There was a rumor going around that Professor Byram Bridle was arrested. I just talked to him. He just got home and his email and voicemails are full of people asking if he is OK. He's fine.
Being a Canadian and Alum of the Institution of Guelph I am glad to hear this but living in The Fascist Province of Ontario I am always on altert and worried.
If whatever this news is involves the removal and prosecution of elected or appointed, pro-gene therapy injection mandate decision makers, then I look forward to it. If it is just another data dump showing without question that the risks of gene therapy injections outweighs the benefits then great... but that news doesn’t move the needle enough.
A major public figure being removed from office and prosecuted is a must. Contingency elections are needed to remove these types from elected office. Appointed decision-makers must be unceremoniously removed. Laws to prevent this from ever happening again need to be enacted. These actions must expand to include all globalist-minded types such as, elected politicians, appointed agency leaders, judges and corporate leaders... all who supported and enacted laws and rules for mandates MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
I like Meryl Nass's rX, get out of WHO. I think I remember Trump did that (COVID much happening every day it's a full-time job keeping on top of it all) but hey, whatta mixed bag, huh?
Ive been so excited for a year! It has never went back to not excited. I mean it, my stomach gets butterflies when I think of how we will finally be able to live like the Elite lives for hundreds of years! We are the new Kings and Queen’s!
More Covid (Farce) truth coming out = GREAT! More VAX DEATH details being confirmed = GREAT! More LIABILITY to be applied for DEADLY medicine maker casualties = NOT YET?
Gates owns the WHO (by contribution = influence), more US FARMLAND and is now investing heavily in DRINKING WATER = BEWARE!
People like me will automatically suspect the DEADLY COVID VAX as being the cause for most 'SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DEATHS' that seem to be becoming RIFE! We're just stupid Conspiracy Theorists!
Simple solutions to the Covid issue = Realise it was/is a man enhanced virus that was created for profit and the justification of a new and expensive profit making treatment.
Consider the manufacturers of this useless ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE") rubbish bare no 'LIABILITY' for any injuries or deaths that follow the injected POISON!
Realise that pre-proven WHO approved meds (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc, were historically SAFE anti-viral treatments that existed successfully for decades, until Big Pharma had to 'RUBBISH' them in order to obtain an Emergency Use Authorisation from their 'friends' at the FDA!
I'm (Covid) unvaxxed and 77 years of age, generally fit and healthy! Whilst I doubted the serious nature of Covid in the early days, but realised it could have been 'modified' by Fauci & friends to be as dangerous as possible for humans, I became more suspicious every time I read more details that seemed to be unrealistic in the 'real world'! One minor cold (= 2 days) since the "deadly" farce began.
Why, for example, would all Big Pharma manufacturers of 'cures' (called vaccines), require total immunity from LIABILITY for their "wonderful" speedy injections that were originally claimed to have been SAFE & EFECTIVE? It made no sense and still, 18 months later, makes even less sense, unless you realise the manufacturers know they can get away with such a nonsense.
Everyone with half a brain, by now knows by now that Covid was created for the purpose of taking the (World Economic Forum's 'New World Order' Control Program to the next level of dominance, which includes impregnating humanity with deadly chemicals that will complete the WEF's (NWO) plans for those that survive the ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE" - BUT in reality DEADLY!) injections - called VACCINES.
We must totally refute any threatened alterations to WHO guidelines and intended authority because the WHO has been 'sold' to the highest bidder' = Bill Gates is the WHO's biggest donator = benefactor = influencer.
The WHO is now the commercial arm of Gates vax sales interests and therefore obsolete to it's original Mission = Human health and Well-being! The WHO are now also fulfilling Gates's other need = to considerably depopulate the planet.
Bill Gates's new WHO stooge = Jeremy Farrar (Ex Wellcome Research) has been chosen by Gates to front the illegal activities of the World Health Organisation. Specifically, to prepare the organisation to take over the universal Sovereignty of every Nation - worldwide. To prepare the world population for world dominance of humanity under the guise of Human Health and Wellbeing.
Jeremy Farrar will continue the Covid tactics planned years in advance of the Coronavirus release, and announce the next FICTITIOUS PANDEMIC, along with intensified 'Control' tactics that will make the ridiculous Covid lock-downs and ineffective Mask Mandates even more urgently required and MANDATED.
In addition, the WHO believes it has the cooperation of ALL NATIONS to declare the next false Pandemic when another injection will, supposedly, be invented in 'miracle time' to counteract the next man-enhanced virus. We, the people deny the authority of the WHO to act in our best interests and therefore demand the WHO be terminated.
