I’m just wondering if anyone has produced an online infographic (with hope for the fearful) or has the skills to share widely. Anyone reading Steve’s substack likely to be relatively informed. Yet I hardly know anyone aware of things discussed on this site-mainly because almost everyone had the jab and watch msm. They are either in denial or proudly boosted. However, I’ve been thinking if someone had the skills - maybe a simple infographic or two would help unlock Pandora’s box?

I searched infographics and it seems like a powerful way to encourage critical thinking?

Unfortunately, I don’t find the average Joe is reading Robert Kennedy and Dr McCullough books - at least not yet! But they do share random info through social media and text. It’s not my primary way to get information because I read a lot but I would definitely share with others.

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I just went onto the CDC site to get information for my corporate gig and it made me sick! I hadn't been in there since this all started so I had no idea what they were pushing. OMG! The fear.

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yea, the fourth Reich is still firmly in power in the "west" with their two dimensional cut outs at the head of every nation to follow orders. We were supposed to be literally following our phone prompts in an automated slave grid to receive contract tracing and "vaccination" lethal injection orders at this time. Bill Gates has failed and i am sure will pay a price from his masters. up next, expect more sabotage by the fascists as they are forced to go at us directly.

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There is a theme amongst the comments…perhaps chapter one is ending, but it’s a very thick book. The globalists seem to be escalating in their need to control everyone.

Don’t be going anywhere Steve, we still need you hear as “tip of the spear” (as SH affectionately calls you) You just have to redirect your focus from the CDC to the WEF

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The article didn't link to CDC page on new "guidance" so I tried visiting the CDC page. The large banner at top of cdc page is now huge color graphic of "Monkey Pox" ... seamless replacement to the previous graphic of covid virus particles. Actually in the time I spent trying to find new covid guidance I found nothing. The disease has disappeared.

If I have time/desire I'll poke around more.

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What they’ve done is not acceptable as far as I’m concerned, they owe us an apology for making us the unvaccinated second class citizens and assurances that it will never happen again. This whole pandemic was always political started to oust a President, continued to make a possible illegitimate President look credible and now will end to keep those who brought us this nightmare in power. It is sickening.

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agree: what they’ve done is not acceptable and what they're doing now is covering their ass, still not taking any responsibility for the misery they've caused and the adverse events (deaths) that are happening as a result of their policies. exposure, transparency and accountability is what we need to ask from them.

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Since 2020, the world - of which the US is a part, American exceptionalism notwithstanding - has been under siege to a coup and sustained campaign by corrupt and criminal powers to radically reset human society, including through ongoing depopulation (aka 'vaccination'). Do you really think these monsters are going away on their own, without radical revolt from below by us? Dream on!

Meanwhile, dictatorial agencies like the CDC, which you may have noticed are still in power, still exhibit what should be by now, with any memory of past admissions of 'mistakes' from these creeps who show less and less shame in lying, familiar tactics of this war on humanity, drawn from techniques of torture as well as behavioral modification of staggered, uneven application and withdrawal of stimulus-response to manipulate subjects toward desired ends. Two steps forward toward tyranny, one step back, etc.

If you only look myopically at whatever latest move one part of the biosecurity state makes, apart from all the fronts on which this war is being waged (e.g., continuing rollout, as with the WHO treaty plan, of the p(l)andemic police state alongside controlled demolition of economies through manufactured food and fuel scarcity), you'll miss the strategy of getting us to relax and adjust to what formidable gains already have been made in locking us down on a prison planet. Wake up and rise up, and fight the war.

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I liked your response but it deserves a few more likes ❤️❤️❤️

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Anyone else have family members now backpedaling along with the fine CDC folks? I did not know how to approach my brainwashed relatives since last summer so other than fake texts with hearts, flowers, happy faces there was silence for months. And now? "Well, the shots were ALL about saving lives but I haven't thought about Covid in months, it's a non-issue!". "Oh no, no no...It's much different now, it's not like last year!!" Despite this, my un-injected outcast status feels permanent.

