NPR is an agency of the federal government. Their job, right there in the charter, is to tell us lies that will make us more manageable. If someone believes a single word that some lying soulless shitbag liberal NPR butcher says then they are unforgivably ignorant.

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Couldn’t agree more ... National P3d3r@$t Radio. Total propaganda.

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If there are more deaths in “Trump” counties it’s because placebos were sent to the blue counties and kill shots were sent to the red. Remember, the greatest form of lying is to tell the truth regarding the facts with a totally different explanation or conclusion.

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Trump counties more rural with older average population thus one would expect a higher COVID rate but why confuse the audience with facts?

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A case where the ‘cure’ killed more than the disease.

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without posting the vaccination rates the entire statement is meaningless. Trump loved and still loves his wonderful vaccine that saved millions of lives. Almost all older people took the vaccine, alot of them voted for trump, especially in my state-Florida, which Trump won big. If they then died, it was not anti vax sentiment that killed them, it was the opposite actually. NPR is just another propaganda rag trying to get democrats elected.

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Sad, but true. Why Trump is such a big pharma supporter is beyond me. Investments maybe?

He knew Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide took care of the ‘virus.’ Maybe he knew his days were over if he didn’t support the Big Pharma ‘solution.’ He knew Russia wasn’t our enemy the first week in office, but he totally flipped a week or so later. There are things no one can fight in this country or you are finished in more ways the one and likely the worst way.

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I died. I'm writing from the grave. They put Covid on death certificate as the cause of my death though I actually forgot to pull my cord after I jumped out of a plane.

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National Propaganda Radio is wholly run by the CIA. I thought everyone understood that.

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BTW, Steve, you're to kind... Critical Thinking my ass.... the propaganda and misinformation is nauseating.

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Don't mean to sound flip, but, do not need more info... the story is preposterous on its face. What a tragedy that a once respected institution would do this. Speaks volumes of the power of money.

Question; Can station libel for intentionally spreading misinformation in what is obviously a hit job on, as Howard Kunstler likes to call him, "The Golden Golem of Greatness," aka; Trump?

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We need more data, but some people have posted that less than 10% of the mRNAs caused a majority of the serious adverse effects and deaths, and these were shipped to red states in the US. If you were doing a huge bio-experiment and you had most of the countries in the Earth as your test subjects, you could get very creative. Can we really put this past them?

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No, because psychopathic control freak parasites do what psychopathic control freak parasites do.

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The covid gods are frowning on those counties that voted for Trump, therefore they are suffering from C.K. Covid Karma according to NPR.

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I confess, I also listened to NPR once upon a time. Back then I enjoyed their intellectual left-brain liberal elite colored viewpoints.

These viewpoints are always sold to their clientele of left brain liberal elite listeners as "rational, unbiased thinking". ie, "smart".

They're not though and similar to the Economist at some point it dawned on me how stupid their arguments usually are. Back then I was just put off, but couldn't really pinpoint what exactly I found off - but, what NPR did, "The Economist" did with an even greater bias and with more oomp behind it, pushing this viewpoint even harder than the more harmless, muesli-crunching NPR.

Today, I would call their line of reporting, and their bias, a cultural bias of small logical loops, where their small-minded logic is based upon a very tall pancake stack of assumptions and beliefs on how the world works - most of these assumptions and beliefs are incorrect, yet they are never questioned by the believers / writers.

I would say that this is by design - their small logic loop arguments at the very top of this stack of beliefs are not why they publish their stories.

They publish their stories in order to cement in and strengthen the unmentioned underlying belief-stack - that's the brainwashing they're engaging in (and most of their reporters are 100% believers in these things as well, so they're a bit like a religious cult that is unaware that it is one).

Their backers, and the backers of their backers, are well aware of that, and something funded by "donations" is controlled by the ones doing the donating, especially when it is done over decades.

In this particular article even the small logic loops are broken, which is rare, but they are built on top of a large stack of beliefs about Trump, beliefs about covid, beliefs about government and health and jabs, and so on - there's a long list. All false.

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NPR was my guru until the Rockefellers bought them out in the early 1990s. 'Frontline', 'All Things Considered', etc. WERE GREAT programming. Now, just more verbal flatulence masquerading as journalism for the kiddies. A REAL disappointment.

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3 times more likely doesn’t mean 3 times more ppl.

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Or maybe the 5% of vaccine batches that caused 19,000+ deaths were sent to red states.

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Certainly not an impossibility. Or more of the placebo batches sent to blue states.

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As some other's commented, I would also guess the average "Trump" cohort is older hence more deaths - that's the easiest explanation of all. I don't know what NPR is comparing and I am not going to bother to look at that propaganda, but I would guess climate and season has a lot to do with it as well. But none of this matter to the covidians. They are fully bought in. Don't forget, NPR is our Pravda - state sponsored propaganda. Think about that.

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Actually, this is possible and explainable by age distribution, not voting preference or vax.

Older people == more republicans == more covid deaths

Vaccination plays a minor role either way

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possible but highly unlikely.

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From a friend:


Sean Giordano, the Steve Kirsch article demonstrates that he doesn’t understand how to properly analyze and interpret data. The NPR article has an interactive data drill down function that lets you look at the data county by county if you like. There absolutely is a strong and clear correlation that is observed. Here’s the data for just one county in Alabama.


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No need to look at the data when the logic presented is hare-brained and wrong to begin with. As mentioned above - do we know the same vaccines were sent to these states? That assumption is incorrect, it is highly likely the same batches were not sent. Some batches are placebo. Some are weak. Some are too strong, causing many deaths (later labeled as covid deaths). The covid death count in itself is a lie and scam (co-morbitidies, a test that doesn't work).

So arguing about the data, when ALL so called facts about this are lies, is a fool's errand.

A nonsensical activity.

Just like the NPR article is a nonsensical effort, likely its only purpose is propaganda.

It is not reasonable for a man to debate lies. It is a waste of time. It's better to expose the full truth. When all covid data is based on a test that does not work, then all data is invalid. And so it is.

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Even the idea of checking into covid deaths according to how a county voted in federal elections is loaded with bias. It's confirmation bias, they wanted the covid rates to be higher in counties that voted for Trump so they interpreted the data in such a way as to confirm their prejudices.

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When you only look at the Southern summertime seasonal surge, you will find an increase. Now let them do blue state wintertime seasonal surge.

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How is Steve misinterpreting the data exactly?

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