This time, the injection, (again called a 'vaccine') will be MANDATORY for the PLANET - with onerous consequences for any that dare to argue the Depopulation injection's necessity, safety and purpose.
His title = 'World Population Reduction Director'.
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for the makers of these unsafe, useless 'vaccines' as they are now just another means of Vax marketing and will inevitably reduce the world population, leaving the remaining 'injected humanoids' as SLAVES for the super-wealthy 'Elites'.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and fight tyranny.
Yes Mam Deb!! We have held our heads high and we have kept our Hearts strong while we held the line!!! Everyone enjoy the Jubilee!! It’s going to be AMAZING!!!
This is the Bottom Line as per Scripture, all of which is based on the oldest religion in the world - Judaism. Judaism is NOT Zionism. Zionism is an artificial construct which is thinly disguised One World Order cobbled together starting in the late 19th century for political purposes, chief of which was to homogenize the Jews who had survived the Holocaust and those who had remained in the Diaspora. What we are living currently (since The League of Nations pushed by American President Wilson just after WW1 and which is a precursor to the UN) is an intense form of Purim. Purim means in Hebrew “Lots” or a "casting of the dice". It is a joyous Jewish festival commemorating the survival of the Jews who, in the 5th century bce, were marked for mass extermination by their Persian rulers. The holiday was thus named since Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his diabolical scheme. The story is related in the biblical Book of Esther. The MEANING behind Purim is the uncovering of Evil and the bravery to stand up to it. There was an eclipse on the date of the American Mid-Terms. - which was on Nov.8, 2022. Something big is being "hidden from us". The Narrative changes in order to keep the Plot "hidden for as long as possible". Narratives (which hide the TRUTH) to control large populations have been around for centuries. This is nothing knew. The problem we are having is that most of the population will "Fence Sit" for as long as possible and follow The Narrative in wilful stupidity , even though they know and feel that something is very wrong. They want the problem fixed, but not at their expense. They will do nothing for as long as possible and stick with the "herd" out of fear, laziness, and delusions. Most of the pop. is crap. So this is essentially a massive FILTER. God is TESTING YOU INDIVIDUALLY. When do YOU DECIDE to STOP FOLLOWING the IDOLATRY OF THE NARRATIVE ???? When do YOU decide to use CRITICAL THINKING to decode The Narrative ? This is what is really going on. The Narrative dissolves as soon as you REJECT IT !!
Dr. Byram Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph
DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: I am very much pro-vaccine, but always making sure that the science is done properly, and that we follow the science carefully before going into a public roll-out of vaccines.
I hope you'll let me run with this a little bit, Alex. I'll forewarn you and your listeners, that the story I'm about to tell is a bit of a scary one. This is cutting-edge science, there's a couple of key pieces of scientific information that I have become privy to just within the past few days that has made the final link so we understand now, myself and some key international collaborators, we understand exactly why these problems are happening. And many others associated with these vaccines.
And the story is a bit of scary one, so just to brace you for this. But I'm going to walk you through this. The science that I'm going to be talking about, I don't have the time here to describe exactly the scientific data, but let me assure you that everything that I am stating here, that I'm going to state right now, is completely backed up by peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known and well-respected scientific journals. I have all of this information in hand, I am in the process [?] put it all into a document that I can hopefully circulate widely.
So your listeners are going to be the first to hear the public release of this conclusion. And I can back it up with science.
ALEX PIERSON: That's very ominous [laughs]
DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: This is what it is. The SARS Corona virus 2 has a spike protein on its surface, that spike protein is what allows it to infect our bodies. That is why we've been using the spike protein in our vaccines. The vaccines we're using get our cells in our body to manufacture that protein. If we can mount an immune response against that protein, in theory we can prevent this virus from infecting the body. That's the theory behind the vaccine.
However, when studying the disease, severe Covid-19, everything that you just described, heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting, is all associated with severe Covid-19. And looking, doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system if it gets into circulation. Indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals they get all kinds of damage to cardiovascular system and it can get cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.
All vaccines most likely shorten life expectancy and do not work. The earlier vaccines were also never tested against CONTROL GROUPS and they were all heavily promoted by Propaganda. Polio was likely caused by pesticides, not a virus. The decline in polio was not due to vaccines, it was due to the removal of the pesticides. There are plenty of good reads on this stuff.
