
I'm getting a lower response rate to this survey than I've gotten for other surveys. Is that it is a holiday? the survey is too long? or is asking for too much info?

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People may not realize it's a separate survey. Not understand the importance of submitting info they already submitted on a previous survey here, also.

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Oh, ya I didn't realize that this is a separate survey

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Sure I know of two definite deaths, one three days after a shot and another one week after…two probable deaths 60 year old and 55 year old threw a clot and had heart attacks and both were in shape. One serious injury after the third shot - within four hours was so sick couldn’t get from the bed to the couch for five days, plain sick for a couple more weeks, now has heart arrhythmia and is on meds for that. Others as well that may or may not be direct links - still birth at full term, cancers coming back, and heart issues …have no way of noting for sure that there was a link? So not sure I am comfortable entering them?

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informed speculation is not illegal.

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I was going to fill it out, I have a long list due to the work I do, but I am unsure if I can put their names since I don't have consent, initials would that work? Also a bit iffy about leaving my phone. Thanks

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put what you feel comfortable entering.

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Subscriber from Germany (or what’s left of it) here. Do you care for AE and death reports from the USA only or would you consider two PDFs from over here (pretty good AI translations via deepl.com)?

One is a letter written by a dental surgeon to her state medical association where she’s detailing a plethora of severe vaccine injuries and deaths among her patients and their vaxxed relatives and friends. She’s not vaccinated nor does she vaccinate her patients, despite getting pressured to do so by the authorities.

The second is a compilation of viewer comments which were made in response to one of only two short video reports that ever aired in the German (state controlled) TV channel ARD. There were 69 pages of comments. As soon as I saw them I knew they’d be gone soon, so I copied them all. And sure enough: one day later the video report and all of the comments were scrubbed from the website of that TV channel. The first 3 entries were made by the same dental surgeon who wrote the aforementioned letter which may have triggered the purge.

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only database entries please.

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I know someone who got 2 shots and 2 boosters and who subsequently wound up going to a cardiologist and was diagnosed with arrhythmia - but they refuse to believe that the vaccine had anything to do with it so I'm loathe to identify them by name.

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then don't include the name

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It could be the holiday.

Personally, I got uncomfortable with providing someone's name without their consent. Also, some of the questions used "I" when I was answering for someone else. A couple of questions didn't have answers that fit and I felt uncomfortable choosing what was available. Between the 3 of these things, I stopped.

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400 millions people died from the covid vax

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Steve I know this is a few days old, so may post it in a more recent newsletter so you are sure to see it. As the vaccine injuries become impossible to deny, this just went out to California physicians: Deadline extended for pediatric COVID-19 vaccine grant program; apply by July 15

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) has extended the deadline for its KidsVaxGrant program – which will award grants of up to $15,000 to support Vaccines for Children providers providing pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Applications will now be accepted through July 15, 2022. Administered by PHC, the California Department of Public Health is investing approximately $10 million to fund the KidsVaxGrant program.

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This may be a useful resource for you. A UK woke person who tracks the suddenly dead in the UK, and here in the USA.


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I believe my grandson was injured by the Covid VaX, but I would have no way to verify and his Mom only believes in coincidences apparently. He was 4 months old when his Mom got her first Moderna dose in May 2021. He was being breastfed and immediately began crying a lot and refused to sleep with his Mom in her bed. He didn’t sleep well for the next month and continued to cry a lot. He has been sick with a cold or bronchitis for most of the last year. He is now almost 11/2 and has been greatly delayed in all of his milestones and still doesn’t utter a word. His older sister, 6 years has been diagnosed with autism, but I suspect this may have happened after regular vaccinations.

Both of my young children 21 & 23 have been having problems with being able to stay asleep for more than 4-5 hours at night after Covid vaccination and my son’s (age 23) recent blood lab work shows he now has high cholesterol & high bilirubin counts and hair loss after vaccination.

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Thank you for drawing attention to the vax injured on Memorial Day.

