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Rant from a prior doctor. Reasoned people have lost all respect for allopathic medicine the CDC, FDA etc. I do not blame them. I was a physician for 25 years but had to leave. The first 15 years were great. The work was hard, and you would see bad things, but the job was so rewarding. I controlled my schedule and treated my patients as I saw fit. Obamacare started the end of the profession. They forced government treatment protocols and electronic medical records on us. There are over 20 EMRS in the US. Most do not cross communicate. My final year I was spending 30% of my time dealing with the computer and entering useless icd 10 codes. I was told by people with business degrees that I had to see 30-40 patients at day. The art and compassion are gone. Most doctors today are robots. For the record I never recommended masks or covid shots.

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I am the daughter of a retired surgeon. I agree with what you have described as a technocratic approach foisted on the System about 20 years ago. This is going on in all of the professions across the West, and it smells of deep planning over the course of decades. What I do not think doctors get away with is the lack of meaningful opposition. This is of course, starting to happen.

But it is way to little way too late. Doctors are too fearful and engage in too much self-censorship. Organized and legal commentary and opposition was not done earlier because it was not "convenient" and because it centered around patient care (which is largely an afterthought). Dr. Benjamin Rush was America's first Surgeon and the only doctor to sign America's Declaration of Independence. He is responsible for the inclusion of freedom of religion in the American Constitution. He argued vociferously for the inclusion of freedom of medicine, but was denied. He said in 1776 " the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship." Info. on Dr. Rush is taken from "Death by Diet" by Robert R. Barefoot


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Observed opposition from nurses, no docs. I was unsure if they believe or not. Some argued on side V.

I agree what you said.

It's unclear to me why mind control effects some more than others.

Not one person said anything confrontation to me at the hospital (RN refused/questioned).

Makes me think more should've stood up.

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I think a lot of this has to do with the type of person who goes into medicine. These are people with a lot of Virgo in them. Organized opposition and speaking out are associated with the Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

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Steves sub stacks excluded the majority of people are so terrified of covid they tend to trust their doctors, government and other institutions. They are sheep and will do as told. It's very sad and tragic because it does not take a large percentage of people to resist to end this genocidal operation. I thought that 3 years in some people would wake up but where I live it's not happening. They still take boosters and wear masks alone. I am living in a dystopian lunatic state.

Not wealthy but leaving the pacific northwest for Texas or Florida.

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I hear you, Leon. I thought as you: that more people would see the light. Some have, but many still follow the non-science recommendations. I also live in what we call a Communist State, where the Gov’t. has been acting in a ridiculously heavy-handed way with C. lockdowns and the like…still pushing goofy “C. emergency” protocols. Many people don’t seem to think critically about their own health situation; and not many see the connection between their shots and their soon-developing health problems, that have become known issues with the C. shots and other CDC/NIH protocols. Your point of people masking alone is something I see here, too. We often talk about leaving this state, but haven’t quite yet.

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It's nearly impossible to summarize this "situation" or simplify it to a good degree of understanding. Sure, there could be an end put to this genocidal operation, but since its plans have been laid by the "elite" centuries ago for reasons which go deeper than one would suspect, other means to meet their intentions would surely be secured. It is not a difficult thing to plan and create chaos, especially if provided with position and means. Compared with proper, inspiring, righteous governance, it is a snap. Satan knows that he has an advantage in this contest, (with respect to that) and utilizes every means allowed him to subvert the Right and Good Government of heaven. Using sin-sickened souls to do most of his bidding, things like this genocide, and those in history past, cause the general population to repel in anguish, despair, and disbelief, and with good reason! But God has created us with an in-board sense of right and wrong, substantiated by His Commandments, but having a predisposition to sin, we all go astray for selfish reasons. Some more than others. The elite, previously mentioned, are basically those who have collaborated to form illegal groups sporting benevolent titles but have deep-rooted plans to "rule" over the "goyim" or the "cattle" as they refer to the commoners. High Freemasonry, under Jesuit control, is but one of the many organizations led by Satanic instruction. It is evil to the very core, yet displays an air of beneficence to obtain acceptance. This has been the course of them all. And so it is difficult to show them in their true light, because of that fact. They're wolves in sheep's clothing. They are EVIL with minds bent to that end. The only way to get to the bottom of this subject is to do the homework, check out the testimonies of the defectors, which will have a "ring" which can only be construed as Truth. God will not allow a total eclipse of His Truth to take place leaving the innocent without any means for balanced decision-making. Take advantage of this fact, and study the reality, though difficult to fathom its degree of depth and spread, and the Truth (of God's Word) will certainly set you free. Confusion will be but a vague memory, long forgotten, and with good riddance!

