Went to three of the studies linked. All three conclude that the negative effect risk is far less than being unvaccinated. They all recommend getting a vaccine.

Exactly what was the point of this post?

┐( ∵ )┌

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Stop with crazy 🤬

Attorney Todd Callender

Attorney Thomas Renz

Dr Lee Merritt

Dr Sam Bailey

Dr Michael Yeadon

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In this link from the thousand, Japanese are 9X more likely to suffer from anaphylaxis from the Pfizer jab.


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True, but they are not taking into account underreporting levels, which are known through previous studies to be around 10% for serious adverse events and 2-4% for non-serious. Taking this into account, the vaccines are far more dangerous.

This also doesn't take into account the statistical acrobatics that are happening all over the world which, for example, miscategorising vaccinated as unvaccinated when they are injured in the first 14/21 days. This effectively flips the problems from vaccines to covid and non-covid deaths of the unvaccinated, which in turn governments use to continue the insanity by pointing to the statisics....and get more vaccines!

See Prof Norman Fenton of Queen Mary London University for details.

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I picked a link from your list and it concluded the following which is very different than your title:

“Conversely, Vaccination has a significant effect on the prevention of severe SARS-Cov-2 infection and ensuing complications [25] with an extremely low rate of severe complications. As initially estimated, the incidence of VITT is perhaps 1 case per 100,000 vaccine exposures [40]. Consequently, COVID-19 vaccination should be strongly encouraged given benefits outweigh its potential risks“

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Then look up Remdesivir.

Attorney Thomas Renz

Attorney Todd Callender

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich

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You'll have to type it in. They are trying to block it. Alternatively.


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In this link from the thousand, Japanese are 9X more likely to suffer from anaphylaxis from the Pfizer jab.


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which link, please.n Thx

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I just picked one of the first ones and went to the conclusion section. Alternatively you can copy and paste my quote and drop it into Google to find the name of the study.

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I picked a link from your list and it concluded the following which is very different than your title:

“Conversely, Vaccination has a significant effect on the prevention of severe SARS-Cov-2 infection and ensuing complications [25] with an extremely low rate of severe complications. As initially estimated, the incidence of VITT is perhaps 1 case per 100,000 vaccine exposures [40]. Consequently, COVID-19 vaccination should be strongly encouraged given benefits outweigh its potential risks“

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The link doesn't work

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yes it does

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This goes back to May 2021. Several doctors in Ontario have already been "punished" either by suspension or being "disciplined". Some have lost their jobs. Others have been cancelled.

It should be obvious by now, even to the seriously cognitively dissonant that there is a coordinated agenda. Think about it.

- Doctors being silenced in the US and Canada by their medical boards.

- Not a single politician has spoken out about this censoring of dissenting medical voices - not even Ron Desantis.

- Doctors in the UK being shamed for speaking out.

- University research professors being silenced and censored. I will name one - Byram Bridle, a Canadian vaccinologist.

- Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Austria, Germany, Australia, Ireland and others all shaming the unvaccinated.

- Vaccine passports and now the blatantly coordinated push and "trial balloons" in the MSM for mandatory vaccination for all.

- What countries allow alternative treatments? - mostly 3rd world other than Japan - Africa, India (some states, not all). None of the G7 nations allow it.

- The push to vaccinate pregnant women and infants.

- The denial of naturally acquired immunity.

If there were any outliers in all of this, then you could try to convince me that this is not planned. Find one.

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Today on unsolved mysteries "what happened to the flu in 2020?" Only 1500 cases, are y'all so brainwashed you believe we went from millions of cases of flu to only 1500 case's? Ockams Razor all flu case's were reported as Covid case's. In 2020 if you were walking down the sidewalk and a piano fell on your head you died of Covid.

