Study electro culture to become awesome

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Study electro culture to become awesome

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Today I was watching a video of a News Nation Town Hall Meeting (link is below) with RFK Jr. in the hot seat. He was asked about his position on choice. He responded that he is pro-choice, but then said that every abortion is a tragedy. Doesn't this mean that he is pro-tragedy? Don't we have enough tragedy in the Oval Office now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLxBwIupF88

In the same video he says we need to go to organic food, which, as Sri Lankans found out the hard way when their country went bankrupt is too inefficient to produce and they are still in deep economic trouble.

On the border, Junior says he doesn't agree with President Trump that we need a wall covering the whole border. But this is what Trump said right along. I also think that Junior is lying when he says that he doesn't know why Biden changed the border policy. Anyone with half a brain knows that Biden changed everything that Trump did for the country so Biden could destroy the country. Why can't he say that Obama and Biden are totally responsible for the border mess?

Towards the end, Junior keeps talking about bringing the country together again. How can two sides reconcile when one side is pushing the mutilation of children and the removal of constitutional rights? I dislike saying it, but when those rights are ignored or obliterated, there is no coming together. When one side wants to control the other side in every aspect (which is by definition the left), there is no coming together. What it might take is a major war, but I wouldn't even bet on that.

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Gmos are fucked, spray the food daddy make us sick yummy <3

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Al johnson like gmos lol, have u heard of electro culture bro ? Electro culture could totally grow all the organic food you need. Also you can do cool things with filtered sunlight and shade. We need more trees close to crops so they dont get cooked in the sun. Putin banned gmos i heard and make it an act of terroism to grow gmos and gives land to his people to grow organic . (This could be bs not sure havent researched it )

Have you heard of primary water ? We got all the water we need in the ground just gotta find it and be smart about it. Also check out Dr steven greer if u wanna check out what the would be if the shadow gorverment didnt block out cool tech that would mess there money monopoly system up. As long as curency rules the way it does were in for the mark of the beast as the holy people would say. Have a great day and read some books.

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I get it that you are pushing electro culture, which might be a great concept, but I was not doing a farming methodology comparison, and have no intention of going in that direction.


Rather, my point is that Sri Lankan farmers were forced by their government to go to organic farming, and in a year the country was virtually bankrupt and food production was down by over 50%.


This was not the first time that government meddling wrecked or destroyed millions of lives. The USSR under Lenin/Stalin starved millions to death in Ukraine in the early 1920s and Mao ZeDong out did them by far starving 10s of millions of Chinese from 1958-1962.



Those are not the last times that starvation will be used as a weapon to mass murder millions or more as the threat of world depopulation to solve the fake crisis called "climate change" becomes more prevalent. Increasing computer power and speed, AI, control over supply channels and food production, centralized currencies, viruses that harm, vaccines that kill and cooperation among world/national "leaders" to control the minds and lives of every person on the planet are making it more and more possible for governments to create massive chaos and genocide.

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Have you seen what Dr steven greer is up to?

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I've watched a couple of his short videos, but I have no time to dig deeper.

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I guess all the big companys and such have to come forward within the next 6 month - 1 year with all the tech they have been hiding. Hopfully it goes good, the world needs a really good change.

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The only thing I expect from the tech companies is more and more control over the people, which is what they doing now, and AI will make it easier for them to do that.

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I am for very limited government but against electing crooks and other forms of criminals that expand government just because people like their words and don't punish them for bad deeds. It is easy t blame "government", but apparently more difficult to blame the people that elected the wrong people to be the government. Are we afraid that our mirrors will crack?

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Steve, “no government, anywhere”? Did you ever think you’d dabble in anarchy? Welcome to the club.

The only good government is no government.

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True, and the only necessary government is very limited government, but the people failed miserably on this score, and it is probably too late to implement remedies.

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Government cannot be honest!

How could you have your Mind (ment, mental) Governed by a STRANGER and expect it to ever be honest?

I hear so much about brick and mortar stores/business disappearing but not the Government....keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger

Isn't the problem "Government" everywhere Steve?!

The people cannot start anew with Government, by it's very nature it cannot be honest ever!

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You are asking for something that has NEVER in the history of the world happened. Trump did not fix it, RFK JR is not going to fix it. Unless these agencies are destroyed and no longer allowed to exist nothing will change. Government ALWAYS lies, big or small makes no difference. We need t go back to an article 1 Section 8 government. If the agency or action is not specifically authorized it is illegal. Any representative trying to end around that article that representative MUST be imprisoned for life. Their must be severe penalties for constitutional violators. I'd support execution but will settle for life no parole. This idea we can reform these agencies or government is a pipe dream - put down the crack pipe and accept reality. Government is your MORTAL ENEMY they can NEVER be trusted on anything. If RFK JR miraculously become POTUS unless he is going in with a large chain saw and committed mass agency closings the next idiot will just do his number on them and we will be back to where we are overnight. RFK JR thinks these agencies can be reformed - LOL again put down the crack pipe. They and their people must be ground into dust and scattered to the wind never to be reformulated.

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Execution is all but a necessity, and in my opinion, a light sentence, given the crimes committed.

Thinking the system will "change" for the better, is a fool's dream, as you pointed out. It might be slightly stalled IF strenuous actions are implemented, but as you say, "for how long?" These wolves pretending to be sheep are in no mind to comply with the sheep's pleading, bleating, or bleeding.


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Nothing to see here...move along!!

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Oh, I plan to participate. If nothing else, I'm hoping future generations can see we tried like hell to rid ourselves of these corrupt Swamp dwellers. If we fail (God, please don't let us fail), perhaps someone will hide the evidence for future Americans to find. That's my hope anyway.

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You might have to start looking on another planet for anything remotely resembling an honest government. Hope you plan to live another 200 years.

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I am in Canada, we do not do transparency. It is the land of government, public health and media messaging. It has not been helpful.

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Steve , have you tried bribery? This may work in the ex. Soviet block countries. Estonia have good statistics. Vaccinations: vaktsineeri.ee, Death recors: https://www.stat.ee

The problem may also be that it involves two different government databases within different organizations so they need to work together to achieve link and anonymity.

It may be touch to bribe two persons within two organizations and make them work together.

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My regrets, but the "pandemic" related worthy causes have manifested personal donation fatigue; I'm tapped out. There is no doubt that our Government "By the people and for the people" should not withhold any public data; period.

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Just donated $103 and wrote him a warm note thanking him for his courage and honesty. I should add (as I have in a previous post) that I am a Republican.

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Why $103, not an even $100?

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I paid for the credit card processing fee. It was $3 and something.

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