And for those chomping at the bit (haha) for paxlovid, you gotta be careful due to all of the drug interactions; there are 42 drugs you must stop using before taking paxlovid. Shout out to medical rock star Pierre Kory for finding this list!
I’m not taking their death pill just as I didn’t take their death shot. I have a stash of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin at the house in case I catch the WuFlu. We take vitamin D, C, K2, Zinc, and Quercetin daily as a preventive. Anything the CDC, FDA, or Fauci recommends I stay far away from.
How do they manage to sell it if the fda hasnt been cleared and it seems to be Remdesevir in a pill and attacks kidneys.Why are these people allowed to market this poison.Soon they will be marketing ratpoison as a treatment. , FDA will approve it emergency use.
And our atmosphere, water, plants and soil. I woke up yesterday in Ottawa to a clear blue sky and then the big tanker jets arrived criss-crossing the sky spraying toxic chemicals that include nano-sized particles of aluminium, barium, strontium and God knows what else. By the end of the day, the sky was a hazy grey, the sun was diffuse and partly blocked, and the air difficult to breathe. I was walking my dog in a nearby park when the jets were creating massive chemical plumes but no one seemed to notice that they were being poisoned. So I went up to a young lady carrying a baby, pointed out the trails and asked if she knew what they were. Like so many others I have talked to over the years, she did not even know they exist. Environment Canada will not even acknowledge that the atmosphere is being sprayed. Sound familiar? Check here to see what they look like:
That is exactly what is happening here, and how odd that so few ever look up and notice...they just assume its regular aircraft. But Gov online has the treaty with US about weather modification. Easy to access.
I have to wonder why somebody doesn't just hire detectives to find out if claims are true. It's seems to me that it is too big of an operation to hide if someone actually investigates.
I spent 40 years as a Research Scientist in the field of Earth Science that included research on climate change through geological time. Scientists who challenged the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) "theory" whereby CO2 drives global warming are smeared, called a climate "denier", threatened (including death threats) and defunded; you are committing career suicide if you question the AGW theory. The AGW "theory" is not supported by the best science but by proprietary climate models that have been shown with the passage of time to be wrong. And the AGW proponents refuse to debate scientists who question the AGW theory despite invitations at special sessions at major geoscience conferences. Everything Steve is now experiencing with regard to Covid is also true in the field of climate change as it relate to man made global warming. The same applies to scientists who ask questions about the spraying of the atmosphere with toxic chemicals. Take some time and listen to the lectures and read the articles at:
This is all off-topic so apologies... while I'm peripherally aware of the whole chem-trails thing I've never looked into it and know virtually nothing about it.
Re: "...the spraying of the atmosphere with toxic chemicals."
Briefly please if this is happening what is the perps actual purpose supposed to be? And I'm assuming you're not just talking about pollution from plane emissions but something completely different.
Thanks, Wayne I have read much on that site and seen the documentary. That's why I think the next step in gathering evidence would be documenting the actual tanks and nozzles with photographic close ups, getting a sample of what's being sprayed from the actual plane before it's sprayed and finding people who know what's going on to get them to blow the whistle.
Hello fellow Ottawan! I was gardening yesterday in Ottawa south and it was part sunny and I happened to look up in afternoon and did see some faded lines and wondered if that was what all those folks in America keep alerting about.. but we sat on porch and took sun, only part cloud but the whole day was like that. we also walked dog at Hogs back and no did filthy breathing. Not sure those chemtrails are even real .. heard aero guys says those are condensation trails from ice crystals, engine exhaust and changes in air pressure. I see you are very smart though in yr field.. but wouldn’t there be less obvious ways to poison us if they wanted? I will check yr links later but so I believe in global warming?
Surreal,🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ are considered as kind of filtration mechanism for the 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠, youngsters got this understanding a year ago. Now it’s being petrified.
Mornin Steve ... You should post a warning for late to bed/midnight shift types just going to bed. There is altogether too much damn SARCASM going on and if "we" get confused easily it would be nice to have a warning sign.
Everyone should see your interview with Alix Meyer, where she explained the insanity of how drug companies carefully skirt around the laws. It is just NUTS.
FYI. It may be a coincidence, but the link wasn't live in the email notice of your reply to my comment that I received through my isp nor could I even copy it. Had to use the link back to the blog site in your 'like' notice. Curious isn't it? Maybe my isp or your isp or SK's blog host is now censoring emails of this kind, as the powers in DC have promised.
Blogger just censored me for the first time, and unpublished one of my posts (on hydroxychloroquine) so it doesn't surprise me! Thx for letting me know.
