Hi from New Zealand. The NZ Parliament does allow interjection / heckling during a speech, although the speaker can and does intervene when necessary to restore order.
Remember that the previous Labour Govt was kicked out in last year's election, so are currently in Opposition and it's in their interest to disrupt anything in relation to …
Hi from New Zealand. The NZ Parliament does allow interjection / heckling during a speech, although the speaker can and does intervene when necessary to restore order.
Remember that the previous Labour Govt was kicked out in last year's election, so are currently in Opposition and it's in their interest to disrupt anything in relation to a better Inquiry into NZ's Covid Response. Consider you have the NZ Queen of woke, hiding in the USA and the current Leadr of the Opposition, Chris Hipkins (Internationally known as the then NZ PM who couldn't answer the question"What is a Woman) who was the Minister in charge of the Covid response during the Ardern reign of terror - so they have much to protect, although one think they do protest a bit too much.
Of interest I note that the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) have arranged a conference to unite global experts and critics of mainstream COVID-19 narratives, to be held here in Christchurch this Saturday.
Hi from New Zealand. The NZ Parliament does allow interjection / heckling during a speech, although the speaker can and does intervene when necessary to restore order.
Remember that the previous Labour Govt was kicked out in last year's election, so are currently in Opposition and it's in their interest to disrupt anything in relation to a better Inquiry into NZ's Covid Response. Consider you have the NZ Queen of woke, hiding in the USA and the current Leadr of the Opposition, Chris Hipkins (Internationally known as the then NZ PM who couldn't answer the question"What is a Woman) who was the Minister in charge of the Covid response during the Ardern reign of terror - so they have much to protect, although one think they do protest a bit too much.
Of interest I note that the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) have arranged a conference to unite global experts and critics of mainstream COVID-19 narratives, to be held here in Christchurch this Saturday.