Newsguard. Reality distortion for dollars. Who funds their efforts is the first question to be answered. Tells one all they need to know. PU.

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I don’t think it’s possible to overstate the importance of sharing this exchange. Thank you. I remember first seeing such bullying decades ago with the medical establishment (allergy “specialists” waving off my research about the impact of food, schools implying vax was required for enrollment, etc)… the aggression and gaslighting got my attention and I never again fell for the idea that these organizations were trustworthy. I succinctly stated facts and went my own way. I felt it was my responsibility to speak up to the organizations whenever possible because so many others were too busy or felt incapable of engaging in the details. This remains true today but more and more people are learning to express facts and their rights, and to advocate for themselves. But I’m sure many would benefit from seeing examples like this. There’s so much more related to this that could be discussed… here are a couple: 1) The amount of self-censoring and narrative control that such propaganda enforcement has engendered is mind boggling. 2) The people who think we’re all protected because we can reply like this or in extreme situations “sue” are missing the bigger picture… It’s not a great system to let your rights be trampled on (vax required or you’re fired) and then the burden is on you to take the other to court (an insanely onerous undertaking)… rights should be the norm and significant evidence of value and no harm needs be proven before rights are taken away, supported by these Orwellian controllers.

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I'd like to see Steve on the Presidential debate stage with the two clowns. People should hear Kommunala's cackle in response to Steve's data.

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Steve, yesterday I heard a program on The Energy Blueprint (Ari Whitten, the epitome of healthy living). His guest was Dr. Sam Berne, (drsamberne.com) a highly credentialed optometrist who thinks outside the box and who says he has healed people of many eye conditions that others say are incurable. I believe him because it happened to me. I strongly suggest you look into this. Never take no for an answer and keep looking till you find what you are looking for.

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This is beyond brilliant

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By the way, board certification has been used as a sledgehammer to compel physician silence on the dangers of the Covid vax and the efficacy of HCQ and Ivermectin. This must stop and state legislation may be one method of ending it.

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Dr Kory has a post on the way medical boards shake down physicians by getting insurers, universities, hospitals and employers to require expensive and useless board certification.

I am wondering if a state law prohibiting insurers and hospitals from requiring board certification might help.

I will ask my state legislators about it. It would be a long slog but if even a couple states do it then the ball might get rolling to end this shakedown scheme.

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BREAKING! Licensed to Kill:

Vermont Concludes Government Can Vaccinate Kids Without Consent

(Call your racketeering representatives and let them know they'll go down in flames in the next election for this)


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The "fact checkers" and "news guards" are deliberate disinfo. They know they're lying. If some intern stills believes the narrative, they are simply naive.

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Great Steve. Thanks for standing on the right side of history…and for humanity

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Newsguard is scum! They are trying to destroy PragerU as well among many others!

Thanks for all you do!

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By coincidence, JP Sears just did a skit on fact checkers - and it's hilarious!

Who Funds The Fact Checkers Reshaping History?


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Steve, Great responses to the NewsGuard prigs -- candid and unapologetic. Thank you!

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Interesting that so many of the authors of those papers seem ignorant of or intentionally obscuring what their own data show. Guess insightful statistical inference is in short supply in the medical "scientific" community.

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why is it that Steve got the jabs?

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