"My own view is that this planet is used as a penal colony, lunatic asylum and dumping ground by a superior civilisation, to get rid of the undesirable and unfit. I can't prove it, but you can't disprove it either." ~ Christopher Hitchens

"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." ~ George Orwell

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." ~ Thomas Paine

"Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." ~ H. L. Mencken

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At best we should risk stratify who receives the vaccine ( elderly and co-morbid conditions). No need to mandate exposing the entire population to the potential adverse risks of vaccination. Makes zero sense.

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No mandates for anyone! There are people who are older and healthy. And there is no health advantage to having code inserted into your body, code to build toxic spike proteins using your body as a manufacturing plant. And how about the graphene oxide, bacteria and self-assembling nano-electronics? They are treating humans like beagles to run experiment on.

Infection survival rate for covid:

70+ yrs 97.6% (non-inst.)

70+ yrs 94.5 (all)

For example, for the non-institutionalized 70+ people 97.6% of the people who had covid survived.

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I’m 65, so happy I got it. You all are clueless

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The elderly and those with co-morbid conditions are being killed in huge numbers by the COVID-19 vaccines. I read the VAERS reports on the first 121 deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations (almost all people over 60)...many obvious cardiac deaths...no one with pre-existing heart problems should get these vaccines IMO. I'm at the young end of elderly, with a "heart history", and I wouldn't get one of these vaccines voluntarily unless I wanted to commit suicide. For God's sake, leave the old folks and other vulnerable folks out of this -- give them effective early treatment instead. Actually, do that for every human being!

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I totally agree with you. That's why I used the modifier "at best". Leave it up to the individual. Anyone can choose to receive the jab. I would advise against it. Early treatment is the way to go.

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At this point it hardly matters. The country is in the crapper. Corruption is so rampant it's everywhere from your local town right to the top. The elites have total control and want more. First they scared you, then they bribed you, then they guilted you, then they shamed you, then they blamed you, then they fired you. But they care and are only trying to protect you. Like sheep to the slaughter the brainwashed masses go.

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it is not open"

Frank Zappa

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H. L. Mencken

"It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

"They'll get it all from you sooner or later 'cause they own this f**kin' place. It's a big club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard-working people: white collar, blue collar, it doesn't matter what color shirt you have on." ~ George Carlin

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""It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte " That must have been what the FDA had in mind when they requested the 55 and 75 year extensions to release the data.

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I agree the country is in the crapper. It’s clear that bringing down the U.S. has been a top priority in the global predators’ agenda. But I refuse to shrivel up and shut up…

Thanks for this collection of quotes! World class and bullseye for what’s going on!

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So, here's the problem. For those of us without medical degrees, a lot of these studies are not entirely understandable. That the vaccines can cause death and disease in some cases, most of us know. This is the part of the current narrative that is missing from "informed consent."

But the question will still remain: "Are the vaccines worse than the virus?" Or in other words, are the same diseases possible from Covid infection? and if so, are they more prevalent in covid infected patients, or in vaccinated persons?

Take the very first article linked, which mentions "Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination". My first duty is to see whether "cerebral venous thrombosis" is strictly an effect of the vaccine, or whether it also comes from Covid infection. And sure enough, it is possible to get this from Covid: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7538072/

So now I need to know: what is the percentage of risk from Covid versus from Vaccine? How does this percentage work out in different age groups, and in healthy vs. unhealthy groups? Without that, I can't really determine my risk/reward ratio.

Of course, for myself, I'd rather take treatments that have no risk (or extremely low risk) at all! So these current vaccines are not on the table, since I have no long-term data to study. But if we are going to use this page of links for others, we need to be aware of the counter-argument, which is: "But you can also get these things from Covid infection!"

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In this study, they are saying ocular problems happen with covid AND ocular problems happen with the jabs. So if the jabs don't stop infection, why double/triple/quadruple chances for adverse reactions like blindness by taking the jabs?