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A lot of personal information and most are very uncomfortable with giving that out and for good reasons. You could have done it as an option for someone to be contacted maybe via email if they wanted to. I get spam calls and texts so much these days and I think it from filing petitions etc so would not do it, but I will forward to friends that I know have family and friends injured right here in California. Also sometimes you are putting out too much information as we all can only handle to think about this so much. It's very depressing and horrific that our government is allowing this and NOBODY stopping it. Thank you for your due diligence!! Get Newsom out next week. Reinette Senum is running and is all about freedom. Newsom didn't get that many votes in 2018 as Reinette has explained in a video. We can get him out now if we all show up and vote him out!!

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Watch the movie Dark Waters, with Mark Ruffalo - read the book Exposure by Rob Bilott - the guy featured in Dark Waters and in the January 2016 NY Times magazine cover-story titled The Lawyer Who Became Dupont's Worst Nightmare. Bilott has fought Dupont for over 16 years to get justice for those injured and killed because Dupont would not remove PFOAs from their products (think Teflon, scotch-guard along with a million other uses - and it's now an impossible task - it's in every living thing) and to make Dupont responsible for what they knowingly did. The lengths to which a company will go to prevent paying for the injured/killed for whom their actions are responsible are eyewateringly frightening. The EPA too has been implicated in Dupont's actions. Why anyone thinks Pfizer and Moderna (and the rest of the medical/industrial complex) are going to be held accountable is a mystery to me. Just read the book, watch the movie. The recent data dump by Pfizer is exactly what Dupont did to Bilott - millions of miles of paper that they thought no one would ever manage to go through. They were wrong. Let's hope Pfizer's wrong too. We need lawyers to get this moving!!

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Steve.. your work is.. Outstanding!

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Are we only talking about people in the USA?

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Great question. I'm in Canada and assumed anyone, anywhere could offer info. But maybe not.

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I know 2 probable deaths and 1 definitely serious injury. I feel the families may not want it reported, like it's their private info.

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you can omit the name, but there is nothing illegal about speculation.

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I couldn’t get an autopsy on my mother n law. But I’m 85% sure that Moderna killed her. January 15, 2022. Found out the day after. That she had another injection on December 9th.

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Yahoo comments...They censor "safe & effective" meme!!!...we must find another way around it :)

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Is there a lawyer or lawyers in your audience that would act as a collection point for potential plaintiffs who have lost their baby after Covid jab?? Billboards will end this insanity!! There’s no Pharma legal protection if there’s FRAUD!! Pfizer knew jab is unsafe for pregnant women - but they let it be pushed on pregnant women!! I know someone who lost their baby after booster - due this week, lost 10 days ago!! Billboards “ Pregnant & lost baby after Covid shot? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx” Power in numbers, so many shattered women have no idea it was the jab that killed their baby!!!

This gives citation from Pfizer data dumps-


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How about conducting a report on hospitals engaging in "body snatching" which is kidnapping using a fake PCR test and "locking up" someone announcing they have covid?

NO visitors allowed. NO advocating for the patient allowed either.

This happened to husband at a local hospital in Maine from the ER.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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This just in: California Physician Sentenced To Prison For Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine


The pharma cartel has seized control of the medico-regulatory bureaucracies. It has reworked them into a syndicate which mandates very dangerous vaccines while barring safe, effective treatments. Monopoly government police have similarly been reworked into a private army to enforce the diktats of the cartel. The covid debacle is simply a part of an ongoing transformation where a free market in medical care is being / has been reworked into a crony capitalist monopoly. The younger crop of physicians is rebelling as evidenced by not only this story but many others as for instance the Surgery Center of Oklahoma project to return medicine to its pre health insurance days. Prior to the emergence of the HMO, doctors served as 'agents' for their patients with the power to pull patients out of bad hospitals and put them in good ones - a power which forced hospitals to compete.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

I'm SO glad I live in the mountains out in the sticks of Tennessee!! That is absolutely terrible to do to any Dr that is trying to help people... I swear this 🌎 has gone completely insane. Everything up is down and everything down is up.. Malice in Wonderland 😜

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Agreed. I went to UT Knoxville. Always liked the Smokies. BTW, the great Robert Barnes hails from the mountains of east Tennessee :)

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