Yes, I agree. He also lost me at "I;m very much pro vaccine." All of the doctors I have heard, even the ones speaking out, are co-opted to some extent. None of them will say flat out that the vaccines DO NOT WORK and SHORTEN LIFE EXPECTANCY. The one who has come closest to saying that there is a big debate about the effectiveness of traditional vaccines, is Canada's Dr. Trozzi -
Totally agree on Dr Trozzi. Dr Paul Thomas, pediatrician who had the vaxxed vs unvaxxed study done on health out comes of his patients, is quite clear that unvaxxed are far healthier.
Thanks for your support. Even on Substack, people are confused because the info. has yet to get out that there absolutely no benefit to any of these shots. The answer is frequency. Best book I ever bought on this is "The Rife Handbook on Frequency - 5th Edition" by Nenah Sylver Rife was an American scientist who figured out all of this following the Spanish Flu, in the 1930's.
Thanks Deb. I've read a little about Royal Rife, a long time ago. The American Free Press paper used to sell Rife machines and write an occasional article about him back in the day. I'm curious, do you own a Rife machine?
I was going blind. I had everything, glaucoma, macular degeneration, vascular problems. System medicine only treats symptoms, not the disease. I used a Rife machine over the course of 6 years and eye drops until the problems were completely treated. I am pleased to say that my eyes are in excellent shape. My System doctor is baffled and I told him nothing.
That's awesome! Good for you, Deb. Imagine what a healthy society we could have without allopathic medicine....instead, frequency healing and other natural modalities like homeopathy, herbalism, real nutrition, TCM, etc. could have advanced so far that illness would be a rarity, imo. Thank you for everything, Deb.
No he isn’t. That’s msm talking. He’s never been In prison. With the information that he gave Trump, I knew he would take care of him! I was so worried for so long about him.
I hope its news the dam is finally breaking!
Being a Canadian and Alum of the Institution of Guelph I am glad to hear this but living in The Fascist Province of Ontario I am always on altert and worried.
Ohhhh can't wait to hear!
I absolutely adore Dr Bridle. Can't wait to hear the news 🙏
If whatever this news is involves the removal and prosecution of elected or appointed, pro-gene therapy injection mandate decision makers, then I look forward to it. If it is just another data dump showing without question that the risks of gene therapy injections outweighs the benefits then great... but that news doesn’t move the needle enough.
A major public figure being removed from office and prosecuted is a must. Contingency elections are needed to remove these types from elected office. Appointed decision-makers must be unceremoniously removed. Laws to prevent this from ever happening again need to be enacted. These actions must expand to include all globalist-minded types such as, elected politicians, appointed agency leaders, judges and corporate leaders... all who supported and enacted laws and rules for mandates MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Maybe fake biden
I like Meryl Nass's rX, get out of WHO. I think I remember Trump did that (COVID much happening every day it's a full-time job keeping on top of it all) but hey, whatta mixed bag, huh?
Q always said when we get close the information will come out so quick that it will be hard to keep up. I love it after 6 years.
Oh boy! I haven't been this excited since I was 6 years old on Christmas eve waiting for Santa!
Ive been so excited for a year! It has never went back to not excited. I mean it, my stomach gets butterflies when I think of how we will finally be able to live like the Elite lives for hundreds of years! We are the new Kings and Queen’s!
Me toooo!!
More Covid (Farce) truth coming out = GREAT! More VAX DEATH details being confirmed = GREAT! More LIABILITY to be applied for DEADLY medicine maker casualties = NOT YET?
Gates owns the WHO (by contribution = influence), more US FARMLAND and is now investing heavily in DRINKING WATER = BEWARE!
People like me will automatically suspect the DEADLY COVID VAX as being the cause for most 'SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DEATHS' that seem to be becoming RIFE! We're just stupid Conspiracy Theorists!
Simple solutions to the Covid issue = Realise it was/is a man enhanced virus that was created for profit and the justification of a new and expensive profit making treatment.
Consider the manufacturers of this useless ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE") rubbish bare no 'LIABILITY' for any injuries or deaths that follow the injected POISON!
Realise that pre-proven WHO approved meds (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc, were historically SAFE anti-viral treatments that existed successfully for decades, until Big Pharma had to 'RUBBISH' them in order to obtain an Emergency Use Authorisation from their 'friends' at the FDA!
I'm (Covid) unvaxxed and 77 years of age, generally fit and healthy! Whilst I doubted the serious nature of Covid in the early days, but realised it could have been 'modified' by Fauci & friends to be as dangerous as possible for humans, I became more suspicious every time I read more details that seemed to be unrealistic in the 'real world'! One minor cold (= 2 days) since the "deadly" farce began.
