WARNING... I'm in the process of replicating the results. See the WARNING at the top of the article.

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Just an expansion on my prior post. I would also be interested as to what Canadians are thinking.

By the way the southern alps of NZ are big time underrated -loved going New Zealand and Australia-even pre covid it was expensive and took long time to get too. But every couple of years it was worth it. But as I said below both countries are now police states. The police still beat some people for walking outside alone without a mask and the government tracks you on your smartphone and limits your ability to just be free. Why would you want to live in a society like this? I guess a better question is why the average person would you tolerate this? Why did the police turn on innocent people and beat them?

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I have written a substack post about this New Zealand mortality charts debacle here:

Stop. Think. Check for Confirmation Bias! Or how homemade graphics of New Zealand mortality rates retweeted round the world are NOT credible. https://lostintranslations.substack.com/p/stop-think-check-for-confirmation

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I used to go to both New Zealand and Australia. As I was a surfer and mountain climber

NZ is insanely beautiful, and the people were so open and friendly. Australia did not have the beauty of NZ from a nature standpoint, but I liked the Aussies better as they were more laid back, drank a lot and were just so fun to be with. Now both countries have been turned into totalitarian medical police states. In a way the same thing has happened to Hawaii as well. I would like to go back to these places but not until they return to sanity. I'm never going to be injected and will never wear a mask.

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Do deaths per hundred thousand specify the percentages of unvax, vax and boosted? Is this important?


10 out of 100k die in each group below

100,000 people are unvax = 10 dead

300,000 people are fully vax = 30 dead

200,000 people are boosted = 20 dead

Its the same but it looks different depending on the ratio of people vaccinated

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Mar 3, 2023
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I just wanted to make sure their math wasnt taking an entire state and dividing the vaccinated who died by 100,000 and the unvax who died by 100,000 without taking into consideration the rate of vaccination changes the outcome. I'm sure it must be a part of the equation but I am curious at times because I've seen reports where they say wow, look how many vaccinated people died of Omicron versus unvaccinated!!! When you look and there are 90% vaccinated you're going to have more vaccinated dying simply because more people are vaccinated. You need to divide it between percentage vaccinated to see that unvax are dying less or more than the vaccinated. Not that I trust the numbers being published by any means! I'm just questioning the math because too many charts and graphs I've seen are full of discrepancies that make people look bad in the end.

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We are in unpreceded times as humans and things are getting terminal.

It's not just covid, it bs information about climate change, the Ukraine thing, Chinese balloons. War with Russia ect. The thing is this is all bs and a distraction.

I will plead to you but you will most likely ignore me.

1. Do not trust your government. They all lie to you.

2. Do not keep your smartphone on all the time and worship it like God.

3. Go into nature and limit your exposure to the internet.

4. Actually speak to other humans not just text them.

5. Love your family and friends that you still have. Touch them hug them.

6. If your human friends have left you. Get a dog and hug it.

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Love your advice.

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Where are you with climate change you speak of?

Scientists agree CO2 is increasing. And that oceans have consequently acidified 30% or more since industrialisation. (Those oceans whose surface produce 50% of our oxygen replenishment.) Scientists also agree that water vapour is a much stronger greenhouse gas. But somewhere it gets talked about too little that an increase in CO2 raises the water vapour equilibrium and water vapour also drives weather. In New Zealand previously unknown numbers of people are dying in weather related events.

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Theyre using the real climate crisis as an excuse to control us, lead us into a gas chamber. Depopulation is their solution and always has been.

The same people who handle the climate crisis created it. They found carbon capture solutions, could have implemented them on a massive scale but they never will because that would allow a good crisis go to waste. Their goal was never prosperity for all. It was to get rid of the worthless eaters, cull the herd.

They virtue signal, pretend to implement beneficial measures only to reveal it makes more carbon than the old way.

Clean energy uses more unregulated, unmonitored dirty energy to mine, export than local fuel extraction done with USA stricter guidelines. Just like risk benefit studies on the jab, carbon expenditure studies reveal more dirty energy is used than if they had left well enough alone.

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"Scientist agree", you can stop right there with your BS.

