I'm going to reach out to the CEO of YouTube and ask her to watch the film... before YouTube censors it.

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S+E is still there.


A most excellent expose'.

I am certain that They know that it is there.

No use trying to gaslight it away. Anymore.

The cat is out of the bag.

Has always been so.

Meow. :)

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I'm so excited! It's already had 584,000 views on YouTube! (Admittedly three of them are mine) People are watching it - fantastic! Please everyone support it by sharing to everyone you care about - Be Brave! It's SO powerful. Congratulations to everyone involved. Next stop 1,000,000 views!

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Don't know if she will respond to you Steve. She is on record for promoting the censorship of free speech. She is also extreme in her political bias. I wish you luck, but I expect this vid to be gone from You Tube soon.

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Steve. I still say we need to PEACEFULLY gather in front of tech HQ and interact with rank and file on these topics. Talking to Big Tech C-Suite gets you nowhere because they sold out long ago. Go back and look at the letter Adam Schiff sent and proudly posted on Twitter in the beginning of the pandemic - I want to say around the first of April 2020. The misinformation BS started the next day.

I remember it well because a friend had texted me a video of the two ER doctors talking about their experience with the virus.

When I finally clicked on the link, it was just after that letter went to the CEOs and it had been removed from the YT CV thought police. I told my friend he had been a bad boy. He sent me a different link. It had been a piece a news station had run in the valley. Had already been on TV and seen by thousands of people. I knew then we were being manipulated.

My thought process here is that you have to find a weakness in the castle walls. I would like to know how the rank and file justify to themselves taking money and working for these entities. Are they that brainwashed? Do they just not know? Or is it money? What is it?.

(Couple of years ago, I read a piece about the companies with the biggest spread in compensation between CEO and rank and file. It was measured by average employee pay. You would think number one would be something like Walmart- but it was GOOG. Obviously, much of this is options, but the average employee salary was pegged at $250K. They are paid handsomely- I would like to hear how they justify taking it.)

Personally, I think they would run and hide and cry for their safe spaces. But they also completely live in bubbles. The bubbles need to he popped.

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I have lived and worked around these big tech rank and file folks. They are VERY much on the vax bandwagon. They believe THEY are so right and protecting the world from people like us, the ignorant masses. There are other opinions within google, but one must be very brave to speak out. Blowback is brutal. Many just keep quiet, if they are not in that ultra progressive majority. (A lot of very, very smart and smug and pompous folks work there. Even in SV, they are known to be OTT.)

I’ve also worked in quite conservative SV companies and even they (mgmt) do not dare let on how conservative they are. They would lose a lot of employees. It’s a very Left-skewed environment all around the Bay Area, from my experience.

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It’s a very Left-skewed environment all around the Bay Area, from my experience.

Yep. Toxic environment.

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Google and You Tube work closely with DARPA. This is all about mind control and "perception management.

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Somewhere I read that google is basically the modern day CIA. Can fully believe that. They are in media, security, defense, biomed, pharma, climate change, etc. etc.

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She’s with the Big Club & we’re not in it.

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They've been warned. I think Facebook or Twitter own YouTube

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GOOG owns YT.

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I don’t think bringing their attention to the film is a good idea. It’ll just get censored sooner.

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Is it on Rumble? They will air it...

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I think the larger point is that YouTube is 'MAINSTREAM", and that's the post that I just wrote.

This whole concept of mainstream is what is significant to Steve and others.

And I think this is sort of echoed by Alex Berenson's preoccupation with Twitter.

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I have accounts for all of them. I could put it up. Maybe I will actually

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Lol, 2 minutes after reach-out, film gets taken down on Youtube. They show no willingness to be open to opinions on there unless they're in a specific narrative.

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Must be the moles on this substack. 👋

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I got the original link from Jeff Childers' substack and promptly went to watch it.

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I only meant it as if she knew about it, she'd probably take it down immediately. But I wouldn't doubt there is a mole or two, keeping an eye on the #1 Misinformation Spreader!

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GOOD! Hey, all you can do is try, right? I know you gave up on NextDoor, but I am still trying to post stuff there (I wanted to post a link for this documentary to be watched at The Highwire but knew it would get censored unless I said it was a "local event" - so I am trying to think of someplace to request a watch party on the peninsula. I know they may still try to block it, but I try to remind them that I am doing screencasts of everything I post, so when it gets deleted, I will have a big fat file of proof that I tried to warn people, and ND continued to censor the truth.

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Some 18 months ago I posted and replied like crazy on ND.

I gave up.

There were two others who understood the danger(s) of the Covid injections, opposed the mandates etc., etc. but for the most part I was mostly pilloried. So were the other two.

It was EXTREMELY time-consuming; it yielded nothing at all.

I ceased the missionary activity.

That said, I'm considering posting the link to this video posing the question "What do you all think about this video?" or "Why is anti-vax propaganda still out there?" or something like that.


