinated. What I experienced wasn't mild, it wasn't easy, and I am still fearful of the unknown long-term side effects that I may experience.”

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This is an excellent example Mr. Kirsch. Was just listening to local radio station and the Infectious Disease Dr said that Pfizer is “working on a vaccine for Omicron” and trying to get it out by March? I’m thinking why?! She also mentioned that our local area is up by 2000 cases of COVID and blamed it on the unvaccinated. I’m screaming in my car PROVE IT!

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“Professor” Christian Drosten.

Not only is he fully the author of the deliberately bad PCR test (along with other), but to my mind, the single other KEY deceit.

That is the lie of “asymptomatic transmission”, the idea that a person can carry & spread to others - to infect, potentially to cause illness & death - a virus from which they themselves show no sign of clinical illness.

It’s absurd, but not totally farfetched.

I recall Drs Clare Craig & Jonathan Engler writing a review of all the evidence which was underwrite this phenomenon.

All but one piece of the 6 pieces of evidence came from China. The Chinese evidence was risible, being such as “this person was positive by PCR, had no symptoms, yet their neighbour, who interacted only with this person, later themselves became PCR positive” (neither party was ill).

The sole piece of European evidence was from Drosten himself (or at least, he elaborated it on TV). “A German car company executive returned from China & visited several plants in Germany, infecting 1-2 dozen colleagues even though she had no symptoms”, said Drosten.

Apparently, within days, she (& he) was exposed. She’d had a flu-like illness & presumably tested positive in one of Drostens unreliable PCR tests.

But she wasn’t “without symptoms”. She had symptoms but had taken everything you can get from a pharmacy to mask her symptoms & help her get through her day.

It was Exhibit A for asymptomatic transmission yet was fraudulent.

The fraud was communicated & amplified by the same Drosten.

It is asymptomatic transmission which drive:

-masking the healthy

-mass test the healthy

-lock down the healthy

-restrict borders to everyone

Most important, it was crucial to the PsyOp that was Project Fear.

Best wishes


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Seems like Fauci and Walensky and Drosten all have the same M.O. lie but make it sound convincing and laugh derisively and dismissively about the opposite side presenting information.

Exhibit A: the recent Walensky/Fauci team up to say the “didn’t know” how many people were reported to have died from the vaccines. Walensky didn’t know but said some took vaccine then walked out of the vaccination place, were in a car accident and were reported as a vaccine death. Fauci said maybe “100” (did I hear him right? 100? That’s what I heard) then said the same as Walensky who followed up with her statement she would “check with her staff and get back to you” to the congressman questioning them.

VAERS is easily available, showing 21,800 plus deaths including over 9,900 in the USA. There is no doubt the director of CDC and Fauci were both lying.

Oh and the car accident thing? Let’s see, let’s compare their statements to the assertion that 800,000 Americans have died “from Covid”. I’ve heard innumerable testimonies of people who didn’t even have covid who were counted covid deaths. This is beyond ridiculous.

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‘beyond ridiculous’

So we’ll be going with ‘bediculous’ then?! 🙂 (with appropriate nod to Bolt 🐶)

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I was SO MAD when I saw the clip of Walensky and Fauci lying through their masks about VAERS that I could have spit nails. So mad that I was unable to even write something sarcastic about it in response to a Substack reader who pointed it out (angry beyond sarcasm?! A first for me…). So off I went for my blood pressure medicines: red beet juice and Psalm 37 https://biblehub.com/niv/psalms/37.htm

So I can laugh now, having adjusted my sights to a proper perspective. Can’t wait to see those two get what’s coming to them. I hope it happens soon. And my sense of humor returned. In the form of two (IMHO, killer) meme’s, the prototype of which is sitting in Jessica Rose’s email inbox (I’m giving her 1st look because she’s involved…) I expect them to eventually make their way to the Telegram comments for this Substack and el gato malo’s. 🙂

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If you’re nominating her for CDC director, I’m in but she’s Canadian.... I’m not really joking but I think she’d puke before taking job.... 😀

Beet juice and psalm 37. Nice combo. I like Philippians 4 (“and the peace which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ....”) and a few others but I hear ya! Ps I quoted from memory Hope I didn’t misquote the verse.

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Jessica running the CDC, what a fantastic idea! I would pay big money to see that! They would beg to go to jail instead. 🙂 But I agree, I’m sure she would turn that opportunity down. The surfing in Atlanta is terrible. 🏄‍♀️ Then again, there could be field trips. I can just see Rochelle and company strapped to long boards in Hudson Bay… John Su calculating URFs for every possible adverse reaction to every vaccine back to 18th century smallpox… 🤣

And yes! I love that Philippians verse as well. And you nailed it from memory. Well, except for a small ‘will/shall’ switch, but it’s all good. I only know that because I have it here in front of me on Bible Hub. There are so many scriptural ‘prescriptions’ for so many situations. Highly effective. Accessible to all. Sort of like Fluvoxamine, Ivermectin, HCQ, etc…🙂 Actually, better come to think. No Rx needed, zero drug interactions, free… (no I’m not suggesting no meds, just seeing how far I can push this analogy until it falls apart 🙄)

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Pray for me I’m putting out fires on Twitter and I need to keep my heart on God not the Twitter fanatics. It’s just that the best news for the Truckers is on Twitter. It’s inspiring but there’s a few trying to say it’s “only” 7000. Man it’s evil, the comments. Maybe I shouldn’t be on Twitter but I actually felt LED to. I was blocked by one lady for posting reasonable science (THAT actually felt good.... she can do whatever she wants). But the hate is tremendous.