"Results: Ocular adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccinations include facial nerve palsy, abducens nerve palsy, acute macular neuroretinopathy, central serous retinopathy, thrombosis, uveitis, multiple evanescent white dot syndrome, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease reactivation, and new-onset Graves' Disease. Studies in current literature are primarily retrospective case series or isolated case reports - these are inherently weak in establishing association or causality. Nevertheless, the described presentations resemble the reported ocular manifestations of the COVID-19 disease itself. Hence, we hypothesize that the human body's immune response to COVID-19 vaccinations may be involved in the pathogenesis of the ocular adverse effects post-COVID-19 vaccination."


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From the shots you can get much worse, in my opinion. Great efforts are made to hide what's in them and the numbers of deaths & injuries resulting. Those govt/pharma agencies are supposed to be protecting the people. Check Orwell.city. https://bit.ly/3Ax689S https://rumble.com/vt7rd6-attorney-thomas-renz-reveals-what-multiple-dod-whistleblowers-investigation.html

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The answer to the counter-argument is “You don’t get these things from COVID if you get effective early treatment.” We need a collection of studies to back this up. Haven’t Fareed and Tyson just published a book about their outstanding success treating COVID? Peter McCullough probably has a list of studies. And of course there’s ivmmeta; unfortunately the corresponding website re: HCQ doesn’t seem to separately report about HCQ+Zinc which is essential for clarity. The list we need is probably already available or easily compiled…

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The Fareed and Tyson book will be out later in January. I've compiled a list of various early treatments (other than ivermectin and hcq, which not all can obtain). I still haven't worked out the quantities of some of these (check c19early.com):

- Zinc acetate: 50mg

- Quercetin: 800mg

- Bromelain: 165mg

- Vitamin D: 400-800 IU (10-20mcg) (Max: 1000-4000 IU (25-100mcg))

- Melatonin:

- Nigella Sativa oil:

- Iota Carageenan:

- Curcumin:

- Vitamin A:

- Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): 1g

- Vitamin K2:

- N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine: 600mg

This one is for a nasal wash and gargle:

Povidone-Iodine (1% PVP Solution): Oral and Nasal antiseptic

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Dose for zinc acetate is also wrong. It should be 150-250 mg (= 45 to 75 mg elemental/pure zinc).

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Sorry, dose for vitamin D is absolutely wrong. It should be 5000-10000 IU.

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The FLCCC lists 1000-3000 IU/day of Vitamin D, and 30-40mg elemental zinc for their "imask" protocol (prevention section):


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Vitamin D

220 scientists and doctors – 2,000 to 17,000 IU


FLCCC protocol:

page 15 – 3,000 to 5,000 IU

page 17 – 2,000 to 100,000 IU

page 20 – 3,000 to 5,000 IU

page 23 – 5,000 IU

Zinc acetate = only 30% of elemental zinc


FLCCC protocol:

page 16 – 30 to 40 mg elemental zinc

page 20 – 75 to 100 mg elemental zinc

page 23 – 100 mg elemental zinc

page 25 – 75 to 100 mg elemental zinc

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I'm guessing that these higher doses you are mentioning (100,000 IU of Vitamin D) are for treating infected patients. Normally that would be considered extreme. You can end up in the hospital with hypercalcemia if you take such large doses on a regular basis.


Some have also stated that if you plan to take high quantities of Zinc regularly, you should also add in some Copper, since the Zinc may block the absorption of copper from your food.


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For someone not in the medical field , you should only see what is going in the hospitals during this period of time.

70% of COVID admissions are nonvaxed. This is taking Up precious hospital beds for patients who need cancer surgery that is now delayed because there are no beds available. Yea you maybe developed the optical mouse, but yes your a little mouse yourself with no clear view or eyesight what is really going on. Not impressed.

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*You* should study the statistics being reported from Israel and from the U.K., which strongly contradict the approved propaganda in the U.S. You should also listen to U.S. whistleblower nurses describe what they’ve been observing firsthand in the hospitals where they work (or used to work before COVID vaccines were mandated and they quit or were fired). And don’t forget that the number of “beds” in a hospital is not determined by actual physical beds, but by the number of nurses available to care for patients.

