I listened to the entire thing - was very impressed.
Made some comment to my wife about it - she is "concerned" about me - thinks I'm getting "obsessed" with this whole "covid thing"... I can no longer talk to many people about this stuff - because they think I am crazy.
Wish I was. That would mean all this stuff I heard today was NOT t…
I listened to the entire thing - was very impressed.
Made some comment to my wife about it - she is "concerned" about me - thinks I'm getting "obsessed" with this whole "covid thing"... I can no longer talk to many people about this stuff - because they think I am crazy.
Wish I was. That would mean all this stuff I heard today was NOT true - but I fear that it is.
So many people just want covid to be over and they do not realize that while it might be possible to get over the virus - the virus is NOT the primary threat to us... it's what has been done to us using the virus as the excuse.
...you’re not crazy, EVERYONE should be interested, the only valid excuse is that you’re overwhelmed... which should imply you’re at least aware of what’s going on.
My husband and I no longer get along very well because of all this. He is vax’d and told me last night he’d have no problem getting boosted. My mom died after getting Moderna’d. I’m kind of a wreck, honestly.
So sorry to hear that, Aimee. It does put a wedge between you if you can't express yourself freely and feel heard. I hope you have other people who feel as you do and who you can talk to. My daughter will not let me express anything to her about this. I think underneath she knows the score but I don't think she can deal with the pain that we have been dealing with these past 2 years. I love her dearly and so if I want a relationship with her I have to accept that it has to be on her terms. It has been difficult, but I have come to terms with it. I think in some way if you can compartmentalize things with your husband, and hold onto the good in your relationship, you will be able to weather the storm. My thoughts and good wishes are with you!
I live in a very blue area, and have actually lost friends over this. I feel very isolated. My mom died in the spring (stroke after Moderna). It’s just been an awful time all around.
Same with my daughter, and son. They will not let me express anything covid related and they both got vaxxed against my desperate urging not to. Their father is very persuasive and uber paranoid about covid and their grandparents wouldn’t see them unless they got the jab. They are both in their mid-twenties and I find it so frustrating that they don’t want to get involved. At their age I was marching and protesting and very concerned about injustices around me. They could care less if I am not allowed to go to the same venues as them. As long as they can do what they want, everyone else be damned. I love them both so much, but it is super annoying that our conversations are not reciprocal; they can gab all day long about their interest, but I am shut down if I bring anything up that is of concern to me. I have expressed the unfairness of this dynamic to them, to no avail. It’s sadly pointless :( So as you suggest here, I just hold on to the good things we have in common and try to keep my mouth shut (which is really hard! haha)
This is precisely how I feel as well. My husband can go anywhere he wants now, so he doesn’t seem to care about my situation anymore. He’s also fine wearing a mask forever. I think his empathy chip was turned off. Or maybe he was Body Snatched and is not the man I married! It is very unsettling.
"Made some comment to my wife about it - she is "concerned" about me - thinks I'm getting "obsessed" with this whole "covid thing"... I can no longer talk to many people about this stuff - because they think I am crazy."
Don't give-up, you never know what will break thru. My wife's a genius left-brained quant who often has has trouble tying her shoes - half the time she speaks in binary.
She was ALL-IN! on this the first 8 months, then stumbled across a flawless data & spreadsheet driven presentation by McCullough that I was playing in the background . . . and it changed everything.
McCullough posted an analysis & chart from the CDC for discussion, and she locked-in on it, saying, 'That's not right!' - left the dinner table and started pulling raw data from VAERS and generating her own charts.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Now, like Steve, she's like a lion against this - going toe-to-toe with her family, and anyone else Cult Covid that comes within her sphere.
I just keep saying I hope I am wrong...like I hope I'll just wake up from this nightmare. The Darkhorse podcast just talked about how do we reconcile and help everyone through this now that the horrible truth is coming to light. It broke my heart to see compassionate doctors tear up as they talk about being left to watch their patients suffer and the stats of all those they could have helped
The thing is, a lot of people that stayed firm are now dealing with resentment, with being attacked to the point of being threatened with job loss, blocked access to medical care, blocked access to communities, all the way to the threat of internment and loss of life. How does one reconcile with those who clearly wanted 'the other' dead?
