In my own family, a niece just gave birth last month, niece was jabbed, and baby immediately had problems. Baby seems fine now after spending 3 days in NICU, but I can't say anything because my brother-in-law is a pharmacist and, according to my sister, "he read everything and the shots are safe for pregnant mothers". Just glad the baby is fine for now. Who knows what long-term results will be for these babies born to jabbed mothers.

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https://sukwan.substack.com/p/paging-steve-kirsch?sd=fs You might want to see if UnjabbedRN is willing to follow up..

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I’ve known multiple people who have had issues with their births/newborns in the last 6 months. Miscarriages, heart defect detected in ultrasound, premature births, and one old friend who is a urologist- his wife gave birth to their second child and he (newborn) had major organ defects and died a couple weeks after birth. They were sharing the experience online and it was clear that there was a lot of questions as to how or why their baby had so many conditions that are not typically related- especially in a young, healthy couple. I doubt the connection to the vaccine was acknowledged, but I’m certain that both parents were vaccinated.

Also- my 60yo otherwise very healthy and health conscious uncle was suddenly diagnosed with a very aggressive brain cancer soon after being boosted. After what was thought to be a minor aneurysm, he returned for a follow up appointment to discover the tiny spot on his MRI (thought to be a bleed) had grown exponentially in the matter of a week and was a malignant tumor. After a successful surgery to remove the tumor, he wound up back in the ER just a couple weeks later and there were 5 more large tumors. He just had his second brain surgery this past week. No connection to the vaccine has been made 😣. No familial history of cancer and both of my grandparents (his parents) lived long healthy lives.

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This really is very compelling, horror stories from Africa, commenter here named Joe:


I assume not many people here have seen it.

I believe the Kenyan victimization by the WHO regarding the "tetanus vaccine" clinical trial, for childbearing-aged women only! with a favorite anti-fertility drug of not long ago found in the vials...The vials being granted to a Catholic Doctors' organization who are almost Kirschian in their inability to take this sort of nonsense: Anyway it was the doctors and their analysis of the vials *and* the patients that caught the "vaccinators" red-handed: I believe this was in 2014.

Different "vaccine", same overall vaccinators, and I'm sure there were just a few bad apples in the bunch and their ethics and transparency had been corrected by the time of the Covid "vax" opportunity.

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The CDC birth data came in for 2021 some days ago. Surprisingly there was a 1% rise in US births in 2021, albeit from all time Covid lows in 2020. NICU admissions, low birthweight and preterm births were all significantly up...

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I am a Postpartum RN and have been for 18 years. I also get floated to the NICU.

I’ve never seen this many preterm births, preeclampsia, hemorrhages, and bili babies. There is no follow up to see if these mothers were vaccinated or anyone collecting data. I always look to see if these ladies were jabbed. About 9 times out of 10 they are. I mentioned it a few times but no one seems to care. And, speaking up to much about it can be a hippa violation. So now it’s all WNL <—- which means

“we never looked”

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It's sad to me medicine is the one area where the best can't be given without a detailed history of even private sensitive information like drug and alcohol use, vaccine history, supplements et cetera. For an expectant mother add in prior pregnancy history and details about the father. Yet everyone's flying blind in NICU while you need to prove vaccine history to fly on a plane in some places...

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“We have had many babies born with anomalies that they hadn’t seen in years. From cleft lip/palates to unknown genetic disorders and cardiac problems. Most moms have even asked us afterward if we thought the Covid vaccine may have caused it but not all of them were upfront about being vaccinated. Just so scary honestly.” Quote from my niece who is an RN working in Florida hospital NICU.

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Did she say “yes” when mom’s asked if it might have been the Covid shot?

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Thank you for that. I’m an Ob/Gyn that just does the Gyn side but I knew giving the Covid vax to pregnant patients was wrong and couldn’t believe the American College of Ob/Gyn recommended them in pregnancy so early on before an entire gestational period (9 months) had been completed. I was the only one in my department who even questioned it. I’m sick over it and so fearful of what’s to come for women in their reproductive years.

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In my little world I know 5 young vaxed women wanting to conceive: one miscarriage, one with life threatening blood clot during delivery, one had 10 weeks preemie twins, one had weeks of bleeding after the jab and still can’t conceive, last one infertility but pg now. Seems significantly skewed toward adverse effects. And that’s just the short term…

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Steve, please keep soliciting whistleblowers .... from all segments of society, but especially those who could be "in the know." The right whistleblowers coming forward - or large numbers of them - are probably the only way that inconvenient truths could ever be revealed. Of course, you also have the conundrum of finding a major and "prestige" news organization that would actually publish the claims of these whistleblowers. We have already seen with the relatively few whistleblowers who have come forward that the mainstream press ignores their claims. So we also need a lot of whilstleblowers from mainstream press news organizations who might state that that articles that would impeach parts of the authorized Covid narrative are off-limits. Basically, no investigations are allowed that would debunk bogus claims. Since these bogus narratives are killing and injuring millions of people, this SHOULD be a scandal of massive and historic proportions. (I'm still befuddled why nobody in the "watchdog" press wants to break stories about major scandals. Once upon a time, this is what journalists lived for.)