Why, for example, would all Big Pharma manufacturers of 'cures' (called vaccines), require total immunity from LIABILITY for their "wonderful" speedy injections that were originally claimed to have been SAFE & EFECTIVE? It made no sense and still, 18 months later, makes even less sense, unless you realise the manufacturers know they can get away with such a nonsense.
Everyone with half a brain, by now knows by now that Covid was created for the purpose of taking the (World Economic Forum's 'New World Order' Control Program to the next level of dominance, which includes impregnating humanity with deadly chemicals that will complete the WEF's (NWO) plans for those that survive the ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE" - BUT in reality DEADLY!) injections - called VACCINES.
We must totally refute any threatened alterations to WHO guidelines and intended authority because the WHO has been 'sold' to the highest bidder' = Bill Gates is the WHO's biggest donator = benefactor = influencer.
The WHO is now the commercial arm of Gates vax sales interests and therefore obsolete to it's original Mission = Human health and Well-being! The WHO are now also fulfilling Gates's other need = to considerably depopulate the planet.
Bill Gates's new WHO stooge = Jeremy Farrar (Ex Wellcome Research) has been chosen by Gates to front the illegal activities of the World Health Organisation. Specifically, to prepare the organisation to take over the universal Sovereignty of every Nation - worldwide. To prepare the world population for world dominance of humanity under the guise of Human Health and Wellbeing.
Jeremy Farrar will continue the Covid tactics planned years in advance of the Coronavirus release, and announce the next FICTITIOUS PANDEMIC, along with intensified 'Control' tactics that will make the ridiculous Covid lock-downs and ineffective Mask Mandates even more urgently required and MANDATED.
In addition, the WHO believes it has the cooperation of ALL NATIONS to declare the next false Pandemic when another injection will, supposedly, be invented in 'miracle time' to counteract the next man-enhanced virus. We, the people deny the authority of the WHO to act in our best interests and therefore demand the WHO be terminated.
This time, the injection, (again called a 'vaccine') will be MANDATORY for the PLANET - with onerous consequences for any that dare to argue the Depopulation injection's necessity, safety and purpose.
His title = 'World Population Reduction Director'.
'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for the makers of these unsafe, useless 'vaccines' as they are now just another means of Vax marketing and will inevitably reduce the world population, leaving the remaining 'injected humanoids' as SLAVES for the super-wealthy 'Elites'.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and fight tyranny.
Thank you!
God Bless All of Us Who Have The Decency, Fortitude, Integrity and Courage to Fight the Good Fight !!!
Yes Mam Deb!! We have held our heads high and we have kept our Hearts strong while we held the line!!! Everyone enjoy the Jubilee!! It’s going to be AMAZING!!!
It doesn't matter:
This is the Bottom Line as per Scripture, all of which is based on the oldest religion in the world - Judaism. Judaism is NOT Zionism. Zionism is an artificial construct which is thinly disguised One World Order cobbled together starting in the late 19th century for political purposes, chief of which was to homogenize the Jews who had survived the Holocaust and those who had remained in the Diaspora. What we are living currently (since The League of Nations pushed by American President Wilson just after WW1 and which is a precursor to the UN) is an intense form of Purim. Purim means in Hebrew “Lots” or a "casting of the dice". It is a joyous Jewish festival commemorating the survival of the Jews who, in the 5th century bce, were marked for mass extermination by their Persian rulers. The holiday was thus named since Haman had thrown lots to determine when he would carry out his diabolical scheme. The story is related in the biblical Book of Esther. The MEANING behind Purim is the uncovering of Evil and the bravery to stand up to it. There was an eclipse on the date of the American Mid-Terms. - which was on Nov.8, 2022. Something big is being "hidden from us". The Narrative changes in order to keep the Plot "hidden for as long as possible". Narratives (which hide the TRUTH) to control large populations have been around for centuries. This is nothing knew. The problem we are having is that most of the population will "Fence Sit" for as long as possible and follow The Narrative in wilful stupidity , even though they know and feel that something is very wrong. They want the problem fixed, but not at their expense. They will do nothing for as long as possible and stick with the "herd" out of fear, laziness, and delusions. Most of the pop. is crap. So this is essentially a massive FILTER. God is TESTING YOU INDIVIDUALLY. When do YOU DECIDE to STOP FOLLOWING the IDOLATRY OF THE NARRATIVE ???? When do YOU decide to use CRITICAL THINKING to decode The Narrative ? This is what is really going on. The Narrative dissolves as soon as you REJECT IT !!
