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Severe arthritis was in remission for years ... a few months after the vaccine and I was (and still am..) in agony. Stands to reason.... arthritis is an autoimmune related disease and the vax screws with that condition. By the way, despite the shot, I got Covid anyway....

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My pro v woke friend on FB privately messaged me about her issues after the v, she had arthritic pain too. Settled down after a while. Not sure if she's going back for refills

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Try taking a methylated B complex. All the B vitamins will be good for you but for arthritis you are wanting extra B5, Pantothenic Acid.

So you may need to buy the B complex and a seperate B5 or take the B5 on its own.

There is a book called Curing Arthritis with Pantothenic Acid that is worth reading. It is a quick read but full of amazing info like B5 deficient rats that were found to have necrotic organs and connective tissue that was wearing away rather than being repaired like in a healthy rat.

Pantothenic Acid is turned into Coenzyme A, The Master Enzyme, in your body and can help Arthritis in several ways the main one being it is needed for building connective tissue, but B5 is also used by your Adrensl Glands to produce Cortisol (You know the stuff the doc will inject into you if you have Arthritis? Well, maybe your body just needs help making more)

Anyway, it is worth giving it a try! Let me know if it helps. It usually take anywhere from a week to a month, possibly a little longer. So it is worth trying it for 3 months.

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Is there anything in general to help with autoimmune skin problems like psoriasis?

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A good sign that you are on the right path is if your gums bleed when you floss atm. A low omega 6 diet should sort that out so you shouldn't have anymore bleeding gums.

As crazy as this sounds you will also, after a month or two, notice that you no longer burn in the sun. You wont believe this till you exp it for yourself but trust me!

Make sure you get enough vitamin A, D and K2.

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Yes, but it isn't a vitamin. Over the next month or so cut out all foods that have seed oils in them like Soybean oil or Sunflower oil. Avoid meat from animals with 1 stomach that are fed seeds like pigs and chicken (Later on you can add these meats back in but try and avoid their fat - or buy pasture raised pork/chicken)

So eat lots of steak and mince and try to keep the fruit and veg to 1 portion a day for a month or so then you can add them back in (Although avoid veg that are high in oxalates like Kale and Spinach)

Some people get a reaction from dairy so you can try removing cheese and milk from you diet and see if that helps or if there's no difference.

Really the omega 6 is the main thing to avoid. You want to bring it to around 1 or 2% of your diet. Don't worry about not getting enough as steak, and nearly all natural foods, have small amounts of it.

Try and eat 1 food a week that is high in omega 3 like Salmon. I would avoid fish oils supplements unless you know it is very fresh (Which will be hard to get)

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I'm making that sound too complicated. Just avoid processed foods that have seed oils in them. Be careful eating out as they use seed oils everywhere.

Just doing that should fix your skin fairly quickly. It is harder than it sounds though because seed oils are in 80% of all foods these days. Even bread is made with Sunflower oil!

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Thank you for your direction.

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Many of you have had adverse reactions from the covid shots or you know someone that has had adverse reactions (including death). We cannot keep silent. This will never stop unless we all start pushing back. They are coming after our kidsтАжthey want to give covid shots to babies as young as 6 months old! And they REALLY want to mandate them for EVERYONE. PLEASE DO NOT GET ANY MORE COVID SHOTS if youтАЩve already gotten some. There were no long-term studies conducted, there were no studies done on any of the boosters, the Vax trials were tainted, the shot doesnтАЩt work and you are destroying your immune system.

Everyone, please do the following (and please share this message widely):

For those that have had an adverse reaction to covid shots (including getting covid after fully vaccinated):

Please ask them to file a Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) if one wasnтАЩt filed on their behalf. Do not have to be a Healthcare worker to file it: vaers.hhs.gov

If had severe reaction to shot, ask them to also share their story (if deceased, a family member or friend can share) with nomoresilence.world and with realnotrare.com. SHARE YOUR STORY EVERYWHERE. DO NOT BE SILENT.

Notify your state and federal representatives. Tell then of your adverse event. Hold them accountable. They can stop these тАЬvaccinesтАЭ.

Connect with others with adverse effects. SUE anyone that mandated you get a covid shot. For example, if your employer mandated itтАж.SUE THEM!, etc.

Also, I recently read on Coffee & Covid blog. тАЬDr. Peter McCullough is also involved with a group that has set up a new website for reporting vaccine injuries that is much easier to use than VAERS, which has been widely criticized for being nearly impossible to work with. The new site is https://www.truthforhealth.org, and we should make sure that vaccine injured folks know where they can go to report their injuries without having to endure the painful ordeal of VAERS.тАЭ

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Great links, thank you

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I hope those reports are going into VAERS along with that new database?

Not that we need any more reports! lol a million, with 20k deaths, VAERS reports should be enough and God knows how big the backlog is!

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SO many adverse events from the covid "vaccine" have not been reported. Probably only 1% to 10% are reported. There's a lot of reasons for this. Some don't know about VAERS (including Healthcare providers), VAERS can be difficult to complete (I know 2 people that have had difficulties inputting their data into VAERS---so after trying a few times they got frustrated and quit trying), many have been told by their Healthcare providers that their "shingles" or "cardiomyooathy", etc. was not caused by the vax they had received, some are too depressed from their adverse event that they cannot deal with reporting it, some are in denial, some are dead (and their family hasn't reported), etc.

I believe that people that have adverse effects from this shot need to do something! A squeaky wheel gets oiled. They cannot remain silent. Hold people accountable...state & federal reps, employers. Share your story everywhere, connect with other vax injured.

Also, if you got the shots and still got covid you need to do a VAERS, etc and be vocal about it.

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Oh darn, arthritis is so painful. Take good care. ЁЯТХ

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