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The pharma companies through advertising dollars own them. Either they know it's happening but may not report on it, or since most, if not all of them took the jab, psychologically they cannot "go there."

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Some readers might remember the final scene of the movie "Three Days of the Condor." The scene is filmed on the street outside the New York Times building. Robert Redford's character - a whistleblower - has just given reporters a shocking and scandalous story (involving elements of the CIA murdering lots of innocent Americans). Redford then tells a CIA executive what he has just done. The movie ends with the CIA official asking Redford, "But how do you know they'll print it?" Redford replies, "they'll print it." But he looks back at the building and suddenly he doesn't seem so sure. Freeze tight on Redford's face ... End Movie. Cut to credits ... I think about this movie and that scene all the time these days.

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Great information, Richard. Yes, the media has literally been "bought" to the tune of at least $1 billion in ad buys. I'm still seeing these advertisements and commercials everywhere - even in Tucker Carlson's show. These media companies should at least reveal they are profiting from these ad buys. BTW, have any of these media companies run advertisements showing the "vaccines" are not effective and are dangerous? I don't think so.

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Babies born too early

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Micheal Yeadon and a others have gathered ample evidence for a reason.

OPEN SEASON ON TREASON! Pass the chips please…🔱😂👍🍺

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Antibody dependant enhancement cant be fobbed off.

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I am very afraid for my UK relatives, especially the boosted ones. I am a little less worried about an old friend who lives in the country, stays active, and stopped after the first jab when she started reading real news.

My dad, 94 got sudden leg problems, my brother-in-law, 69, ditto, my stepsister, 72 breathless, my sister, 68, 2x Covid ,and lingering symptoms. I'm not joking with them when I say I have to get over to visit them while they are still alive!

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Premies increased 4% in 2021.The early preterm rate rose from 2.70% to 2.81%, the highest level reported since 2011 . The late preterm rate rose to 7.67% from 7.40%, the highest level reported since at least 2007 .


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Prematurely born babies.

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Anecdotally, 80% of the recent babies born that I know of have been healthy- but on average 3 weeks premature

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Starts at 4.08 -

There is now a well documented die off of babies of vaccinated mothers across the world.

Pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trials,

The conclusion that vaccines were 'safe and effective for pregnant women was based on a brief study of 44 rats,

All the emergency use authorisations specifically excluded pregnant women,

Despite this all medical boards across the world rated the vaccines as safe for pregnant women,

- According to the newly released Pfizer documents, 28% of 270 mothers and 4 foetuses or babies experienced adverse events that even Pfizer classified as 'serious',

This included fetal death, miscarriages, pre term delivery, premature rupture of membranes and fetal growth restrictions,

The babies suffered vomiting, fever, rash, agitation and allergies,

Nursing mothers experienced partial paralysis, suppressed lactation, breast milk discolouration (four lactating women reported blue-green breast milk),

Pfizer documents describe exposure to the vaccine through breast milk,

238 out of 270 records of women who got pregnant during the trials have gone 'missing',

Of the 36 known outcomes 28 babies died before or at birth,

-Three countries are now reporting babies of vaccinated mothers dying at far higher than normal numbers since the vaccines were rolled out,

-In Waterloo Ontario Canada 86 babies were born dead between January and July 2021, Scotland has reported more than two time the number of normal babies dying and in Rambam hospital Haifa Israel vaccinated mothers are having spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and still borns up a factor of 34% versus unvaccinated mothers.


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Don’t forget spike protein shedding too, vaccine induced autoimmune CD8-dependent hepatitis looks related.

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Pfizer filed a Motion to Dismiss in Brook Jackson’s False Claims Act, whistleblower case.


Jackson’s claim is that Pfizer defrauded the US government by selling them a product that had not gone through proper clinical trials, based on Jackson’s direct observations of protocol violations and patient safety and informed consent violations at two Texas sites in late summer 2020, where Jackson worked as a clinical trials manager.

Pfizer motion to dismiss doesn’t argue that clinical fraud didn’t happen. Instead, they argue that they were never obligated to ensure compliance with “Good Clinical Practices or related FDA regulations” because of the terms of their contract with the Department of Defense, which was “not a standard federal procurement contract, but rather a ‘prototype’ agreement executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 2371b[.]…The [contract’s Statement of Work] describes a ‘large scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration’ that imposes no requirements relating to Good Clinical Practices (‘GCP’) or related FDA regulations.”

Pfizer goes on to point out argues that the “Government’s ‘actual behavior’ here says it all. Both the complaint itself and the public record show the Government has been fully aware of [whistleblower Jackson’s] Relator’s allegations for nearly two years without withdrawing authorization or stopping payment for Pfizer’s vaccine.”

This is entirely true. Jackson told the FDA about the problems and the need to stop the trials in September 2020, and the FDA moved ahead anyway.

Jackson told the Department of Justice in January 2021 — just as the mass rollout was starting —and the DOJ declined to prosecute and gagged Jackson from speaking publicly.

More information:


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This continued and wilful carnage has gotta stop now.

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We were just warming up! We are creative and unpredictable. All we have to do is just believe it! Thought, feeling effort - result 💥🚀

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