That kind of treatment has not only left a bruise for many, but it has also revealed a truly sadistic component that was lurking in those we once called family. I'm watching it now as it has unfolded on the side of my inlaws - very intelligent & very accomplished people who literally lost their minds over this, and the fact that in our home we have refused the jab.
It truly is a cult by any definition of that word - all by design, no doubt.
JD--I'm in the club--where can the club meet for coffee? Same for Kielanders, M.T. I think the club is quite large. We are ones who followed the science; the requirements for membership to "the club"--honesty, integrity, and humility--those are the minimum requirements.
It looks like JD needs to setup a Substack of his own for Covidiot survivors, then get himself a Zoom account for meetings and make a 12-Step program out of it.
oh wow! would love to join the club. My husband was worried that I was too obsessed about this. To me reading data and comparing notes with like-minded people is my way to keep my sanity, that I know I'm not crazy. I just finished watching the 5 hours long committee hearing on the high wire, I read every studies I can find. Mind you, I have questioned myself so often that I might be the delusional one. But lately, my husband now can see why I'm doing what I'm doing and starting to support me and yesterday he listened to the speeches from speakers on the American homecoming rally with me and said he wanted to listen to Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan podcast. He almost got an J&J shot until I showed him Steve's presentation. He was very skeptical and though I was following conspiracy theorist. But now he's waking up! Miracles do happen!
Mauvi3--You are ahead of me and more importantly, you saved your husband. That is enormous!!! Being skeptical is good. My overriding guidance painfully learned from being burned by Pharma-tobacco science: "Distrust, then verify......Distrust and verify some more." Yep, Pharma, FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, AMA, Lancet, NEJM, NYT, WAPO, NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS lied again. CNN are nothing but liars.
I wouldn't feel so much alone if my wife would listen-read 1/10 of 1% of everything that passes our eyes. Will try to get her to watch RFK Jr. speech yesterday. I'm in southern Oregon and I'm pretty sure there I clubs that I just don't know about.
I listened to the entire thing - was very impressed.
Made some comment to my wife about it - she is "concerned" about me - thinks I'm getting "obsessed" with this whole "covid thing"... I can no longer talk to many people about this stuff - because they think I am crazy.
Wish I was. That would mean all this stuff I heard today was NOT true - but I fear that it is.
So many people just want covid to be over and they do not realize that while it might be possible to get over the virus - the virus is NOT the primary threat to us... it's what has been done to us using the virus as the excuse.
- the crazy guy...
Obsession isn't bad at all. I thought these applied the best to the current situation.
1. Obsession gives you courage.
3. Obsession encourages thought and innovation.
6. Obsessive people make conscious decisions.
7. Obsessive people seek mentors.
You really understand me lol, thank you for this ❤️
...you’re not crazy, EVERYONE should be interested, the only valid excuse is that you’re overwhelmed... which should imply you’re at least aware of what’s going on.
My husband and I no longer get along very well because of all this. He is vax’d and told me last night he’d have no problem getting boosted. My mom died after getting Moderna’d. I’m kind of a wreck, honestly.
also praying🙏🐱
praying for you... 🐱🙏🐱
Thank you ❤️
So sorry to hear that, Aimee. It does put a wedge between you if you can't express yourself freely and feel heard. I hope you have other people who feel as you do and who you can talk to. My daughter will not let me express anything to her about this. I think underneath she knows the score but I don't think she can deal with the pain that we have been dealing with these past 2 years. I love her dearly and so if I want a relationship with her I have to accept that it has to be on her terms. It has been difficult, but I have come to terms with it. I think in some way if you can compartmentalize things with your husband, and hold onto the good in your relationship, you will be able to weather the storm. My thoughts and good wishes are with you!
I live in a very blue area, and have actually lost friends over this. I feel very isolated. My mom died in the spring (stroke after Moderna). It’s just been an awful time all around.
