Dr McCullough's event in Australia has just been stopped by Eventbrite. They've refunded ticket money. Organizers working through alternatives. Wouldn;t be surprised if an Australian politician gave the order.

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I have been registering for a monthly webinar by a person I have been following for years. He uses Eventbrite. I forwarded this email to him. I am not going to register for any more until he changes or unless I get new information about Eventbrite.

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Ticket Tailor is another one. But unfortunately they don't have a platform that lists all events happening.

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Haven’t seen anything posted by Steve in almost a week now and I am noticing. I am concerned as this is very unusual. Anybody have any ideas about what is happening with Steve?

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Thanks for highlighting how corrupt Eventbrite is. I learned this about two years ago when they falsely said a Stop the Steal event and a Pro-Life event were canceled.

I didn't know they keep the promoters funds. That is a massive breach-of-contract, unless it has one of those weasel clauses like PayPal

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So..wouldn't it be a great idea to restrict commercial flights to one pilot to save costs and help with staff shortages...?


How much chaos/death/destruction are they trying to cause?

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PayPal has joined the others, so

scratch them!

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WooCommerce, which is owned by Automattic (which also owns WordPress), appears to be the gateway if you want to integrate payment processing like Stripe into your WordPress sites.

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So last night premiered:


... also starring "you know who" and a bunch of different embalers.

Anyway we can check our blood for those nasty looking clots? I unfortunately did get the original Pfizers and got pretty sick from it (no boosters). What test is best? D-dimer? Seems from vid that those big things should be pretty easy to spot.

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''Pls. Bump and Share this Video may finally take the Vaccine Cabal down!''

"World Premiere: Died Suddenly"

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.


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Not only D-dimer but get your immunoglobulins blood test for your immune system.

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huh? That's serology the test I used to see if I had (ie: igG covid) antibodies. It also checks those big clots??

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Not for the clot but for your immune system; it is probably compromised. Or you can do a duplex ultrasound or more local areas in venography, which is more invasive for any potential clotting.

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My take on Why "early spread" matters .... and why it's so important to conceal evidence this occurred.


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I liked the video but... Stew Peters never met a conspiracy theory he wouldn't embrace and occasionally he stumbles upon something that has the plausibility of conspiracy.

If I were going to create a controlled operator, a conspiracy theorist would be it. Fake moon landings, big foot, chem trails, human magnets, and unsafe vaccines.

The experts in the video are highly credible.

How about this one instead?

Ralph Baric had said pre-pandemic that when, not if, a pandemic hit a vaccine should be developed and the hype from the pandemic should be used to gain political and public support to develop a pan-Corona virus and pan-Influenza virus vaccine -- that is, get massive amounts of money fueled to big pharma.

Once the vaccines were implemented, does anyone seriously think they would look for safety after millions were taking it weekly? All they had to do was track mortality, morbidity, and fertility between vaxxed and zero doses for same age and health demo groups from the beginning, e.g. compare healthy 18-year old vaxxed and healthy 18-year old zero doses, etc.

Does AZT sound like Remdesivir?

Does suppression of early treatment sound like suppression of treatments for AIDS? Yes, they wanted a vaccine and big pharma solution for AIDS as well.

As to the the "expert" and "science and data-based" class driving the safe and effective narrative: See the Smallpox outbreak and the response in the 1800s.

You don't need a conspiracy. Just a small group of bad actors and the pretense of the "expert" class, driving them to jump on board.

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You do know who created the term "conspiracy theory?" Right? The weird thing about the moon landing was the materials made up of the landing equipment.

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The LM ascent stage always looked like it could barely fit two people; it's anybody's guess how one could pull a dune buggy out of a descent stage stuffed with tanks of nitrogen tetroxide and helium and aerozine and a water tank and batteries and S-band antennae and the nozzle exhaust bell of the upper stage.

Then I'm supposed to believe they could perfectly time an elliptical launch from the surface that gradually resolves over time into a meeting with the command module.

It appears now they're worried about passing through the Van Allen radiation belts for real:


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@DiedSuddenly_ is trending high on Twitter, saw some saying things like "no, I believe in science" whereupon I reply with Steve Kirsch's pinned "Evidence of Harm." It's a great way to say "here, read some science, then."

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Who cares? They can take the "science" with them when they are down under.

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"I believe in science, but not two foot long protein clots being pulled from corpses never before seen by coroners pre-vax rollout."

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Are you okay? You haven't posted in a while. I miss your energy. Enjoy Thanksgiving. I hope your family doesn't feel too jealous of the time you dedicate to the rest of us.

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Finding mRNA in breast milk typifies how covid vaccine safety was oversold

Maryanne Demasi, PhD


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The Elephant in the Room is Undeniable.

British MP today “even a casual glance at the data shows that there’s a VERY STRONG CORRELATION between excess DEATHS & the level of vaccine uptake.Surely we must have an investigation? These are 10s of thousands of PEOPLE who are DYING"


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