Let's look at the death data (from covid-19) for those ≥80 years of age, from week 3 (the fraud) onwards:
Period A B C (covid-19 deaths per 100,000)
week03 39 309 270
week04 57 322 265
week05 78 326 248
week06 103 324 221
week07 114 280 165
week08 120 243 124
week09 120 190 70
week10 110 152 42
week11 101 141 40
week12 90 134 44
week13 84 122 37
Column A is deaths among those "suitably triple jabbed" per 100,000
Column B is the deaths among the un-vaccinated per 100,000
Column C is Column B minus Column A
So Column C is the number of deaths that are prevented for every 100,000 people who are vaccinated. If this number is negative then it records the number of deaths caused by the vaccines (per 100,000 vaccinated).
Graphing Column C we can see that as it approaches zero it levels off (from week 10 onwards). This is due to those presenting the data finding some fraud to keep the data positive, or simply making up the data. Anything, to keep the data from proving that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving.
I must emphasize that the above data only records deaths due to covid-19. It does not record any deaths due to adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Anyway, after manipulating the data for the weeks 10, 11, 12, and 13, the evil people decided that the data was henceforth always going to show that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving, so they stopped publishing the data. To provide an excuse for this they had to arrange for the UK Government to stop paying for covid-19 testing, so that is what they did. In the week 14 surveillance report they state:
"From 1 April 2022, the UK Government ended provision of free universal covid-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor covid-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published."
The relevant data can be found in the following PDF:
But all in good humor - Check out the Pfizer "Remarkable" ad! They are selling themselves and products as THE PATH TO NORMAL. Ooooh how Big Pharma is the shameless and examplary best of American innovation strategy (Austin, MAGA or Silicon Valley, red, white and blue)! It's a patentable (military-industrial strength) bio-extraction strategy. SMART? The best from Exponential U, or is that the WEF: Needle away symptoms and self-regulatory functions so you can sell back to people, a temporary sense of normal!
Asking for a validity/logic check - is my hypo credible - are the jabs causing more sick kids?
I know the jabs have caused reduced immunity ->more illness and death in adults.
Kids were injected months later and should be due for vaxx harm about now.
I also predicted in Sept2021 the deaths and injuries by vaxx-caused heart failure of athletes - approx. 900 football players; now competitive cyclists.
QUESTION - How many of these many sick kids are the result of poisoning by toxic Covid-19 "vaccines"? We now know that these vaccines were toxic and ineffective and should never have been given to anyone, especially children who were at no risk of dying of Covid-19!
How do we know? Because contrary to prevalent falsehoods, the Covid-19 vaccinated are now experiencing much more illness and death than the unvaxxed. Health authorities and politicians are trying to conceal this fact because they will never admit to their grievous errors.
We further know that the "vaccines" damage one's immune system and that leads to an increase in all illnesses, including cancers.
I published that the Covid-19 lockdowns were costly, harmful and ineffective on 21March2020 and warned our governments that the “vaccines” were costly, toxic and ineffective on 8Jan2021.
Hi Steve, if time, please scan my latest paper - the second half on Covid-19. I expect you know most/all of this now.
I published that the Covid-19 lockdowns were costly, harmful and ineffective on 21March2020 and warned our governments that the “vaccines” were costly, toxic and ineffective on 8Jan2021.
This was not a difficult analysis.
I am an Engineer with expertise in energy and climate, NOT a medical person – this was just basic epidemiology and logic, once I found the quality data.
Every competent medical person and even some brighter-than-average politicians should have understood this reality more than two years ago.
This is highly credible evidence for lawyers and prosecutors that the Covid-19 Lockdowns and "Vaccines" should NEVER have happened.
“The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence.”
Our scientific predictions on both Climate and Covid are infinitely more accurate than the mainstream narratives, which have been false and baselessly alarmist to date.
The ad does not mention any of the early treatments you reference. I think you need to stick to the facts and leave the humor to less serious contributors.
Steve!! Your article here was discussed on Jeff Rense talk radio live last night. If you go to and replay last nights show, during his 2nd hour with fellow MIT Graduate Erika Kahn. Every night he discusses the Covid info and he reaches millions of viewers. He would definitely have you on his show if you contact him!!!!! Please reach out to him!
No that was Malone. Kirsch didn’t know better. Malone looked for ADE and thought wasn’t showing plus wanted to travel plus thought would help with long covid. McCullough got covid and therefore saw no reason to get vax.
Drug companies will occasionally tell the truth (or part of the truth) when it is convenient for them to do so (such as when trying to take the market from a competing drug).