Same with my daughter, and son. They will not let me express anything covid related and they both got vaxxed against my desperate urging not to. Their father is very persuasive and uber paranoid about covid and their grandparents wouldn’t see them unless they got the jab. They are both in their mid-twenties and I find it so frustrating that they don’t want to get involved. At their age I was marching and protesting and very concerned about injustices around me. They could care less if I am not allowed to go to the same venues as them. As long as they can do what they want, everyone else be damned. I love them both so much, but it is super annoying that our conversations are not reciprocal; they can gab all day long about their interest, but I am shut down if I bring anything up that is of concern to me. I have expressed the unfairness of this dynamic to them, to no avail. It’s sadly pointless :( So as you suggest here, I just hold on to the good things we have in common and try to keep my mouth shut (which is really hard! haha)
This is precisely how I feel as well. My husband can go anywhere he wants now, so he doesn’t seem to care about my situation anymore. He’s also fine wearing a mask forever. I think his empathy chip was turned off. Or maybe he was Body Snatched and is not the man I married! It is very unsettling.
I hear ya!
At least we can express our frustration here! I only have one friend who sees things the way I do. Thank goodness for her!!
"Made some comment to my wife about it - she is "concerned" about me - thinks I'm getting "obsessed" with this whole "covid thing"... I can no longer talk to many people about this stuff - because they think I am crazy."
Don't give-up, you never know what will break thru. My wife's a genius left-brained quant who often has has trouble tying her shoes - half the time she speaks in binary.
She was ALL-IN! on this the first 8 months, then stumbled across a flawless data & spreadsheet driven presentation by McCullough that I was playing in the background . . . and it changed everything.
McCullough posted an analysis & chart from the CDC for discussion, and she locked-in on it, saying, 'That's not right!' - left the dinner table and started pulling raw data from VAERS and generating her own charts.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Now, like Steve, she's like a lion against this - going toe-to-toe with her family, and anyone else Cult Covid that comes within her sphere.
. . . miracles do happen.
I just keep saying I hope I am wrong...like I hope I'll just wake up from this nightmare. The Darkhorse podcast just talked about how do we reconcile and help everyone through this now that the horrible truth is coming to light. It broke my heart to see compassionate doctors tear up as they talk about being left to watch their patients suffer and the stats of all those they could have helped
The thing is, a lot of people that stayed firm are now dealing with resentment, with being attacked to the point of being threatened with job loss, blocked access to medical care, blocked access to communities, all the way to the threat of internment and loss of life. How does one reconcile with those who clearly wanted 'the other' dead?
That kind of treatment has not only left a bruise for many, but it has also revealed a truly sadistic component that was lurking in those we once called family. I'm watching it now as it has unfolded on the side of my inlaws - very intelligent & very accomplished people who literally lost their minds over this, and the fact that in our home we have refused the jab.
It truly is a cult by any definition of that word - all by design, no doubt.
I know exactly how you feel, JD…My oh so very smart friends are just clueless to this global atrocity..
JD--I'm in the club--where can the club meet for coffee? Same for Kielanders, M.T. I think the club is quite large. We are ones who followed the science; the requirements for membership to "the club"--honesty, integrity, and humility--those are the minimum requirements.
It looks like JD needs to setup a Substack of his own for Covidiot survivors, then get himself a Zoom account for meetings and make a 12-Step program out of it.
oh wow! would love to join the club. My husband was worried that I was too obsessed about this. To me reading data and comparing notes with like-minded people is my way to keep my sanity, that I know I'm not crazy. I just finished watching the 5 hours long committee hearing on the high wire, I read every studies I can find. Mind you, I have questioned myself so often that I might be the delusional one. But lately, my husband now can see why I'm doing what I'm doing and starting to support me and yesterday he listened to the speeches from speakers on the American homecoming rally with me and said he wanted to listen to Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan podcast. He almost got an J&J shot until I showed him Steve's presentation. He was very skeptical and though I was following conspiracy theorist. But now he's waking up! Miracles do happen!
Mauvi3--You are ahead of me and more importantly, you saved your husband. That is enormous!!! Being skeptical is good. My overriding guidance painfully learned from being burned by Pharma-tobacco science: "Distrust, then verify......Distrust and verify some more." Yep, Pharma, FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, AMA, Lancet, NEJM, NYT, WAPO, NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS lied again. CNN are nothing but liars.
I wouldn't feel so much alone if my wife would listen-read 1/10 of 1% of everything that passes our eyes. Will try to get her to watch RFK Jr. speech yesterday. I'm in southern Oregon and I'm pretty sure there I clubs that I just don't know about.