Hi steve, we all want the best possible protection for barry young- [recently one of freedom people here in nz after 55 days hunger strike finally taken out of prison to hospital- in bad shape.]
Sry to pour cold water, but while both tanya & kirsty in the NZfirst political party doing an excellent job, they were poached from another freed…
Hi steve, we all want the best possible protection for barry young- [recently one of freedom people here in nz after 55 days hunger strike finally taken out of prison to hospital- in bad shape.]
Sry to pour cold water, but while both tanya & kirsty in the NZfirst political party doing an excellent job, they were poached from another freedom party- sinking it- by peters, leader of Nzfirst- better described as the petersfirst party. Much promise from peters to score the ‘freedom’ vote- which got him over the line into parliament, sinking our real ‘freedom’ party- NZloyal- in the process. NZL was put together by liz gunn who had frantically approached peters to help get barry’s data out. Despite owing the gunn family for previous support- peters FLATLY REFUSED- would not even meet with barry or liz.
& the hints that peters would take us out of the WHO etc..?
Yeh rite haha.
Few yrs back peters had scored enough vote to put the party into parliament on the understanding it wld be a right leaning coalition- but he threw his promise to NZers out the window- went with the far left & gave us- the infamous COMMIE ARDERN.
He co-introduced the hated c*v*d “mandates” with ardern, before getting nzfirst thrown out of goverment by a furious nz public in 2020 elections.
He continued his vitriolic outpourings against “anti-vaxers” throughout- until a flip-flop gained him enough ‘freedom’ vote to get him back in end of last year.
He is a crook & a globalist.
Whilst we have a couple awesome people in their party- peter’s Nzfirst stayed very quiet as liz gunn went under the bus in a faux trial by our corrupt courts. Wife & I were there.
Hello there after reading your comment I sat back and thought I have to drop you a line to tell you you are bang on about Peters.
I did tell people about him and what he is like and the shenanigans he got up to with that women. (Ardern) I have always felt this way like you and your wife the moment I started to get interested in the political side many moons ago.
Sussed Peters out very quickly like most of them. My heart went out to Liz with what happened to her at the airport and the court case which to me was absolutely ridiculous how our courts are with treating people. Extremely sad for so many people. Nothing but Totalitarianism.
I will tell you this I was a Proud NZLoyal fan all the way. I know she has dissolved the party which is a shame in a way but I do understand where she is coming from. I have heard so many were really mad at her for doing it and not maybe passing the leadership on to someone else. I don't know all the details so I really can't comment to much on it.
To me you have to know both sides of the story properly and I don't, only read bits and pieces of what happened. It's hard to when people live all over the country to find out the truth of what really happened. It's sickening what is happening to our beautiful country a country that I love very much. Anyway I will leave it there.
I hope you and your wife are doing well. Take care Mark.
With Love ❤️ and Blessings 🙏 Your friend Debbie..
P.S.."O"Yes Barry is a Super Hero in my books and I Respect him so much. And I wrote to the MPs not once but 3 times and did I get anywhere. NO. To be honest with you I knew I wouldn't.
I wonder if Peters ever gives his legacy a second thought. We all know he (like most political animals) has an ego the size of Texas. One would hope that ego would prefer a legacy dominated by the utmost respect from the NZ public for his efforts to expose the farcical medical health interventions and corruption. Instead, I fear he's content to leave a decades long trail of broken promises washing away any mana. He is fast running out of time.
Hi steve, we all want the best possible protection for barry young- [recently one of freedom people here in nz after 55 days hunger strike finally taken out of prison to hospital- in bad shape.]
Sry to pour cold water, but while both tanya & kirsty in the NZfirst political party doing an excellent job, they were poached from another freedom party- sinking it- by peters, leader of Nzfirst- better described as the petersfirst party. Much promise from peters to score the ‘freedom’ vote- which got him over the line into parliament, sinking our real ‘freedom’ party- NZloyal- in the process. NZL was put together by liz gunn who had frantically approached peters to help get barry’s data out. Despite owing the gunn family for previous support- peters FLATLY REFUSED- would not even meet with barry or liz.
& the hints that peters would take us out of the WHO etc..?
Yeh rite haha.
Few yrs back peters had scored enough vote to put the party into parliament on the understanding it wld be a right leaning coalition- but he threw his promise to NZers out the window- went with the far left & gave us- the infamous COMMIE ARDERN.
He co-introduced the hated c*v*d “mandates” with ardern, before getting nzfirst thrown out of goverment by a furious nz public in 2020 elections.
He continued his vitriolic outpourings against “anti-vaxers” throughout- until a flip-flop gained him enough ‘freedom’ vote to get him back in end of last year.
He is a crook & a globalist.
Whilst we have a couple awesome people in their party- peter’s Nzfirst stayed very quiet as liz gunn went under the bus in a faux trial by our corrupt courts. Wife & I were there.
politix is politix is politix.
Dear Mark, 🙋♀️
Hello there after reading your comment I sat back and thought I have to drop you a line to tell you you are bang on about Peters.
I did tell people about him and what he is like and the shenanigans he got up to with that women. (Ardern) I have always felt this way like you and your wife the moment I started to get interested in the political side many moons ago.
Sussed Peters out very quickly like most of them. My heart went out to Liz with what happened to her at the airport and the court case which to me was absolutely ridiculous how our courts are with treating people. Extremely sad for so many people. Nothing but Totalitarianism.
I will tell you this I was a Proud NZLoyal fan all the way. I know she has dissolved the party which is a shame in a way but I do understand where she is coming from. I have heard so many were really mad at her for doing it and not maybe passing the leadership on to someone else. I don't know all the details so I really can't comment to much on it.
To me you have to know both sides of the story properly and I don't, only read bits and pieces of what happened. It's hard to when people live all over the country to find out the truth of what really happened. It's sickening what is happening to our beautiful country a country that I love very much. Anyway I will leave it there.
I hope you and your wife are doing well. Take care Mark.
With Love ❤️ and Blessings 🙏 Your friend Debbie..
P.S.."O"Yes Barry is a Super Hero in my books and I Respect him so much. And I wrote to the MPs not once but 3 times and did I get anywhere. NO. To be honest with you I knew I wouldn't.
I wonder if Peters ever gives his legacy a second thought. We all know he (like most political animals) has an ego the size of Texas. One would hope that ego would prefer a legacy dominated by the utmost respect from the NZ public for his efforts to expose the farcical medical health interventions and corruption. Instead, I fear he's content to leave a decades long trail of broken promises washing away any mana. He is fast running out of time.