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But I mean "people" in both AGW and non-AGW groups agree on those points. Then it needs to be known that as the heat kept near earth by CO2 raises the temperature of the atmosphere, it then holds a greater load of water vapour before it starts to rain out. I haven't seen dispute of rising ocean acidity or that it correlates with fossil fuel burning. Or that earth's oxygen level is dropping.

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Well the rising CO2 level do you dispute it? Or the increasing ocean acidity? Or that water vapour is a more potent greenhouse gas than water vapour?

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Co3 Volcano.

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All plants need CO2 in order to live. Decrease CO2 and you decrease the earth's ability to sustain all life forms. Go read a high school biology book.

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Plants also need nutrients. CO2 forces faster growth rate but nutrient uptake can't keep up so the protein quality is reduced. One reason some insects are disappearing.

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A)Look at the satellite records - there has been no warming the last 10 years .

B) the earth was warmer in the Roman period and went into the Little Ice age - and has been warming out of the last ice age for 400 years .ie before cars

C) co2 levels have been over 2000 ppm and the earth COOLED - see the co2 vs temp graphs .

D) As the earth warms naturally out of the little ice age the earth has greened .

E) A warmer earth is GOOD .

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Some places are warming like the Coral Sea broken record. Broken the 25.5 or 26 degree celsius threshold in a greater region, that threshold which produces evaporation to supply sufficient water vapor to feed cylcones and a number of people have died from flooding in NZ. https://www.weatherzone.com.au/news/coral-seas-warmest-spring-on-record-/969336

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Mar 3, 2023Edited
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Total annual emissions from fossil fuels 37 billion tonnes from people more like 3 billion tonnes. And people can reduce entropy - green the planet and get their CO2 reabsorbed. Byt they need to watch they stop acidifying the ocean with CO2 (pH8.2 to 8.1 during industrial age) since ocean surface plankton produce half the world's oxygen.


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@Bronwyn_Meikle is incorrectly calculating per 100K rates.

It should be obvious from just eye-balling the improbable ratios evident in her graphs.

She is using the wrong population sizes in her denominators.


Here is how it is supposed to be done:


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YUP, she's not responding to our requests. The main point is right, but I think this data is likely flawed. Waiting to see her calculations.

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There is no need to wait and see her calculations - they are simply wrong!

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Most people do not know what an insurance actuary is. Basically, we are just mathematical statisticians that analyze risk. Some of us are independent, some work for big life insurance and other companies. I have been in the business for 30 years. It was not until covid mrna shots came out that I started seeing an alarming increase in deaths across all age ranges. I will not bore you with statistical analysis. Thats is what I will do with my fellow math nerds. But I will tell will you something. These covid shots are killing and hurting people.

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I am a retired financial representative dealing in stocks etc but I did write my share of life insurance, health and disability, and property. Though I retired 12 years ago, after my 30 year career, I still stay semi-current on these topics. The excess death rate has be worried about my life insurance policies. I surely hope that these deaths decrease. I need my dividends! And I worry about my former clientele for the same reason. Thanks for your comment.

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I know what insurance is. A rip off! Ditched in in the mid 1990's after byying into it for decades, only to be denied coverage, after I was pre approved. They hit me with this news as I was laying on the gurney waiting to go into surgery. Blue Cross Blue Shield liars. Put what you pay in a bank account. You will be fine.

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I just analyze covid and covid shot injures. I have never told anyone to get injected but when it comes to insurance a lot is rip off. A good example. I have not had a single accident or even a traffic ticket in 30 years. Yet I have been paying 80$ a month for years just to be able to register my car? I never filed a claim. You would think the insurance company would owe me at least 20000$

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Thanks, Jason. I love hearing from industry insiders who know what they are talking about.

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Aren't these data just confirming what Fauci has been saying from the outset, that the shots are ineffective and can kill? And that's why he's long urged caution on them? Pretty sure he said something to that effect quite recently.

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Like Cassandra I had zero faith in covid testing. People just lost their memories. Every year people develop respiratory illness. More during the fall and winter. But everyone that has a cough or low-grade fever insists they have covid. This is medical nonsense, but it proves the power of fear and directed phycological programming. I'm not a psychologist but learned a little about psychological operations in the military way before medical school.