There’s been a huge, deliberate train-wreck of the U.S. health care system especially targeting hospitals and ICU capacity. The genuinely unvaccinated (that means excluding the “partially vaccinated” people) are scapegoats, not the problem; and COVID vaccine injuries are an enormous problem.

There’s an apropos saying, “If you want to know what’s going on in a hospital, ask the nurses” and in this case it’s “ask the whistleblower nurses and the nurses who have quit or been fired.”

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Kayla where are you,someone put on Steve's substack,Pfizer CEO says 2doses isn't enough for Omicron,a link with Steve Bannon and Robert Malone discussing briefly a haemhorragic fever in China,report on Internet playing it down,but Malone mentions marburg or Ebola. Link. https://rumble.com/vsb5mq-dr-robert-malone-latest-disease-spreading-across-china-an-ebola-like-hemor.html?mref=16gqh&mc=83sof

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Hey Reggie, I haven't had time to watch the Rumble video or listen to Australian whistleblowers yet. However, I just subscribed to Dr. Malone's substack and posted a comment in his current "news" section, giving him the full "warning post" about the upcoming fake Marburg epidemic, and asking him to investigate.

I have an odd little tale to tell about the "warning post." Yesterday evening I wasn't sure where in my computer I had stowed my copy of that post and I figured that this morning I've have to spent some time looking for it. So...I got to bed very late and accidentally left my computer open (but "asleep" with screen black) across the room (ordinarily, like 99% of the time, I close the computer). Five minutes after I get in bed, while I'm shutting down my phone for the night, the room is suddenly lit up by the computer "waking up" with something on the screen. I go over to shut the dang thing down and OMG what's on the screen is a word-processing document which is a copy of the "warning post" -- and not in the word-processing program I use all the time, but in a program I almost never use and hadn't gone into for who-knows-how-long. Very, very strange that this particular document pops up out of nowhere right when I need it...

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Hi Kayla,sorry I hadn't gotten back to you-we must be on diff.time zones,good on you for posting on Dr Malone's substack-but I seriously don't know what happened with your computer!Divine intervention?

I've looked up this Haem. fever story on various platforms-some say it's incosequential,they get outbreaks twice a year,they have vaccines for it.

Others just refer to what Dr Malone said.Some are ringing alarm bells everywhere.

On substack,I haven't seen much(if any) about it,except the original post,and some comments.(Not many).

Do people not know,or care about this?Is it not worth worrying about? I say this,though-if I was on a Winter Olympic team,there's no way I'd go anywhere near China,even if this H.Fever situation is far away from where the athletes go.

I'm going to keep on this case,though-there must be something to the warning post. And,let me know if your computer does anything else weird. Because what happened is weird!

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Reggie, thanks for alerting me to this! I'll watch this Rumble video with Dr. Malone tomorrow and then come back here and comment.

For other people's information so folks know what we're talking about:

According to the limited information I have, the upcoming Marburg Virus "pandemic" ("predicted" by Bill Gates last spring) will be a fake, with no actual Marburg Virus released. This new "pandemic" will be blamed for the disastrous bleeding and clotting disorders triggered by the COVID-19 boosters. A PCR test for Marburg has already been developed (I'm sure it will be set up to generate huge numbers of false positive). A "vaccine" will rapidly be made available. People who refuse the vaccine will be dragged into quarantine camps where they'll be injected with the "vaccine." According to the information I've seen, the "vaccine" will contain a poison called Ricin. I suspect that the vaccine given in the quarantine camps will contain high doses of Ricin and will kill many people. It will be easy to claim that those people died of Marburg illness. I don't know how dangerous the "vaccine" people take voluntarily, outside the camps, will be. It may be that many of those injections will be "placebo injections" and many others will be damaging but not fatal doses.

