I'm in Canada but I expect the statistics are much the same including my 55yr old daughter who died 3 days after a jab demanded by the town council in order to keep their business open.

" Just a stroke " ???????

Everyone of those involved needs to be charged with murder.

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I peruse the Obits and always find at least 3 suddenly or unexpectedly died. Young people.

All deaths should include Vax history. Nobody puts that info in obituary.

My family and many friends think I went over the edge. We Dems got caught up on wrong side of truth.

Take down Fauci and Gates and WHO and CDC and bad quacks. Medical Schools to blame

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Minneapolis Star Tribune totally dissed RFK, Jr., and DEATH BY VAX. So did NPR. They all need to heel!!!!

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Add my son to the list. 9 months after the jab he died of a "mysterious blood disease." Age 53. RIP Baby boy.

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Beautifully said

My friends,

ELECTION TIME is approaching and to prevent Nuclear War we MUST get Trump and Friends into the White House!

My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies!


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Your love is much appreciated.

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Item 9: "450,000 COVID deaths"

Should probably be "450,000 COVID vaccine deaths".

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Solid, concise summary! You might also add the insurance data analysis by Ed Dowd's group, Phinance Technologies, estimating 300,000 excess US deaths from the modified mRNA injections: https://valuetainment.com/new-vaccine-analysis-reveals-300000-excess-u-s-deaths-147-billion-in-damage/

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Regarding the VAERS, the card I submitted on VAERS was accepted, but then deleted from the record. So no doubt many were done the same.

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The Pfizer papers has published

The biggest crime against humanity

The Centerpiece of all the harms is Fertility


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Wow, what an effective BIOWEAPON! Talk to Dr. David Martin again re: filing CRIMINAL charges for MURDER and TERRORISM.

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Over 30 million died accounted, should of let it run it’s course , so many lives saved and dollars kept from Pharmaceutical’s.

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No, NOT the same answer!

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200,000 American deaths seems extremely low!

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The VFR is ~5.4%?

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Steve this is unrelated, but from a previous article you wrote in another publication I know you take dorzolamide for glaucoma. I just checked my pharmacy for a new prescriptions from a ophthalmologist I just started seeing and was informed that for the last month and a half they have not been able to get dorzolamide--apparently there is a shortage. I have one unopened bottle left, which would last me over two months and I have a couple weeks left on my current bottle. I hope they will be able to get it back in stock before I run out. It's one of the few medications that I don't seem to have side effects from, along with latanoprost. Do you know anything about the shortage and if it will be rectified?

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