Steve, this may sound crazy, but Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante) has been using a medical thing he calls a Tesla machine (no connection to Elon Musk's golf carts). Even treated one of his dog's eyes. Don't know if or how it works, but you haven't mentioned much in the way of options. (When I turned around 60, I had a burst of floaters in one eye. Went to a retinal specialist, who didn't really do anything. No lasting damage.)

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Eye stuff: try this, I have seen him present some fantastic eye cases here in the UK. Dr https://drgauranggaikwad.com/

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And this: July 2024: published in International Journal of Vaccine of Vaccine Theory. Practice. and Research: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/102

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Florida lawyer and author of "Coffee & Covid" newsletter, Jeff Childers, once mentioned that a court case he was travelling to had to be postponed because the opposing attorney WENT BLIND as he was driving to court! He can probably give you a name...


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My experience with government doctors is that they are the very worst - dangerous so -with few exceptions.

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Question: If the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting sick or from making other people sick and whatever benefits it does have are short-lived, then what's the point of taking it on the first place?

Answer: to show obedience to authority.

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No benefits whatsoever - all harm or risks. I'm glad you also focussed on the scam flu shots as well.

Shame on the politicians for taking no interest in your work. Get well soon!

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Homeopathy Steve! It works miracles!!

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Yes the vaccines have been shown to cause vascular injuries in eyes and specifically the retina.The paper (2023) is cited in this substack and has lots of other links here if someone is looking for a reference to file away.


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I found that was the case even early on when I had a vitreous detachment right after the vax, which made a retinal hole. At that time there were a number of eye issues reported in VAERS.

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Please see Dr Richard Urso. Houston . Healed my friends eye post C19. Wish you all the best .

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Thank you isn't enough for what you're doing, but a heartfelt thank you. I hope this can help: it's an organized summary of reports and research, always being updated. More than 200 reports at the time of this writing.


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Steve...first thank you so much for what you have accomplished regarding data and research for Covid injections and the millions they've injured and killed. I'm still shocked and saddened that according to VAERS over 30,000 people in US have died after jabs but you rarely ever hear of it. If one child dies from tainted infant formula they pull it from the shelves immediately but not if tens of thousands die of an experimental injection?? Anyway...going back to your eye...your body was designed to heal itself given the right nutrients and medicinals...mainly from plants, hopefully. Keep researching and tell us everything you've done that has helped at all...people need hope to know that vitamins etc can work if you give the body time to heal. Keep taking all your supplements esp Vit C and get the best quality Castor oil...organic cold-pressed etc in a glass jar and spread a thin layer over your eyelid EVERYDAY. I've used and it actually lessened my cataracts alot. I've also used it on many weird skin lesions that have dried up and healed and it works really well on styes. I now use it on my face and I can see much improvement on my old skin...it's been around for thousands of years. Good luck....we're all praying for you. xxo

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You da man Steve! Great work my dude!

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Thank you, Steve. If I had money (I am an aged pensioner) I would be happy to support you. Instead, all I can do is spread the word -- and your substack. I hope your eye gets back to normal very soon!

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For a deep dive into "why" Steve et al. are correct:

Safe and effective? What you are not being told about influenza vaccination (2023)


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