Does anyone on this forum have experience with having long vax and then getting covid again? Or taking IVM as prophylaxis -- did it work and how much did you take?

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I don't have long vax but I know that Dr.Pierre Kory and his group of Drs treat patients with long vax. Dr. Kory says that getting covid again can make long vax symptoms worsen- or even develop more symptoms. I have taken ivermectin for prophylaxis or if I was around a sick person or large crowds. I haven't had covid that I know of- but I never got tested or got sick. For prophylaxis I have taken 2 mg per kilogram of my bodyweight. I weigh 135

lbs so I take 12mg. I take a dose twice a week. This is how it was done in large retrospective observational study:

" in a large retrospective observational case-control study from India, Behera et al. reported that among 186 case-control pairs (n=372) of health care workers, they identified 169 participants that had taken some form of prophylaxis, with 115 that had taken ivermectin prophylaxis (Behera et al., 2020). After matched pair analysis, they reported that in the workers who had taken two dose ivermectin prophylaxis, the odds ratio for contracting COVID-19 was markedly decreased (0.27, 95% CI, 0.15–0.51). Notably, one dose prophylaxis was not found to be protective in this study. In a much larger follow-up observational

controlled trial by the same group that included 1,195 health care workers, they found that over a 3-month period, there were no infections recorded among the 788 workers that took weekly ivermectin prophylaxis while 58% of the 407 controls had become ill with COVID-19. This study demonstrates that protection against transmission can be achieved among high-risk health care workers by taking

12mg once weekly (Carvallo et al., 2020b). The Carvallo IVERCAR protocol was also separately

tested in a prospective RCT by the Health Ministry of Tucuman, Argentina where they found that

among 234 health care workers, the intervention group that took 12 mg once weekly, only 3.4% contracted COVID-19 vs. 21.4% of controls, p<.0001(Chala, 2020).


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Thank you. Outstanding, well-documented reply. Very helpful.

I looked at the FLCCC link and found a reference to a promising study.

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Goofs sound like it was all just a big mistake. Oopsie, sorry for the million dead. And it just keeps on happening.

I do not think that mistakes were made.

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Speaking of "buyer's remorse", and on another note..... "Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he is open to the idea of replacing President Joe Biden on the Democratic presidential ticket. In a recent interview with News Nation, host Chris Cuomo suggested that the Biden campaign is in “free fall” and that nominating Kennedy could address the party’s challenges.

Cuomo asked, “Would you be open to talking to them if they reached out to you?”

Kennedy responded affirmatively, stating, “Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off.”

RFK Jnr a globalist leftist representing the murderous globalist leftists??? Who knew??? Supported, promoted and funded by S Kirsch ... again, who knew??? Weelll knock me down with a feather... Bruhahahahaha... Hahhahahahah ... Sometimes everything is indeed not what it appears to be folks.... $$ talk, BS walks....

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I have a very hard time believing 75% are pleased that this biological weapon is coursing through their bodies.

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“ The “COVID vaccines” were likely the biggest medical goof in world history. Is there anything bigger?”

I can think of 2 or 3 just off the top of my head that were bigger and more damaging…

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The scam of getting people to stop eating healthy foods that have cholesterol in them, like eggs and fresh meat, and substitute grains, sugar, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats), until studies on partially hydrogenated vegetable oil showed they were about 13 times worse for your cardiovascular system than saturated fats like tallow., lard, palm oil and coconut oil, which is what they used before the media push sponsored by a well-meaning but misguided multimillionaire got the major food companies to remove them for about 15 years, and then they went back to them.

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This is probably one of the medical goofs Steve was asking about…

Is it bigger than the ‘covid vaccines”? It depends how you wanna look at it.

I personally think that a greater goof, or a scam, would be if say … viruses couldn’t mutate they way were are told to make them more lethal or infectious..

If this were true, what would it mean?

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Well I think it's been shown throughout history that viruses can mutate and become more lethal or infectious, but it seems to have been happening to a greater extent recently, and maybe for a while before the last four or five years, as virologists, sponsored by governments, under the guise of predicting outbreaks or developing vaccines ahead of time, are actually creating the most deadly infectious viruses. Personally I think the Sabin oral attenuated polio vaccine was one of the worst health scams. They credit that and the Salk polio vaccine with the eliminating polio, but polio was on the decline when those were rolled out. The oral vaccine, however, has killed people and caused millions of people to have neurological symptoms similar to polio. I only came to realize it in the last 15 years, or although I suspected it was that or some other virus that affected me, and when I read about this it made me 99% certain that it was the polio vaccine I got when I was 14, as did every school child in the United States in around 1962-63. Of course, doctors weren't looking for polio or the polio vaccine induced polio after the vaccines came out, and they didn't know about so called Non-Polio Acute Flaccid which can be brought on by the oral polio vaccine, as a cause of all these neurological problems, which they diagnosed as dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and motion disorders, because of course, polio had been eliminated, although before the polio vaccines, they recognized those symptoms as forms of polio.. In India between 2000 and 2017 there were 493,000 cases of Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis, caused by the oral polio vaccine. Everyone has several enteroviruses in their gut and it is believed that the oral polio vaccine disrupts the eco-balance in the gut which allows other enteroviruses to multiply and mutate into many strains, some of which create the same symptoms as polio.