No apologies for being treated like a leper, a pariah for refusing experimental injections despite valid medical reasons, being skeptical, doing my own copious research. As someone working in the medical field for years I thought I had the right to do my own research. NO! A hand went up in my face last summer as I tried to talk about my personal medical history, "NO. I only care what Dr. FauxChi says, I'll do what the experts tell me to do!" You must say YES. One Size Fits ALL.

No apologies after hearing "It's a pandemic of The Unvaccinated!", "I feel uncomfortable around The Unvaccinated..." We're in the "Saving Lives" club and if you'd just gotten injected you'd be welcome but, you did not....You're an "Other".

I got "Covid" in May, a mild flu, sailed through sans shots. Got it from my BF, Pfizered X2 in early 2021. He refused #3 after a nasty case of scalp shingles. No comments from the do-gooders about that. Oh right, Omicron! the scariant not addressed by the miracle shots. But get boostered anyway!

Everything is DIFFERENT NOW but excluded from a family vacation, oh wait, come to an afternoon outdoor gathering! You can't be around us for a week, but you can sit with us outside for an afternoon. We'll throw you some crumbs. Rest assured, the last 2.5 years changed everything. You said NO and you have to say YES otherwise, you're not in the club!

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so many of us are experiencing this. yet I prefer to be my wholesome self and able to speak my mind freely. my relatives don't want to hear or be near me? too bad, there's other places to go, other people to meet. we've all arrived at this world as a sovereign being and it's on them if they can't understand that.

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Before you take your victory lap, take a look at the new taxes passed by Congress. Stage 2 of the Great Reset is in full effect. This tax deal is absolutely devastating.

We've merely turned a page in the Great Reset. Now they are engineering food, oil, natural gas shortages that will lead to massive famine. Now they are going to rob us blind through illegitimate taxes through stolen elections. Our government is absolutely, without a doubt 'stolen' from we the people, and everything it's done since Joe Biden walked through that door has been illegitimate.

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Although all those things you state are true, ultimately there is One in control, who has complete authority over who our rulers are. The fact that most hate what's happening and see the destruction, shows its judgement on a nation that has completely fallen away from God.

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You need to read bad cystitides writing on August 13 and get back to us.

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This is just the beginning of the tide turning, the coverups have been happening in earnest. Fauci, Collins and other government officials' role in the conspiracy will either be deleted or blacked out. Destruction of evidence rarely leads to sanctions.

You can be sure that the top law firms and PR concerns are advising them all as we blog and will employ the most pernicious strategies.

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The NY Times' Ross Douthat is questioning the CDC today. I was able to inject a few comments that got published (for now). As usual the vested interests are coming out in droves questioning the CDC follows the science and all the studies have showed that the "vaccines" are safe and effective. They have literally been running no controversial articles permitting comments, just occasional mild Op ed articles such as Douthat who is a lyme disease patient and knows how corrupt the healthcare system is. And you can be sure that they know all about Alex Berenson and don't want to give his controversy any oxygen.

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Yes. Out here in the west we are considered the deplorables even though we contribute the lion's share to this economy. Cuba's too nice compared to where I'd like to see him. I think even his father would be ashamed of him and he was enough of an arrogant asshole. I'm old enough to have voted against Pierre multiple times. It seems I have spent a lifetime voting and fighting against the privileged pond scum who have no idea of what life is like for the average working person. I will never submit.

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Don't stop yet! They are corrupt in the entire management. That means they'll find some other totalitarian narrative....just wait & see...AND they will NEVER give up their "vaccines -good" narrative until they are cleaned out.

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It appears that after Fauci caught Covid then had Paxlovid rebound followed by Biden, the narrative looked to be failing. The catalyst for the CDC's policy change is the current administration's poor ratings and fear of losing midterm elections. IMHO, the CDC changed it's policy now due to the observations that only 1/3 have been boosted, and few people are willing to vaccinate their young children. So the CDC stated the obvious conclusion to avoid looking worse now that many lawsuits are happening. Unfortunately, the CDC is moving on to the next chapters: monkey pox and polio.

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Before you get too relaxed, beware that if Dims pull off another "miracle" win in Nov., the nightmare coercive mandates & restrictions will return on steroids as the fascist left continues their march towards a "mostly peaceful depopulation" to achieve their ultimate goal of a replacement population of compliant govt slaves.

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