Happy hunting,



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Be grateful you got out of the trap. We as a whole are untangling from it all. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART to ride this wave of change. The new HEALTH / ECONOMICS/ LIVING/ WAYS ARE being built as we write. THE MASSES ARE SEEING ALL OF THIS BS.

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I am not out yet. Prob best a few who stand up for Hippocratic Oath and Informed Consent still there. It's hard to see patients so fearful.

I literally saw moms and babies separated 10 days, one mom no test no symptoms called Covid.

The nurses squaked and finally doctor "released" her.

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The mass testing of asymptomatic people is not only historically unprecedented but clinically insane. Yet it is a billion-dollar industry. Most covid tests have massive false positive rates and most are made in China. The sad thing so many doctors and nurses comply.

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I had a friend who sold

the tests. She made

so much $$ in 2.5 years she retired 12 years earlier than planned. She’s somewhere on a beach.

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It's not just doctors. Its church clergy, pilots, firefighters and police on and on. It's better to be fired and live in your car than compromise your ethics.

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Better to be fired than compromise your health, too.

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This doctors post has over 100 likes. I don't even understand much of what he is saying.

I get the theme though. As a minister I used to love my job and now I get so much pressure to

do things that I consider unethical. Why did my leadership tell me advocate masks and covid shots? I took a basic biology course in college, that's it. It is my passion to lead people to God.

I have no authority to give medical advice.

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Dr. Dobson and even Franklin Graham strongly advocated the clot

shots. I fired off emails

to both of them and stopped

any further donations. I may send packages to Samaritans Purse for

the kids but I’ll never send another dime. Weak willed, naive men of

God aren’t men of God enough for me— in these evil days.

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I stopped going to my church when my pastor said Jesus wants us to have covid shots.

This world is going insane.

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May I suggest a follow up

email? It sure felt



one to Dobson and Franklin Graham.

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https://cornerstonechapel.net/ it’s hard going to church and see many people with masks on. Nobody wears mask in Cornerstone chapel in Leesburg, VA which is awesome!

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I do not fully understand homeopathy, nor do I understand acupuncture or chiropractic.

medicine. But I have sent thousands of patients to them and for the most part they all got better.

Sure, if you have surgical emergency MD surgeons are needed but as a retired doctor, I avoid most allopathic doctors.

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That's good science! Following up with what works, even though not understanding the biological processes involved, is smart acting. And who can "fully" understand the inner-workings of a cell, wherein it has been paralleled to that of N.Y. City at rush hour! I have a picture of a chart of a single human cell's bio-chemical pathways. It looks like the wiring diagram of the Space Shuttle! Amazing! Who can possibly fathom it? What we must admit to ourselves, is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; created by God with superb design characteristics. One such attribute is how efficiently the soul (body) mends itself when needed. As you stated, there are circumstances which are aided by surgery and so forth, but for the most part, allopathy is not good, causes all sorts of secondary troubles, and interferes with the body's own capacity to heal.

I think way too many people put their trust in the men in white. Someday, Truth will be disclosed fully, and THEN, it will all become clearly visible, but not until God Himself brings it to light.


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As a minster I agree. I have talked with scientists about cellular biology and DNA, and it still confuses me. A lot of them are atheists and transhumanists but some are deeply religious. They believe our DNA is a sacred gift from God and should never be tampered with.

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Exactly! You know which animals never get injection site tumors? WILD ones who never get injected. You know

why whales and dolphins don’t wash up on the beach riddled with cancer and infertility? Because they aren’t vaccinated.


take a


terrific baby and within minutes of

the trauma of

birth, shoot them

up with HepB shots (like

they’re fixing to become

little sexually active toddlers!) and “Vitamin K”. Horrific! When we bypass


many layers and filters GOD set in place, and inject

toxins that BYPASS the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER, we are


stupid. Got



skin, stomach acid, liver, gall bladder and many other things in place to keep toxins OUT, so why not


right by that and

inject crud. Brilliant.