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"I’m firmly convinced that one of God’s purposes for his children in this world-wide crisis is to get us out of our stinking little chreestian cliches and into the places that desperately need our kindness and compassion and the hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings."

- ‘rocketman’

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“Some want to live within the sound

Of church or chapel bell;

I want to run a rescue shop,

Within a yard of hell.”

- British missionary C.T. Studd

And according to my calculations, 1 yd is pretty close to your present coordinates. 🙂

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Am praying. Keep your focus.

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I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about asymptotic testing in light of the anticipated requirement for all non-vaccinated U.S. federal workers to undergo weekly testing starting February 15th: https://www.saferfederalworkforce.gov/faq/testing/. My takeaway from this task force instruction is that IF the government accepts my vaccine request for accommodation, then I’m going to have to undergo weekly testing in order to keep my job. Or telecommute 100%, which doesn’t work too well when your laboratory doesn’t fit into your backpack next to your laptop computer.

My personal decision concerning this anticipated work requirement for weekly screening is "NO!" even if it means retiring earlier than planned from a job I love, working for a one-of-a-kind government agency that does exceptionally cool stuff like putting people on the moon and rovers on Mars.

However, I think we all (‘all’ meaning EVERYBODY IN THE USA) probably have grounds to beat recurring Covid testing requirements. Here is the FDA website on Covid testing: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-medical-devices/in-vitro-diagnostics-euas . The best I can tell from this website is that all but one PCR-type test are EUA, and ALL the antigen tests are EUA as well. The one non-EUA PCR test is for people with a suspected respiratory infection, i.e., not for periodic asymptomatic testing. Therefore, I think we can assert our rights under federal law to ‘just say no’ to these experimental products. It seems any sort of disciplinary measures for non-compliance would constitute coercion in violation of federal law. Of course, we would need some help from our lawyer friends to confirm that my research and interpretation of laws are correct and to help us pull it off. But that’s my personal plan.

"You can take this swab and shove it!" (apologies to Johnny Paycheck…🙂)

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If the US Constitution were still law of the land, the 10th amendment would hold, and neither NASA nor NIH nor CDC would exist. https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/ (note, the site is under attack)

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Wow, that’s a real noodle-baker. Give me some time to let that sink in and look over the website and I’ll get back to you… 😳

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The Biden administration is going to mail out "free" tests to all. Do you know what type of tests these will be, and do you have thoughts as to what they are trying to accomplish with this waste of taxpayer dollars?

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They are some sort of antigen test I think.

If they have a cloth inside, during the supply chain shortage, I will appreciate having an extra butt wipe however. My thanks to Biden for spending $20 or more on a butt wipe. I would have preferred a case of toilet paper.

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Yes, In my practice with Viruses this is possible but that is SARS2 not COVID19 (C19). However, testing needs to be with Antigen/Antibody specific with SARS2 not PCR.

PCR shows fragments, not active disease.

Antigen positive with Antibody negative would indicate acute infection of SARS2

C19 is a syndrome some are left after infection has resolved from the damage the spike protein has left you with.

However, you would have to have informed consent and make everyone aware or this would be UNETHICAL.

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I have a question about "testing" for COVID. Is the genetic sequence sought by the PCR test a part of what codes for the "spike protein"?

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If you mean to ask "Would the Corman-Drosten PCR test ping positive on a person who has been injected with one of the so-called 'Vaccines'?" I haven't seen evidence that they would.

The Corman-Drosten protocol tests for multiple genes. The primers from the Corman-Drosten protocol are:

RdRP gene: RdRP_SARSr-F, RdRP_SARSr-P2, RdRP_SARSr_p1 and RdRp_SARSr-R

E gene: E_Sarbeco_F, E_Sarbeco_p1, E_Sarbeco_R

N gene: N_Sarbeco_F, N_Sarbeco_P, N_Sarbeco_R

To my understanding all of these must be present for the PCR to return a positive result, and I haven't found evidence that any of the current genetic therapies contain this full complement of genes.

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Thank you. This information causes me to wonder if "testing" misses the important aspect causing the long term deleterious effects of "SARS-CoV-2". Of course if the virus "spike" was an actual bioweapon in itself and you were attacking an enemy with it, you would love to paralyze their society with "testing" while letting the destruction caused by the spike protein chug along unabated. Plus it would get ugly if everyone taking the gene therapy was suddenly "positive" on tests. This piece says NIH scientists have created "stabilized spike proteins" for use in vaccines and the government is seeking patents on them: https://www.axios.com/moderna-nih-coronavirus-vaccine-ownership-agreements-22051c42-2dee-4b19-938d-099afd71f6a0.html

That story has a link to this about spike proteins: https://www.ott.nih.gov/bundle/tab-3261

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Addendum: The N Gene is a unique fingerprint-sequence (KTFPPTEPKKDKKKK) is present in the N-protein of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 .

However reviewing the WHO protocol from Jan 17th, 2020 says "Changes against version 1 (Jan 13, 2019) Workflow protocols included, N gene assay removed."


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Hand in untouched Que tip swabs like many nurses did early on in the pandemic and all come back positive. First they have to prove the test is near 100 effective before they can do an asymptomatic study. The manufacturer of the tests do not want to know what an independent tester says. They want blind profits just like the vaccines. Good luck

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Sharp nurses. So I guess untouched swabs can be asymptomatic carriers too. 🙂. I’ve personally decided to ‘just say no’ to this foolish testing, even if it costs me my job. Details in recent rely to a comment from Mike Yeadon.

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You test seems to be to expose random people to an asymptomatic person to see if they get sick? What could go wrong?

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