Given the available German numbers of number of vaccinations and the Danish study about severe adverse events of 0.23 percent and 1/1000 death rate (Steve Kirsch's estimiate). I then calculated the death by mRNA vaccine as 200,000 citizens in Germany and another atl least 250,000 severely injured citizens. I used Bernoulli formula to account for mutiple shots per person and not reach excess numbers. Still, nearly half a million people's lives were destroyed alone in Germany - including mine (heart attack from booster, father dead, brother cancer). And none of those criminals got prosecuted. They instead push for new cancer "vaccines" in speed trials. Time to stand up worldwide for justice ad a Nuremberg 2!

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So my husband is reduced to a sad statistic. WHO do I sue?

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Sorry I am not an academic but some of those 670m doses surely include people vaccinated multiple times so you can not therefore assume 670M doses went into 670M different people? If thats true you cant assume 670K dead as a result as the total number of individuals vaccinated will be less..??

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Steve, would love for you to do a video interview with Denis Rancourt to discuss!

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⚠️⚠️⚠️Dr. Kirsch, a “Declaration of International Medical Crisis Due To The Diseases and Deaths Co-Related to the ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’” has already been made!



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It was never about the virus except to instill fear. It's always been about the vaccines and it's much, much worse than 13 million Worldwide. Young people from 18 to in their 40's are dropping dead everywhere. It was obvious from the beginning they were trying to murder the elderly. Why? Money. Social Security is gong under in the US. But who could have imagined they would murder our children? They couldn't abort them fast enough so they went after all of them. If they couldn't castrate them with the trans BS, they would kill them with vaccines! This is a special kind of evil that deservers a special kind of punishment!

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The 'vaccine' wasn't created for the virus, the virus was created for the injections - I keep forgetting this truism

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Is the number of vaccines given for each of separate persons? Or is it the number of persons that have received at least one dose? Meaning multiple doses for one person does not equal multiple deaths.

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my math is crummy at best, so what is 1/3 of 8 billion?

(Revelation 9: 18-20)

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Mona you get it. The Covid vac is 1/3 of of the 3 plagues of Rev 9:18. The plague of brimstone which is sulfur rock in Greek and was used to ward off and heal diseases in ancient times. In my research I found that the oxygen atom in the vaccine was replace with a sulfur atom for purpose of gaining entrance into the cell. Nuclear fire and smoke will bring the number up to 1/3 dead. Antichrist comes in the years, following this sixth trumpet event!

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Ive taught eschatology for 45 years. The church isnt appointed to God’s wrath - I Thess 5:9. God’s wrath becomes apparent in the first half of the trib Rev 6:15-17. The Tribulation does not start until the Anti- Christ signs a peace treaty with Israel See Daniel 9:24-27 and the church has been raptured previously Revelation 3:10. If you think we are in the Tribulation now you need much more study time

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Steve: You should know that ResearchGate is blocking access to Professor Rancourt's paper. Can you provide it for us in PDF form? Thanks!

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Thank you Vinamr! Jessica Rose also caught this right away and posted a link on her Substack blog.

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There are a lot of paid trolls and AI Bots on Steve forums. Regular posters know who they are.

Some claim to be medical experts and insist covid mrna shots are not only required for everyone but safe and effective. I urge people to research this issue independently and make a well-informed decision about getting injected. Do not blindly trust your physician about covid shots as a lot are ignorant or just being ordered to force it on people. As a physician I will not tell you what to do on an online forum. But I will say myself my wife and children will never receive a covid shot under any circumstances.

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Can a directory of physicians who have accumulated knowledge in treating Post Covid Shot adverse effects, be published to help the thousands of people who have suffered from the plethora of maladies caused by these Covid Shots ?

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The paper is gone. No archive on archive. Org either

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Why hasn’t everyone that took the shot died? The answer to this question seems that it should be paramount to saving some of the vaxxed

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This response is made also for the benefit of those who might be slightly confused, as you are. No offense, of course, since it is the enemy’s design to confuse. He is the master of confusion and chaos. By the construction of a plethora of religions, he distracts minds from the religion of the one True God and His Word of Truth. Is this simply my pet opinion? No. It is established upon sound doctrine given to us for our benefit in God’s Word, the Bible. Take another careful look at things written.

It is human nature to read past, reject, and/or criticize a point of contention without ample investigation, when truths strike at the base of our treasured false beliefs. Heaven is real and exists, as is God and the arch enemy Satan, who works to deceive. “Hell” is yet to exist and will only exist until it does its cleansing and very final work of annihilation of all the wicked, after the “Executive Judgement. Lastly, it will reduce sin and sinners (including Satan and his defected angels) to nothingness. It makes justified as well as common sense for this to transpire. So, to cling to the deeply popularized misconception, of an “eternal burning” hell-fire, where the wicked are tortured forever, is not biblical, although preached by the vast majority of Christian religions. Likewise, nor is the concept of “departed (saved) souls” going directly to heaven upon dying (previous to them being among the resurrected unto life) able to be substantiated in Holy Writ.

These truths, if studied out, will prove to be a blessing to us all. Our merciful Lord has designed this all to be righteous and good. Anything contrary to the truth is harmful. This is what is evident as well as written down for our admonition. “Take heed, lest ye be deceived.”

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration, and have a nice, reflective day!


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According to documents I've seen in videos the past 2 days, it's proven that we're in a US military operation to kill billions of people. Here's something we need to discuss. https://zeeemedia.com/interview/katherine-watt-worldwide-us-military-led-medical-martial-law-operation-to-kill-off-humans-exposed/

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