It’s terrifying that files are being expunged and it puts doubt in the case. My heart breaks for the family.

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I'm bald Nicholas if you want.lol.

Pissed off in CHINADA!!

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Where have the men gone???? My god what has become of western cucked males??? Anyone took my baby from me I’d track every single one of them down and they’d end up either with a hole in their head or their tongue pulled through their throat. This is utter insanity!!!! If I knew my baby was gonna die Id go out in a blaze of hot lead!!! Thank god we still have our guns in the US.

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In soy boy Britain we don't have the privilege of guns. Never lose your right to bear arms. Decent, law abiding people must be allowed to protect themselves, but in a Biden US he'd like to put an end to that. I just hope Trump and DeSantis don't mess up the 2024 election by running against each other. DeSantis is still young and he will become the president in 2028.

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I know that blood banks did not even record whether a donor's blood was vaccinated.

Evil stuff. They want to kill people with this. Stop thinking about the legal side. All state 'emergencies' are unconstitutional. We're all living under martial law. People have to stop appealing to the government to solve their problems. This is sick situation.

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Globalist sycophants!

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A display of mentality. Depopulation/genocide is at their agenda. Why would they care about Will?

https://twitter.com/_janey_j/status/1600921076644470784 'What I have seen in my medical practice has been a substantial increase in infertility, miscarriage, fetal death & fetal malformation. What we have seen is catastrophic’ ~ Dr James Thorp

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They are not citizens they are subjects, government can do what they will when they want.

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Blood products have been unsafe for decades....

In Conversation With Charles MacKenzie - President of "Infected Blood Australia"

(not solely Australia - literally everywhere)


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Baby Will has been kidnapped by the state and his parents are forced to look on as their baby boy is taken away for a much needed medical procedure, the problem is that his parents didn’t want him to have vaccinated blood.

Many unvaccinated people turned up to offer their matching blood type but the state didn’t entertain it.

Jacinda Arden’s New Zealand, a vassal state of communist CHY-NA.


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Update on baby Will-out of surgery and in recovery. Unjabbed donators we’re being rung and asked to donate (despite the parents having 20 screened donators ready) with the first 5 declining due to the abominable treatment Starship hospitals medics/police had dealt to the parents and to baby Will.

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I have seen Directed Donor Blood performed 2 times in my 30 year RN career, both during my time as an Active Duty RN. Enough time needs to be allotted to allow for testing of donor/s, collection and processing, but it can be done and blood banks know very well how to perform this. Yes, in this situation if PRBCs and FFP will both be needed may be necessary to have more than 1 donor, depending on recipient blood type, but I would dare say it could be done if the family has the proper blood types, of un jabbed, healthy donors lined up. It does require more work, so even in the 2 cases I witnessed way before COVID, the patients had to fight for it. Sadly, that is pretty standard for Allopathic Medicine. After 30 years I am exhausted from constant advocating for my patients, often at great personal cost, BUT, I am not going to stop. Not in my nature to look the other way. Very few in my peer circle are awake to the real agenda, 3 of us, that is it.

Concise review of blood processing.


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Thanks for being an awesome human.

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Sean Plunket of The Platform in NZ wants you to ring him (after he first insults you).


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This is abhorrent! I just wish I understood how and why this is ok with people especially at this point in time. It literally makes ZERO sense. It is just cruel torture. That’s all it is.

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...Pretorius says she and her colleagues have also seen patients—fewer than 20, she estimates—with chronic problems following vaccination. She says these include Long Covid–like symptoms such as brain fog as well as other clotting concerns such as deep vein thrombosis. The cause of the very rare but severe clotting after the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines remains unknown, but Pretorius suspects all COVID-19 vaccines might also sometimes trigger subtler clotting issues. She says she has preliminary evidence that vaccination can lead to microclots, although in most cases they go unnoticed and quickly disappear—an effect she and a colleague saw in their own blood and that of eight other healthy volunteers, which they sampled after their vaccinations...

The NIH data, which documented the patient cases, haven’t been reported yet. Two top medical journals declined to publish a case series of about 30 people, which Nath first submitted in March 2021. Nath says he understands the rejection. The data weren’t “cut and dried; it was observational studies.” This month, the scientists submitted a case series of 23 people to a third publication, and Nath says his group has submitted an amendment to a Long Covid protocol to include patients with postvaccine side effects...

Science contacted regulators and vaccinemakers about any information they’d gleaned on these side effects. A Pfizer spokesperson wrote, “We can confirm it’s something we’re monitoring.” Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson all said they take side effects seriously and share reports they receive with regulators. An FDA spokesperson said the agency “continues to maintain a strong focus on monitoring the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines,” while the European Medicines Agency notes it “is taking steps to use real-world data from clinical practice to monitor the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.”

Other researchers note the scientific community is uneasy about studying such effects. “Everyone is tiptoeing around it,” Pretorius says. “I’ve talked to a lot of clinicians and researchers at various universities, and they don’t want to touch it.”


Objective: We describe a patient with stiff-person syndrome (SPS), who had only minimal improvement on weekly intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for 3 years, but improved significantly after treatment with tocilizumab for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

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Comcast/CNBC is pushing Long Covid hard too. There's no such thing as Long Covid.


They're both being unintentionally funny.

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The point of me posting that was not about long covid, but that they acknowledge the vaccines can cause symptoms similar to those perceived as long covid, and she verified that the vaccines do caaue because small blood clots, or microclots, as she calls them, at least for a time, after vaccination, which showed up in all the blood samples she tested, including her own, after vaccination, including with the mRNA vaccines.

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Steve Kirsch mentions Sacred Heart Hospital as expunging their records regarding using vac blood which ended in a recent death if I remember correctly. Yes, once I started a nutritional program my condition has been pretty stable. Thanks for asking.

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Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence. The legal system is using appeal to ignorance argument based on apparent "absence of evidence" to shift the burden of proof towards the parents.

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