Oh, but it's just so much easier to "outsource" your thinking and decision-making, don'tcha know?
Early, very early on:
May 28, 2021
Alex Pierson interviews Dr. Byram Bridle
Dr. Byram Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph
DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: I am very much pro-vaccine, but always making sure that the science is done properly, and that we follow the science carefully before going into a public roll-out of vaccines.
I hope you'll let me run with this a little bit, Alex. I'll forewarn you and your listeners, that the story I'm about to tell is a bit of a scary one. This is cutting-edge science, there's a couple of key pieces of scientific information that I have become privy to just within the past few days that has made the final link so we understand now, myself and some key international collaborators, we understand exactly why these problems are happening. And many others associated with these vaccines.
And the story is a bit of scary one, so just to brace you for this. But I'm going to walk you through this. The science that I'm going to be talking about, I don't have the time here to describe exactly the scientific data, but let me assure you that everything that I am stating here, that I'm going to state right now, is completely backed up by peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known and well-respected scientific journals. I have all of this information in hand, I am in the process [?] put it all into a document that I can hopefully circulate widely.
So your listeners are going to be the first to hear the public release of this conclusion. And I can back it up with science.
ALEX PIERSON: That's very ominous [laughs]
DR. BYRAM BRIDLE: This is what it is. The SARS Corona virus 2 has a spike protein on its surface, that spike protein is what allows it to infect our bodies. That is why we've been using the spike protein in our vaccines. The vaccines we're using get our cells in our body to manufacture that protein. If we can mount an immune response against that protein, in theory we can prevent this virus from infecting the body. That's the theory behind the vaccine.
However, when studying the disease, severe Covid-19, everything that you just described, heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting, is all associated with severe Covid-19. And looking, doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system if it gets into circulation. Indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals they get all kinds of damage to cardiovascular system and it can get cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.
All vaccines most likely shorten life expectancy and do not work. The earlier vaccines were also never tested against CONTROL GROUPS and they were all heavily promoted by Propaganda. Polio was likely caused by pesticides, not a virus. The decline in polio was not due to vaccines, it was due to the removal of the pesticides. There are plenty of good reads on this stuff.
Bingo, Deb! SIDS/SADS.....Same Stuff/ Different Age group. All from the Quack Seens. Sorry, Doc, you lost me at ''I'm very much pro-vaccine,....''
Yes, I agree. He also lost me at "I;m very much pro vaccine." All of the doctors I have heard, even the ones speaking out, are co-opted to some extent. None of them will say flat out that the vaccines DO NOT WORK and SHORTEN LIFE EXPECTANCY. The one who has come closest to saying that there is a big debate about the effectiveness of traditional vaccines, is Canada's Dr. Trozzi -
Totally agree on Dr Trozzi. Dr Paul Thomas, pediatrician who had the vaxxed vs unvaxxed study done on health out comes of his patients, is quite clear that unvaxxed are far healthier.
Thanks for your support. Even on Substack, people are confused because the info. has yet to get out that there absolutely no benefit to any of these shots. The answer is frequency. Best book I ever bought on this is "The Rife Handbook on Frequency - 5th Edition" by Nenah Sylver Rife was an American scientist who figured out all of this following the Spanish Flu, in the 1930's.
Thanks Deb. I've read a little about Royal Rife, a long time ago. The American Free Press paper used to sell Rife machines and write an occasional article about him back in the day. I'm curious, do you own a Rife machine?
I was going blind. I had everything, glaucoma, macular degeneration, vascular problems. System medicine only treats symptoms, not the disease. I used a Rife machine over the course of 6 years and eye drops until the problems were completely treated. I am pleased to say that my eyes are in excellent shape. My System doctor is baffled and I told him nothing.
That's awesome! Good for you, Deb. Imagine what a healthy society we could have without allopathic medicine....instead, frequency healing and other natural modalities like homeopathy, herbalism, real nutrition, TCM, etc. could have advanced so far that illness would be a rarity, imo. Thank you for everything, Deb.
Best Wishes and thanks for the support. God is With Us !
Looking forward to some good news!
Why hasn't E M reinstated Julian Assange's account ? - or maybe he has but what use is that to J A shut in solitary without so much as a book ?!
No he isn’t. That’s msm talking. He’s never been In prison. With the information that he gave Trump, I knew he would take care of him! I was so worried for so long about him.
Thank you again for all this incredible amount of information and research Geoff.