RFK J jumped ship. If anyone would have tried to "fix" things, it would be him... and yet he left... There is your answer on what to do.

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The DEMS as a party are about to be no more.. especially when the prosecutions start on election fraud and collusion... Andrew Jackson is turning in his grave.. the party of the people has now become the anti-American party..

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Didn't the government reach out to Niki Minaj when she criticized the vaccine? Hang in there, Steve. Your day will come.

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Maybe start promoting, "live local" movements. Local permaculture, civil resistance, local activism might be the only way out of this.

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A lot of republicans are going to stop following trump now as well. He just doubled down on promoting the jabs. I think that was it for many people

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Epic, Steve!

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Steve, well put, I was wrong too, for the reasons you listed. As a lifelong Democrat, I'm now going independent. The issues you listed loom large.

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Fix the Democratic Party? Fat chance of that ever happening. Jump ship.

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Patriot Party or Maga portion of GOP! The left will never let your reforms go through! Join MAGA!

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Forward party is just there to split off Republicans.

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Steve Kirsch for President !!!

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As an independent, I have been a progressive movement supporter since 2015 when Bernie was running for president. I joined Our Revolution and sent donations to candidates as well as made phone calls. Recently I canvassed for a local politician (Nina Turner) who lost due to establishment Dem's interference. That being said, a progressive is now mayor of Cleveland and several are on city council. I used to support Ro Khanna until he wrote the New Frontiers legislation which suspiciously sounds to me like "singularity" research and implementation. Due to the religious fervor of Dems for all things saint Fauci represents, I have painfully withdrawn my support of Our Revolution. For the record, even though Trump used early treatments, he is also a strong supporter of the vaccines. We are, borrowing a line from the Dark Waters movie, the only ones looking out for ourselves. No political party can be trusted. We must search for champions such as Senator Ron Johnson (WI) and Sen. Rand Paul (KY) for supporting the vaccine injured or holding Fauci responsible. I read TV celebrity Dr. Oz is running for senate in PA; so he will get my son's vote there. I am also praying that the legal system will hold up our constitutional rights and inalienable rights to body sovereignty, the right to farm (passed in Maine), etc. And we must resist, resist, resist.

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Was never able to stomach Bernie and as I admitted my trust in Trump has been squashed. I don't hear one politician from either side complaining about the money Big Pharma is sucking out of our treasury. If one comes forward I will support but I am skeptical. DeSantis is about the best we have. I understand not coming out strongly against the so-called vaccines. As soon as an unvax'd croaks you will be blamed. But those who hold their tongues or shill for an experimental jab won't be getting a Christmas Card from me.

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I live in PA. I'm very suspicious of Dr. Oz. He has a platform and name recognition in 2020, and what did he do with it. He could have been a voice of reason, A champion Only now, running for office, does he proclaim his resistance, and outline a better way to manage the virus. I doubt his sincerity.

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I learned about his new political career from Dr. Mercola who was a frequent guest on the Dr. Oz show. Apparently, all Dr. Mercola's episodes were removed by censorship, I assume because he is one of the "Disinformation Dozen" by so-called "fact checkers." If Dr. Mercola vouches for Dr. Oz, I believe his endorsement to be credible. Dr. Oz often presented alternative treatments on his show, and I believe he wasn't able to criticize the Covid narrative and keep his post on public media channels. So yes, I believe this may seem like an insincere change of course. I think he may turn out to be one of those few incorruptible politicians if given have a chance. Only time will tell. Is his opponent against the Covid narrative?

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Thanks for this additional information. At last count, at least 20 people are running for the open Senate seat (Pat Toomey is retiring). Early days. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Mercola and will keep an open mind and do my research on the candidates.

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Well the problem is Party Politics. Especially 'Two Party Politics'.

In the end it means you don't have a voice. Your opinion is nothing.

It means not 'the people' running the country but One Person. The President.

And that person is chosen from a range of Two.

It's him or the other. Is all.

Now it's an incredible job to try to change that system.

But it's not so incredible to change how we run it.

Don't vote for the Party. Vote for the man.

And after you've voted them in watch them, monitor them, keep them appraised of what you think.

Tell them it's them you've voted for, not their Party Machine.

Slowly we might get to where the 'representatives' are aware of an responsive to their electorates and electorates that take their responsibilities seriously and do their part.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

you are not being too cynical. What you wrote is the truth. I'm sure you've noticed that the more "liberal" a state or country is, the more fascist they have become. Look at Australia. Look at New Zealand. The "liberals" would kill us all if they believed "it's for the greater good".

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Seems they are more Communist than Fascist in their totalitarian actions. The conservatives and libertarians are now the real classical liberals.

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Steve, Republicans are useless, Democrats are insane. You might be able to fix useless. It's impossible to fix insane. The Forward party is not going Forward, it's going nowhere. You best bet is to admit your wrong and try to "fix" the Republicans, most of whom agree with your values even though they are too useless to serve them.

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I am all for fixing useless, but I can't fix Trump. If useless insists on holding onto an almost impeached asshat over viable freedom candidates like Rand Paul or Ron Johnson, I can't work with that. What do the Republicans you know talk about? Everyone I know is still talking about Trump. And the Republicans did have a chance to fix their useless. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. The corporate cronies who hold power will not relinquish it. The elite families who hold power will not relinquish it.

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I don't support Trump, but what issue is more important now than the vax mandates? This is life and death. Get over the mean tweets and fake Russia collusion hoax

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I think Trump will fix himself with his pushing the vaccine and boosters.

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One thing Trump won't do is mandate jabs, or boosters. He 's under false illusion that "His" vaccine that he wanted done in wrap time has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. When he find out Fauci has manufactured a bioweapon for geneocide, and instead of saving lives has a totally different goal than what Trump wanted, he will make a come back to reality. That being said the Republicans have too many traitors and RINOs in the bunch. Trump knows it. Socialism of Bernie Sanders is another destructive political move. Socialism has never worked. It's another government take over. If Trump can admit Fauci stabbed him in the back, take the few Republicans that stand true and start another party - maybe MAGA or even move into the Constitutional Party, that is what I'm waiting and praying for. God will lead those of us who are looking for His way to get us into where He knows we should be. Until then, we keep fighting for the Right. Which can only be found in the God-given Constitution.

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I hope that we can agree to disagree about Trump. I admire your faith in him. I do agree about the Rinos; also that the Socialism of the progressives is just a naked power grab. I can't find a party to support right now, I'll look for a candidate.

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Democrats have removed women and girls as a distinct category of people with our own rights and needs. To be replaced by a nebulous subjective “gender identity” - a feeling in a man’s head. Teenage girls are on puberty blockers and having their healthy breasts removed and male sex offenders are in women’s prisons. That’s insanity.

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Oh, and I say jump ship from the Democrats. Many who have of late--if they didn't go to the right-- have decided to just go sit in the middle for now. You could do that & just keep doing what you're doing, which is a huge service to your fellow humans.

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