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Thank you for your dedication and years of hard work. I am an RN, looking at leaving, cannot operate in a system that does harm and disrespects informed choice. They made patients die alone...

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Even with the amount of internet censorship you can find a lot about someone's background, career and financial conflicts of interest. I looked into Nancy. Nancy Whitmore MBA/ob/gyn is a paid puppet of the WHO, the vaccine companies and Fidel Trudeau. My dog doctor knows more about public health and infectious disease.

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I love

this SO


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I agree with Robert. The government covid response was the final straw for me. But even prior the so-called art of medicine was being destroyed. Most graduating doctors now are robots. Some rarely even examine their patients. They sit in front of a computer and enter diagnosis codes. The more codes the more money you can extract from Medicare or their private insurance. I fired my doctor- a young arrogant prick. He sat in front of his laptop entering codes and never made eye contact or examined me. He did not know I was a physician. I got copies of my medical records and this guy billed for a detailed neurological exam but never touched me. I have reported him to the state medical board but doubt they will take action.

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as a nurse (when I'm a patient or advocate, I am waiting at 4:30AM with a pen and notebook..., good for you firing the arrogant guy, I'm thinking next time I see "the nursing students" on my unit asking them if they are taught The Hippocratic Oath anymore ...

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Hang in there. One of the things I noticed late in my career and covid was doctors treating nurses with disrespect. It seemed to me the nurses had a better take on covid policy than doctors. I saw a lot of disagreements and lack of civility.

I got out of med school in 1995 and there were many rotations where I would ask the nurses what I should do? As my resident was not around. I know nurses, PA's and NP's that are better clinicians than MD's but that's taboo to say.

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All the nurses I know call remdesivir “run-death-is-near”, except one. SHE was angry bc a doctor

wouldn’t give her the

clot shot on account of the fact that she had Bell’s Palsy 2x with the flu vax. He probably

saved her life! Idk

HOW she got


nursing school.

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Since part of the master plan of the elite is to eliminate cash I think we need to develop an underground bartering and trading network. I'm not working in medicine but a hypothetical example. The transmission of my car is dying. What I found a mechanic that would fix my transmission in exchange for me providing free medical care for 6 months. No cash would be involved.

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Ah, so "obama"care did set the table for the holocaust 2.0 by establishing the "treatment" protocols. simply set the treatment to "death" and you have a Holocaust.

No need for messy camps or crematoriums.

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No that's just insurance companies in general. What Obamacare tried to do was be a half-ass sort of socialized medicine that is more expensive than actual socialized medicine because of not removing the parasitic insurance middleman. At least Obamacare forces insurance to cover those with preexisting conditions but by making the healthy of the middle-class pay more for it so that the insurance companies still profit instead of paying for health care directly.

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The worst part of Obamacare was forcing electronic medical records on doctors.

They actually damage patient care and physician productivity. They are great at maximizing billing fraud. The government can fine you if you refuse to use them. My last year I paid the fine and wrote detailed clinical notes the old fashioned way.

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That sounds like the same kind of issue as not letting you use cash. I don’t have a bank account because I would have to pay 12 dollars a month and I’ve gotten a negative balance just from that. That’s not worth it just for the privilege of buying stuff on the internet, it’s cheaper to pay 5 dollars extra to put it on a prepaid Visa card.

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Unfortunately many of the better doctors priced themselves out of the market and were always slaves to allopathy, only the alternative doctors and chiropracters represented natural healing and other reasonable slow improvements of chronic and acute health conditions. Without government subsidies and coverage who can afford the better doctors? I know people who worked their whole lives and were wiped out financially due to a vascular, pulmonary or other aggravated health condition that was not covered. Thank God for Medicare for those who have an accident. And then if a family member becomes imobile and unable to live on their own or can't afford an aide, they will probably end up in a nursing home and if they have assets, in CT and NY and many other states, the state will seize your assets. Fewer and fewer people will be able to afford a private assisted living facility. The system is badly broken.

