>This pandemic was just the dress rehearsal and we failed. The next one will be worse.<

My thought, exactly.

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The current scamdemic is a bio-weapon used as a probing attack. More to come from Emperor Xi.

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Mr Kirsch

I'm aware I'm referencing another article (my apologies), but can you provide any insight as to when the lab results of what's actually in the vials will be released? and thank you for all your work. Many of men would have ridden off to enjoy the fruits of their work and you're fighting for truth.

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Im waiting too! I think the vials have to be from completely different lots though.

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I'm confident he knows they need to be different lots. These things can take quite a long time. Especially if they have other work ahead of the vials. It's the one area I'm unsure what to believe. Most everything else I feel confident in where I stand. I still have a couple doctors I know who stunningly believe the narrative. They are asking questions though. It's interesting to watch why they have such a difficult time believing what is in front of them

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These fake interventions are how things work in China, the place run by the CCP. Where good people are literally persecuted to death and forcibly have their organs harvested. This is what your overlords want for the rest of the world.

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"Nobody likes to admit they were wrong for some reason."

Worse then that! Imagine if the BigPharmaThree were suddenly to announce they made a BigBooboo and were stopping all vax production. It's not a matter of not liking to be wrong. The market value of all those stocks would rapidly approach zero and we'd see something far worse than the sub-prime banking scandal of 2008. Total market collapse. Same thing would happen with the armaments industry if the Pentagon said, "we are tired with war, and will bring all the troops home to work on infrastructure projects." Again, total worldwide market collapse. Capitalism has got us by the short and curlies. See


and the articles referenced at


especially the first, an excerpt from The Enemy of Nature by Joel Kovel.

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There is a way out. Start manufacturing only saline as part of a new campaign. Then enlist the media to say all is receding and announce an end to covid. But this isn't about money or capitalism. It's about power and control over the population.

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true, but that is a necessary feature of capitalism!

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It is a necessary feature of any form of top-down gov't that preys upon its citizens. It is actually far less true of capitalism, which provides a means of upward mobility, than communism, which strictly enforces "equality of misery" and "do what your told or else" for the non-ruling classes. Crony capitalism is just a method of pulling up the ladders to prevent upward mobility so that the assets pool at the top and never trickle down. And that is entirely a result of gov't interventions upon the markets.

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Paul Alexander's article on "400 studies" was pretty pointless to me, mainly because he believes that there actually is a killer plague virus on the loose that can't be stopped.

" We knew that we could never eradicate this mutable virus (that has an animal reservoir) with lockdowns and that it would likely become endemic like other circulating common cold coronaviruses."

We knew no such thing, only that some group of evil control freaks has been pushing this lie in an attempt to rule over humanity. Steve must believe the same thing, because he says: "Note: Paul’s list omits the main failed intervention in this analysis: the vaccine. "

Sorry, Steve, but I don't agree that Alexander's article is a gem, only a huge waste of time. The article is a "165 minute read" according to Brownstone editors. IMO, that's about 160 minutes too long. It does reinforce my view that MDs are the most likely people to fall for the covid19 fable.

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On a more cynical note, speaking to your comments: “…nearly complete worldwide failure to respond intelligently…” And, “… is there an independent task force somewhere in the world looking at the failures and recommending changes?” Yes, there is an independent task force compromised of the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the WEF, world banks, NGOs and corporations. And this “task force” is probably applauding itself for its intelligent response, which has led to global leadership acting in lockstep to crush human rights and implement murderous, tyrannical, draconian policies. All with the goal of getting a needle in every arm and a digital ID to segue (what’s left of) humanity into enslavement in a dystopian technocratic totalitarian prison.

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Spot on, you guys would absolutely LOVE Craig Hulet, he speaks to all these points, from bottom to top.

He has been calling them out for decades.


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One of the things I really respect about Steve is that he made a mistake, recognized it and then immediately changed course. Science is supposed to be about evolving one’s position as new data emerge/become available. But for some reason, human nature seems to dictate the opposite. The more blatantly obvious the statistics and facts become, the more people tend to dig in their heels and double down on what are clearly irrational and ineffective actions and policies. As Mark Twain said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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That is one of my favorite Mark Twain sayings.

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Dr. Drew believes in the vaXs. Even to the extent that he has had Covid-19, recovered and is considering having another vaX. Steve should get on his show and find out why he sees things the way he does. Why he isn't content with natural immunity is odd. Of course, if someone wants to maintain a celebrity medical media presence, it's best to be an avid vaXer.

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Dr. Drew believes in the vaXs. Even to the extent that he has had Covid-19, recovered and is considering having another vaX. Steve should get on his show and find out why he sees things the way he does. Why he isn't content with natural immunity is odd. Of course, if someone wants to maintain a celebrity medical media presence, it's best to be an avid vaXer.

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I’ve been on his show. I think he’s saying that so he doesn’t get deplatformed

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ohhh, my, my "deplatformed"!

That Dr. is really some piece. To stay on "The Platform" Hmmmm...

In the mean time he'll drag down the cliff so many who believe him and get bad reaction to that acid. So bad that some die.

You see, why I parted with many who I knew - not because they "did it" but because they were propagating it, endorsing it, gathering for it. Many of them even wasted precious life time without any gain but - social recognition.

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I had proven that neither masks, nor lockdowns nor social distancing work against COVID with citations to 500+ peer-reviewed clinical studies, in my book The Defeat Of COVID, on Amazon.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

Don't we know by now that facts don't matter? Only the WEF agenda matters.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

The only thing consistent about this sh*t show is the inconsistency.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

i gotta admit. i've given in to despair. when john ioannidis said the ifr was roughly 0.25%, give or take, i genuinely thought ok we're done. everyone is gonna breathe a huge sigh of relief and come to their senses. alas, that was not to be. since then, we've had numerous studies on the failures of lockdown and school closures. dozens of crt on masks, showing how ineffective they are. it's like screaming into the wind. the powers that be don't care about data, or studies, or science. and a majority are still so controlled by them that they are willing to risk their own kids. so while i am grateful for the likes of kirsch and berenson and others, i am no longer optimistic we will ever leave this madness. the powers that be got too much money and power to give it up. and i think they also just get off on jerking the rest of us around

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Because the IFR is so age stratified - 1000x in the elderly, whenever IFR gets used it is always wrong. The public has been completely confused by the use of an average when it's so misleading. I'm no expert but has an average IFR ever been so skewed?

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That is just what they want us to do: give up. But if we give up and still end up in serfdom, where's the hope in that? Never give up and NEVER give an inch.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

No need to despair. These may be wealthy, and in powerful positions, most are dumb. We have many smart people who know everything and the top people in this powerplay. They will NOT get away with this.

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

I don't think it was a failure or breakdown in a virus. I think the actions were intentional and collective

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Dec 12, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

Some very powerful, wealthy and sinister have broken the financial market and now are attempting the ultimate power grab. They forget they are few. And so we find ourselves at this same visited place in history. They will not be accountable or so they believe? They will be. It will be no different this time. The only question is - at what cost? Shall there be many? Stacked like cord wood?

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