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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Steve this is unrelated, but from a previous article you wrote in another publication I know you take dorzolamide for glaucoma. I just checked my pharmacy for a new prescriptions from a ophthalmologist I just started seeing outside of the previous hospital eye institute system I was in, and was informed that for the last month and a half they have not been able to get dorzolamide--apparently there is a shortage. I have one unopened bottle left, which would last me over two months and I have a couple weeks left on my current bottle. I hope they will be able to get it back in stock before I run out. It's one of the few medications that I don't seem to have side effects from, along with latanoprost. Unfortunately, I have already lost the vision in my left eye from pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (my right eye, fortunately is not affected and is in good shape--I have better than 20-15 vision now after cataract surgery in that eye 3 1/2 years ago and normal pressure of about 15). However I do still take the latanoprost in each eye and the dorzolamide in my left eye with a high pressure, just to keep the pressure from getting so high that it would cause pain or perhaps other issues with the eye. I was surprised in my recent visit with the ophthalmologist that it was over 50% higher pressure than it was 10 months ago. The doctor said it doesn't matter as long as there's no pain, although my previous doctor associated with an eye Institute who did cataract surgery in my other eye said that if the pressure goes too high it can cause they are to look dull or glassy. But that hasn't happened. The point is that I would prefer to keep taking the dorzolamide, which is basically free with my insurance, although an alternative which I took for two or three years is pilocarpine, but it is a muscarinic, an acetylcholine agonist and vasoconstrictor and counterindictated for my dystonia.

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Insurance actuarial tables support this

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Steve Kirsch, is it true that mask mandates are coming back to the Bay area?

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Using New Zealand Herald Saturday death notices which I have regularly read for years, I noticed during the omicron and vaxx pandemic that the list got longer and longer until it filled the whole column which was an increase from about 50 to the peak of 77. That's a 50% increase. The death notices are now back down to 52 per week. It should be lower since vulnerable people were killed.

Using official NZ death statistics there were a total of 17,000 extra deaths above pre COVID. According to official statistics about 6,000 were due to COVID-19 infections. 11,000 were due to something else. I'm going with the precise vaxx correlation since nothing else makes sense.

I would like to see deaths by age by month by vaxx. That data is a state secret it seems.

It seems the vaxx killed more quality adjusted life years than did omicron COVID which killed very old, and quite sick in New Zealand and few under age 60 since we did not get the original more dangerous infection. Omicron had much reduced mortality.

The vaxx seems to have been a vast calamity in New Zealand. For some reason, government epidemiologists and others are not curious.

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11,000 vaxx deaths in NZ with about 90% of people vaxxed translates to USA with 70 times as many people = 770,000. But only about 60% of Americans were vaxxed (a guess) so I estimated about 500,000 Americans died of vaxx.

But closer examination is needed since the ratio of vaxx to covid deaths don't match. Hang on, USA got the first dangerous COVID whereas NZ got the benign omicron, so that would explain the difference. Avoiding the dangerous COVID in NZ saved maybe 20,000 old, obese and low vitamin D, C, A, zinc people.

But the lockdown quarantine cost about $200 billion = $10 million per saved old person. A very bad investment. Now the country is out of money with deaths due to lack of medical treatment rising fast. Suicides are up. Depression. Economic malaise.

The government got COVID badly wrong. Every man for himself was a better idea in that case.

Humanized H5N1 with 60% mortality would be totally different. With the lack of trust in government and medical cartels, things could get really bad.

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I think there were and still are more suckers/coerced people scared for their jobs, lives, and livelihoods here in America than you are implying. I guess more than 70 percent of Americans, actual Americans, got the clot shot.

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One result is two year old child regular vaccinations are now down about 30%. The great mistrust of government and medical people means about a third of people are not believing them. The next deployment of a virus from a laboratory is going to get serious resistance to the next deadly vaxx.

I've had many vaccinations over 75 years including smallpox, tuberculosis. One of our grandsons had a bad reaction to a meningitis vaccination aged 1. He was limp for a week. The doctor thought he wouldn't be brain damaged but he certainly missed out on a whole week of development which is a lot at that age. I'm trending towards no vaccinations unless all data is available, not just a leaflet showing smiling children saying "this is safe and effective".

Reputations and trust are hard won and easily lost. Permanently.

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Lost a friend to a massive heart attack on the evening of October 11.

Fully jabbed and boosted. Don't know if there were cardiac issues but he seemed fit.

He was 59.

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Sorry to hear about your friend.

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Steve, in my part (city) of western Washington, the local chaplains who go out for death calls are not reporting any excess deaths. Makes me wonder if there are pockets where placebos were given and people are in the clear. What areas are you seeing all these excess deaths? I have heard it is in republican states more than elsewhere. We aren’t seeing much here! Very surprising.

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There’s an ETHICAL skeptic??? I have to check him out. Those fake skeptics create dozens of sock puppets pretending to be scientist/pediatrician/etc and they have ruined Quora, Disqus, and Reddit. Upvotes and down votes manipulators to control top comments.

I have a detailed list of the fake accounts and traced some of them back to real people who, IRL, are working as pharmaceutical representatives. Then I dox them. I don’t want them to be hurt but they deserve to live in fear. Shame on them.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Proof of proof bullet points, for those who fade when they see a number. Imagine each on a billboard going down a highway.

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I believe the # to be much higher and never mind those permanently disabled by it

Those who orchestrated it all, when there was and still is a safe alternative

for GREED and an insatiable NEED to control?

"Oh but think of all the lives saved"

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I am seeing many more stillborn babies and deaths in the first year of life.

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an OB/GHY who had been in practice for 30 years reported 150% increase in

death in womb, still born, and death later

I think of that stupid female who rolled up to a drive thru for the jab here in Orygun

(news drones out there to record the jab by drive thru)

She squawked:

"I am 8 months pregnant and am here to protect my baby"

I wonder if her child survive or she did?

Just one example

Why wait to kill children and adults when you can start with babies?

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It would be interesting to see an analysis aimed at determining how many US deaths were due to lack of TREATMENT using methods and drugs that should have been, and probably were, known to be effective against viral infections of the CV19 type. Exs: Hydroxychlorine very early on in the plandemic; Ivermectin somewhat later on in it,,, and so forth.

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Just don't understand how and why all Politicians just accept the fact that people are dying from the Vaccine or are in complete denial that it's happening. The Politicians have sold their souls. Their allegiance is to the Democratic and Reptilian Party.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

"Lawmakers should find that extremely troubling.". And some may find it even more troubling that their continued shirking of their #1 duty to protect the public FOR MONEY or power or other quid pro quo makes them accomplices to murder.

Send link to this story and this comment to your " elected" representative and Attorney General. Ask them for civil and criminal investigatoins. No govt immunity is absolute and will not protect against criminal actions. We are coming for you.

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I can't believe you've only gotten 2 Like for this idea. Should be hundreds.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

I don’t know many people who have done more for their fellow man than Steve Kirsch. The Bible says we should judge a tree by its fruit, so I would say the odds are extremely high he will have a high place in heaven.

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