Somebody needs to get through to Robert Malone with the information about the Marburg Virus pandemic. He shouldn't unwittingly become part of the propaganda campaign...He has a large audience at this point and he could do a lot to mess things up for the global predators just by calling them out on their fake pandemic. Maybe I can work on this tomorrow...just copy and paste the Marburg "announcement" (I think I posted the exact text before...can't remember the title of the article I posted it on, though; but I have a copy elsewhere) on his Substack. Or you can do this yourself if you want, Reggie; if you do, just let me know.

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Look up the Australian whistle blowers if you haven't already,Kayla-it's quite informative,and honest.

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And "Australian Medical Whistleblowers Speak Out" These are nurses and paramedics who are still working,speaking about what's going on.Of course they are disguised.

It's on many platforms brandnewtube.com,unshackledminds.com,brown-watch.com,just do a duck duck go search for the above phrase

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Thanks, will do.

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Are you sure that's what was said? Or did it say 70% of total admissions are nonvaxxed? I.e. they're in for something that has nothing to do with covid, and just happens to be nonvaxxed? You need to provide the source please.

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70% of COVID admissions are nonvaxed. Hi 20% vaxed(2shots), couple percent fully vaxed(boosted) most of those immunocompromised.

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Your hospital system is not a source unless it is verifiable. You could be a Baker making it up for all we know. You also can't extrapolate to the population as a whole from one data source anyway.

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I’m a Bariatric surgeon. I do sleeve gastrectomies , Roux en Y Gastric bypasses and revisional Bariatric surgery. I do cook but my wife does the baking. Honestly everyone has to make their own choices. I’m boosted and so happy I did. If you don’t get vaxed it’s your choice. I have heard the dying cry asking for the vaccine when it’s too late. Sad

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Of healthcare workers who took the FIRST shot, 1 in 8 missed work, 1 in 40 needed to see a doctor and 1 in 100 ended up in the ER/hospital. That's not a profile of a typical annual flu shot.


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Sam, you need to provide sources for your claims.

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The source is my hospital system.

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Well that is more "subjective" evidence than "objective," since none of us can verify that.

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Honestly I know my source amd don’t give a number 2 whether you believe it or not. If you keep putting your head in the sand and don’t see on the news about all the admissions , and I’m not saying it’s all COVID but it’s a lot of COVID,then stay clueless.

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https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/03/08/covid-cdc-study-finds-roughly-78percent-of-people-hospitalized-were-overweight-or-obese.html May you could do some research on how the interleukin profile of of Obese patients weather they are jabbed or not predisposes them to more complications…. Maybe all the meds they are likely to be on and their increased propensity to have gyphosphate poisoning have got to do w it ….. also read https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/nearly-60-of-hospitalized-covid-19-patients-in-israel-fully-vaccinated-study-finds.html

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So what they are saying is fully vaxed ie boosted decreases the severity of the diasease. Also known to decrease the window of transmission. No one out there is saying vaccination prevents COVID.

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And how many of your Covid patients are those who developed "natural immunity"? Because that is a factor that is not at all being recognized in most vaccine mandates and passes (except for some countries in Europe, so I've heard).

And what is your hospital recommended regimen for "early treatment"? If it's like our medical system, it's nothing: just stay at home until you get too sick and have to go to the hospital. And that's a shame, because early treatments are highly effective, and were supported by some doctors well before the vaccines came out, and were even squelched (and still are) by powers that wish to push the vaccine only (which we know results in profits billions of dollars).

You see, the vaccine is not the only solution. Not surprisingly, Steve tried to support the drug fluvoxamine, and even though he ran through all the trials, and they were successful and effective, could not get it passed through the FDA, presumably because it would compete with the vaccine. Likewise with Ivermectin, which is very effective as a pre and early treatment, keeping people out of the hospital. But try to even get a doctor to prescribe it now...very hard.

The other thing that Steve is emphasizing is that there are very real side effects from the vaccine, and even deaths, which are just being ignored. There is no liability on the part of the vaccine makers, and injured people are left with huge hospital bills that crush out their life savings. How is this fair, when these vaccine corps rake in billions of dollars?