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I think you should do it, but you will have an even better chance of keeping it up if you can make it into an event of some sort. I've had them try to tell me that posting about vaccine stuff is not categorized as a local thing. Which is ridiculous because people post about vaccine stuff all the time, But I think they can get away with it if they're saying something like, Hey it, Hey where can you get the covid vaccine, and they are referring to a local place. So maybe this is just an opportunity for us to connect with cafe owners who feel the same way that we do, and get it played played in either a cafe or bar, so people can see it on a more wide scale. I think it would be great if we had one big viewing per city and there could be a discussion afterwards. People could state their opinions on why they think It's propagando or not. Just a thought. Thanks for speaking up, it's good to hear about people who have gone through the same through the same BS I did.. It sucks because I met some reeeeally nice, caring people on that site, but now they think I have lost my mind.

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Maybe you make it a Halloween theme event - come watch it....if you dare! MWHAHAHA...

I give you points for getting on ND. I can't stand it - some of the biggest busibodies on the planet roam there...🙄

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Thank you for dedicating your post to highlighting this movie. The film is excellent, and I challenge each person watching it to share with at least one other person.

Thank you for your creative approaches, investigative reporting for which we are in dire need of, and for engaging each of us to do something. I wrote the following with you in mind as well.


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Also, for the story behind the film, visit the substack that was involved with its production: https://uncut.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-a-second-opinion

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Britain starts its investigation into how the gov’t handled the covid outbreak. They would do well to make this film mandatory viewing as part of the evidence.

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In the US, the headline would be "US starts it's investigation into misinformation spreading filmmakers."

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The headline would be, "FBI does pre-dawn raid on misinformation film company. DoJ is charging."

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US created and funded covid which is a bioweapon.

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Agree, 100%.

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You mean a rogue NIH leadership funded it? I am a member of the US and I am against bioweapons.

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Fauci and NIH created and funded covid which is a bioweapon.

It was done on purpose.

Your government wants you dead.

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Well said!

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Yes, once people realize that our government wants us dead...everything makes sense.

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UK knew what they were doing.

This is not an accident.

This is not "Dolts Botching Shit"

This is a US, and that means Five Eyes, NATO, Operation.

This is a coordinated culling of the herd, large scale human genome test.



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Agreed. They know. They are using the vax for depop in an absurd and reckless way. This is not a Nazi eugenics program. More like a eugenics program of the retarded

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Who is “they?”

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The United States Military (our Real State) which has been usurping power since the end of WW2.

And they work for the richest oligarchs on the planet.

They cannot be investigated and our Congress has long been terrified of them. Whitewashing every investigation from JFK to 9/11.

And increasing their budget every year.

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"They" as in a plural reference to groups involved in planning and execution of various agendas. Probably not the "She/They" usage from a social profile.

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We need to turn their own strategy against them. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. So far, we haven’t been as successful as we need to be or we would not be calling our adversary “they.”

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Thanks for getting the word out but don’t think alerting YT is a good plan ...

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Ask her how many jabs she's had and if anyone she knows has aggressive cancer or died suddenly while you're at it. 🤔

Because it seems like that is the ONLY thing that is waking people up.

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I think people are oblivious until it’s their loved ones.

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Oct 4, 2022
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Google/Alphanet does.

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Thanks for sharing. It’s very well done and accessible to everyone. I wish there was a similar one focusing on the US system!

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Thanks, Steve. Love your energy and persistence.

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Wow, fantastic film . In fact I've sent ut to my farther who I usually wouldn't dare send anything remotely anti vsx to , buy his us very calm and balanced great film and I bet this really he's the best chance of getting people's heads turning. Thanks Steve as always I've shared everywhere also.

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Once I've learned of this movie my wife and I watched it at once. Just forwarded your email to all my friends hoping they would watch it as well.

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Also watch Israeli Documentary for Pfizer's casualty - made in September 2021.


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Great piece, thanks for sharing this. Wouldn’t have come across it otherwise.

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One of the best yet. Feeding the movie link out to mainstream social media. This is so clear and concise. Tired of preaching to the choir.

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It was a powerful movie. You know it's bad when tough guy weightlifter/boxer is crying like a baby.

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Thanks for the link. I watched it already, excellent presentation. I've already sent it to several others. Hopefully they will at least watch it.

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I remember back in the old days when this used to be the land of the free. What happened?

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It never was ...people are just aware now...and it's getting worse commie wise.

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Went to YouTube and did search. Typed s-a-f and up popped the safe and effective documentary. Means it is popular-going viral?

Does this mean bat soup is now safe?

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Hey Steve: Thanks for the recommendation to the Turtle Book. You're right, a true masterstroke of genius. Everybody, buy this book! "Turtles All The Way Down"

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Bless Your Heart! once again Steve, Looking forward to it.

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Maybe the cat’s coming out of the bag if YouTube hasn’t chosen to censor this.

Time to pick a Covid Dr Evil to throw under the bus; then pivot to “Climate Emergency” lockdowns, and fear of nuclear war??

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