"NPR, like the other media companies, is putting out propaganda and not news. They need to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror."

These propagandists do what they are paid for. Push agendas and narratives. Not bring you the truth.

Anyone still believing the lies and misinformation in the mainstream media, however, needs to take a hard look a themselves in the mirror. How much more lies do you need before you understand that the mainstream media is Medea, Goddess of Delusion? They are not hiding it.

It is just that there are still people that are unable to distinguish propaganda from news and that keep taking these propaganda outlets seriously. After 3 years of COVID, Russia-Ukraine and inflation misinformation this should no longer be the case. Fortunately less and less people are watching the MSM or taking them seriously.

Some more clear signs that the Medea are not there to tell the truth:

TV = Tell-a-vision. Meant for the elites to tell the people their vision using TV Programs that are there to PROGRAM (brainwash) you. And then there is Broad cast. What do do? They CAST spells.

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I admit the data disagrees with NPR's conclusions.

I admit NPR is propaganda, not journalism.

I admit NPR is spreading disinformation.

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One of Steve’s remaining blue pills dissolved...

...NPR unbiased 🤪

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"Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be ‘colossally stupid’"

it's fun to review MSM articles like this one.


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Thanks Steve. I understand the science behind Pathological Liars.

Can governments & companies too be pathological liars? NPR fitting the profile to a T.

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Wowie. That delayed status video is incredible. Lies, damned lies, and statistics, indeed. And BTW, "scientific consensus" is simply a combination of two well known (for a couple of thousand years) informal fallacies: ad populum (appeal to popularity) and ad verecundiam (appeal to authority), and as such is logically invalid. Worthless. But it *sounds* so convincing, doesn't it? No wonder the Sophists were so successful, back in the day. And since logic is rarely taught any more, it's no wonder that their tricks are back in style.

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Thanks again for working so hard to bring forth the truth.

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The degrees are in the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I have a Master of Science degree from MIT.

Jct: I too have a degree in Electrical Engineering and specialized in Mathematics of Gambling, like Science Officer Spock, I can figure out the winningest way to go. My page http://johnturmel.com titles me Super Engineer. That would explain why I noticed WHO Apple Oranged us comparing Covid CFR to Flu IFR so Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold and no one else did. http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19

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??? try again.

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They only care about money, power, and themselves. How sad.

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Steve Kirsch may not “(personally) know of anyone promoting the COVID vaccines because they deliberately want to kill people”, but is it a stretch not to believe learned people who do or who express such motives, like former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon, or Club of Rome Member Dennis Meadows, or David Rockefeller imploring the UN in his 1994 address or Bill Gates much later calling on his peers for much the same purpose?




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Steve, look into Morris' financials. They don't really make sense.

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Steve, I am a great fan but your credibility at a conference like this would be enhanced if you didn't dress like a bouncer at a strip club. Try a three piece dark grey suite (tailored) with a white shirt and a Hermes necktie. Black brogues.

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What we need is a National Institute of Common Sense. There are over 200 viruses that cause the symptoms of Covid 19, a respiratory virus. 15% of those viruses are indeed coronaviruses, that we know or theorize. I never really saw any dead bats. Show me a cave full of dead bats and then I might have some concern. Cold and flu always take out the sick and frail. That is how this all works. Pneumonia is an old man’s best friend.

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"What we need is a National Institute of Common Sense. " There would be nobody to run it in this administration.

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FYI, there’s no place as of yet to respond to NPR’s misinformation, they haven’t posted it to FB or anywhere that I can find where ppl can refute or share your substack article, so democratic of them… ugh!

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You can ask your elected officials to vote no on their funding.

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The only surprising thing I read is that you used to really respect NPR. This is business as usual for them. If you have spent maybe three or four hours listening to their highly skewed rhetoric you know why they exist. It is best described as a forum of leftists bringing forth and discussing a steaming heap of dung in a very professional and convincing manner.

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