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In response to posters below about physicians that do not advocate vaccination. In the US it is very low in my experience it's about 3% among MD'S and DO's. Naturopaths are a little more skeptical. Chiropractors seem to me the most skeptical. I was a DO and never told a patient to get a vaccine but eventually during, covid management gave me an ultimatum and I just walked away. On these forums some people do not believe that covid exists or that viruses exist. Before being threatened with termination and lacking trust in covid PCR testing I just treated people that had symptoms with supplements and generics like HCQ and ivermectin. Not one of my patients ended up in the hospital and all recovered.

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Thank you for giving your patients what was literally The Gift of Life through your care and through providing them with hcq and Ivermectin!

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I left chiropractic care after many years because my DO fell for the lie. Required the face diaper, had to slather the hand disinfectants and basically dropped all the protocol I came there to escape for in the first place. I'm not a trained doctor but in today's world? Trusted medical today is all but dead as far as I am concerned. I had to become my own Dr.

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Exactly what the late Dr Zelenko did for his patients in Brooklyn NY ftom the very beginning of 2020. His primary goal was to keep patient care AWAY from the hospital. Dr Zelenko has passed but he leaves an incredible legacy.

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Are you in the Bay Area by an chance Dr Cassandra? I have a sane doctor but he still doesn't quite get it. If I need care, I would love to see someone I can trust.

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I knew Cassandra as she and my wife were close friends. I cannot speak for her, but I think she quit medicine. If you need care and are in the Bay Area talk with Wayne below. To my knowledge as long do not need schedule 2 narcotics you can use a telemedicine doctor from other states. I would never practice medicine in California again.

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I know a doctor that just works from home and doesn't take insurance, she is kept very busy giving the treatment you describe.

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If she needed a nurse to help her with her practice, I'm licensed in CA and AZ. Looking to get out of conventional medicine, at least part time.

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Removing the link, she's busy enough as it is!

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Is she in the Bay Area?

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I can see an underground black market medical system evolving and I will support it fully!

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Any Dr. still sane in Ohio?

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You don't need a doctor in a particular state. Here in Masskachusetts they're all captured.


I was able to obtain ivermectin through them.

They accept donations...

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Being a private contractor is the only way to go. If you work for a large hospital group or HMO, they own you. They control your schedule. They tell you what medicines to prescribe and tell you which lab tests and imaging studies to order. I was with Kaiser and was actually treated way better in Army boot camp as an 18-year-old than I was treated as a physician with a large HMO.

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Wonder how many Dr's realized they sold their souls to corporations? Was the end of medical care in the USA. Ditto that with the veterinarians. Just as bad.

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Wow! Very telling!

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My agency is pivoting off the O'Keefe story & your global righteousness to focus on the 🇮🇱🇺🇸 Pfizer Files. Media-wise, we hope you can assist in coverage if at all possible with your anointed reach. The substack below has a smaller following, although Merly Nass sometimes comments:


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Clear arteries of clots and protect liver, kidneys and cells from covid spike protein



Nattokinase You Tube:




Lumbrokinase You Tube:




Serrapeptase You Tube:



13 powerful systemic enzymes


Fibrenza You Tube:






You Tube Video: Nattokinase, NAC & Bromelain


Lipo-Spheric Vit C:



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Dandelion Leaf:


Dandelion Leaf You Tube


Immune Boosters:

Reishi Mushroom: 27% Beta Glucan


ReishiMushroom: 30% Beta Glucan


Medicinal Mushrooms with Christopher Hobbs:


Immune C:


Anti cancer monk fruit sugar:


Monk Fruit Article Link:


Other supplements are essential such as Salvia (Dan Shen) for stagnant blood, Omega 3’s 9:00 –10:00 AM & Milk Thistle to cleanse the liver.

I have no affiliation with these products. I search for the best quality and price and pass it on. I also personally consume them.

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Thank you. I'm down to do a few more podcasts to get the legal action started while others are more anointed at the reversals. Here's a goød feature at 5 minutes in:


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Plus Organic food, clean lifestyle.