I read a blog recently about how for a period of time, Pfizer promoted the concept that blood clots cause heart attacks (which is much more accurate than saying high cholesterol will), but then pulled the research and advertisements for that hypothesis once they realized it would be much more profitable to just sell statins as well.
I'd like to clarify a point to all regarding my comment on a talk delivered by Bourla, CEO of Pfizer in a recent video.
The speech by Bourla was not an actual advertisement for a new product where the brand name and specific use is given. It was more a general reveal of an up-and-coming product by Pfizer that incorporates new technology enabling physicians and others to track patient compliance (and potentially other data).
The talk was more on the line of revealing to Klaus Schwab and the world that Pfizer will soon be able to control patient compliance using this almost-ready-to-come-to-market product which will adhere to the plans for human control as described in Schwab's book "The Great Reset."
For many of us it is more a warning by Big Brother rather than an advertisement by the Pharma giant.
Found out that some of our food actually already contains nanotechnology. Other countries make them indicate which or even outlaw it. Our nation just looks the other way while those in charge sneak the money off of it, when paid to look the other way, into their pockets.
This sounds very ominous, will we recognize this product for what it is? Not that I am planning on taking anything that Pfizer comes out with. I’m worried for the Sheeple.
The ad is real. Pfizer is promoting paxlovid without mentioning it by name since that’s illegal. My article is my take on the ad. It’s humor.
Really enjoyed the belly laugh. Thanks!
Too funny. Paxlovid is horse medicine!
In the case of Ivomectin it was first used on humans then to animals .
🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂! Actually that’s what I thought when I first saw the ad….it does stress early treatment…apparently Paxlovid was what VP Harris took!
Why is Harris a horse?
Since when did Pfizer care about what is or isn't legal?
And for those chomping at the bit (haha) for paxlovid, you gotta be careful due to all of the drug interactions; there are 42 drugs you must stop using before taking paxlovid. Shout out to medical rock star Pierre Kory for finding this list!
I’m not taking their death pill just as I didn’t take their death shot. I have a stash of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin at the house in case I catch the WuFlu. We take vitamin D, C, K2, Zinc, and Quercetin daily as a preventive. Anything the CDC, FDA, or Fauci recommends I stay far away from.
You got that right ! I would do the same.
And I love your sense of humor, Steve!
How do they manage to sell it if the fda hasnt been cleared and it seems to be Remdesevir in a pill and attacks kidneys.Why are these people allowed to market this poison.Soon they will be marketing ratpoison as a treatment. , FDA will approve it emergency use.
They already do. Its called Warfarin. Used as a clot buster and blood thinner.
My grandma took it for years and mom says that's why she developed dementia at 65 and heart failure at 81.
Warfarin? My uncle takes that I believe, although I believe it is called another name.
What is JuTube?
The FDA is probably poisoning our food for cash as well. An utterly discredited, evil agency.
I believe it. I don’t think transmission of the Wuflu is by water vapors in the air as they’re saying. I think it’s environmental.
Maybe put in our water say some experts ,but why only some get it.
That was one of my arguments. The other concern is about chemtrails, that I am seeing an absurd increase in.
And our atmosphere, water, plants and soil. I woke up yesterday in Ottawa to a clear blue sky and then the big tanker jets arrived criss-crossing the sky spraying toxic chemicals that include nano-sized particles of aluminium, barium, strontium and God knows what else. By the end of the day, the sky was a hazy grey, the sun was diffuse and partly blocked, and the air difficult to breathe. I was walking my dog in a nearby park when the jets were creating massive chemical plumes but no one seemed to notice that they were being poisoned. So I went up to a young lady carrying a baby, pointed out the trails and asked if she knew what they were. Like so many others I have talked to over the years, she did not even know they exist. Environment Canada will not even acknowledge that the atmosphere is being sprayed. Sound familiar? Check here to see what they look like:
That is exactly what is happening here, and how odd that so few ever look up and notice...they just assume its regular aircraft. But Gov online has the treaty with US about weather modification. Easy to access.
I have to wonder why somebody doesn't just hire detectives to find out if claims are true. It's seems to me that it is too big of an operation to hide if someone actually investigates.
I spent 40 years as a Research Scientist in the field of Earth Science that included research on climate change through geological time. Scientists who challenged the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) "theory" whereby CO2 drives global warming are smeared, called a climate "denier", threatened (including death threats) and defunded; you are committing career suicide if you question the AGW theory. The AGW "theory" is not supported by the best science but by proprietary climate models that have been shown with the passage of time to be wrong. And the AGW proponents refuse to debate scientists who question the AGW theory despite invitations at special sessions at major geoscience conferences. Everything Steve is now experiencing with regard to Covid is also true in the field of climate change as it relate to man made global warming. The same applies to scientists who ask questions about the spraying of the atmosphere with toxic chemicals. Take some time and listen to the lectures and read the articles at:
This is all off-topic so apologies... while I'm peripherally aware of the whole chem-trails thing I've never looked into it and know virtually nothing about it.