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Many of these doctors you speak of still work on cash. When the cashless society kicks in tho? See ya! As for Medicare, yeah, it's okay for now. We all know it would be better privatized like social security. When the global elitists take over, there goes your coverage unless you toe the company line, or worship "the Beast". Again, see ya! You are now expendable.

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Privatization is a hideous idea, does not work, is the pipe dream of fascists like Ann Coulter and her ilk. Would you prefer the IRS collecting a debt they say you owe rightly or wrongly or a private collection agency? At least the IRS will not hound you day and night and you have lots of remedies and recourses with them. Privatize prisons? Another hideous idea! Don't like banking regulations in our corrupt system, then don't speculate with borrowed or unsecured money! The government exists for a reason. And by the way, the "Beast" of Revelation is crass commercialism, false religion as well as its imperial forms as we've seen. If the government collapses see how long before people clamor for it with roving gangs of thugs and brigands!

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I lost my other comment somewhere, so if someone sees it please tell it to come back. You're a homer. You should start a game with the others much smarter than me on what the government did right vs what they did wrong, but you put your faith there. Obviously you have. The IRS was just weaponized last year by Biden. He also signed up for digital currency. No freedom. And who said privatize everything? I said medical. As for Revelation, if you don't see a centralized government, you will be the one enjoying killing people like me. Soros, Schwab, Harari and the like (oxymoron for they hate like you) don't exist either just like the WEF and Agenda 2030 are fake while hiding in plain sight. Good luck. Watch for the third temple and some kind of peace accord

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I have little use for doctors except for traditional emergency care such as setting bones, sewing up wounds and similar things. The US medical system is a shambles and there is very little that should be recommended. We are too cowardly to cut off the gangrenous parts of our system or deny excessive care to those who are reckless in their personal health. But if people need real surgery they should not be shakled with endless bills or as we have seen with people coerced into getting the shots, not fully compensated for the damage done to them. In our very greedy system to remove liabilities when human health is at stake is truly terrifying.

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Roving gangs and thugs? You mean like the ones that were burning and looting in major cities? Yeah, that's not gonna happen is it 🙄

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Why would it be better privatized? That would just mean that parasitic insurance companies would profit more! That would be how the Beast system really takes over, through neofeudalism.

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I believe privatization for medical care would eliminate insurance. All insurance, including Medicare.

Some doctors now accept cash only and no insurance so they get to spend all their time treating patients and not fiddling with paperwork or fighting with pencil-neck geeks at insurance robbers.

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How would it eliminate insurance? How do you expect them to make their money for crying out loud? Do you think by privately owning it they have intentions of turning it into a goddamn charity?!

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I’m not sure if you are in the U.S., but MY doctor does not accept or file ANY insurance for his patients.

He is a concierge doctor so he is not in any insurance company's network.

He accepts cash/credit/etc only and will provide detailed receipts if patients want to file an out-of-network claim.

These concierge doctors are available in almost every U.S. state.

And no need to attack me, ffs.

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Um, privatizing Medicare doesn’t mean that private doctors get to have private control of everything. It means that people who have nothing to do with health care get to own everything. And most people on Medicare can’t afford a concierge doctor, they will need to have some sort of insurance or national healthcare that your concierge doctor will reject.

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I never referred to Medicare.

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The person who posted the comment I initially replied to did. Also spoke favorably of privatizing social security. I was talking about that, not about the libertarian ideal of no social security, no Medicare and doctors running independent private businesses that take cash only (this has its problems too and it should be pointed out that this was what healthcare in the US was originally like and, well, there was a reason people wanted to change it)

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You know private business would still use cash and direct payment, cutting.out the mandatory socialized insurance which the gov forces us to have, and paying a lower rate out-of pocket. Cash is freedom. The Beast is going control almost everything, and what it can't it will try to destroy..

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I've only seen private businesses impose no-cash requirements. Public institutions have to cater to the disabled and others who sometimes can't use/have a bank account.

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You're right. I'm saying they accept cash. Digital currency will be hailed as crime proof. Unless you're elite

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Digital currency is obviously not crime-proof. It can be hacked for crying out loud. And elites don't use cash. Too bulky to make change for billions even in 100 dollar bills.

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How the Elites pay in restaurant?CBDC?Social credits?

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They use bank cards?