Good medicines.

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Eating leftovers along with good DNA both folks were jabbed 96 years old

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Updated the article to add the drop in birth rates.

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EVERYONE forgets that NZ routinely goes full retard every few decades wit their leftism. I'll bet NO ONE recalls the late 70s/ early 80s, when the Kiwi dollar went from (doing this from memory, so don't quote me exactly) about $1.25 USD to almost 50 cents. You can get the specifics with a web search (and if you are still using fasco-Marxist Chrome and Google, SHAME ON YOU. Brave at brave.com is FREE, and their search engine, or engines Ecosia, FreeSpoke, SwissCows or Presearch are also...ummmm..... f-r-e-e. WHY are you feeding the crocodile that only plans to eat you the same afternoon?? Anyhow, simple enough to do your own search on that historic collapse. I kid you not, this is literally a fact: At the time, the NZ govt was calling their embassies and telling them to take as much money out as they could, and send it back to NZ to tide them over. Yeah, great. So that helps for a week, then what? But leftist are literally THAT stupid. I'd have to go back to get the precise details, but this covers it high level.

NZ is a small test bed for the coming fasco-Marxist oppression. Small enough to do their small, trial runs that vile, evil, disgusting - and did I say vile yet? - people like Gates, et al want... just like their dry run for Covid a couple years earlier (I think it was called Event 201, but would need to double check)

I almost married a girl from NZ back in the early 80s, and actually roomed with the guy who was 3 levels down from the top in the NZ equivalent of the treasury. Also studied with a LOT of Kiwis, so followed this assiduously. I think it was Muldoon who came in in the mid/late 80s and fixed NZ, but as always with the fasco-Marxist utopic delusion, they go away but never leave. And the present person who took over for despicable Ardern is even MORE despicable. Looks like one of those high school losers who got beat up for his lunch money, and who also never got dates, and is now going to take it out on the world.

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Great reply, very very nice to read

What you are saying is not funny, but on the contrary the way you say it is.... LOL

Reading your comment is pure interesting infoentertainment, and if your comment would have been even 20 times longer, I would have red all till the end without a break too...so thank you very much, and I will take your recommendations very seriously as well!

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I love the phrase full retard from the movie tropic thunder. NZ is a beautiful place, but it is ruled by sociopathic leftists, and it is a test bed for WEF, WHO and UN.

The people are not bad, but they are disarmed and docile. In NZ they would routinely beat up senior citizens for the crime of walking their dog alone outside alone without a mask on. And the people just take it. I did not think would be possible for someone to be more clinically insane than Ardern, but I guess I was wrong. Lots of states in the US are no better off than NZ. But at least the US has pockets of sanity. For instance, Florida does not have mask or covid shot mandates.

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Florida and much of the South / Midwest and both coasts will be underwater during the next global Noah flood deluge of every 6-12,000 years, so would be best to move to the highest elevation parts of the country. That’s coming in 10-20 years.

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Based on what we have done and how we behave If I was God, I would start the next great flood tomorrow.

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It’s coming between 2030-45. Hence their “clever” “great” reset of 2030 (with global starvation) - like their “great” leap backwards in China before (also featuring intentional starvation and crushing their middle class, business owners, and any educated free thinkers).

But before the global tsunamis return, the sun will take down our power grids a decade prior.. definitely before 2030. I see talk of it happening in the next couple years which wouldn’t surprise me at all.

What’s City life like without power?

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If you were God, we didn't have had problems we need to great flood away as soon as possible, and not ever as well

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Thank you, Steve. Your work is so vital.

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Steve - what's the status of the debate with Rootclaim? They may back out after they see this data

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He can’t back out. He’s going to lose

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Who cares. Never heard of him.

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Cant wait. What day and time?

More ammunition data from Dr Denis Rancourt for the debate:


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I once held the SPR site in high esteem. I have considered this hostile for some time, it is unacceptable that he speaks condescendingly about you, but perhaps his discussion will help your preparation.

No question to me, you are right.


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Keep going Steve, you are doing powerful work.

