In answer to your question, complete corruption.

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69 people in my network of friends & acquaintances have died or developed serious or unexplained illnesses since 2021. All had more than 1 injection.

Of four pregnancies in that time, where one woman was un-injected:

2 healthy young women miscarried, one after 3 months.

A third had a little girl, who has a birth defect & now, at 18 months, cannot say one word.

The 4th young women had a healthy baby, developing well. She’s the one who didn’t get any injections.

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Zero is my number as in zero kill shots. I saw you coming Fauci, nice try, now it's my turn, can you say meat hook? Now all we need us a broken piano

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Steve - I've been providing similar info about CV vax pregnancy risks and negligible benefits to my local Board of Health, but the Health Officer responded that meta-analyses establish "safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people", sending me these three links:

1) Safety and Effectiveness of Maternal COVID-19 Vaccines Among Pregnant People and Infants [Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2023 Feb 21]:


2) Safety of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Vaccine. 2023 Jun 7]


3) Effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines on maternal and perinatal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis [BMJ Glob Health. 2024 Apr 4]


The meta-analyses report "vaccination during pregnancy was not associated with increased risk of adverse pregnancy or perinatal outcomes", "adjusted for potential confounders showed no association with adverse outcomes", etc.

Could you point to articles debunking these meta-analyses? - Much thanks for your work and prayers for your well-being, Stephen

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The bigger question is who would have a child under these conditions?

The world is fucked and way beyond repair...

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Sorry if this has been asked or answered in comments or article, but did the trial look at still births, miscarriages, etc? I'd not be surprised if it didn't but asking anyway.

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And??? VAERES showed this reality right after the rollout of SARScoV2 mRNA. The FDA drug trials showed this before they were released to the public. Better late than never. PU.

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Unfortunately the people who can do something about it are looking the other way. This includes DJT who rolled out operation warp speed and said the adverse effects were rare and reports show he saved hundreds of millions of lives🙄

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Great work Steve!

I find there is enough strong scientific data, reports, and publications to refine your correct statement to "The vaccine is a total shit show for EVERYBODY!"

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Who in their right mind would subject their unborn baby to a vaccine trial?

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Trump’s SG will parrot whatever the cdc says or whatever is popular at the time. These poor outcomes are for those who didn’t “miscarry” or pharma vax abort like so many others. It’s an evil thing to prey on pregnant women who already have wild hormones and fear of losing the baby. To tell them an intervention will help protect them and their baby is absolutely manipulative.

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To be confirmed in the Senate she will have to face Ron Johnson.

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OBGYN here. I still talk about this everyday. The majority of women see no connection in their current health and a shot that they took “so long ago.”

On another note, an OBGYN doctor literally just finished her oral board exams and promptly dropped dead. Nobody knows why. Anybody have an idea why she would die suddenly?

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Heartbreaking seeing friends who were jabbed lose their babies full term 😢 devastating. Grieving and unsure why. Thanks for all your data and information. Sharing for awareness ❤️

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I care. All are very important, valid questions. Only time will tell. The passage of time will tell us whom among us are invertebrates and whom are honest, possibly fearful yet brave, advocates for the hard cold truth. The word "travesty" comes to mind. How did such a bold, vocal people become so subjugate, so subordinate to an obviously nefarious, or at least criminally negligent, group of NGOs? Reviewing through my downloads on the subject, and there's plenty of evidence amassed, there was prior knowledge about this "virus " that wasn't shared with not only the public, but hidden from our representatives as well. Only later was there disclosure on the event 201 excersize and it's efficacy. If these "tabletop excersizes" are unable to prepare us for such an event, then I can only warn that they have served as an outline to wage an attack on us through the same step by step planning. The level of incompetence in our leaders is staggering, of shall I say, "quite unbelievable!"

After all we've learned, no thanks to the MSM or our medical professionals (with the exception of a few, like our friends and heroes here on Substack), there seems to be a continuation of the lies and deceit spewed by the WHO, NIH, and CDC.

Stay vigilant and curious! Seek the Truth! At least die with your boots on, on the ground, aware and facing your enemy. God protect and keep you all.

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The thalidomide scandal happened before ultrasound scans and abortion on demand. It was evident because of the large number of babies born with birth defects


It’s much easier to cover up a disaster of this magnitude now.

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These doctors are truly evil. Who would think it safe to inject anything with unknown risks into the arm of a pregnant woman? Yet, they allowed it, promoted it, and stood by it all to fill their greedy hands. There are no excuses good enough to get them off the hook, justice can't come soon enough.

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