Re: "...the spraying of the atmosphere with toxic chemicals."
Briefly please if this is happening what is the perps actual purpose supposed to be? And I'm assuming you're not just talking about pollution from plane emissions but something completely different.
Thanks, Wayne I have read much on that site and seen the documentary. That's why I think the next step in gathering evidence would be documenting the actual tanks and nozzles with photographic close ups, getting a sample of what's being sprayed from the actual plane before it's sprayed and finding people who know what's going on to get them to blow the whistle.
Hello fellow Ottawan! I was gardening yesterday in Ottawa south and it was part sunny and I happened to look up in afternoon and did see some faded lines and wondered if that was what all those folks in America keep alerting about.. but we sat on porch and took sun, only part cloud but the whole day was like that. we also walked dog at Hogs back and no did filthy breathing. Not sure those chemtrails are even real .. heard aero guys says those are condensation trails from ice crystals, engine exhaust and changes in air pressure. I see you are very smart though in yr field.. but wouldn’t there be less obvious ways to poison us if they wanted? I will check yr links later but so I believe in global warming?
At first, I figured they had been "hacked."
LOL, Steve did "hack" their message, in his own way!
Surreal,🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ are considered as kind of filtration mechanism for the 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠, youngsters got this understanding a year ago. Now it’s being petrified.
Mornin Steve ... You should post a warning for late to bed/midnight shift types just going to bed. There is altogether too much damn SARCASM going on and if "we" get confused easily it would be nice to have a warning sign.
Everyone should see your interview with Alix Meyer, where she explained the insanity of how drug companies carefully skirt around the laws. It is just NUTS.
Thanks for the link. I just watched it.
PS if you haven't already seen this one also, it's really good too.
You're welcome! Please share if possible, every American needs to see how this stuff really works!
Great video link. Thx.
PS this is another good one to watch.
Excellent video as well. Thx.
FYI. It may be a coincidence, but the link wasn't live in the email notice of your reply to my comment that I received through my isp nor could I even copy it. Had to use the link back to the blog site in your 'like' notice. Curious isn't it? Maybe my isp or your isp or SK's blog host is now censoring emails of this kind, as the powers in DC have promised.
Blogger just censored me for the first time, and unpublished one of my posts (on hydroxychloroquine) so it doesn't surprise me! Thx for letting me know.
No prob, so grateful to SK and AM for giving us this info.
Thanks Steve for all your amazing work. However, this particular headline, now on Revolver, seems confusing.
Sooo.. is this drug a compound of the drugs mentioned?
Read about it here:
Let's look at the death data (from covid-19) for those ≥80 years of age, from week 3 (the fraud) onwards:
Period A B C (covid-19 deaths per 100,000)
week03 39 309 270
week04 57 322 265
week05 78 326 248
week06 103 324 221
week07 114 280 165
week08 120 243 124
week09 120 190 70
week10 110 152 42
week11 101 141 40
week12 90 134 44
week13 84 122 37
Column A is deaths among those "suitably triple jabbed" per 100,000
Column B is the deaths among the un-vaccinated per 100,000
Column C is Column B minus Column A
So Column C is the number of deaths that are prevented for every 100,000 people who are vaccinated. If this number is negative then it records the number of deaths caused by the vaccines (per 100,000 vaccinated).
Graphing Column C we can see that as it approaches zero it levels off (from week 10 onwards). This is due to those presenting the data finding some fraud to keep the data positive, or simply making up the data. Anything, to keep the data from proving that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving.
I must emphasize that the above data only records deaths due to covid-19. It does not record any deaths due to adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Anyway, after manipulating the data for the weeks 10, 11, 12, and 13, the evil people decided that the data was henceforth always going to show that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving, so they stopped publishing the data. To provide an excuse for this they had to arrange for the UK Government to stop paying for covid-19 testing, so that is what they did. In the week 14 surveillance report they state:
"From 1 April 2022, the UK Government ended provision of free universal covid-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor covid-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published."