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I've been down with the mutated kill-version of the Frankenshot, now the cause of ever more complex and lethal flu seasons with death rates of 26% above averaga. The doc told me they this is not a regular flu and they don't know what this is. I told him plain; stop vaccinating all these people. Once they have immunity, they have immunity. No need to give more shots. Every time you vaccinate all these sheep, they shed viral strains for a week that mutate into more dangerous flu strains.

By next year the vaccine will be the least of our worries. We'll stand the same risk of dying from a mutated flu virus.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

Follow the Science. Who is "Aliki" in the Covid Medical Truth Movement?


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the gov/wef myrmidons (eg witzbold) have discovered “moving populations” , “ the simpson paradox”, “confounders”, and statistical anomalies like “reporting lag censoring faults” and “categorisation errors”..;)

Their legions of 1000s of tepid(coward) virtue-signalling Phd’s at the gov-teat, or pharma paid institute-teat, have discovered such notions, now, finally, after 3years, now that it’s in their advantage now and then, to concoct a good apology occassionally, in the seas of blood-red data that shows fauci, bourla and bill gates are con-men scumbags, responsible for the deaths of 100s of 1000’s and injuries of 10’s of millions with their coerced, untested no-liability wacko ideas.

There is nothing wrong with that, ofcourse in finally using the tools and insights that somehow, for the past few decennia justify your thieving keep. But you should have some CONSISTENCY the, in what you peddle now:

the “unvaxxed” is ofcourse a dodgy categoy from day1.

it invites simpson paradoxes on a massive scale, a few orders of magnitude larger of what you are now demeanoring and grandstanding with.

someone with amonth to live, stage 4 cancer, or near-comateuse about to switch off the machine, etc 1000s of people in the western world daily,is NOT going to be vaccinated, getting his 2 remaining boosters, filling upon his last 4 missing flu shots, and a tetanus and yello-fever shot and a measles booster..it’s not practice to do that. at least not in the world we knew pre-CLOWN, pre-2020.

Those shots re not going to “help” those people. yet they will die, and land in the UNVACCINATED category at the uk ons and nz “data”..clown world.

while it’s a small minority in both vaxxed and unvaxxed, it is clearly a confounder that moves the needsle to the disadvantage of the unvaxxed for PROPAGANDA PURPOSES.

Ilook forward for the witzhold CLOWN to demand correction of THAT gov-provided data


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Would like to pick up VSRF merch. Where does one go?

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I think I can say that we all wish to express our very deep appreciation to you for all that you're doing for all of us! May God bless you richly for this great kindness and your wonderful diligence! This is awful news but it is our reality.

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Hi Steve, thank you for all your hard work. I’m not sure if this would interests you but here in Queensland Australia, the government is conducting a voluntary state wide c19 vax study involving both vaxxed and unvaxxed participants called QoVAX. I’m not sure of their true intentions but here is their gov website. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/research-reports/research-projects/qovax-set-covid-19-vaccine-research-program/qovax-updates/qovax-study-newsletters

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With all this data and the obvious sudden deaths, why hasn't it been pulled off the market? The most logical answer to me is that they want to kill us an make as much profit in the process. And people are still taking them willingly. I don't get it.

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When will a proper census happen comparing death rates in the last decade against the last three years? I'm still skeptical of the so called Covid-19 death numbers. Death rates in the developed world average about 7-8 per thousand. This number has been gradually increasing over the last decade as boomers age. In a decade it will again start dropping. In the US that accounts for about 2.8 million deaths a year without Covid-19 as a factor. When a person dies does this data get collected either at the state level or federal? If the numbers are the same as the gradually increasing average over the last decade we may need to examine the way we calculate Covid-19 deaths.

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There it is! so scary.

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Check it out -

UK released All-Cause Mortality Data by Vaccination Status. Lets compare those to Canadian data.


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"Progressive" Support for Lockdowns was a Betrayal



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You make many good points. However, you give them more credit than I do. I think they really believe masks and these covid vaccines actually work. Cheers.

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Steve, you just need to get back on the phone with that talk show host down there and have another conversation...

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Where have you posted comments outside of your bubbles today, outside of your echo chambers?

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