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Right, white collar/organized crime will find a way. Blue collar/Black Market not as easy. This may be promoted as a way to stem the crime. When they say peace and safety... If you can't buy anything with cash, then criminals will have to get a little more creative. Will it stop it? Of course not. More home invasions maybe? More car jackings? Evil will persist and it's gonna get really bad. Better pray for capital punishment.

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Back 100 years or more, doctors used to be paid in apples or other produce/food by the farmers and country folks they would visit.

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Gandhi didn't believe in medical care for profit, as the Ayurvedic doctors in India are content with their daily needs met. Greed ruins everything and is the root of all evil as the Good Book says (1Timothy 6)

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yep my grandma's dad was a dentist, she said the neighbors would bring a chicken

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Bartering. Got it. However, when the gov owns the monopolies like seeds, fertilizer, cows, fuel, and banks, idunno. Owning an orchard may work

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I've grown tomatoes from seeds from store-bought tomatoes. However we have a problem with deer, so if I don't want the tomatoes eaten by them, I have to grow them in a container up on the deck. Deer hunters would never starve around here...

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I let some ferment in the garden to see. But the small nursery down the road said there's only two places he can get plants from or he gets shut down. Sounding more familiar

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You can buy seeds and plants online too, though it's usually pricier due to shipping. Dandelions are supposed to be edible and very healthy, a good source of vitamins and minerals (if they don't have weedkiller sprayed on them of course).

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Thank you. I am one who has lost respect for allopathic medicine and, in disgust, fired my doctors. But I do see that there are some good people in the medical profession, or formerly in the profession and willing to speak out, and that gives me great heart.

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I worked with an RN the other day who refused to give Paxlovid to a new mother. She researched the side effects and said the mom wasn't even coughing. True patient advocate.

Made me proud.

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Truly the ones who are "all in this together"!

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As a kid there were 3 things I wanted to be. Doctor, Firefighter, or Pilot. And covid mandates have hurt all these Nobel professions. I ended up a pilot. I still fly part time and got a medical covid shot waiver. But there are so many pilots, doctors, firefighters and first responders that have been terminated for the "crime" of refusing a covid shot. It is a complete disgrace.

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All those who managed to save themselves from the injection, despite the pressures and threats, should be proud of themselves and continue to stay strong.

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Communist agenda..

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That would be in case the people would fear to disobey the shot ordered by almighty totalitarian government.Isn't it?

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I tried to press the “Like” button, but something is wrong with it :(

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I know nothing about medicine but like you had a great run as a first officer for a domestic airline. The pay was good, and I was treated well. Then about 10 years ago management changed. My medical benefits were slashed, and I was flying more hours than what I considered safe .The FAA did nothing. I became addicted to caffeine to stay awake in the cockpit.

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Many years back I remember a family doctor that would do house visits to see my brother that had asthma. He was so kind and caring and would spend a lot of time with him. There were no computers, this doc just cared for my bother. He died a long time ago, but I miss him.

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Yeah, what a disassociated society we presently must live in! If a person smiles at another, there is fear generated instead of warmth, due to so much con-artistry. You were fortunate to have the experience with your family doctor's visits. As humans, we are inherently drawn to warmth, and courteous actions. We are "social" beings, created by God to reflect His image. To whom? might be asked. Who else, but upon each other?

I recall the three years in Thailand where an outstanding amount of courtesy was always evident within the public service sector. It was jaw-dropping so profound that words cannot do it justice. Body language was also input which added to the thing as well. I mention this because non-sociability is a dark cloud; no one likes it. Being treated with such kind patience and honor, although probably not always delivered from the heart, was the culture there. It was a beautiful thing to witness!

Now, we must face the reality that spoiled children have grown up and will run the show as they see fit. God help us!



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The big tech is forcing people to live in social MATRIX.Perhaps we still have choice to refuse it and facing the consequences, but will it last long before the big tech in service of neo feudals will make it mandatory?

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Those were the days.

Sorry about your brother. Gosh, though, he was fortunate to have a caring doctor who would do home visits. That used to be normal, but now it is a wonder.

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Things seem to be getting worse. I think we need to turn to God. I am a Baptist, but if you are a Catholic, Buddhist whatever. The fact remains that that we are in a battle of good vs evil. The beasts that try to mask and inject us with poison need to be either be in prison for life or executed.

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