The relevant data can be found in the following PDF:
I heard a commercial for Disney this week..LOLOL You never hear that
But all in good humor - Check out the Pfizer "Remarkable" ad! They are selling themselves and products as THE PATH TO NORMAL. Ooooh how Big Pharma is the shameless and examplary best of American innovation strategy (Austin, MAGA or Silicon Valley, red, white and blue)! It's a patentable (military-industrial strength) bio-extraction strategy. SMART? The best from Exponential U, or is that the WEF: Needle away symptoms and self-regulatory functions so you can sell back to people, a temporary sense of normal!
Thank you for your good work, Mr. Kirsch
Asking for a validity/logic check - is my hypo credible - are the jabs causing more sick kids?
I know the jabs have caused reduced immunity ->more illness and death in adults.
Kids were injected months later and should be due for vaxx harm about now.
I also predicted in Sept2021 the deaths and injuries by vaxx-caused heart failure of athletes - approx. 900 football players; now competitive cyclists.
QUESTION - How many of these many sick kids are the result of poisoning by toxic Covid-19 "vaccines"? We now know that these vaccines were toxic and ineffective and should never have been given to anyone, especially children who were at no risk of dying of Covid-19!
How do we know? Because contrary to prevalent falsehoods, the Covid-19 vaccinated are now experiencing much more illness and death than the unvaxxed. Health authorities and politicians are trying to conceal this fact because they will never admit to their grievous errors.
We further know that the "vaccines" damage one's immune system and that leads to an increase in all illnesses, including cancers.
I published that the Covid-19 lockdowns were costly, harmful and ineffective on 21March2020 and warned our governments that the “vaccines” were costly, toxic and ineffective on 8Jan2021.
Proof: - See the second half of the report, on Covid.
Hi Steve, if time, please scan my latest paper - the second half on Covid-19. I expect you know most/all of this now.
I published that the Covid-19 lockdowns were costly, harmful and ineffective on 21March2020 and warned our governments that the “vaccines” were costly, toxic and ineffective on 8Jan2021.
This was not a difficult analysis.
I am an Engineer with expertise in energy and climate, NOT a medical person – this was just basic epidemiology and logic, once I found the quality data.
Every competent medical person and even some brighter-than-average politicians should have understood this reality more than two years ago.
This is highly credible evidence for lawyers and prosecutors that the Covid-19 Lockdowns and "Vaccines" should NEVER have happened.
Regards Allan MacRae Calgary
“The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence.”
Our scientific predictions on both Climate and Covid are infinitely more accurate than the mainstream narratives, which have been false and baselessly alarmist to date.
The ad does not mention any of the early treatments you reference. I think you need to stick to the facts and leave the humor to less serious contributors.
T. Paine-- get back in the fear line
Twitter has locked my acct @GetsGreased for promoting this article.
Steve!! Your article here was discussed on Jeff Rense talk radio live last night. If you go to and replay last nights show, during his 2nd hour with fellow MIT Graduate Erika Kahn. Every night he discusses the Covid info and he reaches millions of viewers. He would definitely have you on his show if you contact him!!!!! Please reach out to him!
No that was Malone. Kirsch didn’t know better. Malone looked for ADE and thought wasn’t showing plus wanted to travel plus thought would help with long covid. McCullough got covid and therefore saw no reason to get vax.
Astonishing...covering their butt? that ends EUA, right?
I don’t hear the word ivermectin hydroxychloroquine and other medicine in the video.
Drug companies will occasionally tell the truth (or part of the truth) when it is convenient for them to do so (such as when trying to take the market from a competing drug).
I read a blog recently about how for a period of time, Pfizer promoted the concept that blood clots cause heart attacks (which is much more accurate than saying high cholesterol will), but then pulled the research and advertisements for that hypothesis once they realized it would be much more profitable to just sell statins as well.
I'd like to clarify a point to all regarding my comment on a talk delivered by Bourla, CEO of Pfizer in a recent video.
The speech by Bourla was not an actual advertisement for a new product where the brand name and specific use is given. It was more a general reveal of an up-and-coming product by Pfizer that incorporates new technology enabling physicians and others to track patient compliance (and potentially other data).
The talk was more on the line of revealing to Klaus Schwab and the world that Pfizer will soon be able to control patient compliance using this almost-ready-to-come-to-market product which will adhere to the plans for human control as described in Schwab's book "The Great Reset."
For many of us it is more a warning by Big Brother rather than an advertisement by the Pharma giant.
Found out that some of our food actually already contains nanotechnology. Other countries make them indicate which or even outlaw it. Our nation just looks the other way while those in charge sneak the money off of it, when paid to look the other way, into their pockets.
Could you please expand on this comment. I would like more information. Thanking you in advance.
This sounds very ominous, will we recognize this product for what it is? Not that I am planning on taking anything that Pfizer comes out with. I’m worried for the Sheeple.