Thank you, Dr. Kirsch. My wife's brother lives in Taiwan and they are forcing everyone to vaccinate to work, if they haven't vaccinated already. these two drugs Paxlovid and Molnupiravir are on their list. seems like they are therapeutics rather than vaccines but nonetheless should be avoided.

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And heard it out of Bidens mouth...it the New World Liberal Order 🥵

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The protocol link is not there anymore??

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Where has Fauci been? Crickets lately, eh? Focus on the Ukraine, folks, & Not their Epic Failures…..

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Steve, here's what a NC hospital is encouraging their Clinicians to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em0fjKD5XxY

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Today's date is 1/28/2022 and I just read that they are ready to foist/release Paxlovid on the Branch Covidians...true believers. QUESTION: Could this be the reason all the monoclonal antibodies have been pulled from pretty much EVERYWHERE and to drive traffic during the 'Moronic wave' to at-home Paxlovid aka Pfizermectin????

Uh, no thanks.

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“But thanks to the NIH, you’ll never hear about early treatment protocols unless you live in Florida.”

Or a number of places outside the USA!

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SO True. My heart breaks 4 the elderly & those prone to neurosis.

I’m convinced many died from the side-affects of loneliness fear & a Large % had “breakdowns” that l don’t know if they’ll fully recover.

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If the FDA has approved of it, it is ONLY because they know it will cause MORE DEATHS! We're far better off digging up some weeds for our medicine. But be careful: If the FDA finds out the weed cures cancer or anything ELSE, they will raid your home, poison your yard, lock you up and have your children confiscated - and this is if you're lucky. More likely, you'll end up committing "suicide" with TWO bullets to the back your own head. The FDA & CDC are merely enforcement arms for DEPOPULATION.

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As soon as I heard they were coming out with these pills, I knew they’d be just as bad as the injected drugs. Dangerous and toxic. And it further clarified why my doctor isn’t allowed to prescribe Ivermectin any more. They have no shame or moral compass. Why in the world anyone trusts Big Pharma products is beyond me.

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You know what else is interesting and noone really talks about is.. REMEMBER when the shots (so called Vaccines came out) we were tokd they have over a 90% efficacy rate.. Now we learn they are very leamy and the shot(s) are so leaky they will not end the pandemic.

REMEMBER, when we were told.. 70% herd immunity? That one is gone too..

So many more lies...

Some things make you go Hmmm

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I wonder what “treatment” the snow leopards are getting!

Also why the F are they vaccinating animals AFTER they recover? What's the bet it kills them all sooner or later?

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Yeah, my exhusband got the jab BEFORE he recovered. He’s dead.

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Thanks for the informative comment. I believe I heard that a majority of deer also have Covid.. Maybe that's what they meant when they said "herd immunity" 🤣

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I do believe they statistics we are told about.. The shot does help in the severity of of Covid.. Hopefully with the new Omnicron it won't matter since for most its simular to a cold.

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Cheers & Merry Christmas

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Oh, for the record, I did take two shots way back, had to take care of a high risk family member (cancer) and back then I took my 2 shots when I was told.. It's 95% affective and.. Take the shot you don't have to wear a mask..

Me and the 3rd/4th & 5th shot aren't going to happen.

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Maybe you got the saline jab when they were doing it back then. My exhusband got 1 jab and he’s dead now. Age 59. It rapidly ate away at his lungs & internal organs, within 8 months. Hopefully I’m correct about your jab. All of the “lots” are different & they are having fun with the experiment.

—I buried 6 people in 2021. None due to C19. ALL died due to aggressive onset cancers, or blood clots or heart attacks/failures. Bizarre statistics.

—I’m also in the Life Ins business & claims are through the roof, due to NON-Covid deaths.

—the National Stockpile: what drugs are in it, & were NONE even considered?

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deletedDec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021
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Quote: "And why are you idiots?"

Great energy you have here.. Dobyou have a blue check on Twitter? I bet you are a big hit over there....


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Weeks (at best) instead of many years of Phase 3 data, technologies scarcely ever even trialed in humans (I speak of the mRNA jabs, I admit I don't know if applies to these), much less provisionally approved for a wide market, shoddy studies, unknown (and unknowable) side effects, particularly long-term. What could possibly go wrong? 😲

Not to mention all the politics and other conflicts of interest. Let's see, just off the top of my head: EUA approval requires there be no existing approved treatment. Translation: suppress any existing treatment that might compete. EUA approval gives Pharma a de-facto monopoly on the market for the drug as well as total (that's 100% boys and girls) immunity to liability; in fact the indemnity is from manufacturer all the way down to the guy that changes your bedpan. Pretty good deal from their point of view. One can only speculate on just how much Pharma stock all these regulators and other government staff hold in their brokerage or retirement accounts.

I can't imagine how you could possibly make the system any more corrupt and prone to being gamed than it already is.

I'm starting to understand why -- even years ago -- some people recommended only using Rx drugs that were generic and/or had been on the market for many years. Clearly, the first gives lower costs, the second gives a track record of safety or known side effects. I do believe I will adopt that as a policy going forward.

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All paid for by US. I want my dividend checks!

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I almost forgot. @Steve Kirsch Happy Birthday! ...and Merry Christmas!

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Important new interview with Dr. Zelenko on Alex Jones' website; even if you, like me find AJ an annoying person, this is a very illuminating interview: https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61c50b662a575232aa74ab07

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This is where you belong if you try to tell the truth. See, Steve? This is where we are... https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1G0X000006O6EHUA0/key-issues/a1G0X000006OFq6UAG

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Somebody posted this: https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1G0X000006O6EHUA0 this is just so sick - they are just going ahead with their WEF agenda, despite all deaths and injuries, they just truly need to chip everyone to reach these goals

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Thanks for the information!!

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