Link doesn't work: "There are dozens of articles like this one that highlight irregularities in the data that need to be investigated." Paragraph 6 I think.

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I wonder if the protocol deviations are people seeking medical help for vaccine adverse events.

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Phil Harper reports that the Pfizer data shows that there were 3 SAEs and 1 hospitalization due to covid in the vaccine arm, with 4 hospitalizations due to covid in the placebo arm. Phil considers that SAEs probably require hospitalization. But perhaps we should focus on all-cause SAEs. People are sometimes hospitalized due to covid with full recovery. But SAEs can include amputation of limbs and other chronic conditions, so a SAE is potentially more serious than hospitalization.

So there were 4 all-cause SAEs in both the placebo and vaccine arms. This means that the vaccines provide no benefit against all-cause SAE. Focusing solely on hospitalization due to covid is therefore a distraction and the claim of benefit for vaccines in providing protection from hospitalization due to covid is irrelevant.

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Steve, I seem to recall hearing Maddie de Garay's mom say that Maddie only had ONE shot of the Pfizer fakevaxx. Maybe double check that?

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Let's not forget the MONEY that is exchanging hands with the people having stock with Pfizer and Moderna!!! Follow the money - especially when it comes to Gates and Fauci. Who else in the Congress?

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Go to CBS 60Minutes and request that it start the investigation!

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CBS. Isn’t it owned by the bad guys??? Like all the media!!

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60Minutes does stories about all kinds of stuff - why not a story about the FDA slow-walk of the Novax vaccine & also why not about the safety issues regarding mRNA - there is more than 1 story !

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The Federal Government's regulatory agencies, with the exception of a diminishingly few, are clientele captured. CDC, FDA and NIH are not part of this small group, rather they are the corrupt handmaidens of industry. Citizens are richly supporting agencies who work for industry and against the welfare of the citizenry. Congress is well aware of this, but then we do have the best politicians money can buy.

Dr Edo McGowan

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Look it up. Pfizer has been fined multiple times in the past for submitting fraudulent info to the FDA

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Where can I find the actual trial data for kids that Dr Craig speaks of? My own physician is looking for it

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1.3 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show, as CDC Meets to Rubber-Stamp Shots for Kids Under 5

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,301,356 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,859 deaths and 238,412 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022.


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Steve Kirsch you are right, we are grateful for your hard work and great writing!

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Corruption has become complete within the NIH. The DOJ is too politically driven to be concerned.

OTOH, fear is slowly dissipating because it was generated by media. Luckily the Biden administration is inept even at implementing long held agendas now surrounded by failure. Recovery from the errors cannot happen until at least 2026.

You can fool some of the people ...,.

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So the fraudlent FDA is going to investigate Pfizer for the fraud the FDA is complicit in?

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To add to my last post. We have a dog who, quite out of character, growls at the vaxxed. He never used to? We wonder. He does now. And quite reliably. Its weird.

Maybe we are going insane. I ponder that notion as I stare into the outer dark at 2 am these nights, could it really be THAT BAD?


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Well, my theory on those things growing within them is that maybe they are implanted with something that isn't quite human or affects the humanistic qualify that people have? All of this "alien technology" that they are all of a sudden allowing to be put on television? Food for thought.

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It's ok to pray for sanity. Sanity is cleanliness of the mind. God wants to bless your mind and purge corrupting influences. You can pray to God for wisdom, too. He loves to answer that kind of prayer.

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You are not crazy, your dog outperforms humans in many areas. Keep praying!

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Some dogs can smell when people have cancer & other diseases. They're so good at it that some dogs are being specifically trained to be early warning sniffers. Maybe the jabbed smell of sickness that a dog's sensitive nose can pick up. And yes, sadly, it really is THAT BAD.

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We are going to be stacking cadavers. That's how bad it is. Hope you've got a hasmat suit cause you're going to need one.

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I hope you are wrong, but I believe you are right. How sad!

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