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It’s interesting if you read these studies how rare the side affects are and then one would have to compare what the effects of having the disease. I’ve personally known 2 family members who had to be intubated. These people definitely would have done better w the vaccine. The omicron is way different and shouldn’t be treated like the earlier versions. But pointing to relative outliers and blanket no vaccine drumbeats is disheartening.

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No offence meant,but did the family members survive?Sounds like they did;from what I've read,a lot don't survive after intubation.

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Agree, because credibility has to be maintained, even if it's painstaking.

I hate the Vax, don't want it, not gonna do it, so I am in the fight against it - But we can not shovel unsubstantiated commentary at people full of "iffy" fantastic sounding crap and expect that to change minds and carry the day. If you have a list of a thousand credible studies, publish the damn thing.... but if you are willing to do that - then it better be good. The left being on a war footing with everyone who is not of their ideological ilk - seriously does rely on disinformation and controlled opposition to undermine their opponents. They labor to "fake out" their opposition by creating seemingly plausible but easily discreditable narratives. Don't underestimate the natural human tendency to excitedly broadcast the "OMG, did hear about this" sound bites and links. The phenomenal story then gathers attention, adherents, momentum... and the the next thing you know it gets roundly debunked by experts on both sides who just aren't going to stake their reputations on backing up the theory that the vax produces a strong magnetic field at the site of injection that mysteriously causes brass keys and stainless steel dinnerware to stick to your arm. And their you stand publicly with your pants down looking like a royal ass because you didn't know that non ferrus metals (non-iron containing) are not going to be tractable by a magnetic field- right?..... 3rd grade science?

But Soccer Mommy Penelope, and Beer Gut Bruce couldn't be bothered to fact check themselves and went right ahead and circulated because .... it sounded good at the time.

Do us all a favor and DON'T BE THAT DUMBSHIT.

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B. Drumm, have you actually looked at the list of 1000 studies? I read the titles of the first 100-come and then skimmed, reading about every 5th title I'd guess, until I got to 400-some. These are peer-reviewed papers published in journals. Among the titles I read, a high percentage appear to be case studies or case series. A high percentage are about thrombocytopenia and related clotting and bleeding issues. Lots about Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Lots about myocarditis. I didn't see anything that looked like iffy fantastic sounding crap.

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FYI: Some stainless steel (ferritic) contains iron and is responsive to magnetic fields. Some stainless steel (austenitic) does not contain iron and is not responsive to magnetic fields. (There are other types of stainless steel and I don’t have info about their responsiveness to magnets.)

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Kayla its true some types of stainless have some iron content, but not enough to provide a platform of attraction, you can test this by using an actual magnet on various stainless objects and they will fall to the floor even if you sense a slight pull. Brass, which most keys are made of has no response to magnetism at all.

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Are you trying to pull my leg? "Not enough to provide a platform of attraction"? I just took one of my dozen refrigerator magnets and walked around the kitchen picking up stainless steel eating and cooking utensils with it. Nothing fell to the floor. About 70% of the stainless steel in my kitchen is "magnet friendly." If I wanted to pick up a heavy stainless steel object, I'd just get the big honcho magnet out of my tool box; when that thing latches on to something, I have trouble getting it loose.

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This is definitely true. I use induction hot plates and I can't just buy any stainless steel pot. It has to respond to magnetism or it won't work with induction.

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I can tell you that almost no doctor ever reads the EULA to the patient, which is what they’re supposed to do. Because if they read it, it would be the most honest thing they would have done that day and would subsequently put a big dent in the day’s jab business.