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When the pharmaceutical companies were finically responsible for vaccine damages (like they are with ALL other products they make), they were getting out of the vaccine business. They were paying out more in court-ordered damages than they could afford.

They will continue to bombard us with more dangerous vaccines because they are NOT held responsible for their products.

We must bombard congress with demands that they reverse the VAERS legislation of 1986.

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Not a goof.

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For eyes, ears and soul.


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Thank you Steve for devoting your life to this human atrocity.

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Medical "goof"? At this point, there's enough to prove intent.

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Gates and his ilk have been saying for years that vaccines will play a BIG role in their depopulation program. It's our own fault if we refuse to believe them. They have already implemented their population reduction program and its in full swing. The fact that the vast majority of people who took the covid death jab cannot even name THREE of the ingredients is proof positive that people will believe anything if its on TV. Since the inserts were blank I would say that is the very definition of UN-informed consent! As one scientist said before these death shots even came out..."if anyone tries to come near me with that needle, I will consider it assault with a deadly weapon and will have every right to defend myself." I could not agree more!!

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Dolores Cahill was the scientist who said that. They tried to arrest her in Ireland. I don’t know what happened with that case. I think she is amazing and was one of the first voices raised in protest. There was an organization called THE DOCTORS AlliANCE —Heiko Schoning etc. These doctors were dragged off the streets literally. The WEF has huge power across the pond. Good to see Andrew Bridgen (sp?) stirring things up….

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Dolores warned us in 2020...Here she is talking about this scheme:


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That few, huh?

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Hopefully, Alex Berenson’s case will work. He definitely has standing and damages.

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My stepsister went from a vibrant 60 yr old real estate agent of luxury property to severe Alzheimers having to wear a diaper , within one year after getting the shots. I'm pissed.

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Would she or her family consider taking nattokinase and/or lumbrokinase in the event her problem is caused by microclotting? (Just an idea)

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We have three extended family with dementia. They all thought we were crazy when we tried to warn them.

A shoutout to Kirsch for the Darkhorse podcast and fluvoxamine!!!! Nearly instantly got rid of my brain fog with Rona.

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Did you have long covid with brain fog? At what point (day, week) did you take fluvoxamine, for how long and how much? Others with long vax/long covid need to know more about what you did? Thanks.

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I'm not jabbed and no long covid and instantly got on the FLCCC protocol, ivermectin, HCQ, NAC, Vit D and fluvoxamine towards the end, when the fog wasn't going away. As a embedded HW/FW engineer, I was looking at my computer/code/design, blank and wondering if I was hosed as far as being able to work anymore. I just now double-checked my fluvoxamine stash and there are only 2 x 50mg pills missing. It only took 50mg for the first day to fix it...I took another the next day and it was gone....it could have been totally gone on day 1.

Are you sure it's not a vax injury if the person is jabbed?


Nattokinase is the cats meow...I'm still on it...it reduced my blood pressure. I think it also got rid of BAD varicose veins my wife had.

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What is the Rona you are referring to?

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Well...it's not My Sha...

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I am so sorry. I am seeing this too. I cannot believe the mass exodus of healthy vibrant people to crippled or riddled with illness and cognitive issues. I wish more people were pissed! It seems many have become caretakers and have little or no energy for anything beyond their daily life.

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The greed of pharma and it's bottomless pocketed backers is ultimately causing them to loose their war for the control of all human resources. The COVID "vaccine" hand was grossly overplayed, exposing so many obvious lies that even the most naive among us are shocked. Many, including myself, have gone far beyond the obvious unsafe and ineffective properties of these injectables. There we have found insidious corruption in the entire medical and health care system. The mandatory co-opting, brain washing and propagandizing of otherwise intelligent people that must be endured to obtain their credentials. It starts at the medical training institutions through the media all the way down to the patient prescribing M.D. who is paid more for prescribing patented drugs. John D. Rockefeller was the Godfather, but his protégées include large investment firm managers and similar individuals like Bill Gates & Klaus Schwab. It is a vast network of corruption too voluminous and complex to illicit in a comment, so I will isolate only one small example. Patented drugs. The corruption above has demonized naturopathic medicine as archaic witch doctoring and most of us have swallowed that completely. Consider how many major media promotions from our medical leadership like the CDC, FDA, HHS, etc. you have seen for vitamins D or C, exercise or even eating vegetables. If it's not under patent, it is not adequately profitable. Health is being co-opted as a veil for greed.

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