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I think if you speak w any pulmonologist they would take the very small risk of an adverse even vice the disease in their patients. There are so many whacked out BS stuff about the vaccine it is nuts. Anyone that personally knows someone bthat had the non-omnicron variant will tell you what a struggle that disease is. But go ahead and fear the vaccine. You all sound like a bunch of infants that can’t read studies properly

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As a former researcher/immunologist/oncologist I know full well how to read studies and which are BS. And right out of the gate, that 95% effectiveness that Pfizer bragged about? It was obtained using relative risk between the groups rather than absolute risk which is what a researcher will do when he/she has shitty results and needs to put lipstick on a pig. Using absolute risk, the effectiveness was 1.84%. Additionally, the initial documents that were pried out of the FDA by Aaron Siri showed 1223 deaths within 60 days of roll out. Think about that. The FDA knew and did nothing. And finally, you like most jab recipients made the same mistake. You trusted a medical establishment that has been long corrupted and compromised. Good luck.

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And then there are the 3410 "suspected but not confirmed" cases of COVID-19 among the Pfizer experimental subjects. The calculation of efficacy was based on 170 confirmed cases and these 3410 cases were left out of the calculation. Peter Doshi wrote about the mysterious omitted 3410 in an article in the BMJ, and I was curious so I went to Pfizer's Final Protocol for its clinical trials...didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I found that the protocol left an enormous loophole that would allow all kinds of "cheating." Next I went to the Moderna Final Protocol and found exactly the same enormous loophole in slightly different language. No ethical pharmaceutical company would have submitted a trial protocol with that loophole, and no ethical regulatory agency would have approved such a trial protocol...

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Do you think there would be more deaths without the vaccine or less?

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Much less. This is a virus with a 99.9%+ survival in non-elderly, non-immune compromised generally healthy people. With natural herd immunity and focused protection of the high risk, this would have been over a long time ago, especially with successful early treatment. Check on the all cause mortality worldwide since the jabs came out. What did the head of a 100B life insurance company say last week about a 40% increase in deaths (non Covid) in 2021 last week? That number is incredible. If you're skeptical about all this, do your own research (not on Google) but then maybe this blog isn't the best place for you if you're jab committed.

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thanks, like the 'short 'n sweet' version to send fence-sitters

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The site seems a plant, pushing 'the virus doesn't exist' and BS about tracking people with the graphene. Which makes me presume a bunch of those studies will be misrepresented and the whole thing is just there to make us look silly for linking to it.

It would be hugely helpful Steve if you published the list itself, getting volunteers to check they are relevant and say what we're told they say.

It's a big task but worth it, rather than us all linking to a site that will immediately have people's eyes rolling?

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Why are you trying to get Steve to waste his time? And if you think this is of utmost importance, why don't YOU do it?

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It wouldn’t take much of Steve’s time to ask for volunteers and suggest a simple system for dividing the list of studies among volunteers (e.g. Studies 1-25 to be reviewed by volunteers with last names starting with A, 26-50 B, etc. Z’s join X’s in studying second to last batch.). Where there’s a will there’s a way.

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Your comment sounds like a deliberate diversion. The request was simple and entirely reasonable

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Because I'm not the one presenting the list to the world and declaring it as proof.

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It seems to me that you're living in a parallel universe.

Could you and your scientists jump back into our universe before we can discuss this matter any further?

Welcome to our Covid Zone where Red=Blue and Black = White.

Once you're back to our Covid Zone, you'll realize that some Supreme Court Justices hiding behind their masks after been triple vaxxed and tested negative continued to preach that "Vaccines are safe and effective" on Jan 7th,2022 when hearing the OSHA vaxx mandate case.

Should I remind you that the Vaccine Act (1986) signed by Reagan states clearly that "Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe"? Are these SCOTUS justices violating the US law by lying publicly?

In the Covid Zone we can't do anything about these untouchables but you may investigate with your scientists in your universe to see how these untouchables can be sued for lying.

Is Dr. M Yeadon one of you scientists?


Help please!

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Hmmm ... maybe we need to send the peer reviewed articles to the US Supreme Court who seem quite illiterate about the topic of vaccine injuries. Why would you pass mandates for a vaccine that fails to stop transmission, is ineffective after less than a year, is ineffective with Omnicron and isn't safe?

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